official god

Chapter 891 A Footstep

In fact, in Ai Chengwen's view, Xia wants to take on a new job and step from the deputy hall to the main hall, which is a great gain. Even if he did not bring down the ancient country in the end, it is not a big success. Because if it hadn't been forcing Gu to go to the country, Xia Xiang's seniority would not be enough to serve as the head of a city.

Therefore, he even speculated that what Xia Xiang wanted was not to bring Gu Xiangguo to justice, but to seize the opportunity of Gu Xiangguo's handle, bargain and take the opportunity to get promoted. Or, Xia Xiang served as the executive vice mayor of Lang City for only one year, and he successfully helped him and became the youngest mayor in Yan Province. He was The speed is so fast that it is jaw-dropping.

Even if he served as the district head and the secretary of the district party committee in Xiama District, Xia Xiang has only been in the position of deputy hall for more than two years. In more than two years, he has been promoted from the deputy director to the actual position of the main hall. He is still in charge, which is exactly the same speed as the rocket.

Although Tianze City seems to be a place where there are no political achievements, Xia Xiang is too young. Even if he endures for three or five years and does a little practical things, the next step is the vice province. After calculation, three years later, even five years later, Xia Xiang is only 35 years old, and the 35-year-old deputy provincial cadre... Ai Chengwen still took a breath of cold air, and then thought of the network behind Xia Xiang. In the confrontation with Gu Xiangguo, he has always had the upper hand. With such a tough background of Gu Xiangguo, After thinking about it, I can't think about Xia. Will Xia think that there is no way to be promoted? Just kidding.

Therefore, Ai Chengwen was optimistic about Xia Xiang's departure from Lang City to take office in Tianze City. Although he was deeply sorry and helpless for Gu Xiangguo's escape from the last juncture, he was also gratified that Xia wanted to move smoothly into a wider world. He thought that the relationship with Xiaxiang was quite harmonious. Xiaxiang was also happy that he would go to a more important job in the future.

It was with this attitude that Ai Chengwen finally worked until late at night in Lang City for more than 20 days in Xiaxiang, cleaning up the work at hand in an orderly manner, without any perfunctory and coping, which also made him admire Xiaxiang's behavior very much. But because of this, what he never expected was that at the moment when Xia Xiang was about to leave Langshi, Gu Xiangguo was taken down

And the two people just now were so arrogant that they were not from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection at all. The behavior style of the people of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has always been well-founded, and they will not be messed up or hard. Is it possible that the two people just now are from the procuratorate?

As the secretary of the municipal party committee, he did not know anything about it. He was taken away from the mayor under his nose. Ai Chengwen was frightened. He knew that the complexity of this political struggle was beyond his imagination.

If you don't know it, you don't know it. Just stay out of the matter and be quiet.

After Gu Xiangguo was taken into the car, the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee present were stunned for half a minute before they reacted, and then they were in a mess with a "bang". Everyone is a figure who has been in the official field for a long time. I have seen the Commission for Discipline Inspection take people away from the venue, the Commission for Discipline Inspection announced double-level cadres on the spot, and have never seen the head of an on-the-job city being directly detained and put on the car like a prisoner.

Look carefully, God, Gu Xiangguo was directly detained in a prison car

It means that the incumbent mayor was rarely put in place in one step. He did not go through the case and investigation of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, did not go through the common double rules, but directly entered the judicial process. In the domestic officialdom, it can not be said to be unique and unheard of.

Then, another person got out of the car. Someone recognized him. It was Fu Xiaowen, deputy director of the Provincial Anti-Corruption Bureau.

Fu Xiaowen announced to the group of Langshi Municipal Party Committee present that with the approval of the Supreme Procuratorate, the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Yan Provincial People's Procuratorate took coercive measures against Gu Xiangguo on suspicion of duty crimes to investigate and criminally detain Gu Xiangguo's case

As the first party and government cadre to be directly criminally detained as an in-service mayor in the domestic officialdom, Gu Xiangguo will certainly leave a strong mark on the history of officialdom in China

Fu Xiaowen acted vigorously. After the notification, he shook hands with Ai Chengwen. He ignored the other members of the Standing Committee, but deliberately shook hands with Xia Xiang and whispered something to Xia Xiang. Then Fu Xiaowen led several people upstairs, directly opened Gu Xiangguo's office, and began to search.

In addition, some people went straight to the ancient country to seal it up.

