official god

Chapter 905 Turn, End

Rain. It lasted all night, and it was not until dawn that the rain gradually stopped.

In previous years, there was rarely such heavy rain in the capital in autumn. After an autumn rain, the weather suddenly cooled down. When Jin Yin Cha Li arrived at the airport, the car was too fast on the way and the stagnant water splashed on the car made an old man on the roadside wet. Jin Yin Chali hurriedly stopped the car and ran dozens of meters away. Apologize to the old man and give him a few hundred yuan.

Mun Dejian. Xia Xiang remembered the scene when she first saw Jin Yin Cha Li, and the two women greeted everyone to save the family who fell into the water. They paid for money and ran forward and backward, just like a beautiful sunflower. Pure and touching.

Xiaxiang can't help but feel a little frustrated. Thinking of a pillow of yellow sorghum last night, there was still a fragrance on his face, and the words of gold and silver tea still echoed in my ears: "I stayed with you for a night to return your kindness.

But you won't get it. It's revenge for hurting Dad. But you can rest assured. Our sisters will never get married for the rest of their lives, and we will keep ourselves holy for you!"

Yes, Xia wanted to spend the night with Jinyin Chali. To be precise, it was the last night that Jinyin Chali asked him to accompany them in China. That night, he didn't hurt them. That night. There is nothing unbearable aftertaste. The three of them were relatively speechless. Finally, it's only at dawn. Jinyin Chali finally dared to kiss everyone on his face.

It's not a watery kiss, but it's printed on it very hard. And both of them are full of tears.

What Xia didn't expect was that when she arrived at the airport and was about to board the plane, Yin Chali, who had been indifferent to him, was the boldest and suddenly rushed back. He threw himself into his arms and kissed his lips heavily, and then resolutely turned around and left: "I remember you all my life and hate you all my life.

Xia wants to stand still and is in a bad mood. Until the roar of the plane sounded, it was confirmed that Jin Yin Chali had flown into the air. Maybe I will never go back to China in this life. He just moved slowly. This life.

He has never been so sad, and somehow his heart is as heavy as a cloudy sky.

Xiao Wu handed over a piece of paper, and Xia thought suddenly woke up and subconsciously wiped the corners of his eyes. No tears... The expression on Xiao Wu's face was very strange, reminding him: "My lips are bleeding."

Xia wanted to wipe his lips before he felt the pain in his lips. A woman will hate you as much as she loves you. A bone bite at the time of parting. It made Xia figure out Yin Chali's crazy and fanatical mind under her indifferent appearance.

It's good to go. If you don't get into debt again, you really can't pay it back. He kneaded the paper towel into a ball. He threw it into a dustbin and took a look at Xiao Wu. It means that when I go back now, Xiao Wu thought wrongly and misunderstood Xia's meaning. He smiled and said, "Leader, I haven't seen anything. I just enjoyed the rain outside."

Xia can't laugh or cry. He raised his foot and kicked Xiao Wu: "I want to do business! Hurry back and meet with Minister Shi.

Minister Shi didn't go back to the hotel last night. He lived with his son. When Xia wanted to rush back to the hotel with Xiao Wu. Minister Shi hasn't returned yet. After waiting for a while, the two received a phone call from Minister Shi.

Mayor Xia just received a phone call from Tianyi Municipal Party Committee. It is said that the road is not open yet. I'm afraid it will be in the afternoon... Well. I will stay in the capital for another half day. Anyway, it's not urgent, what do you think?"

The deputy minister of the Provincial Party Committee is not in a hurry. He is not in a hurry. Xia thought that he had to agree. But it's ridiculous to think about it. The capital is more than 100 kilometers away from Tianze City. It's only an hour's journey on the highway, but the road is impatable. I've been waiting in the capital for almost two days. Does the bad start indicate that the trip to Tianze will be bumpy everywhere?

Since I won't leave for the time being, I will continue to study the current situation of Tianze City. Xiaxiang just turned on the computer. After surfing the Internet, log in to QQ and a message pops up: "Hello. I'm going to Tianjin in a while, huh!"

is Wei Xin.

