official god

Chapter 890 Major Changes

Chapter 890 Major Changes

... Unexpectedly, a seemingly ordinary kneeling incident subsequently triggered a series of political disturbances

Ai Chengwen sighed with emotion.

He admitted that since he became a secretary, he has made no achievements in Lang City. It was mainly controlled by the joint hands of Gu Xiangguo and Oh Chen, and he could not use his hands and feet.

At this time, in the face of countless flashes and dark people, it was a common thing, and he also spoke a lot outside. In official words and talks, he never had stage fright. But now, he has a trace of guilt in his heart.

It is not his credit for the peace of Jiao Dian. For the normal situation that all political achievements belong to the secretary, Ai Chengwen can no longer help crying when he sees Jiao's tears, the intersection of sadness and joy from his heart, and the expression of the rest of his life after the Jiao Dian disaster.

When a person is really in power, he looks down on the world condescendingly. In fact, there is a public heart in the depths of his heart, and he will have compassion and care about Li Min.

Ai Chengwen's voice even trembled a little. He helped Jiao Da hard: "Hometowns, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, I failed to return the blue sky of Lang City, and failed to redress the injustice in time. I am ashamed of the trust of more than 1 million villagers in Lang City"

Ai Chengwen had a tearful face and bowed deeply

Thunderous applause broke out in the crowd, which lasted for a long time...

The reporters all captured the moment when Ai Chengwen bowed with tears, and all of them captured a scene of far-reaching significance. Xiaxiang, who was beside Ai Chengwen, was bending down to lift Jiao Dian, and reached out to pat the dust on his clothes for Jiao Dian, and even wiped the tears on his face for Jiao Da. Xia Xi's sincere action was also photographed by many reporters and fixed as eternal.

What no one expected was that the next day, the National Daily, the largest newspaper in China, published a sensational news in an important position. The title was "Secretary shed tears, Executive Vice Mayor wiped tears..." At the same time, a photo of Ai Chengwen bowed and shed tears and Xia wanted to wipe his tears with a solemn face beside him. The visual effect is very impactful, and the editor pointed out that the secretary's tears are for the people's sympathy and guilt, and the executive vice mayor's action of wiping the tears is for the people's love and pity, how to love the people, whether there are ordinary people in mind, whether they really do things for the people, small details see the big

As soon as the National Daily was published, Ai Chengwen and Xiaxiang became famous.

The Propaganda Department of the Yan Provincial Party Committee received countless phone calls in the morning, proposing to interview Ai Chengwen and Xiaxiang, but they were all blocked back. The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee was very unhappy, because they had not received any news in advance and were very passive. Fan Ruiheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, also gave instructions as soon as possible that the media in Yan Province were not allowed to report on the affairs of Lang City.

However, the next day, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the League published a commentator's article, which spoke highly of the Lang Municipal Party Secretary's bow and tears and the executive vice mayor's act of wiping the old man's tears. The comments pointed out that doing practical things for the people is not just a slogan, but also from the Only as a public servant can we naturally share the same joys and sorrows with the people.

The positive evaluation of the National Daily and the official newspaper of the League Department shows the positive attitude of the Civilian Department and the League Department towards the practices of Ai Chengwen and Xiaxiang. Thinking of the coke electric case is not an ordinary unjust and false case, but also involves complex political struggles, which indirectly illustrates a deeper problem.

But then several influential national newspapers published articles one after another, pointing out that the secretary of the municipal party committee and the executive deputy mayor should do more practical things and develop the economy, rather than show off, let alone innovative and self-proclaimed...

It can be said that the above newspapers have completely sang the opposite, skeptical and critical of Ai Chengwen and Xiaxiang's behavior.

The outside door is watching the bustle, and the insider is watching the door. Xia wants to know the root of Gu Xiangguo's sudden confidence, and there is a difference in the central government. No matter what the reason is, anyway, Gu Xiangguo may have regained support.

Ai Chengwen did not expect that an ordinary event would be deliberately used by someone with intentions. He also felt pressure from all aspects, but things have been put in the public eye, and there is only one way forward.

A few days later, the central government began a series of major actions and intensively announced the appointment of a series of senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels. In China, it has re-entered a new pattern.