The staff of the Anti-Corruption Bureau are extremely efficient, and the results will be available in half an hour. Nearly 15 million yuan of cash was found in Gu Xiangguo's office and home, of which the cash stored in the office was about 200,000 yuan, which was initially identified as the stolen money that Gu Xiangguo had just received and had not had time to transfer.

In addition to a large amount of cash, nearly a hundred precious calligraphy and paintings, more than a dozen Rolex watches, and a large number of overseas photos of Gu Xiangguo and other women were found in Gu Xiangguo's office and home, including a number of female civil servants - female civil servants, most of which were newly transferred to the female universities of the Municipal Party Committee /P>


The car of the Anti-Corruption Bureau went away. Gu Xiangguo, who had just been proud, was locked in the prison car. No one could see his expression or how depressed he was. From being complacent to being a prisoner, it only happened in just a few minutes, and no one could bear such a huge identity gap.

The car of the Anti-Corruption Bureau was so fast that it disappeared from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye, as if it was announcing to everyone that everything in Lang City was still under the control of the provincial party committee.

Many people were secretly shocked, some people were sweating, and some people even shivered their legs, regretting that they were too close to Gu Xiangguo some time ago. The political wind turned too fast, whether it was a southeast or northwest wind or a whirlwind, which made people dizzy and could not find a position.

Who should I stand with to ensure that I won't fall behind, and many people have no idea.

However, when everyone looked at Xiang Xia Xiang's expression, it was indescribable awe. Obviously, Xia wanted to be moved away. In the competition with Gu Xiangguo, it was equivalent to a defeat. Unexpectedly, when Xia Xiang was about to leave, he directly sent Gu Xiangguo to the procuratorate. This scheming, this wrist I admire all of them.

Just now, he had shaken his hand and said goodbye to Xia. I don't know who started it. Everyone shook hands with Xia again and said goodbye. Even Ai Chengwen was squeezed aside and couldn't get close. It's a mess, it's all messed up, the rules are gone, and the scene is messed up.

Xia thought that she was still the same as before, without any pride and excitement, and shook hands one by one to say goodbye to everyone. Others may not know what happened behind him, but he knows that Gu Xiangguo was directly criminally detained without going through two-regulation procedures. On the surface, it seems logical, but in fact, he has experienced an unknown thrilling competition behind him.

In the last 20 days of Lang City, Xia wanted to hand over the work in his hand while subdivided the evidence given to him by Regen, and then compared the evidence he had with the evidence of Regen one by one. Finally, he sorted out the echoing parts and divided it into two parts, one by one. It was given to Li Yanhong, and one copy was given to Lao Gu.

was handed over to Li Yanhong to add weight to Li Yanhong. To give it to Lao Gu is to ask Lao Gu to come forward and submit it to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Isn't Gu Xiangguo's backstage tough? Well, no matter how tough the background is, we must maintain legal justice, have a just side, and face the heinous crimes committed by the ancient country.

Regan's evidence struck the death knell for Gu Xiangguo to be finally taken down.

After Xiaxiang, he also listened to Lao Gu's relay... According to Lao Gu, he handed the materials directly to the Prime Minister. After seeing it, the Prime Minister was furious, patted the table, and then made important instructions and transferred them to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately took action to prepare to intervene in the case, but it was suppressed again and did not carry out the next investigation. Even the Prime Minister's instructions didn't work. Before Lao Gu could get angry, Mr. Wu was furious.

Mr. Wu's anger was not ignited by Xia, but by Lian Ruohan inadvertently.

Xia wants to fight with Gu Xiangguo in Lang City. Mr. Wu also knows a little about it and doesn't pay much attention to it. In his opinion, it is not surprising that there are political opponents everywhere. Xia wants that if he is not hard, he will not have a great future.

What he didn't expect was that the trick between Xia Xiang and Gu Xiangguo, because of the strong backstage of Gu Xiangguo, it shocked the senior management, and the senior management also said something, which made him restless at home.

It is mainly that the old man didn't know where to get a copy of the evidence of Gu Xiangguo that Xia wanted to collect. After reading it, he looked pale: "What kind of thing is also worthy of Xia Xiang's opponent? If he doesn't fall down, what confidence can Xia think about in the future? You can't ruin Xiaxiang's belief because of an ancient country"

The old man made a few phone calls and went out. Soon after Li Yanhong received the evidence submitted by Xia Xiang and a mysterious phone call, Li Yanhong immediately started the case. After a long talk with the president of the provincial procuratorate, he decided on an arrest plan.

