official god

Chapter 883 Error, Stormy masterpiece

Chapter 883 Error, Stormy Work

Good news

Great good news

Yang Ming is the most critical figure in the coke electric case. If he does not confess his guilt, the coke electric case cannot be completely reversed. Yang Ming was successfully repatriated to China, which is equivalent to finally opening the door to the destruction of the ancient country.

Xia thought it was very clear how deep Gu Xiangguo was trapped in the coke electric case

Yang Ming's smooth repatriation is still due to the popularity of Lian Ruohan in the upper class of the United States. Otherwise, with the arrogance of the United States, any excuse of political asylum can strand Yang Ming, which may be delayed for ten or eight years. Fortunately, Lian Ruohan's company was very influential in the United States and funded a senator's campaign, and finally got through the upper line.

In American politics, there has never been a shortage of monetary offensives and humane favors.

Yang Ming's repatriation is a big deal. Xia wanted to go to pick him up immediately. Only when he saw Yang Ming with his own eyes did he feel at ease. Wei Xin saw that Xia wanted to do something important, so he put on his clothes shyly and said softly, "I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. I won't give it to you today." If you're busy in advance, I'll go to bed first.

Xia wanted to know that Wei Xin was giving him a step, so he held her in his arms and hugged her hard: "Have a good rest. One day... You will be my woman."

A very strong and domineering sentence was directly imprinted on Wei Xin's heart, making her tender as water. When Xia wanted to leave for a long time, she stood still unmoved, crazy and addicted.

Wei Xin took a bath with water, and the warm water slid through her elastic youthful skin. She stroked it gently, and her heart rippled with endless sweetness. Looking at the youthful and beautiful body in the mirror, I see that there is still pity, no place is exquisite, no place is perfect, elastic, smooth, white, and the light shines with the essence and light of a woman for more than 20 years.

What a woman wants in her life is nothing more than a lover. In her heart, wealth and power are smoke, and only with her beloved, even if it is only one day, is eternal.

Weicing's thoughts, Xia can't know everything, but he can also know the general idea. In this world, no one knows Wei Xin's sadness and tenderness better than him, and no one knows better than him what Wei Xin's love is.

However, at this time, he had no intention of the emotional entanglement between men and women. He met Li Fei and learned more about what had happened. After knowing that everything was going well, he was finally relieved.

At 10 p.m., at Beijing International Airport, Yang Ming was repatriated to China. He was dejected and taken to the police car of Lang City by Yingcheng, and rushed back to Lang City overnight. At this time, Xiaxiang and Li Fei were still in the municipal bureau. The capital is less than an hour away from Langshi. As the most critical link in the coke electric case, he repatriated Yang Ming. Xia wanted to do a lot of work behind the scenes, which also made Lian Ruohan sacrifice a lot of precious time. Now it is only one step away and can be successfully handed over to Langshi. For Shanjiu, he

After Yingcheng left, he agreed with Li Fei to report the situation every five minutes. Within half an hour, everything was normal. At this time, the motorcade had left the boundaries of the capital and entered the jurisdiction of Lang City.

On the highway from the capital to Langshi, there is an overpass across the highway. In the past, bad teenagers often stood on the bridge and threw stones at the passing vehicles below, which once caused a major tragedy of car damage and death. Because this place is a triangle, it is vividly called the black triangle of death by drivers

The speed on the highway is generally about 120 kilometers. If a thumb-sized stone is thrown head-on, it is possible to penetrate the glass and knock the driver unconscious on the spot. However, throwing incidents usually occur during the day, and similar situations rarely occur at night. Yingcheng was so excited that he only rushed to the road and forgot to tell the vehicle to slow down when passing through the Black Triangle.

accident, it suddenly happened

The convoy escorted Yang Ming had a total of five cars. Yang Ming sat in the middle one, accompanied by Yingcheng himself. Five cars, a total of 15 police officers, can be said to be powerful and heavily guarded. They are all trusted by Yingcheng, and it can also be said that they are all the elites of Langshi Municipal Bureau.

Five cars were lined up, with a distance of about 200 meters. Yingcheng sat in the co-pilot's seat and was talking to Xia Xiang, saying that everything was normal. As soon as the voice fell, he heard a muffled sound in front of him, followed by a harsh brake. Just as Yingcheng's heart raised his voice, there was another The sound came.

