official god

Chapter 922 The First Fire

Xia wants to experience the experience of Lang City, and has also seen the shamelessness of officials protecting each other in the officialdom and the black and white face upside down. Thinking about it, he also feels that he has achieved the position of the hall level and has become the head of a city. Up to now, it is also a strange thing that he can't How many people can become mayors with different contamination?

What's more incredible is that he touched the interests of countless corrupt officials, but he has never been defeated by them, if he hadn't had a deep network of relationships. And taking advantage of the opportunity wisely, he has been knocked down countless times.

He can allow the people below to be slightly unclean, but he can't tolerate their unscrupulously doing evil. There is a bottom line in everything. As a party member and cadre, as the director of the Land Bureau, he has no image of the superior at all. He is as arrogant as a bandit. It is not only the image It has the image of a national cadre.

Xia thinks about the strategy of driving the change of Tianze City with the help of the market economy. It is to change. The frog is boiled in warm water from the outside and inside, which is relatively gentle and in line with the current situation of Tianze City. But when Lao Gu's accident came, he overturned Dong Xiaoming's car in anger, which actually triggered a fire in the officialdom. In this way, it is necessary to do both internally and externally at the same time, and both hands should be hard!

The outside is a frog boiled in warm water, and the inside is bone scraping to cure poison, and after several temptations and contacts, as well as the not fierce competition, it can be seen that the current situation of Tianze City is both externally and internally. A single breakthrough may be difficult. Only by combining the inside and outside can it be possible to break the conservative and inherent concept of backwardness and bring fresh air.

Chen Tianyu has not spoken since he came in. Xiaxiang's first-class eyes showed that he immediately understood, took out a piece of material, turned it over, and said slowly, "It happens that I have a material in my hand to reflect the situation of the villagers of Xiding Village, expressing dissatisfaction with the requisition of their land by the Mutu According to the regulations, the villagers, 00 people jointly complained, and they were all suppressed by the Land Bureau..."

Chen Tianyu's voice was not high, and his tone was very casual. As soon as he spoke, the air was extremely solemn. Chen Jiewen's face was cold and gloomy. Pei Yifeng was calm on the surface, but there was a flash of anger in his eyes. Even Wu Mingyi had an uncomfortable expression, using the action of drinking water

Everyone knows that Dong Tianyu is the vanguard of Xiaxiang, which makes everyone uneasy. Is the situation Chen Tianyu grasped by Xiaxiang's instruction, or the information he got by himself inadvertently?

The focus of the land problem in Siding Village is not on the violations at the time of requisition, but on the use after requisition. Chen Jiewen knows everything in her heart. In addition to Xiaxiang and Chen Tianyu, there is Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. Because the Land Bureau's expropriation of land land is indeed suspected of forced expropriation, which lowers the price. However, if it is only a low price and illegal operation, it is not enough to make Chen Jiewen panic, All of them are used to build high-end villas!

The earliest Land Bureau used the opportunity of the bureau's cadres and staff to raise funds to build houses to build more than 10 "combination villas" with top-level attics for the leaders of the bureau, each with a construction area of 250 square meters. However, at the beginning of construction, the drawings were suddenly changed, and more than 10 combined villas were increased to more than 20. Not only do the leaders of the Land and Resources Bureau have a set of major party and government leaders of the municipal party committee, but also the price is as low as 800 yuan per square meter, but also the illegal operation has built a yard of more than 100 square meters for each villa.

How is the shocking corruption in Tianze City, where the per capita income is less than 1,000 yuan, with a residential area of 250 square meters and a yard of more than 100 square meters? In fact, Xiaxiang did not fully find out the truth of the matter, but he was from an architectural background. After receiving Peng Yunfeng's materials, he could conclude at a glance that there were not only power and money transactions, but also a lot of unknown shady stories.

Because it involves almost all the major party and government leaders in Tianze City, Xia wants to know that the matter is of great importance, so he only let Chen Tianyu throw out the issue of land acquisition, which is also the meaning of ringing the alarm first, so that several people can retreat from the difficulties, jump out in time to pick themselves, and let them have

Xia wants to hate the power and money transaction again, and he also knows that it is impossible to take the main party and government leaders of Tianze City because of the problem of a villa. There are power and money transactions in any place, and there are corruption and corruption. Lang City may not be much better than Tianze City, but at that time, because Chen's Therefore, corruption is not the main contradiction. Now in Tianze City, because of the moderate political struggle, corruption and corruption has a tendency to rise to the main contradiction.