Before the implementation of the plan, Li Yanhong explained the situation to Fan Ruiheng. Fan Ruiheng also knew that the general trend had gone, and the criminal facts of Gu Xiangguo were indeed conclusive. He couldn't cover it, because even if Yan Province wanted to cover it up, someone in the capital would cover it. Moreover, he had obtained permission from the Supreme Procuratorate before Li Yanhong reported to him

Fan Ruiheng acquiesced in the action.

When Li Yanhong said goodbye, Fan Ruiheng got up very politely and sent a gift. What he gave was not Li Yanhong, but a tribute to the Wu family behind Li Yanhong.

Because of the proposal that Xia wanted to go to Tianze City last time, he did not pass the secretary's office meeting. This time, the old story was suddenly brought up again, and a consensus was quickly reached. Even the Song Dynasty voted for it. It is said that there is a shadow of the Wu family.

The Wu family, I don't want Xia to stay in Lang City anymore and transfer him to Tianze City, so it once again affected the situation in Yan Province. As for why the Wu family wanted to move Xia from Langshi, Fan Ruiheng only knew one and didn't know the other.

Wu Jialang City is known as the territory of the common people in the high-level, while Tianze City is the territory of the family power. Tiao Xia thought about the past has a deep meaning. Obviously, he wants Xia Xiang to draw a clear line with the civilian forces.

Xia Xiang... It's really a kind of delicious. He was a little estranged from the Mei family and quickly approached the Wu family. Fan Ruiheng had a secret headache. In the future, it would be better for him to intervene less in everything Xia thought, so that he would not know who would be unhappy if he was not careful. He is not a member of the Politburo. His influence at the top is quite limited, and his voice is very weak.

Xia Xiang is really not simple. The head of the central government has said something. Forget the question about Gu Xiangguo. Xia Xiang is not finished. He has to trample Gu Xiangguo under his feet. He has courage and courage.

It's just that he dares to go against the will of the central chief. Even if someone covers him, if he wants to go to a more important job in the future, I'm afraid he will encounter a lot of resistance.

However, Fan Ruiheng thought for a moment and still called Fan Zheng: "Xia will take office in Tianze City after the National Day, and will be in Yan City during the National Day. You can walk around with him more."


Because of an accident, Xiaxiang was more than an hour later than the original plan. When he was about to leave, the Langshi Municipal Party Committee received a call from the provincial party committee, because Xiaxiang was about 10 days away from the National Day. He asked Xiaxiang to stand the last shift for Langshi and temporarily presided over the work of the municipal government.

As a result, Xia thought didn't make it, so she had to stay. Because Lang City transferred an executive deputy mayor and arrested a mayor, which is equivalent to vacancies in two key positions. The provincial party committee has not yet arranged suitable candidates to take office, and the municipal government cannot be unattended to preside over the daily work. Although Xiaxiang has handed over the work, there is nothing to say about temporarily shouldering up a heavy burden.

The next day, the Provincial Party Committee officially announced the expulsion of Gu Xiangguo from the Party, the removal of Gu Xiangguo from the post of Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and suggested that the Lang Municipal People's Congress remove Gu Xiangguo from the post of mayor in accordance with the law.

In the afternoon of the same day, Lang City urgently convened a meeting of the National People's Congress and unanimously passed a resolution to remove Gu Xiang Guolang City as mayor of the People's Government.

It's a joke. People who have been criminally detained and hold party and government positions are ridiculous. All dismissals are unprecedentedly fast, reflecting our party's usual determination to severely punish corrupt officials and never tolerate them.

Lang City is really boiling.

The citizens ran around the street to tell each other that the sanctimonious ancient mayor was directly taken into the prison car without going through the double rules. Speaking of Mayor Xia's justice and the redressing of many unjust and wrong cases, when it comes to Mayor Xia's attack on Chen's evil forces, and the city is in a blue sky. All the citizens are happy and love Xia.

But the news that Xia wants to transfer is also haunting and heavy in everyone's mind. Mayor Xia is a good mayor. He not only cleared the evil forces that have been rampant in Lang City for many years, so that the citizens of Lang City finally stopped walking in fear, but also attracted a lot of money for Lang City, revitalizing the university town project on the verge of bankruptcy, and also started tourism agriculture, American paint and many other industries for Lang It has invested more than 1 billion yuan for Lang City and created tens of thousands of jobs.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xia is the most promising mayor since the founding of Lang City. Although Mayor Xia is only the executive deputy mayor, he is the best mayor in the minds of the people.

