official god

Chapter 941 Unprepared

Not only was everyone shocked and inexplicable, but even Yang Jian was stunned by a sudden change. Who fucking framed him and caused him trouble? Nomination of him as a candidate for mayor is not to praise him, but to completely roast him on the fire! It's to make him humiliate him." Let him fire at Mayor Xia as a gun and block the provincial leaders! At least the poisonous means, Yang Jian was almost so angry! But during the meeting, he must keep calm. He is the deputy mayor and must be supervised by the deputies to the National People's Congress. He also needs to walk around each delegation to have a look and do a good job in the delegation.

Although Zhanren's proposal is a temporary motion" and it is only a small-scale discussion, it has not been officially submitted to the host group, and everyone knows that even if it is submitted to the host group, it cannot be included in the official agenda, let alone submitted to the General Assembly for voting.

Ten thousand steps back, even if it was really submitted to the conference for a vote, and successfully passed the proposal to remove Mayor Xia, "and Yang Jian was successfully elected as the mayor of Tianze Municipal People's Government." If the province had no choice but to accept the result, everyone knows that although Mayor Xia lost his official position, and it is possible The political future has been frustrated, but compared with the loss of Mayor Xia, the main party and government leaders of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, as well as the members of the National People's Congress, will completely block the political future, and may even be adjusted by the provincial party committee in a short time, the recall of the recall, and the legal handling of the law!

A disobedient and self-assuring team of the Municipal Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress are politically unqualified and ideologically unstable. If they can't understand the intention of the Provincial Party Committee in time and implement the spirit of the instructions of the Provincial Party Committee, they will inevitably be dispersed and reorganized.

It's okay that things can be controlled. If it's a big deal, let's not talk about the municipal party committee's letter * Chen Jiewen and Shi Dahai, director of the National People's Congress, are the first to shoulder the corresponding political responsibility!

Chen Jiewen was furious!

Shi Dahai's anger is unstoppable!

At the subsequent emergency meeting of the Standing Committee, Shi Dahai also attended the meeting. The Municipal Party Committee * wrote that Chen Jiewen patted the table and asked each member of the Standing Committee to take effective action, strictly prevent it, prohibit representatives from connecting with each other, and prohibit the occurrence of unexpected political events. Otherwise, everyone should bear the responsibility. She also asked Pi Mu to come forward in person. Let the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasize to the representatives that the discipline requirements of party members and cadres should recognize the situation and talk about the overall political situation.

At the meeting, Yang Jian lowered his head and said nothing. As a party, Xia thought that there was no panic that everyone imagined at all, but a calm face. It seemed that nothing had happened.

What other people think. Xia can't figure it out. All he knows is that although Chen Jiewen looks angry and indignant, most of the time she is the mastermind behind the matter, because no one has a close relationship with Shi Dahai and no one has her decisive influence on the delegations of the National People's Congress.

Among other things, the souvenirs received by each member of the National People's Congress delegation were all sponsored by Chen Jiewen's related households. At the annual meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress, delegates have gifts to take. Generally, gifts are sponsored by CPPCC members or entrepreneurs among the NPC deputies. They are usually a shirt, a pair of leather shoes or other daily necessities, which are mostly worth about four or five hundred yuan, and do not make people talk As the saying goes, "Whoever pays for sponsorship is popular among the deputies of the National People's Congress.

This year's sponsor is Xiao Yiling, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Xia thought more or less to understand something. "If he guesses correctly, in fact, this year's People's Congress has two hands. First, the issue of his lifestyle should be raised by some representatives first, and first spread in private, of course, the issue of lifestyle is not on the stage." No one will make any motion. But then there will be two temporary motions for the re-election of the mayor, one call and one response, which will definitely make him dizzy.

What the other party wants is not to knock him down, but to continue to smear his face, hit his prestige, make him ashamed, and humiliate him! It's just that Ji Fengsheng committed suicide, and the problem of life style did not form a sound.

The government must accept the supervision of the National People's Congress and be restricted by the National People's Congress. Although it is formal, it must also pay attention to a procedure to complete the due process. Xia Xiang also admitted that "it is indeed a very sharp means". The more shrewd thing is that the nomination of Yang Jian as the candidate for mayor is also a way to provoke discord, which can not only alienate the alliance between him and Yang Jian, but also blow his prestige while roast Yang Jian on the fire, so that Yang Jian can lose points. It will not only make the people who do not know the truth of the municipal party committee flatter the Yang Jian, but also make the leaders of the provincial party committee think that Yang Jian has no political wisdom and dare not listen to the instructions of the provincial party committee to manipulate the election, which is a manifestation of political immaturity.

Xia thought didn't believe that it was Yang Jian's secret manipulation at all. No one was so stupid that he bribed the representative's proposal to choose himself as mayor. Who doesn't know the party management cadre? Can you climb the tree with your buttocks? If the party doesn't give you a bench, you have to fall down even if you go up. "No foundation."

With Yang Jian's political wisdom, they don't do each other's stupid things to destroy the Great Wall!