All he wants is to wake up and believe that Chen Jiewen is fine. Others will also judge the situation, stop in time, and no longer protect Dong Xiaoming.

Silence, there is a depressing silence in the venue. Obviously. Chen Tianyu's words shocked the snake.

Yes, among the people present, except Xiaxiang and Chen Tianyu, everyone has a share. Chen Tianyu raised the land acquisition problem of Xiding Village, which directly pointed to Xiding Villa!

The embarrassing silence lasted for half a minute. Wu Mingyi broke the awkward atmosphere: "The land acquisition problem in Xiding Village has been noisy for more than a year. The last municipal government also intervened in the investigation, and finally did not come to a conclusion. What should I say? The land of the government will certainly be a little tricky. We must face the side of our work that is not in place, but we do not rule out the fact that some villagers are insatiable and take the opportunity to extort the government. Now there are still people who mention the old things. My opinion is to put it aside.

In response to Dong Xiaoming's handling opinion, Wu Mingyi did not express his opinion. Now that he mentioned the issue of land acquisition, he put on a peaceful attitude, which made Xia Xiang also very disappointed.

The interest network of Tianze City is more complex and larger than he expected. It has caught almost all the heavyweights. As expected, it can't be moved. The address has a dense and strong rebound.

"If Mayor Xia is not at ease, he can start to investigate the land acquisition problem again, but my suggestion is that there is really no need to move the public to investigate again, that is, the Land Bureau deducted part of the land acquisition money, and then let Dong Xiaoming compensate the villagers later." Chen Jiewen made up her argument, which was also a step of concession, hoping to stop in exchange for Xia.

Xia couldn't help sneering, and now he found some clues. Chen Jiewen said lightly that she wanted to make up for the compensation. Why didn't she make it up before? Obviously, he owes money to the villagers, but now he owes debts to pay off the money. It is a natural thing, but it has become a great concession, and he obviously wants to take the opportunity to let him go of Dong Xiaoming. It's really robber logic.

I owed you money before. OK, I'll pay it back to you now. Can I not investigate what I've committed now?

Pei Yifeng echoed again: "That's right. That is to be, I have the most contact with the grassroots. Mayor Xia doesn't know that some unruly people are too difficult to deal with now. You give him a compensation of 10,000 yuan. He wants 100,000 yuan. You promised 100,000 yuan. He wants 200,000 yuan! There are too many unruly people in Tianze City, especially some villagers in the urban-rural area..."

"I will continue to investigate Dong Xiaoming's affairs." Xia thought rudely interrupted Pei Yifeng, "Is there any problem with him? Comrades know that I don't want to say some things to my face to face, so as not to hurt the harmony, but I have to say some things that I can turn a blind eye to, but as long as I see some things, I can't tolerate them!"

Everyone's face changed. Mayor Xia was too strong to declare war on the whole Tianze Municipal Party Committee?

Chen Jiewen felt ashamed: "Mayor Xia, you should believe in the collective wisdom of the municipal party committee and respect the collective decision of the municipal party committee!"

"I abide by the decisions of the Municipal Party Committee, but I respect the law and the dignity and rights of the people!" In the face of an airtight network, Xia wanted to feel not the breathless pressure, but the unspeakable pain. The director of the Land and Resources Bureau can kidnap the main leaders of the municipal party committee, doesn't it mean that he wants to promote the new governance concept? When it touches the interests of some state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Will it also touch the interests of most people in the municipal party committee in disguise?

The road ahead, a long road, many difficulties!

"According to the situation of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Comrade Dong Xiaoming did not commit embezzlement and bribery.

However, Mayor Xia has the spirit of instruction. The Commission for Discipline Inspection will intervene to investigate again. The right and wrong are straightforward, and there must be an account. Pi Buji responded lightly, which was what Chongxia wanted to say, but his eyes were staring at Chen Jiewen. The intention was obvious that you, a mayor, could not interfere in the handling of the case of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"Good, I believe in the fairness of the Commission for Discipline Inspection." Xia thought of himself and nod slightly at Chen Jiewen, "I also believe in the overall view of the municipal party committee, but I also want to remind my comrades that Tianze City is very close to the capital, and the wind and grass can disturb the high-level officials of the capital, and no one can guess what an important person Dong Xiaoming hit!"

