official god

Chapter 948 Light and Dark Hands

During Chen Jiewen's hospitalization, Xiaxiang also visited the hospital once. At that time, they did not see anyone. The two briefly talked about how to investigate the relevant responsible person.

Chen Jiewen's attitude is that Xu Fanhua reviewed the Municipal Party Committee and made an in-depth inspection. The main person responsible for the car accident was Tian Xingyun, but Tian Xingyun broke a leg and was dismissed from public office. The letter of the running horse county party committee * Bian Youshui and the county magistrate Zhang Hexing are all warnings and punishments within the party. As for Fan Mingwei, he did not mention it again. He is under the jurisdiction of running horse county, and it is inconvenient for the municipal party committee to give opinions directly.

With Chen Jiewen's idea, she made the above decision, which was already the biggest concession. It was the result of repeated discussions with Pi Buxiu, Pei Yifeng and Xu Xin. It was also a compromise that Xia had to make under the threat of arresting the provincial party committee. Because in Chen Jiewen's opinion, the municipal party committee made the above decision. Once it was announced, it would greatly reduce her reputation. Because she was self-defeating, she finally had to clean up the mess by herself, which was equivalent to beating herself.

Especially the punishment of Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing will make many people feel cold. Who will be with her in the future? The impression she left on outsiders must be ruthless, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

But Xiaxiang disagreed! Xia Shang did not express any opinion on Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing's disposal opinions, but he was very clear about Xu Fanhua and the board of Nose Xingyun. Both of them were scapegoats, but Tian Xingyun was even more inverted. He thought it was too light. He proposed to report Xu Fanhua's issue to the provincial party The department readjusted the division of labor between the deputy mayor and distributed the share of Xu Fanhua to Yang Jian and Li Xiaomin.

Chen Jiewen firmly disagreed, and his tone was tough. She even claimed that she was not afraid that Xia wanted to report the matter to the provincial party committee. In the end, the two broke up unhappily.

After Xia wanted to come back from the hospital, he immediately adjusted Xu Fanhua's division of labor and assigned the welfare home and nursing home that he should have been in charge of to Yang Jian. At the same time, he asked Yang Jian to do a good job in the work of the welfare home and the reception home to prevent the situation from happening again.

Xu Fanhua was still unconvinced, and somehow he suddenly had the confidence again. He argued with reason and refused to let go. Mayor Xia was angry and directly decided to forcibly pass the decision: "I have the final say on the division of labor adjustment within the government team! If you don't obey, you can report the situation to your superiors..."

Generally speaking, the division of labor adjustment within the government team can be large or small, but the opinions of the secretary are usually solicited to show respect for the authority of the book. Xia wanted to be so tough at the government meeting for the first time, so he was very dissatisfied that Xu Fanhua could not step down.

It's true that Xia is the mayor, but he is also the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee. Even if Mayor Xia gives him small shoes, he is just stuck in his neck at work, and he can't do anything to him. Not to mention removing him from office, he doesn't even have the right to punish him! What's more, Xu Fanhua also got the support of the backstage, so that he should not be afraid of what Xia Xiang, because Xia Xiang's backstage Song Chaodu is now too busy to take care of himself. Maybe he will be transferred from Yan Province. Xia Xiang won't be hard without the support of Song Chaodu in the provincial party committee!

Xu Fanhua thought that the time was a good time. In addition, after hearing that Mayor Xia and Chen Shuji broke up unhappily, he thought that Xia could not do anything to him.

Xia Xiangcai ignored the rampant ambition of Xu Fanhua's villains, forcibly passed the adjustment as usual, and instructed Sun Xianwei to donate 10,000 yuan to the Ping Government Welfare Home and Shelter in the name of Tian'an Real Estate, which not only to share the worries of the municipal government, but also took the opportunity to make Tian'an Real Estate famous as

Sun Xianwei thought that Jinwan was a little unable to do it. After inspecting the welfare homes and shelters on the spot, he decided to take out Jinwan to expand hundreds of rooms for the welfare homes and shelters, and then spend 40,000 yuan to buy various living facilities. Xia also wondered how Sun Xianwei's vision had become much more long-term. Knowing that he had invested in intangible assets, Sun Xianwei's words made him laugh: "Leader, I spent ten thousand yuan to pave the way for Jiangshan Real Estate to enter Tianze City, and second, to support your work." Finally, there was a little selfishness When Tao, I must let Jin Yanzhao and Lan Minmin come to interview me at the same time. "I will also satisfy the man's vanity." The Shu*ji office was originally scheduled to be held at 3 p.m., but it was temporarily postponed to 4 o'clock. When everyone arrived, they found that Mayor Xia had been sitting firmly opposite Chen Shu Everyone was puzzled. Could it be said that Mayor Xia and Chen Shu* had reached a consensus in private?