Then Zhao Quanxin announced his retirement from illness, and Chief Hyde took over the post of Vice Premier - this is a relatively rare appointment in the political life that has always been stable in China, which immediately triggered a lot of speculation from the outside world.

The outside world speculates that Xia doesn't care about it. He already knows what far-reaching impact a series of adjustments will have on the situation of Lang City.

And it may also have a negative impact.

The situation in Lang City is now calm on the surface, but in fact, the undercurrent is surging, and explosive news will come out at any time. The evidence about the joint creation of injustice and falsehood between Gu Xiangguo and the cold party has been submitted to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Li Yanhong also replied in person and will be seriously investigated and punished, but more than half a month has passed, but there is no news.

Obviously, there is resistance in some aspect.

In addition, oh, Chen has lost his resistance. He has been discharged from the hospital, hiding at home, waiting for the final trial. The evidence submitted by Cui Jian and the evidence that Xia wants to collect from various channels is enough to beat Chen so much that he can't turn over, but now it has not been released. He wants to solve the problem of Gu Xiangguo first.

Gu Xiangguo is the top priority. If he doesn't fall, oh, Chen's fall doesn't make much sense. But what Xia thought more clearly was that a series of public opinion orientation and a series of personnel adjustments made the original clear situation suddenly become confusing again.

Gu Xiangguo is really deep-rooted and difficult to pull down. Xia wanted to rub his forehead, picked up the phone, and pulled out a number.

"Hello, Minister Wu."

Wu Caiyang, a member of the Political Bureau and the head of the Central Propaganda Department, if there is a deputy department-level cadre who can talk to him directly, that person is undoubtedly Xia Xiang. There is no second deputy department-level official in China who can be treated like this.

Wu Caiyang was very surprised by Xia Xiang's active call. This was also the first time that Xia Xiang took the initiative to call him.

"What's the matter?" Wu Caiyang's voice is still as indifferent as before, alienated and impersonal.

Xia Xiang didn't expect Wu Caiyang to change his impression of him. He just wanted to inquire about his mouth and said, "Recently, the news media has paid too much attention to Langshi. I want to ask Minister Wu for his opinion on some positive and negative propaganda about Langshi. Law..."

Public opinion is the orientation, the direction of the wind, and the respective expressions of each force. Wu Caiyang is in charge of the Central Propaganda Department and must be aware of the political tendencies of everyone at the senior level of the Central Committee, otherwise he will not be able to sit firmly in the position of the Central Propaganda Department.

The mouthpiece of the party is definitely a vital department.

Wu Caiyang heard Xia Xiang's meaning and suddenly smiled: "The abacus has hit me. I'm not timid." After a pause for about a second, he said, "I heard Yan Hong say that he encountered resistance in the provincial party committee, but he has decided to report to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection."

The call time with Wu Caiyang is very short. It is also true that there is a gap between the two men, hatred, and there are not many common languages in common. Xia Xiang is already very satisfied. At least Wu Caiyang does not express any opinion on his approach, which proves that the Wu family holds a neutral position on this matter, and can even be said .

It's time to have news. Xia wants to look at the extremely lush trees outside the window. Autumn is coming, and it's time to end.

A week later, the wind was loud.

According to the news from the province, Gu Xiangguo, the mayor of Lang City, was suspected of embezzlement and bribery and made false cases with the cold party. On the day after the news of being investigated by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Gu Xiangguo asked for sick leave from the municipal party committee and disappeared from the public eye.

Is the ancient mayor going to fall?

People talked about it and inquired about the inside story, but without exception, they could not hear any valuable news, because everyone was very sidious about the affairs of Gu Xiangguo, and even there was no definite explanation whether Gu Xiangguo's leave was controlled by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection or whether he went somewhere else.

Immediately after that, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced in conjunction with the Provincial High Court that it was found that the amount of bribes received by the cold party was as high as more than 40 million yuan. In addition to confiscating its illegal income, all bribers will also be held responsible.

The cold-quality case, which has not been announced to the public, has finally been put on the surface, fully demonstrating the determination of the Yan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to fight corruption and promote integrity.