After saying that, Xia thought didn't wait for Chen Jiegui to speak and pushed the door out. The municipal party committee leaders who threw down several heavyweights of Tianze looked at each other and stood on the spot.

Chen Tianyu and Wu Mingyi walked out of the secretary's office side by side. Wu Mingyi hesitated for a moment and invited Chen Tianyu: "Tianyu, come to my office to talk?"

Chen Tianyu did not object and followed Wu Mingyi to the office. Wu Mingyi politely gave Chen Tianyu a glass of water in person.

"Tianyu, you have a close relationship with Mayor Xia. Please persuade him well." Wu Mingyi knew that he had no confidence to speak in front of Xia Xiang. First, he was a member of the Wu family, but he was still far from the core. Second, he could see that Xia wanted to be jealous of evil and hatred, especially he could not tolerate the behavior of corruption. He did not dare to say to Xia Xiang, "The interpersonal relationship in Tianze Chaos, but in the end, he will be bound by himself. There is no need for Mayor Xia to make a difference in Tianze City. As long as he is a stable mayor and has full of qualifications, he can completely change to a rich place to be a leader. There is no need to bother, and even thank you..."

Wu Mingyi is out of good intentions. He wants to have a good relationship with Mayor Xia, not only because Mayor Xia is the second person in Tianze City, but also because he is a department-level official trained by the Wu family at this stage. He will definitely be the core team of the Wu family in the future, but Mayor Luo, now because of the Dong Xiaoming incident, he may have a cured opinion against him.

Chen Tianyu looked embarrassed: "Mayor Xia is very principled. In the Lower Horse District, he once vowed to defend the Lower Horse River to the death. For the benefit of the people, he did not hesitate to jump into the flood, but punished corrupt officials. He is not soft at all. In Lang City. Oh, Chen's power was so powerful that he ate both black and white, and was eventually defeated, because Chen Fang harmed the interests of the people. Secretary Wu, I can't persuade Mayor Xia in private. Don't embarrass me.

"Alas." Wu Mingyi sighed. Tianze City is not comparable to Lang City. The situation in Lang City is complex on the surface, but there is a line in thousands of threads. If you find the right one, it is easy to solve it. Tianze City is a mess. Mayor Xia is a quick knife, and it may not be cut off. The problem of Tianze City has a long history. It's not easy to solve. He is still young, and he can't make trouble for himself because of his anger..."

In the month of Wu Mingyi and Chen Tianyu's exchange, Pibuji was also discussing countermeasures with Chen Jiewen.

"Secretary Chen, the matter of Xiding Villa can't stand the investigation. If Mayor Xia has to investigate everything, it will be difficult to deal with."

Chen Jiewen looked worried: "So is Mayor Xia. Why do you have to have trouble with Dong Xiaoming? Dong Xiaoming didn't offend him again. Is it because Dong Xiaoming didn't report to him? After thinking for a while, he said again. In this way. Let's tell Dong Xiaoming to be honest recently, don't make trouble, choose the largest villa, pack it up, and prepare to give it to Mayor Xia.

"If Mayor Xia doesn't want it, will it have to be endless?" Pi Buji knew what had happened to Dong Xiaoming. "Of course, the Commission for Discipline Inspection did not cooperate with the work, and the Municipal Bureau also followed the instructions of the Municipal Party Committee. He wanted to investigate Dong Xiaoming and had no place to do it."

"Tianze City is a pool of stagnant water, and he can't afford to toss around. Mayor Xia wants the new official to take office three times. If he wants to burn Dong Xiaoming, he will burn the wrong place. If he insists on going his own way, let him hit a wall, young man. Don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

Dong Xiaoming's matter only caused disputes within the municipal party committee, and it did not spread to the outside world, but then a big thing happened outside!

The housing project has been shut down!

After Zhang You has paid 30% of the advance payment. I officially settled in the site and prepared to start the construction of Tianze City. The winter comes early and enters November. The autumn wind will freeze at any time. First, dig the foundation, level the site, and then feed the material. After freezing, you can also do some auxiliary work when it snows.