The participants also included Wu Mingyi, Pi Wuxiu, Pei Yifeng and Chen Tianyu.

At the beginning of the meeting, as soon as Chen Jiewen spoke, everyone realized that today's meeting would be another fierce confrontation...

"Comrades, the recent series of events have made me helpless and sad. Although the temporary motion is very hasty, it is also the responsibility of the deputies to the National People's Congress. It's hard to say that the organization is wrong, isn't it? The clearance accident is really heartbreaking, but every city is like this every year. It is an unbroken rule. It can't be put on the stage, but it is also a conventional rule that cannot be denied. Everything is fine if nothing happens. If something happens, you can only admit that you are in trouble. I also passed the phone call with Governor Tan. The spirit of the governor's instructions was to follow the principle of treating the sick and saving people, and not to kill them with a stick. Therefore, I propose that there is no need to delve into the issue of the temporary motion, but because the Paoma County delegation openly fought with the city leaders in public, which is of a bad nature, a verbal warning should be given..."

Zun Guorui is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor. It is said to be Xu Fanhua's backstage and Dong Xiaoming's backstage. If Song Chaodu is indeed transferred from Yan Province and Gao Jinzhou, the executive vice governor, takes over as the governor, Chen Guorui is expected to serve as the executive vice governor. Huh? Chen Tianyu and Wu Mingyi looked at each other and were surprised. Chen Shu*ji suddenly changed his position and held it high. At the time, he gently put it down, and it was obvious that the previous softened position became tough again.

What happened? Wu Mingyi thought about it. Is it directly related to the recent wind direction in the province and the rumor that Governor Song will be transferred from Yan Province?

If you want to stay still, with a posture of listening quietly.

Pi didn't stop and Pei Yifeng looked at each other, making a slight look.

"The car accident caused by the clearance caused a total of 35 deaths and 15 injuries. I would also express my deep condolences to the victims. He also thought that it was very necessary to investigate the responsibility of the parties concerned. Tian Xingyun, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, followed the car in violation of the regulations and flirted with the female driver halfway, which led to the accident. He was fully responsible for the accident. The clean-up work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government is done year by year, and the task is successfully completed every year. Although this year's accident is profound, there are indeed accidental factors, which cannot lead to all our previous work. My opinion is that Tian Xingyuan should be expelled from the party and public office.

Is this OK? Chen Tianyu almost laughed back angrily. An understatement flirting with a female driver halfway covered up a major accident. Chen Shu * He really has political wisdom. The means of deceiving the top and the bottom are really smart, which is admirable!

He looked at Xia Xiang. Mayor Xia still looked like he was sitting firmly on the fishing platform. He was not angry or panicked at all. He also gently tapped on the armrest of the chair with his fingers, which was easy to be annoyed.

Did Mayor Xia really compromise? Chen Tianyu didn't believe it, but Wu Mingyi was a little suspicious that Xia Xiang might have really changed his position.

Subsequently, Xia Xiang's speech overturned Wu Mingyi's speculation. Mayor Xia still insisted on holding the relevant parties accountable. He did not blame too much on the delegation incident, but he thought that the handling of the car accident incident was too light. He strongly demanded that in addition to severely punishing Tian Xingyun, Xu Fanhua should also be held accountable. It was also the first time that Mayor Xia explicitly accused a deputy mayor and expressed his dissatisfaction with a member of the Standing Committee.

"I have adjusted the division of labor of Comrade Fanhua in the government. I think he is no longer suitable to be in charge of important departments. First, he will return the welfare home and shelter to Comrade Yang Jian, and then according to the specific situation, he will gradually divide the stall he is in charge of to other deputy mayors..." Xiaxiang's tough attitude Unexpectedly, I thought that even if Mayor Xia had a problem with Xu Fanhua University, he would wait for the municipal party committee to make a decision, and then wait for the provincial party committee to make a decision before adjusting Xu Fanhua's division of labor. Unexpectedly, he didn't know that he didn't care about Chen Jiewen's attitude at all. It seemed that It's impossible for things to come out of the top tank.

Adjusting the division of labor in the government team is the power of the mayor, but after all, Xu Fanhua is a member of the Standing Committee to adjust his division of labor and needs to seek the opinions of the municipal party committee in advance. In other words, he must communicate with Chen Jiewen in advance. Discord with the letter of the Municipal Party Committee * The ventilation is a contempt for the authority of the leader.