After hearing the above two news, Xia Xiang finally smiled with relief, but he was still vaguely worried, because he knew that Gu Xiangguo was indeed not controlled by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, but went to the capital.

According to the signs from all aspects, I'm afraid that Gu Xiangguo may really have escaped. Xia Xiang is willing to let Gu Xiangguo continue to go unpunished, but he also understands that the domestic political climate is complex and changeable, and the pressure on it will make many people change their positions at any time. Fortunately, after the last media publicity, Ai Chengwen has no way to retreat, and there is only one way to fight with him.

The next day, news came from the province that Gu Xiangguo had been double-regulated and was being told the problem. It is said that the mayor of Gu embezzled more than 100 million yuan, and dozens of people were involved in the case. Gu Xiangguo may be sentenced to death

When the news came, the Lang Municipal Party Committee was immediately shocked.

Everyone inquired about the truth of the news, but everyone was very emptied. As long as the word "Gu Xiangguo" was mentioned, they shook their heads and refused to answer. Ai Chengwen and Xiaxiang were even more gibble and never expressed any opinions.

In the evening, Xia wanted to get off work. As soon as she stepped out of the gate of the municipal party committee compound, she received a strange call. If it was an ordinary unknown call, he usually would not answer it, but the call was the number of the capital, and the section was very special. He moved his heart and answered it decisively.

As expected, it is the ancient country.

"Mayor Xia..." Gu Xiangguo's tone was elongated, with a faint threat in his tone and a trace of complament, "Don't force people too much. Leave some room for everything."

In fact, Xia Xiang had long known that Gu Xiangguo had not been double-regulated. He had been hiding in the capital. He didn't think that until now, he still did not know how to repent and was proud. He said, "Mayor Gu, when you created injustice for personal gain, when you collected the benefits of Chen and excluded other legitimate businessmen Wait, when you and Chen Lian covered the sky with one hand in Langshi, did you ever think about leaving room for others?

Gu Xiangguo was angry: "Don't think I'm afraid of you. I'm reminding you that no matter how much you chase, we will die together."

Xia thought rudely: "It's up to you. I'll wait for the ancient mayor's means at any time."

Gu Xiangguo sneered a few times: "Xia Xiang, wait, you have your good fruit to eat, haha..." After a burst of arrogant laughter, he hung up the phone.

The next day, Gu Xiangguo returned to Langshi. He was satisfied and arrogant. He seemed to announce to everyone of the Langshi Municipal Party Committee that he was back and had nothing to do. All the rumors were rumors, and he could not do anything about it.

The appearance of Gu Xiangguo is really shocking. I don't understand that since the ancient mayor has not been double-regulated, how can he say that he is controlled by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection? It's a mess, it's all a mess. The current political atmosphere is really getting more and more incomprehensible.

It's right if you don't understand. Xia figured out that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has not yet taken measures against Gu Xiangguo, because someone at the senior management of the central government has said something. The original words may be different from the rumors, but the meaning is probably the same. A central leader said in person, "Comrade Gu Xiang Forget it..."

The sentence "Forget it" immediately tied Li Yanhong's hands and feet. Originally, he had decided to double rules to the ancient country, but now he can't make up his mind, so there is a lot of rumors, but it has never been a ridiculous thing to be implemented.

But "Forget it" is also meaningful. It doesn't matter where to go, just knock it properly, or don't you touch the ancient country at all? The leader's speech was very implicit, but it was difficult for the people below to think about it.

It is really related to the guidance of the last public opinion. Xia wants to sigh that the ancient country is really deep-rooted, and it has reached the current point. He has not fallen, and he is still proud

If the ancient country does not fall, he vows not to give up. Xia wants to burn in his chest now, and he does something to do something. He doesn't believe that the ancient country has committed a lot of crimes. The evidence is conclusive, and he can still stand still. If Gu Xiangguo is in power, what hope does Lang City have? Oh, Chen is dead but not stiff. Maybe he can make a comeback.

So what he has done before, isn't he at the end of his previous achievements?

Gu Xiangguo not only returned to work in the municipal party committee, but also boldly put forward many reform measures, and put forward a new idea for the economic structure of Lang City. In short, he talked loudly and built a house, not only the mayor's style, but also the spirit of overall overall arrangement, which seemed to reveal a In the long run, he will not fail, but will also take over as the secretary of the municipal party committee in Langshi, firmly controlling Langshi in his hands.


