official god

Chapter 938 Economic Gambling

Two days later, the gossip came out that the low-key holding company from the capital invested 200 million yuan to build a wind power plant on the Bashang grassland in Tianze City, and received the support policy support policy of the municipal government!

A day later, Weige Tourism Company from the capital invested 100 million yuan to build a grassland cultural city on the grassland, and also received the support policy support of the municipal government!

Subsequently, it was rumored that several companies had won the last few places of ten places. So far, the preferential policies proposed by the municipal government to support ten private enterprises, four in Tianze City were selected, six foreign investors were selected, ten places, and one was left!

The private enterprises in Tianze City were angry. They thought they still had the opportunity to compete with the government, but they also listened to the words of the people behind the scenes. They thought that the government would eventually compromise and lower the threshold and increase the preferential margin. Unexpectedly, the government was very tough and really gave the quota to foreign investors!

The toughness of the government is the toughness of Mayor Xia. For the first time, the business community in Tianze City felt the pain of conservatism and compladenity!

Many private enterprises have gone to the municipal government to express their dissatisfaction, and strongly demanded that foreign investors be excluded, but they were rejected one by one. Even the temporary support policy implementation office was revoked, which means that the work of supporting ten enterprises has been successfully completed, and there is no possibility of change.

Many private enterprises that were fooled by the people behind the scenes were angry and sent their anger to the people behind the scenes. The people behind the scenes did not expect that Mayor Xia not only had a tough attitude, but also had superb economic skills. During the conversation and laughter, he really pulled hundreds of millions of investment. The influx of hundreds of millions of funds will indeed have a huge impact on Tianze City. Is it possible for Tianze City to make great strides forward?

It has not only caused a huge response in the business community. Among the municipal party committee, he also gave a blow to many people, which was shocked and inexplicable. I can't believe that Mayor Xia had such a big hand not long after he came to Tianze City.

Tianze City has not seen hundreds of millions of investments for several years. Mayor Xia raised his hand and pulled up four or five hundred million yuan of investment. God, does he have a magic pen?

Chen Jiewen met and discussed with Pi, Pei Yifeng, Xu Xin and Xu Fanhua many times. There is no good way. Xia Xiang is the mayor and has the decision-making power in the municipal government team. Unless it is a major matter, the general decision-making does not even need to ask the secretary for instructions. It is impossible for Chen Jiewen to interfere in the affairs of the government.

If she dictates everything, what's the use of the mayor?

Moreover, there is an unliteratened provision in Yan Province. The secretary's intervention in government affairs has a bottom line, because the previous lesson is not far away. After the fall of Gao Chengsong, the previous provincial party secretary, there was one of the central government's evaluation that "excessive interference in government affairs". The alarm bell needs to ring for a long time to sit firmly in the chair under the buttocks.

Moreover, the banner of Mayor Xia is to attract investment. Under the premise that everything is preceded by economic construction, it is a meritorious person who can attract investment. Who dares to say anything?

Mayor Xia's prestige has risen steadily, at least in the government team, he has firmly grasped the initiative. Several deputy mayors are in charge of the projects invested by several foreign investors, and they have benefits. There are political achievements to take, and I am naturally grateful to Mayor Xia.

Xu Fanhua obviously feels that he is becoming more and more unpopular among the government team.

It can be said that after this war, Mayor Xia has established the image of a strong mayor in the minds of people in the private business community, and has made many people look at Mayor Xia with new eyes. I think that Mayor Xia's economic leverage is really clever, which directly puts the private enterprises in Tianze City together. What makes many private enterprises even more angry is that after the announcement of all the places, several private enterprises with the people behind the scenes are on the list, which makes them feel fooled and have conflicts and cracks with the people behind the scenes.

What I didn't expect was that then Mayor Xia once again used economic means to put forward a new economic growth point, once again leveraged the interests of all parties, and also made many behind-the-scenes figures surface one after another, thus making the situation in Tianze City reversed again!

Economic interests have always been the top priority. Before soldiers and horses move, food and fodder go first. If one country seizes the economic lifeline of another country, basically the two countries will form a subordinate relationship. If one force seizes the economic fulcrum of the other force, the other force will be disintegrated or completely controlled.

... The Tianze Municipal Party Committee gradually regained its composure after the rumors of Mayor Xia and the suicide of Ji Fengsheng. Because it's almost New Year's Day, everyone has returned to their normal mentality and is looking forward to the holiday. A rumor is a rumor. Once the heat passes, no one cares about it. Although Mayor Xia is accompanied by Jin Yanzhao and Lan Minmin every time he inspects the work, the more he puts it on the surface, the more no one says anything. Jin Yanzhao and Lan Minmin are still around Mayor Xia as before. When others saw it, they just smiled.

During the New Year's Day, Xia wanted to go back to Yanshi, stayed at home for two days, and met Song Chaodu again. Unlike the last time, Song Chaodu was more worried, because he seemed to hear the wind, saying that he was likely to move. Xia couldn't say anything. Although he didn't dare to say anything to the Prime Minister, he always felt that the Prime Minister had to let go of all the big and small things. It doesn't seem to be the way to use people.

But what is the Prime Minister's intention? He can't guess, let alone ask more questions.

When he returned to Tianze, he passed by the capital. He wanted to see Lao Gu, but he learned that Lao Gu went to Europe to visit Gu Yu. He did not stay in the capital for much, so he directly returned to Tianze City and devoted himself to work.

Because there will be a series of problems next. First of all, several projects established before New Year's Day will be funded after New Year's Day and will begin to enter the construction stage one after another. With Ji Fengsheng's suicide suspicion, Liu Yijiu has disappeared like a moon recently. There is no news report, and he has never appeared again. However, Peng Yunfeng said that he has made a lot of progress. Xia thought that he did not urge him. He also knew that Liu Yijiu would find out the truth of Ji Fengsheng's suicide as a certificate of fame. When the case has gained, I'm afraid it's time for Liu Yijiu to make a request.

How much lethality will Ji Fengsheng's case bring? Xia can't guess, but the Two Sessions will be held soon after New Year's Day. The safety and publicity during the Two Sessions are very important. It is the responsibility of the whole Tianze Municipal Party Committee to make trouble. As the mayor, he is also responsible for maintaining stability.

After the two sessions, it is time for his political ideas to be truly implemented, which is the real test. Of course, Xiaxiang is not blindly optimistic that the National People's Congress will definitely be held smoothly, because the work report of the government will be reviewed during the National People's Congress, and there may be situations where the deliberation cannot be passed but needs to be modified!

Several investment projects determined before New Year's Day are, of course, not the product of Xiaxiang's painstaking efforts, but a practical and promising investment determined according to the current situation and future trend of Tianze City.

Wind power is needless to say. A few years later, there was a piece of news that shook the whole province in Yan Province. Xia wanted to remember it clearly. At that time, Dancheng City and Tianze City competed for the nuclear power plant project, and in the end, Tianze City was defeated. However, Tianze City took the opportunity to use wind power generation, which was also a great success.

Tianze City, like the charter city, has a vast grassland. There is wind all year round on the grassland, and the prospect of wind power generation is broad. Of course, solar power generation is also very useful, but compared with wind power, the investment is small and quick, and finally decided to use wind power. The person behind the investment in wind power generation is Xiao Jia, but the company that came forward is the original company after the change.