During the National Day. Wei Xin was busy buying a house in Yanshi, under her persuasion. My parents finally agreed to live in Yan City. She was very busy, and she didn't have time to meet Xia, and even had very few phone calls. Xia wants to be busier. So the two occasionally contact, also through the grid.

Wei Xin's net name is Bing Mian. Others may think it's mischievous, but Xia thought that God played a joke on him in the blink of an eye. In the last life, Wei Xin was worried about him. This life. Let him care about Wei Xin all the time. Wei Xin's inexplicable condition. It is always the shadow and pain in his heart.

Xia wanted to smile and replied, "It's up to you. I swept away and greeted each other.

Wei Xin was not online, so he began to study the materials.

I thought I could calm down quickly. I was put into the working state, but I didn't expect to read the information for a long time. I didn't read a word. If it's normal, it's unimaginable. Xia wants to admit that he has more self-control than ordinary people. What's going on today?

At this time. Jinyin Chali should be flying away thousands of meters high and flying to a strange country. He knows. Jin Yin Cha Li still left something in his heart, whether heavy, guilty or regret, made it difficult for him to calm down. Xia wanted to get up, came to the window, opened the window, took a breath of fresh air, and planned to relax. He just enjoyed the scenery of the capital after the rain, and the phone rang very wrong. It rang at the appropriate time.

It was the provincial party committee who called Xia wanted to recognize the office phone of Song Chaodu. He was nervous and hurriedly answered the phone: "Goverhead..."

Xiaxiang. Still in the capital?" Song Chaodu also heard about the heavy rain. Xia wants to be trapped in the capital. The case of Gu Xiangguo. Not very optimistic. I talked with Secretary Fan and didn't reach a consensus. Secretary Fan refused to come forward to coordinate. Internal information from the Provincial High Court. I'm afraid it's going to be a light sentence.

Xia Xiang was speechless angrily. He put up with it, but he couldn't help saying, "If Gu Xiangguo doesn't have a heavy sentence, where is the justice of the law? .

"Gu Xiangguo has been discredited in politics, and his political life is over." There was also a faint helplessness in Song Chaodu's tone. It would be better if it was just Fan Ruiheng's inaction. He can speak to the court. But now that the senior management is under direct pressure, the situation is much more serious.

Basically, it can be concluded that Gu Xiangguo will not only escape death. It can't be sentenced for a few years. There are many precedents in China. If someone embezzles tens of millions, it is the death penalty. Some people have embezzled hundreds of millions. In the end, he was only sentenced to 20 years with a good confession and a good confession, which basically came out in five or six years. There are even more than a billions of public funds. But because the senior management's words cover up the past, no one dares to mention it.

The phenomenon that the weight is greater than the law is estimated to be difficult to eliminate for a long time.

Xia's mood was a little heavier.

If the ancient country is only sentenced to ten years and eight years in the end. In politics, someone has won, but in the rule of law. The country lost. It is a judgment of great and far-reaching significance that a person's power is greater than the laws of the country, which will not only have a great negative impact on Lang City. It is also for the construction of the rule of law in the whole country. In addition to feeling deep sadness, Xia thought that he also had a long way to go to set up the rule of law. It is because the phenomenon of human rule in China is too serious, some leaders have a high desire for power, and relatives are close and far away. Don't look at the problem from a fair and objective standpoint, but start from personal feelings and indulge the people around you. Turn a blind eye to many ugly elephants, just because those who violate the law have background and background. It will not be investigated.

The law is sometimes even regarded as a child's play.

I really want to do something practical in the resistance-heavy officialdom. It's difficult.

But if you bring a person with a background to justice. It's even harder. The final fair judgment is even more difficult.

Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment. I still dialed Li Yanhong's phone. Although the relationship between Xia Xiang and Li Yanhong is not far away, he is still qualified to talk to Li Yanhong directly. Li Yanhong was not surprised by his call at all. A faint tone: "Forget it. Don't care so much. Some things can't be done as you want. Anyway, the ancient country has been discredited in politics, with a few more years and a few years less. It doesn't make much difference.

