official god

Chapter 934 Disputes and Doubts

If there is an inevitable conflict of interest between him and Chen Jiewen, their respective political means, restricting each other and seizing power are nothing more than serving their respective political ideas. However, Chen Jiewen smeared his face with the matter of Jin Yinli, which was a means of not going into the flow. He had never wanted to make any noise in Tianze City. He wanted to make peace with the wind and rain, but he didn't expect that not only the difficulties, but also the fierce counterattack methods of the conservative forces were far beyond his

And he has always believed that Chen Jiewen has self-restraint and has been experienced in officialdom for a long time. Basically, contradictions and conflicts will be put on the surface and will not do it secretly. He doesn't want her, a female secretary who claims to be a female official, also takes the problem of life style of catching the wind and If it is his fault, it will really turn black and white upside down.

After being angry, he was shocked. Ji Fengsheng was fine. Why did he die?

Peng Yunfeng couldn't explain clearly on the phone, but it also made Xia want to hear something. It seemed that Ji Fengsheng's death had something to do with him!

Xia was so anxious that she left Tianze City for a few days, and such a big thing happened. Who said that Tianze City was a pool of stalint water? There is a huge vortex under the sta-dead water that can suck people to the bottom of the water.

Xia wants to be angry. If he can find out that it is indeed Chen Jiewen who instructed others to blackmail him behind his back, he will let Chen Jiewen appreciate his means. Don't think that it's easy to bully him if he doesn't smile. Xiaxiang is really not a soft character who is bullied by others!

Peng Yunfeng was the first subordinate to talk on the phone with Xia. Later, Xu Ziqi, Yang Jian and Xu Fanhua all called one after another. Normally, as a secretary, Xu Ziqi could not be the first to inform Mayor Xia, which was dereliction of duty. Xia thought that he did not care too much about the mistakes in the details of Xu Ziqi's work. After a few words, he urged the driver to hurry up as soon as possible.

When entering the market, I finally received a phone call from Chen Jiewen. Chen Jiewen's words were very brief: "Mayor Xia, are you coming soon? Something happened to the municipal party committee. Please come as soon as possible. The first leader is the first leader. If something big happens, he will keep calm, and will not explain in detail to the second leader. It's like being a leader reporting work to the second leader, which is too shameful.

Xia thought just hummed a few words and put down the phone, but a trace of dugness flashed in his heart. In Lang City, he took the initiative to suppress Chen, and finally chased Gu Xiangguo in order to uphold justice. But in Tianze City, at the beginning, he can't say that he has made concessions everywhere. At least he has done modesty, and he is also ready to be with the same dust. He doesn't want to fight with light. After two conflicts, he still needs to fight with open guns and arrows, and he has to distinguish between wins and losses?

Why can he give up a step, as long as he can implement his political philosophy, but the other party doesn't appreciate it at all and talks about Jin Yinli? The problem of life style can't be done to him now. He is a department-level cadre. Even if it is spread to the provincial party committee, no one will really use the style of style to investigate a mayor of the department, but the other party's intention is obviously to smear his face, because his prestige in Tianze City has risen rapidly, and now The downward trend. Chen Jiewen is not as good as Gu Xiangguo. As a female official, she has a great gender advantage. First of all, she is very unlikely to have a lifestyle problem. Even if she does, she can't put it on the table.

Secondly, even if she has economic problems, it is not easy to check. Male cadres usually eat, drink or go to certain places. There will always be special traces left, and Chen Jiewen won't. Let's not talk about whether she is honest or not. At least on the surface, she has a lot less chance of corruption than male cadres.

What Xia wants to know more clearly is that he can't defeat Chen Jiewen, even if he can, he can't, because the situation in Lang City is special. Oh, Chen Quan is so powerful. If he doesn't bring down the ancient country, Lang City will never have peace. Even if Chen Jiewen is corrupt, even if the problem is serious, he can't take action, because if Chen Jiewen loses his official position because of him again, then he will become an alternative in the officialdom. Maybe the family forces will appreciate his prestige, but whether it is the civilian forces or others, they will regard him as a flood beast. Where to go? Where he started the fight, his political life was worrisome.