Although Xiaxiang was not in Langshi Fuzheng, now he temporarily presides over the overall work of the municipal government and has served as the mayor of Langshi for a few days. It is estimated that he is also the shortest mayor in the history of Langshi - but it does not affect his history of Langshi at all, leaving a A stroke.

Xiaxiang stayed in Langshi for another three more days, which happened to be three days at the end of September. In fact, it was all some finishing work. There was no big deal, but he was still conscientious and stood on the last post. Even within three days, he negotiated an investment with the capital.

A group of people from the Langshi Municipal Party Committee were in awe when they first saw Xiaxiang, and now they have all become admiration

Then it was the National Day holiday. After the holiday, Xia wanted to return to Yan City. Unlike last time, only the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee came forward. This time, all the staff of the Municipal Party Committee compound came forward to see Xia off.

The scene is very touching.

If the people in the municipal party committee compound didn't understand Xiaxiang's person in the past, but now when Xia wants to leave, they all think of the benefits of Xiaxiang, and they are very reluctant to give up. Especially Li Caiyuan, it can be said that the appearance of Xia Xiang changed the fate of his life. He cried in a mess in front of countless people, completely ignoring his image.

Liu Yilin also sighed a lot. She was also very lucky to know Xiaxiang. Although she did not really get close to Xiaxiang, there was always a gap, and there was no little ambiguity in her expectation, which was somewhat regrettable. But Xiaxiang has always been the youngest, most sunny and most responsible man she has ever seen. Yes, it's a man. She doesn't want to call Xiaxiang by officials or cadres. In her eyes, Xiaxiang is the best man worthy of the appreciation of a woman with vision and taste.

To be honest, among the members of the Standing Committee of Lang City, it is Zhang Yingji who cherishes Xia the most, and he is also the one who admires Xia the most. Zhang Yingji is the most principled person. She loves everything seriously. At first, he didn't like Xiaxiang. He felt that Xia wanted to make trouble and always liked to provoke trouble. Later, he found that it was not Xia who wanted to cause trouble, but that Xia wanted to have a sense of justice than others. He was not used to the domineering people who were not like many people. He was not a bureaucratic like many people, and turned a blind eye to the ugly incident.

Xia think that there is a strong side, a superb side, and a jealous side.

Xia wanted to leave office, Zhang Yingji sighed with emotion and was reluctant to give up. In his opinion, Xia Xiang could have been able to show his skills in Lang City, especially now that Gu Xiangguo has fallen. He should have wanted to help Zheng, but Xia Xiang was transferred to Tianze City. It has to be said that it is a big loss for Lang City.

Xia thought also had some emotion in his heart. Looking at the enthusiastic faces, I believe that many people sincerely retain him, but politics is politics. There are always times when he can't help himself. He also wants to continue to work in Lang City, and there is also continuity, but there is nothing he can do. Some people still want to move him away.

waved goodbye to Lang City and said goodbye to a thrilling journey. Xia thought to himself, maybe Tianze City will be much more stable and calm because of poverty, just so that it can vigorously develop the economy and do more practical things for the people.

stepped on the return journey, arrived at the highway intersection, and looked back at Langshi for the last time. Xia thought that there were mixed feelings in his heart. He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He let Xiao Wu prepare to drive into the highway to Yanshi. Wei Xin had left Lang City earlier and returned to Yan City. Now it is Xiao Wu and others who accompany Xiaxiang.

The car slowly drove into the toll station, and then drove into the auxiliary road. There was a fork in front of it, one to the capital, and the other to Yan City. Xiao Wu was about to drive into the Yan City lane when Xia Xiang's phone suddenly rang.

Yes, Chen

Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment and answered the phone. Chen's angry voice immediately came from the phone: "Mayor Xia, please, please help me, I kowtow to you..." The voice was miserable and desperate.

"What's wrong?"

"Please save my daughter. They were kidnapped in the capital. They... are going to be ruined"

PS: The fourth update is sent. Today, the fourth update is 20,000 words, and the blood is dedicated to 700 votes. I'm already looking at my brothers. Is it possible to continue the third update and 15,000 words tomorrow, only a few dozen votes are missing? Don't you want Lao He to fight? Don't you want to see how Xia wants to cut the mess quickly, how to use the last tail of Lang City to maximize benefits, and successfully open the door of Tianze City? Xia's opportunity is here. It's definitely a good opportunity not to be missed. Next, there will be continuous excitement and ups and downs. Today we can reach 700 votes, and tomorrow we will still update 15,000 words. In addition, after midnight, there will be updates. Please recommend tomorrow's ticket official next week to hit a new peak. V