In my opinion, there is a big difference. Xia Xiang didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly told Li Yanhong his true thoughts, "Gu Xiangguo is not alone. What he represents is a phenomenon that if he gives a light sentence, it is equivalent to declaring to everyone that the power is greater than the law, or whether the will of power determines everything. The law is the last limit of the people, if they can't even get the final guarantee of the law. One day. They will stand on the opposite side of us. If the ancients of the country could not be discredited in politics. It is economically bankrupt. If you can't regret it ideologically, then our rule of law can only be an empty talk!"

Li Yanhong was speechless for a long time. I don't know how long it took him to sigh: "Mayor Xia. It's good to have ideals and ambitions, but you have to use the right place. Impulsive and hot-blooded fights can be used in politics. Not only can it not solve any problems, but it will also make you hit your head and blood. Let me say a word for Minister Wu. Take care of yourself.

This is sometimes the case in domestic politics. No one will offend any high-level person for the sake of so-called justice and so-called ideals. Unless it is a political need, it will be the life or death of an outsider. Don't say that Li Yanhong won't pay attention to it. Song Chaodu would not take the risk. Xia wanted to raise his eyes and look around. I just found out that it was thorny at this moment. He is alone and thinks that he is not a fantasist Tangjihede. He knows that he can't do it rather than do it. He doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to benefit the country's life and death. How can he avoid history because of misfortune and blessings? Instead, he didn't know the detour frog arm to block the car. He pondered for a while. He smiled again, shook his head, and looked at the time.

10:30 a.m. I know that the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee should be convened at this time to discuss the personnel transfer of Lang City and Tianze City.

Because of the problem of ancient countries. I believe that Fan Ruiheng will not resist the proposal at 11:30. Hu Zengzhou called "Comrade Xiaxiang. Let me tell you the good news. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has passed a series of appointments. Hu Zengzhou's voice was very peaceful. Not much excitement. Because this appointment has little interest to him. He just did a smooth favor. But the promotion of cadres is a big deal. Whether he is strong or not. Call as soon as possible. It is also the way of officialdom carried by Huahuaqiaozi. Xia Xiang sincerely expressed his gratitude to Hu Zengzhou. Keep in mind the support and love for Secretary Hu, such as so, Hu Zengzhou knows that Xia wants to accept the feelings. I can't wait for Xia to say more.

I hung up the phone.

Just after putting down the phone, Wang Pengfei called again.

A group of people in the provincial party committee knew that Chen Tianyu was promoted from the main office to the deputy hall. And it is also an important position of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee. The range is not small, and there must be a pusher behind it. It was Hu Zengzhou's proposal to the organizing department again. As smart as Wang Pengfei. I immediately knew that it was Xia's handwriting.

He also called in time to congratulate Xia Xiang, and also reported the process of support and opposition to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. The meaning of the words is to make Xia figure it out that he cast a valuable affirmative vote.

Xia thought also understood that Wang Peng also let him take it for granted and must accept it.

Then, Gao Jinzhou called again, chatted a few words, and talked about the history of the Standing Committee. Finally, Gao Jinzhou encouraged Xia to work well in Tianze City. Feel free to come to him if you have any difficulties.

I'll help you solve it first. I can't solve it. You can ask Governor Song to come forward again.

Gao Jinzhou's official three flavors are also more time-saving than his Chuyan. Much more proficient, Xia wanted to say a few words respectfully and enthusiastically.

Only Song Chaodu didn't call. Xia wanted to call him. It's not that Song Chaodu insisted on putting on airs in front of Xiaxiang, but the tacit understanding between the two no longer needed more phone calls to contact each other.

Unexpectedly, Song Chaodu was not in the office. Secretary Chen Taizhong told Xiaxiang. Governor Song urgently went to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, which made Xia want to wonder about the strange thing. There are few intersections between the governor and the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Song Dynasty does not like to interfere indiscriminately. There must be something important to happen when he goes to the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Xia thought one more question: "What happened?"

Chen Taizhong is the new secretary of Song Chaodu after serving as governor. He didn't know much about Governor Song's network. He only heard of it but didn't see Xia. Just now, Xia wanted to ask in a hurry and didn't report himself. He became impatient: "What are you looking for? Can you ask casually? Don't say what you shouldn't say,... Who are you?"

Xia thought that he had never met Chen Taizhong. All I know is that he is a little proud of others. No one is in sight. He suppressed his voice and said, "I'm Xiaxiang."