The reality is so helpless. Yan Province once had a modern Bao Qingtian, known as the "iron-faced" secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. When he served as the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in the county, he investigated and punished many corrupt officials. Later, his reputation became louder and louder, and he was transferred to the city. In the city, he was still iron-faced and selfless. After investigating and handling several cases, he was transferred to the province. Many people thought that the iron-faced secretary must have been promoted because of the investigation and punishment of corrupt officials. Unexpectedly, after being transferred to the province Handle any major case...

At the bottom, you may need heroic figures who take the lead, but the more you are, the more you need to be with the light, the more you need to pay attention to political wisdom, pay attention to politics, righteousness, and the overall situation.

Xia thought a lot and thought a lot. As soon as she looked up, she found that the car had driven into the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee.

The atmosphere is unusual. Everyone is in a hurry, their eyes dodge, and they dare not talk, as if they were in the face of a big enemy. Seeing Mayor Xia coming back, they all greeted him respectfully but with complicated eyes. Xia thought that he didn't pay attention to it. He nodded in response and hurried upstairs.

Pei Yifeng is commanding the police to inspect and control the scene. Ji Fengsheng's body has been carried into the car of the funeral home. He is dead, and there is no need to send him to the hospital and directly to the crematorium. A young man in his early 20s held a middle-aged woman who had been unable to cry. Obviously, Ji Fengsheng's family was following Ji Fengsheng's body into the car. Chen Tianyu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and a deputy secretary-general accompanied Ji Fengsheng's family and said The scene is so tragic that people can't bear to watch more.

Pei Yifeng commanded the police to investigate the chaos, and many people poked their heads out of the office. Fortunately, they were happy, disapproving, and cynicism.

Xia wanted to be angry and got angry in public for the first time: "Pear Yifeng, let all the police be light. Don't make noise. Respect for the dead is the most basic morality!" Then the municipal party committee staff who poked their heads angrily said, "Go back to work. There's really nothing to do. Go outside to clean up!"

When the mayor was angry, the wind and clouds changed. Pei Yifeng was not convinced and did not dare to listen. He immediately became angry with several police officers and scolded them. Everyone else was so scared that they shrank their necks and went back to the office, and their hearts kept jumping. Usually, Mayor Xia was very gentle. What's going on today? Why are you so angry? Isn't it just Ji Fengsheng who died? What's the big deal!

It's not a big deal, but somehow Xia thought that he was unhappy. When he saw a cold face, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. Although it is not uncommon for cadres to commit suicides in various places now, and Ji Fengsheng is not of a high level among suicide cadres, and it is estimated that it will not attract the attention of the world. However, after all, it happened around him, especially when he saw the sadness and helplessness of his wife and children, Xia Xiang was blocked in his heart.

If Ji Fengsheng came to show his closeness at that time, he properly expressed his intention to accept it, would it be possible to save the tragedy? Although he did not know the reason for Ji Fengsheng's suicide, he was always ashamed. It seemed that when Ji Fengsheng struggled in despair for more than ten years and finally placed a glimmer of hope on him, he waved his hand bureaucratically and wiped out all Ji Fengsheng's hope!

Have you really been destroyed by the officialdom and the good side of humanity? From the corridor to Chen Jiewen's office, it was only a few dozen steps away, but Xia thought a lot, and his mood was particularly heavy. The scene that Ji Fengsheng's wife and children can't cry and keep shaking in their eyes. What kind of pain and despair should a person be when he cries so much that he can't even shed tears?