Unexpectedly, not long after entering the market, Zhang You encountered the biggest problem since doing business. He could not recruit workers, could not buy building materials, could not rent equipment, and did not count the above. He was also limited by the power, fined by the Health Bureau, stuck by the quality supervision department, etc. Unexpectedly, difficulties and blows emerged one after another I want to cry without tears.

Zhang You didn't want to find Mayor Xia. He couldn't do anything. He let the mayor come forward, which seemed that he was too incompetent. However, seeing that the weather turns cloudy, the weather forecast says that the temperature will drop sharply. If the temperature drops, the foundation can't be excavated. Although it has little impact on the construction after the beginning of spring, it is of great symbolic significance. It is equivalent to his defeat in the first battle, and the venue will be rearranged after the beginning of spring, which will delay a lot of time.

Zhang You was as anxious as an ant on an iron pot. When he was frowned at the construction site, a member of the Quality Supervision Bureau came to the door, picked up his nose and raised his eyes, saying that the safety was unqualified, the wire ** was outside, the water pipe was wrong, and so on. In the past, they were very polite to Zhang You, and Zhang You fed them a lot. Now they have changed their faces, with their nostrils facing up to the sky, full of momentum, and shouting and drinking. Zhang You couldn't bear to burst out: "Is the wire not up to standard? There is no electricity! Is the water pipe in the wrong position? There is no water! You are deliberately looking for trouble!"

The leader is a section chief, named Tianwen. His name is very elegant, and he looks very vulgar. He has a ruffian face, and there is a mole on his face. There are three hairs on the mole, and he smiles obscenely: "Mr. Zhang, I said you are not qualified, and you are not qualified. I said you are qualified, and you are also qualified to electrocute people. Good and bad are all in my mouth. Are you not convinced? Are you unconvinced to go to your mayor's backstage? Humph, I thought that if I rely on the mayor, there will be a big tree to enjoy the cool. Let me tell you, the secretary of Tianze has the final say, and the mayor has the final say. I said don't blame your brothers for not giving you face. We used to have friendships, but now the situation is different. Some people want to deal with you. If you talk to them, we all have to be obedient, right? Don't blame anyone, just blame yourself for standing in the wrong team.

"It doesn't count what the mayor said?" A voice suddenly sounded behind him. Tian Tian looked back and saw a young cadre-like man standing behind him, with his hands behind his back and a bad face. "What's your name?"

"Astronomy Sky Section Chief.

"Zhang You hurriedly reported the name of the astronomer, and he was overjoyed.

Astronomy saw that the man looked calm and imposing. At first, he was shocked, and then remembered that he had someone to support him. No one was afraid in Tianze City, so he straightened his waist again: "What's wrong, not convinced? That's what I said just now, and I'm in charge. The power bureau and the hydropower bureau have cut off water and power. Let's talk about it if you have the ability to solve it.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard someone shouting in the distance: "It's coming, the water is coming!"

The astronomical face changed, and he wanted to say something else. I heard a loud noise from the outside, and all kinds of heavy equipment lined up into a long queue and drove into the field. Behind the heavy equipment, there were large trucks transporting all kinds of building materials. The momentum was magnificent and the scene was amazing. The dust swept the sky, which seemed to have overwhelming power!

Astronomy was stunned. How could it be? It doesn't mean that the joint action of all parties will defeat Zhang You. Whoever let him take the lead has harmed the interests of all parties. It shouldn't be, even if someone comes forward to settle all departments of the government. Merchants who rent equipment and sell building materials have no way to force them to sell them to Zhang You. What the hell happened?

Zhang You was so excited that he didn't know what to say: "Secretary Xu, thank you so much, thank you so much..."

Secretary Xu? Astronomy has woken up, Xu Ziqi, the second secret of Tianze City? He opened his mouth. Before he could speak, Xu Ziqi said coldly, "Just now, you deliberately made things difficult for developers and obstructed the normal start of the housing project. It has been recorded by the TV station, and the news in the evening will be broadcast. Chief Tian, remember to enjoy it at night!"

The first fire of Mayor Xia's new official's appointment was officially lit!