official god

Chapter 927 Fire by the Wind

Today's update is ten thousand five thousand, and ** in the future, I will confidently shout to my brother: I urgently need monthly ticket support! If you don't have a subscription, brother of the OP chapter, please support it as soon as possible. There will be a key data soon. With a subscription, it is possible to take another step forward in the achievements of the official god. It's important, it's important! The second update immediately. The woman who had been infatuated with him for several years but did not know how to cherish the fragrance of the woman... One by one, he wanted to move and put his hand into Wei Xin's pajamas: "On a snowy day, keep guests..."

Wei Xin felt Xia's big hand swimming unscrupulously on her body, and her face turned red: "Pengmen began to open for you..." Before she finished speaking, her clothes slipped quietly...

It snowed heavily all night.

At dawn, the light reflected from the window reminded Xia that it must be snowing a lot. There is little snow in winter in Yan City. I didn't expect to encounter the first snow soon after I first came to Tianze City.

And it seems that the snow has not stopped, and it is still falling heavily and falling underground.

Look at Wei Xin in his arms, he was lazy and lingering, his eyes half open, and he was smiling shyly at him. ** The shoulders outside are smooth and charming, and the collarbone is deep, elegant as jade.

The plum blossomed twice last night. The spring breeze boldly combed the willows. At night, the rain concealed the flowers, the snow fell silently, the flowers were speechless, and there was its own tenderness.

In different time and space, Xia wants the same body, but she enters Wei Xin's body again, which is indescribable. Wei Xin's whole body was flushed, and his eyes were like water like fog. The buds on his chest trembled slightly, and he was so tight that he dared not let Xia go in. What Xia wanted to be most familiar with was Wei Xin's body. He gently kissed her whole body, bit her earlobe, and put his hands under her armpits - Wei Xin, who was the most ** area of Wei Xin, surrendered. He slowly opened his legs and let Xia want to slide down.

At the moment to enter, Wei Xin gently bit Xia's shoulder: "Hey, be gentle..."

Then Wei Xin groaned and exclaimed and became a real woman. Xia wanted to feel the familiar temperature and fragrance of Wei Xin's body, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She whispered, "In this life, I will give you anything except marriage..."

Wei Xin burst into tears and hugged Xia's back tightly: "In this life and this life, I don't want to be forever, I just want to have..."

It seems that fate is a reversal. She desperately wants to get it forever. In this life, she has never thought about it forever. She just wants to have this moment. The sigh of life, the beauty of fate, is the same.

After the incident, Wei Xin was infinitely shy, but he still endured the pain: "If you want, I'll give it to you again..."

"No, come back later. I'm afraid you can't bear it..."


One night of lingering, one night of entanglement of the past life and the present world. Wei Xin did not know that a great change had taken place in fate, but Xia thought that he had a clear experience in his heart. Maybe he felt guilty or regretd. Maybe it was a new beginning.

Everything is so natural, and the confusion between Mei Xiaolin and the absurdity of ancient jade is completely different. The night between him and Wei Xin is so perfect and let nature take its course.

A heavy snow made Tianze City much quieter, and there were few people on the street. All the vehicles slowed down, as slow as snails. The northern city, which is located in a cold place, is indeed an objective reason for the slow economic development in the cold period of half a year due to the long winter. When it is cold, people are unwilling to go out for activities. Correspondingly, the sales of shopping malls and various markets will be greatly affected.

In previous years, it was the most comfortable time for government agencies and institutions in winter. Because there were few people working, all work almost fell into a standstill, and the workload was more than half of the usual time. Most of the time was free, a cup of tea, a cigarette. I read a newspaper for half a day. Take the license, get the bonus, and be as leisurely as a fairy.

However, the Dong Xiaoming incident has still added a lot of talk for this winter. For those who want to go further, it is not just a talk about it, but also a weathervane. Some people who are self-aware of the inside story advertise that Dong Xiaoming was taken down, which is the first fire of Mayor Xia's challenge to Chen Shu*. Waiting to see, the second fire will soon be on fire.