It's not good, something happened

Yingcheng was shocked. Between the electric sparks, he didn't have time to tell the driver to evacuate urgently, so he watched the rear of the car in front of him getting closer and closer. Then an earth-shaking sound came. A huge inertia made Yingcheng move forward, hit his head on the dashboard, and suddenly his head was bleeding.

It's not over yet, and the car behind it can't stop. It rear-ended fiercely and pushed Yingcheng's car more than ten meters forward.

Five cars collided in a row, the sound of the impact was endless, and the scene was even more miserable.

After everything calmed down, Yingcheng's face was full of blood and he couldn't care about wiping it. Looking back, Yang Ming had fallen into a coma. One of the two police officers accompanying him was also seriously injured and one was slightly injured.

Yingcheng is fine. Fortunately, he fastened his seat belt, otherwise he will probably be told. As soon as the chest is inhaled, it hurts. It should be that the ribs are broken. He gritted his teeth and pushed the door open. He couldn't see clearly in the night, but it could be faintly seen that five cars were crowded together, which was no longer good. The car in the front was the worst. The three boxes of cars were almost hit into two boxes, and the police inside estimated how bad it was.

Forbear the anger in his chest - Yingcheng knew that most of them were plotted by others, and it was also his negligence. He forgot that one was to slow down, and the other was to break up the convoy - now it was useless to regret it. He hurriedly summoned the police officers who could be active loudly, blocked the scene, informed the municipal

The incident happened as Ying Cheng guessed. The police car in the front was hit by three stones, one of which directly penetrated the windshield and hit the driver's left face. Unfortunately, the driver's artery was being interrupted.

Half of the driver's face was immersed in a pool of blood. His young face was full of fear and unwillingness. Everyone helped him stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, it was still bleeding, and he couldn't do it.

He is only 25 years old, and he plans to get married at the end of the year. When his life was about to open a brand-new page, who would have expected that he would die here? Yingcheng worked as a policeman all his life, and he also saw more life and death. In addition, his colleagues who were like him were stabbed by the enemy and died in the sad moment in his arms. At that time, he only had righteous indignation and did not shed a tear.

But now he couldn't help holding the driver in his arms, crying like rain. The driver's name is Wang Xiaoliu, an ordinary-life-like young man, but at the last moment of his life, he said something that made everyone present calm: "British Bureau, can I die on a mission. Is it a hero?"

"Calculate" Yingcheng answered Wang Xiaoliu firmly, "You are the most respected hero in my heart."

Wang Xiaoliu has no echo, his blood has run out, and his body is cold.

... The first car suffered the most heavy losses, with two deaths and one seriously injured on the spot. Afterwards, Yingcheng learned from the rescued policeman that at the moment of being hit, Wang Xiaoliu endured great pain and slammed the car in the direction and gave up more than half of the car. Otherwise, the damage of the subsequent collision would be even worse, and several more people might be killed on the spot. However, it was Wang Xiaoliu's desperate concession, and the head car hit the pier, which caused him and the co-pilot to be shocked and injured his internal organs and died. As a result, the loss of the continuous collision of the rear car was minimized.

He is a well-deserved hero

Because the overpass is at a certain height from the highway, it is difficult to climb over and chase the murderer, mainly 15 police officers. The dead and injured have basically lost their fighting power.

With a smart move, Yingcheng was furious, and at the same time, he fell into a deep self-reproach. If he had been a little more careful, it would not have led to such a major tragedy. Although the opponent is too vicious and the means are beyond defense, there are also factors of his negligence.

Yingcheng's face was full of blood, his face was ferocious, he suppressed his anger, and commanded to dredge the scene. There is no need to think that he also knows who the black hand is, but the smartness of the opponent is that there is no evidence left. In the middle of the night, people have already run away - but they can't let it go like this. At dawn, they immediately mobilize a large number of people and investigate the villages within 10 kilometers around the overpass one To get justice.


The news reached the Lang City Bureau. After Xiaxiang and Li Fei, who were waiting, heard it, they were immediately furious.

Despite the late night, Xia Xiang immediately reported the situation to Ai Chengwen.