Xia wanted to recall the helplessness and disappointment when Ji Fengsheng reported his work to him at that time, and suddenly a sadness rose in his heart. He originally entered the officialdom with the belief that he would benefit one party as an official. Fast, his ** and blood have indeed been worn out a lot, but he also has the ambition of "to benefit the country's life and death, how can he avoid it because of misfortune and blessings". But today, he made a mistake that should not be made. Isn't Question mark

Chen Jiewen sat in the office with a sad face. After Xia wanted to go in, she leaned slightly. He signaled that Xia wanted to sit down. Mayor Xia, I have three views on the aftermath. First, the propaganda department strictly controls the expansion of the situation, and the public security department strictly defends it. Second, it is forbidden for anyone to discuss the suicide in private. Once found, it will be seriously investigated and punished. Third, the municipal party committee immediately held a meeting of all cadres to unify the caliber to prevent someone from deliberately admiring the matter. Whoever smears the face of Tianze City is the sinner of Tianze City!" After saying righteously, Chen Jiewen changed her tone again, "Look, is there anything to add?" Ask directly if there is anything to add, which means that her three opinions are not opinions, but decisions, and the opinions are to give Xia face. If it's really an opinion, it has to be said that Xia wants to put forward an opinion.

"Is that all?" Xia thought that he was not as full of approval as Chen Jiewen expected, but asked with a serious and abrupt face.

"For that, does Mayor Xia still have different opinions?" Chen Jiewen looked puzzled.

"Regardless of the cause of Ji Fengsheng's death, he has worked conscientiously for the municipal party committee for more than ten years, without credit and hard work. The municipal party committee does not want to appease the family of the deceased and how to reassure the deceased, but only wants to strictly prevent and defend, only about how his political interests will It's a crematorium, and we are not humane bureaucrats!"

Xia's thoughts were very direct, and it was also a strongly questioning tone, which made Chen Jiewen's face turn blue and red for a while, and her chest was so angry that if she was a 20-year-old woman, she might still have a sense of beauty, but her figure in her 50s had gone wrong, and her angry appearance just made This article is transferred from Baidu Guanshen Bar. Please support the genuine version.

Xia is too arrogant. A mayor dares to talk to the secretary like this. It's not big or small! Chen Jiewen didn't have Xia Chang's sense of guilt. In her eyes, Ji Fengsheng's death was not a pity. She died. Why did she have to die in the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee and in the office? Death doesn't make people clean. In case of being poked out by the news media, Tianze City has become the target of public criticism with a poor hat in the city. Is it strange that the provincial leaders are not angry?

Ji Fengsheng, a little man who is not worth mentioning, died and fell down, but if his death brings trouble to Tianze City, does he still want the municipal party committee to take care of his wife and children? Stop dreaming. What's going on with Mayor Xia? The officialdom is not a crematorium, but the officialdom is not a welfare home!

"Mayor Xia, pay attention to your position when speaking, say something that suits your identity, and don't say anything when you think of it." Chen Jiewen was also very angry, so she looked cold and said coldly, "Ji Fengsheng's family, the municipal party committee will also consider something, but things should be prioritized. Now is the time for the municipal party committee to unify the caliber. I hope that the mayor can start from the overall situation, from the protection of the interests of Tianze City

"If you really want to maintain the political situation of stability and unity in Tianze City, no one will maliciously spread rumors. Secretary Chen, I come to Tianze City as mayor. There is only one purpose, which is to develop the economy. Change the face of poverty and backwardness in Tianze City. I don't expect the comrades of the municipal party committee to support my work, but please don't create artificial obstacles. I am willing to make progress with everyone, but if someone doesn't want to make progress and doesn't let others make progress, it will become a stumbling block to progress. Xia's words were implicit and straightforward. He believed that he could understand what he meant.

In fact, with Xia's self-restraint, he would not speak harshly to Chen Jiewen in person, but it happened to coincide with Ji Fengsheng's suicide, and at the same time, his indecent news came out, and Chen Jiewen's handling of the aftermath was too bureaucratic and inhumane, which aroused his Chen Jiewen stared at Xiaxiang with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that Xia wanted to dare to talk to her in such a tone, but when she thought about it, she didn't do anything that spread rumors well, and when she thought about it again, Mayor Xia was reasonable. If she didn't comfort her family members and made trouble, the municipal party committee He said, "Well, for the work of appeasing the family, you have come up with an opinion and let the family members feel at ease as much as possible." She only mentioned the appeasement of her family. As for what Xia wanted to say, he directly ignored it, "The political situation of stability and unity in Tianze City is not easy to come by. I hope Mayor Xia can do his job well and do a good job in Tianze City with me.