Before the second fire was burned, there was a rumor. In relation to the successor of the Director of the Quality Supervision Bureau, there was another contradiction between Mayor Xia and Chen Shu*.

According to the normal procedure, if you promote department-level cadres at the deputy department level, you should do a corresponding investigation among the deputy department-level colleagues of the promoted personnel and listen to the opinions of colleagues. Of course, most of them go through the motions. Anyone who is promoted is appointed by a superior leader, but it has to go smoothly.

Executive Vice Mayor Yang Jian made an investigation on behalf of the Municipal Government in the Land Bureau, which has been released and intends to promote Jiang Tao. However, in the process of going through the motions, it was found that Jiang Tao's evaluation was not too high. On the contrary, another deputy director, Wang Jinglue, had the same name as Qi Yanan's security captain, but Wang Jinglue was very different from Wang Jinglue, who was highly praised.

Obviously, Wang Jinglue is another person who wants to be promoted. Needless to say, it must be Chen Shu*.

Although the Quality Supervision Bureau is a government department, the book * Ji presides over the overall work, and intervenes in whatever you want, especially the personnel, which is the top priority that the book * record cannot let go.

Xia also expected that Chen Jiewen would definitely not let go of the throne of the director of the Land Bureau. The Land Bureau is an important department, and she can't rest assured if she doesn't hold it in her own hands. But it is politics to make progress and retreat in everything. He has made some concessions in the Dong Xiaoming incident. Chen Jiewen has not made any concessions at all. Even the next director wants to hold it in his hands. He just wants to move forward and don't want to take a step back. It's too much.

Xia thought that he must take the Land Bureau into his own hands, otherwise the future governance concept cannot be implemented, and the Beijing New City has a general outline in his mind. He must show the blueprint in his heart step by step. Throughout the main leaders of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, there are few people who really understand the economy and are pragmatic, so it is more necessary for him to grasp several major districts, counties and the overall situation.

Before the book* office meeting was held, as Xia thought, Chen Jiewen took the initiative to exchange with him on the question of the selection of a director of the National Scholars. He understood that the conditions were coming.

Sitting calmly in front of Chen Jiewen, Xia wanted to have a frank expression. Chen Jiewen also had a confident look. The two first nodded and smiled, and then sat down. Chen Jiewen said bluntly, "Mayor Xia" Wang Jing is slightly older than Jiang Tao, with high qualifications and high prestige. It is appropriate for him to be the director of the Land and Resources Bureau..."

"Chen Shu * Ji, Wang Jingluo is a little too old. The main reason is that his thinking is too conservative and he has no sense of innovation." Now he needs young people with pioneering spirit to go to more important jobs in order to adapt to the development needs of the new era..." Since Chen Jiewen came up, she directly points out the theme and did not Xia thought that there was no need to cover up or respond directly. He also knew that today was the first face-to-face move with Chen Jiewen on personnel issues.

"Comrade Jiang Tao has had an affair, and the impact is not very good..."

"Comrade Wang Jinglue has made mistakes in the past and there is a stain on politics..." After several fights, Chen Jiewen smiled instead: "Mr. Zhao of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce is almost time. After he comes down, let Jiang Tao go, how about..."

"Jiang Tao has been in the Land Bureau, and he is more familiar with the work of the Land Bureau..." Xiaxiang also smiled. He smiled secretly in his heart. Chen Tao's friendship was really elegant and self-restraint. He didn't give up an inch, and she was not annoyed at all. It was rare that she didn't put on the posture of writing a book to pressure him.

However, it is precisely because Chen Jiewen follows the rules and wants to play cards according to the rules. In fact, it's better for Chen Jiewen not to play cards as usual. She proves that she is confident and thinks that everything is under control. When she suddenly becomes unreasonable, it is when she is in a mess.

"Does Mayor Xia have a high opinion on how to promote the economic development of Tianze City in the next step..." Chen Jiewen, like all leaders, was very jumpy and changed the topic at once.

A skill to let others follow their own ideas and master the initiative of conversation, but in front of Xiaxiang, her strategy will not be very effective.