"Mayor Xia, don't be too arbitrary." Chen Jiewen couldn't help but be angry. "I don't agree with you to adjust the division of labor of Comrade Xu Fanhua at will." The leader simply said that he disagreed, which was a very serious attitude.

"Chen Shu* If you disagree, you can report the situation to the provincial party committee. The internal division of labor of the government team, and I still have the power to speak." Xia thought that he had a deep understanding of Chen Jiewen's anti-Xia Wuchang. Just because he heard the intensification of the mobilization of the Song Dynasty, he changed his previous statement and wanted to muddle through it? A total of 35 people died, and 35 living lives could not wake up the conscience of a bureaucrat who was completely blackened by officialdom. He was completely disappointed in Chen Jiewen.

Since you are fighting, fight to the end!

Chen Jiewen stood up and blushed: "You..." She has never seen such a strong mayor. Not to mention not cooperating with her work at all, she also very toughly manipulated a deputy mayor of the Standing Committee at will, completely ignoring the authority of her municipal party committee. Is the power of the leader really used for cooking?

After "you" for a long time, Chen Jiewen finally did not say anything angry, but sat down with a sneer: "It's settled. The letter of the Running Horse County Party Committee * Ji Bian Youshui and the county magistrate Zhang Hexing verbally warned and punished. Tian Xingyun, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, was expelled from the party and public office. It's not a big deal, so you don't have to submit it to the Standing Committee.

is equivalent to the book * remember not to give others the opportunity to express their opinions, and directly make a bad idea. Chen Jiewen is arrogant, and the authority and domineering of the leader can be seen at a glance.

Xia thought that he didn't say anything more. Instead, he smiled and said, "Since Chen Shu* has made a decision, I won't talk about it. Some people are not worthy of morality and do not seek their own government in their position. They will not only harm others, but also harm themselves in the end.

Two days later, after the result of the punishment came out, everyone breathed a sigh of breath. The book is still the most important. No matter how big the mayor is, he has a skill, but on key issues, he has to be controlled everywhere.

Although Mayor Xia saved people and attracted people, Chen Shu* remembered that after a beautiful sleep in the hospital, he returned to the municipal party committee and still held the same power, erased Mayor Xia's credit, and acted according to her ideas. Mayor Xia got nothing but playing with Xu Fanhua in the government team. Tian Xingyun was expelled from the party and public office, but he is already lame and will definitely not be the deputy director. The benefits of being a scapegoat must be indispensable and worth it.

It's just that Mayor Xia works hard for whom? It's not worth it. It's really not worth it. Some people think it's not worth it for Mayor Xia, while others gloat about it. The Tianze Municipal Party Committee has become a big stage. The book is with the mayor. Sometimes the east wind overwhelms the west wind, and sometimes the west wind overwhelms the east wind. It's interesting and interesting.

Things seem to have really passed. A week has passed, and Mayor Xia has not seen any movement. He has begun to arrange various investment promotion work. First, he received Tian'an Real Estate, a real estate developer from Yan City. As the first foreign real estate developer, Tian'an Real Estate is ready to invest 300 million yuan to win 30 yuan in Beijing New Town 0 acres of land is used to invest in real estate projects.

At the same time, it was announced that Tian'an Real Estate donated 5 million yuan to the welfare homes and shelters in Tianze City to expand the infrastructure.

Mayor Xia attracted an investment of 300 million yuan soon after taking office, which caused a sensation again. Everyone in the Tianze Municipal Party Committee mentioned that Mayor Xia was sour, both admiring and jealous, but Xia thought that he was the mayor, not the deputy mayor. Except for Chen Jiewen, others were jealous and jealous in vain. The political achievements must be the mayor

If the mayor will work hard, he will raise the letter of the municipal party committee to the first place on many occasions. The rules of the officialdom cannot be bad, and Xiaxiang is not a stingy person. When it is time to lift Chen Jiewen, he will still put forward what Secretary Chen will do. Anyway, in the eyes of the outside world

With the first shot of Tian'an Real Estate to invest in Jingbei New Town, the project of Jingbei New Town, which was originally not favored by people, suddenly became popular, and there was an endless stream of developers coming to consult. In Beijing and Yan City, there was a steady stream of customers coming. The investment attraction office fell from the front of the door The most lively and popular department.

Let Chen Jiewen also wear big glasses and can't help exclaiming, can Mayor Xia really be like a god's help, which can pull the huge amount of money to change the poor and backward face of Tianze City? If the huge amount of money is really put in place, her bluff in the municipal party committee can't compare with the actual interests. Mayor Xia may not only oppress her in prestige, but also attract more than half of the standing committee to become the first person in the Tianze Municipal Party Committee.