Ai Chengwen had the habit of going to bed early. He was woken up as soon as he fell asleep. He was quite impatient. When he saw that it was the phone of the municipal bureau, he didn't expect it to be Xiaxiang, so he said angrily, "Why do you have to call in the middle of the night? Why don't you let people rest?"

"Secretary Ai, there was an accident..." Xia Shen's tone was very sad, "Unoptimistically speaking, two or three policemen will die in the line of duty."

"What's going on?" Ai Chengwen woke up and was not sleepy at all. He got up immediately, "Xiaxiang, make it clear."

After listening to Xiaxiang's report, Ai Chengwen also rose up: "It's too arrogant, it's too much. I rushed to the municipal bureau immediately... I immediately transferred personnel to support to ensure the safety of the public security officers at the scene. After another pause, he stressed implicitly, "Don't disturb the ancient mayor for the time being."

Xia figured out the implication of Ai Chengwen, which proved that Ai Chengwen's disgust with Gu Xiangguo had reached its peak.

A series of orders were conveyed, and the expression was also called to the municipal bureau. Lu Hongzhan was the last leader of the municipal bureau to arrive. When he arrived, Ai Chengwen and Xiaxiang had already deployed, and there was basically nothing to do with him.

Lu Hongzhan was actually pulled from Yin Zhiping's **. The city bureau had a big deal. It was barely reasonable not to inform Gu Xiangguo. It was too unruly to inform the head of the municipal bureau, so he still let people contact Lu Hongzhan. At the time of the notice, he did not directly tell Lu Hongzhan what was going on. Lu Hongzhan was reluctant and dawlessly came to the municipal bureau for a long time.

As soon as he arrived at the municipal bureau, he was stunned when he saw the posture of vegetation. After learning about the incident, Lu Hongzhan was so scared that he almost stood unstable. He hurriedly scolded the behind-the-scenes black hands to show his innocence - in fact, this incident really had nothing to do with him. Recently, he was too in love with Yin Zhiping. He was intoxicated in the gentle countryside and could not extricate himself Invitation.

Lu Hongzhan is also an sensible person, and he also knows that it is impossible to draw a clear line with Gu Xiangguo, but he also keenly found the signs that Gu Xiangguo may fall. In addition, he was indeed afraid of being suppressed by Xia Xiang, and he had a new sustenance, and his heart was not high. Under In the later move, there was no power.

also made Gu Xiangguo very dissatisfied with him.

If you are dissatisfied, you will be dissatisfied. The best policy is to protect yourself. Moreover, Lu Hongzhan is indeed a little frustrated now. In addition, it is also because Yin Zhiping is too pestering. It is said that Lu Hongzhan is not a hero, but a man with normal needs. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with his current choice.

Seeing that the situation was not right, after Lu Hong occupied the municipal bureau, he first picked himself up and did not mention the matter of notifying Gu Xiangguo. He knew that Gu Xiangguo had been marginalized, and there was no need for him to be bored anymore.

But whose hands and feet are they? Lu Hongzhan is also muttering in his heart, is it Gu Xiangguo and Oh Chen, or oh Chen in the background of the capital?


At dawn, the backup of the municipal bureau took all five police cars and seven or eight injured police officers back to Lang City. After treatment, they returned to the team. Several police officers with minor injuries refused to be hospitalized for any words. The minor injuries did not go off the line of fire. They asked to go to the villages along the route to investigate and catch the

The accident suffered heavy losses. After the count, two people died on the spot, five people were seriously injured, and seven people were slightly injured. Almost everyone lost the lottery. Yingcheng refused to come to the stage. After finally supporting Lang Shi, he reported the situation to Ai Chengwen and Xia with a bloody face. Before he finished speaking, he spit out blood and fell into a coma.

Ai Chengwen came to Langshi for a long time. For the first time, he was moved to tears and personally helped Yingcheng to take him to the hospital.

The whole municipal bureau was angry, and even Lu Hongzhan aroused his anger and personally led the team to investigate along the way. However, because there were more than a dozen villages along the way, some in the city of the city, some in the city, some in the city of the city, the city bureau of the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city, the city

Lu Hongzhan and Li Fei set out to investigate and collect evidence together, and cooperated with the Beijing police to act together.