"Xia...Mayor Xia?" Chen Taizhong was stunned. Who is Xia? Xiaxiang is the most valued person of Governor Song. Looking at the whole province of Yan, it is the person most appreciated by the governor of Song. Although he is the secretary of the governor of Song, the degree of intimacy with the governor of Song is compared with that of Xia, one in the sky and the other.

He panicked. If he offended Xia, it was no different from offended Governor Song. His arrogant tone immediately lowered a little: "It turned out to be Mayor Xia. Sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't think of you. Governor Song went to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. I heard that it was because of Chen's affairs..."

Oh, Chen? Xia wanted to be excited all of a sudden. It must be a big deal. He didn't care about being polite to Chen Taizhong, so he hung up the phone. As a result, Xia's behavior made Chen Taizhong worried for a long time. I'm afraid that Xia wants to speak ill of him in front of Governor Song. It made him very cautious for two months.

I just put down the phone. Lang City called. It's time. What Xia didn't expect was the person who called to inform the situation as soon as possible. It turned out to be Lu Hongzhan, Mayor Xia. Oh, Chen turned himself in!" Lu Hongzhan's voice also revealed an unbelievable tone. I didn't expect it. Oh, Chen still has the courage to surrender..

Oh, Chen's surrender is conditional. He is required to ask the Langshi Public Security Bureau to escort him to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, otherwise he will not submit significant evidence. After Lu Hongzhan asked Ai Chengwen, the municipal party committee nodded and agreed. He decided to escort Chen Laiyan City in person.

Oh, Chen's surrender is more or less unexpected than Xia thought. In his opinion, oh, Chen should stick to it until the last minute. Because Gu Xiangguo's sentence was light and heavy, it was entirely related to his life. If the country is lightly sentenced, in accordance with the principle of minimizing the negative impact. It won't be too heavy to deal with him. It may even be over.

Because Xia wants to leave Langshi. Without the hosting situation, you have to put it aside.

Many people in the municipal party committee and Chen are entangled. They must have the mentality of not letting Chen have an accident to prevent him from biting indiscriminately. In addition, Chen has always been cautious in doing things. The things committed in the past are not under-documented or too long. There are still many people who have no proof of death, so many people guess.

Oh, Chen has escaped a dilemma, and at least he can retire. Of course, the premise is that his former enemy does not retaliate against him.

Who knows? Chen doesn't know which tendon is wrong. He has to suddenly turn himself in. He also claimed to submit major solicitation.

If it is only general material evidence. I'm afraid that Chen can't get out of Langshi. Because many people are worried that Chen will bite them out. But oh, the major levy provided by Chen directly pointed to Gu Xiangguo!

It just echoes the wind that the ancient country may be lightly sentenced in the province, which immediately made people realize that Chen chose to turn himself in at this time. I'm afraid he did it intentionally, and what he wanted was to put the ancient country to death!

That's why Ai Chengwen immediately nodded and let go. Agree to let Chen turn himself in to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

A shocking turning point!

Xia thought of Chen's repeated instructions before. Obviously, it means to entrust an orphan. I think of the nameless night with Jinyin Chali again. Maybe they still have to do it at Chen's instruction. Let him take care of them as much as possible for the rest of his life.

Have a fight with Oh, Chen. Although he is sometimes despicable or even inferior, he is a hero in terms of what he has done in his life and his final choice!

Sure enough. Before Xia Xiang could ask the provincial party committee about the situation again, Song Chaodu called in time: "Xia Xiang. Chen A submitted significant evidence to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Gu Xiangguo... can't pass! However, there is also one point that his evidence is closely related to him, and he can't escape the death penalty.

Oh, Chen finally stabbed in the end in a tragic way. I chose to die with Gu Xiangguo! Is it an thanks or a wake-up? Or do you have other considerations? He didn't say that outsiders would never know.

is also a reward for Chen's want to take care of the gold and silver tea buds? Maybe it's not Xia who wants to stand alone in the window. She has been speechless for a long time. Looking at the scenery outside the window, the sky is blue after the rain, and there is a colorful blood hanging in the sky. Then. The phone rang again. He knew it. It's time for him to embark on a new journey...