Since Yang Jian came in, he has never spoken with a pale face. Although Chen Jiewen has never asked him a word, he knows from the doubts of many people and Ran Shuo's eyes that he was really blackened and became the target of public criticism. Whether he believes it or not, his scapegoat is fixed.

It's really not a fucking thing. Yang Jian hates it so much that he wants to scold his mother. He can almost guess that it must be Chen Jiewen's handwriting. The specific manipulator is either naughty or Pei Yifeng. He must be a few old thieves who are old and immortal, a stinky woman, two old

When the temporary emergency meeting was about to end, Chen Jiewen said softly, "Comrade Yang Jian, don't have ideological burdens. The Municipal Party Committee believes you, and I personally don't think you manipulated the delegation. Things will be found out and I'll give you a clean one.

Yang Jian's anger, which had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly burst out: "Who the fuck is not the one who has to frame me? I have spent most of my life in officialdom, and I don't even understand the appointment and arrangement of obedience to the organization? Will it be deliberately provocative at the time of the change of the term? If I were so stupid, how could I have today? I don't believe it. Whoever gives me eye drops, I won't sleep well. I went to the delegation to see who instructed me to hurt me. "I'm not finished with him..."

Yang Jian sang rudely, and then slammed the door and left, throwing a room of the Standing Committee to look at each other.

Xia wanted to speak: "It is a good thing for a representative to submit a proposal of distrust of the mayor, which shows that deputies to the National People's Congress should exercise their rights in accordance with the law. We can't simply do it all. I think it is necessary to report this matter to the provincial party committee, and even make it public to the media. It may also create a precedent in the country. "Let the people of the whole country look up to the deputies of the Tianze Municipal People's Congress."

Chen Jiewen didn't expect that Xia not only wanted to cover up, but also wanted to make a big deal out of things, which was far beyond her core. If something eupsy happens, who doesn't try to cover it up? Xiaxiang is really strong enough, and he is afraid that the matter will have little impact. What on earth does he want to do?

Chen Jiewen also knew that Xia was not afraid of making a big deal. The bigger the trouble, the more angry the province became. If she had to find out what was, it was not difficult to find out who was behind the scenes. She shook her head and said, "Mayor Xia, don't be angry." If something happened, it was the responsibility

Xia wanted to catch the language problem in Chen Jiewen's words in time: "I'd like to ask Chen Shu* what responsibility do I have?" Chen Jiewen was choked, that is, where is Mayor Xia responsible? Does the book have to say in public that the mayor's job is insufficient, isn't it a lesson for the superiors? The mayor is not as powerful as a book, but he is not a subordinate of the book. The relationship between the book and the mayor is very delicate, and the balance is difficult to grasp.

Fortunately, the phone rang in time, which was a relief for Chen Jiewen.

The phone call was made by Mei Shengping. The first sentence was: "Chen Shu*, the political atmosphere in Tianze City is not very harmonious. It's time to strengthen the construction of party style!" If the first sentence is polite," the second sentence choked Chen Jiewen fiercely, "What's the way to be a good person? Nonsense! You are the oldest member of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee. I don't care about others. As long as there is any accident again, the provincial party committee will ask you!" Before Chen Jiewen could say a few words, Mei Shengping hung up the phone rudely. Mei Shengping is Mei Shengping. If you really want to have an attack, it's still a maverick temper.

Chen Jiewen suddenly turned blue and white, and stared at Xu Fanhua with a resentful face. Xu Fanhua lowered his head humbly, and he was still unconvinced. I didn't want to be the one to take the blame. I'm sorry, Chen Shu* Remember, don't blame me. It's just that Pi, Pei Yifeng and Xu Xin can't do anything. How can there be a reason to get me to the Let people nominate me. Do I still want to be a subordinate of Mayor Xia? No wonder I'm not killed!

In fact, according to the prior agreement, the original list of nominated mayoral candidates was Xu Fanhua, which was to let Xu Fanhua be the target. Unexpectedly, after Xu Fanhua heard about it, he secretly tampered with it. In the final nomination, the candidate became Yang Jian, which made Chen Jiewen angry. Yang Jian is Mei Shengping's person. Mei Shengping is famous for protecting his shortcomings and is unreasonable. No one wants to provoke him.

I never thought that "Xu Fanhua promised well on the surface, and he nominated Yang Jian on his own initiative" which made a fundamental change in the direction of the matter, and he was also caught off guard by Chen Jiewen!

In the past, whether it was Pi Buch or Xu Fanhua, they all obeyed her words and never gave a discount. Now it's all right. When Xia thinks about it, things will always be biased. How can this happen? Chen Jiewen almost shouted, and she couldn't suppress her anger in her heart. "If it hadn't been for Xu Fanhua's affair, how could things have become what it is now? Well, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee * made instructions in person to ask her alone, how did she face the strong doubts of the leaders of the provincial party committee?

Suddenly, there was a fierce noise and collision outside, and someone shouted, "It's not good, it's going to kill someone..."

Chen Jiewen's color test has changed a lot. Is this year's National People's Congress really going to be a nonsense meeting?