After Xia wanted to leave, Chen Jiewen first sat for a moment, suddenly dropped a book with a "pop", and then picked up the phone and called the capital: "Lao Yu, it's all you who made trouble for me. I'm telling you not to listen to it. In case Xia wants to be anxious and wants to make trouble, how can Work?" Lao Yu is naturally Chen Jiewen's husband Yu Huashang.

The idea of spreading Xiaxiang's rumors came out by Yu Hua. After listening to the conflict between Xiaxiang and Chen Jiewen, he was very angry and insisted on shaking out the matter between Xiaxiang and Jin Yinli. Chen Jiesou did not agree, but he couldn't stand Yu Hua still fanning. In addition, she was indeed hit by the In pain, he acquiesced to Yu Huashang's irrational behavior.

In case Xia wants to find the horse's foot and affect her great, glorious and positive image, it will be bad... Chen Jiewen felt a headache and suddenly remembered Ji Fengsheng's death. She couldn't help but feel worse. After releasing the phone, she called Li Yifeng again.

"What did Ji Fengsheng's suicide note say?"

Li Yifeng looked at his face. In addition, he just heard that Chen Jiewen threw things in it. Knowing that Secretary Chen was in a bad mood, he was even more careful: "I didn't write anything, that is to say, I haven't done anything great in my life. I'm sorry for the cultivation of the party and the country, There is nothing else..."

"Does Pei Yifeng have anything to say?" Chen Jiewen didn't believe that Ji Fengsheng committed suicide because of depression, because it was too coincidental. "Things should be strictly controlled and don't let people talk about it."

"Ping Ju didn't say anything." Li Yifeng knows more or less about the inside story. He thinks that it is best to cover up the past, but he can't cover it up. With the strength of Mayor Xia, it is another storm. However, he was still lucky and thought that everyone was dead and that there would definitely be no wind and waves, but he did not expect that Mayor Xia not only did not let this matter go, but also took the opportunity to take power and purge the official atmosphere of Tianze City.

Xia wanted to go back to the office, but his anger had not subsided. Xu Ziqi served tea. Seeing that Mayor Xia's face was not very good, he said with concern, "Mayor Xia, don't be too tired. Things are always endless..."

Xia thought about something: "Why did Ji Fengsheng commit suicide? Did you hear any wind?"

Xu Ziqi shook his head: "No. Secretary Chen came back early yesterday, and nothing happened after she came back, but Secretary Pi and Director Pei went to report their work. It seemed that they had been talking for a long time.

Xia Xiang was stunned and looked at Xu Ziqi doubtfully. Xu Ziqi immediately understood Mayor Xia's question and smiled: "Li Yifeng told me. I don't know him very well, but we can talk about it. We drank together last night. He drank a little too much, so he spilled the beans.

Xia wanted to nod, but he didn't expect that Xu Ziqi could still talk to Li Yifeng, which somewhat surprised him.

Another person thought about things, and Pei Yifeng came to report to work.

The director of the Public Security Bureau must report his work to the mayor. Pei Yifeng's attitude is very respectful, but Xia Xiang always feels that he has hidden something. Although he has cooperated with Pei Yifeng once, he knows very well that Pei Yifeng is still closer to Chen Jiewen, and most things will still stand with Chen Jiewen.

According to the conclusion of Pei Yifeng's investigation, Ji Fengsheng did commit suicide, completely ruled out the possibility of killing him, and there was no doubt at the scene. A copy of Ji Fengsheng's suicide note has also been brought, and Mayor Xia is invited to have a look.

The wording of the suicide note is very cautious. At first glance, the handwriting is the handwriting of Ji Fengsheng, which is almost his mental journey. Even Xiaxiang can see from the literary talent and handwriting that it is not forgery. At the same time, the real reason for Ji Fengsheng's suicide can't be seen from the suicide note, but simply mentioned: "I'm depressed, boredomed, sorry for the party and organizational training, sorry for my family's expectations, no hope of promotion, and frost, it's better to die..."

What does frost mean again? Is it forced by someone? Xia wanted to stop breathing in an instant!