"In the next step, the government intends to introduce a support policy. I have reached a preliminary consensus with Lao Yang, and I will go to the government's executive meeting to discuss it in the next few days." Only Yang Jian did not mention Xu Fanhua. Naturally, it implied that Chen Jiewen's face changed slightly, but she still put on a posture of I want to continue, "The private enterprises in Tianze City are not strong enough. The municipal government decided to focus on screening ten large private enterprises to provide all-round support from tax relief, policy support, land use preferences and other aspects..."

Chen Jiewen's face changed greatly.

It's not good to change your face. With Xiaxiang's measures, the annual tax reduction and exemption will be as high as 450,000 yuan, which is not the point. The point is that there are objective reasons why private enterprises in Tianze City cannot develop, not only because of private enterprises themselves, but also with the policy of the municipal party committee and the municipal

Xiaxiang's policy is equivalent to a huge axe, which will not only hurt many people in Tianze City, but also touch the fundamental interests of the four major families. Chen Jiewen was puzzled. Isn't Xia a member of the family? How can his behavior have the style of civilian power?

What is his political position?

The limited number of private enterprises in Tianze City are in the hands of several major leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, and even Chen Jiewen herself has a share. She is very clear that Xia wants to support ten private enterprises, and will definitely exclude several members of the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

If the above is not the most worrying thing for Chen Jiewen, she wants to remind Xia that there are several large-scale enterprises in Tianze City that are not bad in scale and efficiency, which are actually controlled by the four major families.

Tianze vanadium-titanium Co., Ltd., the largest enterprise in Tianze City, has total assets of more than 15 billion yuan. The Wu family is the actual controller. The main raw material for the production of vanadium-titanium products is vanadium-titanium magnetite, which is a rare source in the world. China's reserves account for the third place in the world, mainly concentrated in Tianze City and Panzhihua. The source of vanadium and titanium ore is also the biggest advantage of Tianze City. Unfortunately, first, it is controlled by the Wu family, and second, it is transferred to the province. A large number of taxes have been handed over to the province, and Tianze City has not received much benefits.

The most famous brand product in Tianze City is Manna Almond Dew, which was included in the bag by the Mei family through various means as early as a few years ago and became one of the industries of the Mei family. The Ganlu brand is not only a well-known trademark in China, but also produces almond dew with a market share of more than 90%, which is absolutely in a monopoly position.

The industry controlled by Fujia in Tianze City is Tianze Zhongyuan Gold Co., Ltd., which is a large gold factory with an annual output of 900,000 taels of gold. It is one of the famous gold mines in China.

Qiu's industry in Tianze City is mainly a one-day traditional Chinese medicine production base. It is a modern pharmaceutical group that mainly researches, develops, produces and sells Chinese patent medicines, traditional Chinese medicine extracts, western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine raw materials and health food. It is one of the leading enterprises in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Yan Province.

The four major families have firmly grasped the economic lifeline of Tianze City. At the same time, the main leaders of the municipal party committee are basically the direct line of the four families. In addition to vigorously giving preferential policies to the above enterprises, they only take out a small number of political and economic resources to support several private enterprises, political resources and society that have Resources are originally limited. After tilting to the enterprises of the four major families, how can it support the development and growth of other private enterprises to several stakeholder private enterprises?

Therefore, the state-owned enterprises in Tianze City are rigid, and the private enterprises are half dead, which has something to do with the conservative and outdated concepts of Tianze City, but fundamentally there are still objective reasons that cannot be avoided. In fact, Tianze City is just a microcosm of the current situation of many cities in China. Social and political resources are only in the hands of a few people... In such a large city, only a few of millions of people can work in large companies whose treatment and welfare are several times better than ordinary units. Their income It is often several times or even more than ten times the income of ordinary people. They are the envy of everyone. Whether it is salary income, or envious benefits, or even welfare housing that is less than half of the market price, they all reflect the superiority of a good unit.