After 8 o'clock, Gu Xiangguo received the news and knew that something big had happened to the municipal bureau, so he rushed to the municipal bureau. Seeing that Ai Chengwen and Xia wanted to have dark eyes and tired faces, he knew that they had not slept all night. When he noticed the unfriendly eyes and alienated attitude of most people in the municipal bureau, he knew that he was marginalized.

It is a sad thing for a mayor to be marginalized, and Gu Xiangguo is very happy.

There was nothing he could do if he was not happy. Even Ai Chengwen had a faint attitude towards him. After a few words, Ai Chengwen proposed to hold an emergency meeting to discuss it immediately. Gu Xiangguo had no reason to object.

As soon as I went to work, the news about the attack on the police in Lang City spread all over Lang City, and the trouble was known all over the city. In the past, the citizens of Lang City did not have a good impression of the police. They thought that the police were the umbrella of the evil forces, but this incident spread. The last words about Wang Xiaoliu's intention to become a hero before his death were deliberately spread by people, which greatly improved the citizens' impression of the police. Many people spontaneously went to the hospital to Police.

In addition to the police injury, Yang Ming was also seriously injured and was still unconscious. The opponent's action, regardless of Yang Ming's life and death, it can be seen that he is also in a mess and has to be desperate. Fortunately, according to the doctor, Yang Ming's injury is not very serious, and the two police officers around Yang Ming are not so lucky. They have visceral bleeding and fractures. It is estimated that he will be hospitalized for a long time.

Because at the critical moment, the two police officers sacrificed their lives and pressed Yang Ming under their bodies to protect Yang Ming.

The emergency meeting of the Municipal Party Committee unanimously adopted a resolution to express condolences to the injured public security officers, and asked the municipal bureau to do a good job in appeasement and aftercare. For the police officers who died in the line of duty, the whole city issued a commendation, and at the same time supported the municipal bureau's proposal to declare Comrade

Gu Xiangguo did not raise any objection and fully supported it. He didn't say much from beginning to end. His performance fell in the eyes of people with intentions, and there was a lot of speculation.

More careful people found that it seemed that in a blink of an eye, Gu Xiangguo had aged a lot, looked lonely, his eyes were empty, and he was unruly.

Xia Xiang also had a panoramic view of the ancient actions of the country, and he didn't know whether it was contemptuous or regretful. It doesn't matter whether the police car incident is secretly instructed by Gu Xiangguo or not. Yang Ming is not dead, and Yang Wei was shocked. I believe that Yang Wei has soberly believed that there is a serious fact that someone doesn't want Yang Ming to open his mouth and wants to kill him.

I believe that once Yang Ming wakes up after this incident, the interrogation work will be effortless. Not only is the truth of the coke electric case just around the corner, but I'm afraid it will also implicate more things behind the scenes of Gu Xiangguo. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether Gu Xiangguo did or not. The Yang family must think that it is the black hand of Gu Xiangguo.

It is understandable that Gu Xiangguo is dejected, and he must have thought of the seriousness of the consequences.

The next day, another piece of hidden news was sent to the Lang Municipal Party Committee through informal channels. At an internal economic meeting of the central government, the central leadership did not name and criticized the economic policy of Yan Province for being too conservative, not bold enough, and the steps were too small, which was not in line with the positioning of Yan Province and the capital to establish >

The criticism of the central leadership was recognized by the leaders of many countries who were at the meeting.

On the surface, the news seems to have nothing to do with the situation in Langshi, but Xia wants to know very well that it is the central leaders who indirectly expressed their dissatisfaction with Fan Ruiheng. Not long after Fan Ruiheng took over as the secretary of the provincial party committee, he was criticized anonymously at the economic meeting of the central government and lost face.

Losing face is still a small matter. The dissatisfaction of the central leadership is conveyed through the meeting, which is much more serious than scolding Fan Ruiheng directly on the phone. It is equivalent to directly warning Fan Ruiheng. Next time, there will be no implicit criticism. It may be public naming. .

Yan Province, the wind is loud.

P: 15,000 yuan for three updates, do you have a monthly ticket?? Do you have it?? Sad, extremely sad, Lao He can't stand it anymore, brothers, hurry up and save Lao He with a monthly ticket