Under the proposal of Gu Xiangguo, the Municipal Party Committee convened a Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to focus on the three aspects of the opening up, reform and the promotion of the people's livelihood-oriented development strategy of Lang City in recent years, as well as the focus of the next step. At the same time, on the reform of state-owned Study by the Standing Committee.

Gu Xiangguo's intention is obvious, that is, to show it to all the Standing Committees. He is still the No. 2 figure in Lang City and firmly controls the situation. No one can ignore his authority. No one dares to do anything about him

It's not arrogant, it's better than arrogant. It's not a declaration of war, it's better than a declaration of war.

The momentum of Gu Xiangguo played an obvious role. The camp that originally belonged to him was firmly united with him and echoed each other at the Standing Committee, forming a powerful force that could not be ignored. At least on the surface, Gu Xiangguo regained his due power.

What shocked everyone more was that three days later, an accurate news came from the provincial party committee. After the study and decision of the provincial party committee, Comrade Xiaxiang planned to be the deputy secretary, deputy mayor and acting mayor of Tianze Municipal Party Committee

It is not a rumor, but a fait accompli. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has officially approved the appointment

Lang City, an uproar

Awesome, really awesome. At the most critical moment, Xia Xiang still did not bring down the ancient Xiangguo, but was successfully moved away by the ancient Xiangguo, which is equivalent to the failure of Xia Xiang. Although Xiaxiang took a step up and successfully helped to become the youngest mayor in Yan Province, once he left Lang City, everything he did in Lang City would be wasted.

Everyone knows that Xia has always wanted to promote the cold quality plan in the dark. As soon as Xia wants to leave, who else in Lang City will come forward to fight against Gu Xiangguo? The current situation is, oh, although Chen has hurt the root, but he has not yet entered the judicial process. Although Gu Xiangguo has been negatively affected by the cold-quality plan, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has suppressed it. If there is no one behind it, I'm afraid that things will be over.

Gu Xiangguo won a complete victory, and Xia Xiang's success was on the end... Everyone came to the same conclusion. Even Ai Chengwen shook his head and sighed, feeling sad that he failed to bring down Gu Xiangguo in the last step.

From the appointment of the provincial party committee to Xiaxiang's departure, there is a buffer period of more than 20 days. Just when everyone thought that Xia would definitely give up his efforts, then hand over the work and prepare for the new job, no one expected that a powerful political storm was brewing.

More than 20 days passed in a flash. In a blink of an eye, it was time for Xiaxiang to leave Langshi. A group of people from the Langshi Municipal Party Committee, led by Ai Chengwen, lined up to see off Xiaxiang.

Everyone else also has different thoughts. Some are lonely, some are sad, some are happy, some are gloating, and Gu Xiangguo is even more proud. Although he tries his best to pretend, it is still difficult to hide his complacency. What does it mean, what can you do with me? Give you the position of mayor of a poor city and kick you away. If you have the ability to toss around, don't you have to leave Lang City empty-handed now?

Xia Xiang looked relaxed and did not have a little depressed expression. Instead, he shook hands with everyone happily one by one. When all the handshakes were finished, he suddenly made another unexpected move - he came to Gu Xiangguo and said with a smile, "Mayor Gu, there was a car of the provincial party committee just now. Are you looking for you?"

Gu Xiangguo didn't understand why Xia Xiang said a brainless sentence. Before he opened his mouth, he saw two people separated from the crowd coming to him and said politely, "Mayor Gu, please come over."

Gu Xiangguo hesitated a little. As soon as he took two steps forward, he was put his hands on his back by the two, and then stuffed into the car like escorting a criminal

The sudden change made all the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee present stunned...

P: May 1st is the day when the official god is on the shelves for a whole year. In May, it is Lao He's birthday. With the above two reasons to ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, coupled with the dedication of 15,000 words, how many brothers and sisters will give Lao He a little face and vote a few more guaranteed monthly tickets, so that the official god will no longer be depressed, so that Lao He will no longer have confidence? Thank you. You are all Lao He's relatives and friends. A