Because they unfairly occupy most of the social resources, and most of the powerless people only share a very small part of the social resources, which gradually widens the polarization gap between the rich and the poor. The poor are, the richer the richer, the more officials' sons are also officials, and the sons of rich businessmen. Business, but the descendants of the poor will always be poor.

The formation of powerful capitalism is actually completely under the help of the family power, and it has gradually developed and grown" and formed a class antagonism in China. Maybe it can't be seen how serious the sequelae will be in ten or eight years, but after 20 or thirty years, when 80% of the people find that whether it is the entrance examination or hard work, they can't fight for others to have a good father. Then the dissatisfaction with society's dissatisfaction with the country will gradually deepen, and when the whole society forms a class antagonism and the dissatisfaction reaches a critical point, it will burst out.

Not only in Tianze City, in fact, in many cities controlled by family forces in China, there are large groups like vampires who suck 80% of the city's social resources to let 20% of people live a superior and prosperous life, while only 80% of ordinary people who have less than 20% of social resources. The hard work of one's life may not be worth the one-year welfare of a good unit!

What's more, although many large groups are located at the local level, they are in the name of the provincial or national level. Taxation goes directly to the real country, contributing almost nothing to local finance, which is equivalent to directly occupying the limited resources in the local area, but does not bring any benefits to the local people. .

... Xiaxiang has known the current situation and hidden dangers of Tianze City for a long time. As early as when Mr. Wu transferred him to Tianze City, he thought about this problem again and again. He knew that with the wisdom of Mr. Wu, it must be meaningful to choose him to come to Tianze City.

The amount of social resources and industries involved in the Wu family and Mei, Fu and Qiu Sanjia in Tianze City were also clearly understood after Xia Xiang came to Tianze City. With the strength of the four major families, although the industry of Tianze City is just a drizzle for their huge foundation, the pursuit of interests is always the goal of politicians, and no matter how small the interests are, they will not let go.

Xia Xiang also knows that when Mr. Wu asked him to come to Tianze City, it is definitely not as simple as letting him to maintain the Wu family's industry in Tianze City, but to take advantage of the chaotic and poor situation in Tianze City to test his political wisdom, or to test whether his position is firm.

Mr. Wu's position on his current preference for family power is actually not 100% convinced. Yes, an official from a civilian background has not relied on the action of the family forces all the way, and the governance concept in several places is the position of the common people. Can he change his concept and stand on the position of the family forces? The old man is still skeptical.

What's more, he has a close relationship with Lao Gu, and Lao Gu, as the intermediary of the prime minister, is strange that Mr. Wu is not wary of him. Mr. Wu can accommodate him, promote him, and help him, but if his political position is not firm, Mr. Wu will also abandon him mercilessly, because politics is politics, family affection is family affection, and cannot be confused. Mr. Wu must consider the whole Wu family, and as the leader of the family, he must also lead all the family forces.

Xia wants to have reason to believe that at the critical moment, out of the consideration of the overall situation, Mr. Wu may even personally bury his future!

In fact, although there is no Chen in Tianze City, although there is no personal threat from the evil forces, its degree of danger is not comparable to that of Lang City, and it is even better. Because he is walking the tightrope now, he may fall into a cliff if he is not careful. At that time, Mr. Wu will not ask for help, and even if his position has been wavering, even the Prime Minister will stand by.

He has taken an unprecedented dangerous road, which is more dangerous than completely turning to civilian forces or family forces. But he can't flinch. With a little idealistic spirit, he really doesn't want to be the same as the same, and he doesn't want to be with the light and the same dust. Instead, he wants to rely on his own strength to do goodwill guidance for the family forces. For the civilian forces, do intentional integration, so that the two can I don't want to bring social uneasiness and hidden dangers to the country.

"Mayor Xia" You really know what you are doing..." Chen Jiewen's face was not good and said rudely, "Some inside information in the light and dark of Tianze City must be clear in your heart with your channels and intelligence. The new official took office three times. If you regard the support of ten private enterprises as the second fire, I advise you not to set yourself on fire..."

What Chen Jiewen doesn't believe is that the fire is about to ignite a shocking fire...