official god

Chapter 960 Foreshadowing, Episode

I met Xu Xin before Ji Fengsheng died. Xu Xin has been keeping his mouth shut. How should I order Xu Xin?

Xu Xin's impression on Xia Xiang is very old-fashioned. He will calculate everything clearly and is not greedy, but he will not suffer losses. He is a person who is not easy to deal with and cares about everything.

It is very difficult to open a breakthrough from Xu Xin. Of course, if Xu Xin opens it, it is equivalent to breaking Chen Jieshao's power circle. Chen Jieshao's power circle is very strong, including almost all the main heavyweights of the Municipal Party Committee. Xu Xin is the Minister of Organization, Pi Buji is the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Pei Yifeng is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau. Among the municipal party committee, in addition to Wu Ming

Book * Ji is a book * Ji. There is a leader's authority, and with a little political skill, someone will definitely get closer.

And if he guessed correctly, Wu Mingyi also had something to do with Chen Jie before he came to Tianze City, and he must have cooperated many times. After he came, Wu Mingyi had to keep a distance from Chen Jie because of his political discord with Chen Jiesu, and at the same time because of the relationship between the Wu family.

But even without Wu Mingyi and Chen Tianyu, Chen Jiesuo's mastery of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee should not be underestimated, not to mention that most of the districts and counties below are her people.

Tianze City, most of the country, is still under the control of Chen Jie.

If Xu Xin really knew something inside, Xia would be willing to take some twists and turns to make Xu Xin rebel.

Sitting in the study drinking tea, Wei Xin woke up in a daze. He only wore a sweater on his upper body, and got up with snow-white thighs on his lower body. She grabbed Xiaxiang's teacup and said animally, "You, how can you drink herbal tea?" I won't change it by myself. Everything makes me worry. If I'm not there one day, I won't die at ease."

Xia wanted to hold her in his arms: "Okay, say death" is unlucky.

Wei Xin suddenly cried: "I just dreamed that I was dead. You shouldn't call you. I'm so uncomfortable..."

Weixin always makes people happy and worried. Xia wants to hold her in his arms sadly: "You also said that you want to take care of me. You are like a child, crying all the time..."

Wei Xin buried his head in Xia's chest: "I always want to cry because I can't bear to part with you. In the past, when I was in college, my mother was ill. I had to go to school and make money to treat her. I didn't shed a tear. After I met you, I have shed more tears than 20 years ago. It's all because of you. How dare you say..."

The tears accumulated by a woman in her life will always flow for a black man. The love that does not shed tears is not an unforgettable love.

Xia wanted to hold Wei Xin tighter: "Ancient literati and elegant guests" all set up a house for outsiders and put their beloved woman outside, calling it an outer room."

"I know, now it's called Xiao San..." Wei Xin smiled again, "It's still interesting in the ancients, and no matter how bad things can be said very elegantly. Now Xiao San listens to it derogatoryly, but the outside room has a taste of elegance. Whether I'm an outside room or a mistress, I'll follow you before you hate me. But sometimes I feel sorry..."

After coaxing Wei Xin to sleep, Xia thought about it for a while.

Basically, the matter of Tianze City has spread out, and the problem of Paoma County is the biggest problem at this stage, and it is also the foreshadowing of another conflict between him and Chen Jies.

As for the policy of Beijing North New City and supporting private enterprises, it is still progressing smoothly, which also makes Xia think of a little bit of Chen Jie's bottom line. Chen Jie is involved in government affairs. As long as her interests are involved in major events, she will definitely intervene, and let go of minor matters. He also knew that Chen Jiesu's starting point of not paying any care about the support policy and Beijing New City is that after he touches the interests of the family forces, the rebound of the family forces will make him hit a wall. "She doesn't have to do it.

But when it comes to personnel, Chen Jieshao's authority is inviolable." She will certainly not give in the slightest concession. If the mayor can influence major decisions on personnel issues, then her book will be regarded as a failure.

But Xia wants to have to intervene in personnel issues. If she wants to do anything, she must have a specific person to carry it out. There is no one to do it, and it is difficult to do it. And since he has encountered some things, he can't stand idly by, just like Ji Fengsheng, just like Lu Sheng.

Perhaps without the vigilance brought to him by Ji Fengsheng's death, he was at most sympathetic to Lu Sheng's experience, not angry. Well, it is too difficult to find out one thing from the county, especially in some remote counties, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away. But now Xia wants to be full of indignation, and it is difficult to have difficulties and resistance. Even if he digs three feet in Paoma County, he will give Lu Sheng justice.

It is also necessary to restore the weather of Tomb-sweeping Day in Paoma County.

The more Xia thought about it, the more angry he became. There were a bunch of rubbish things. He forced an anti-drug hero into a drug dealer, and also used the real drug dealer as a hero to promote it. There are such books * records and county magistrates in Paoma County. It's strange that he can develop the

The next morning, Xia wanted to take a bus to Yan City to report to the provincial party committee. Of course, Xia wants to be the mayor. If you want to go anywhere, you just need to let the government know.

Li Ailin, the driver, is an old driver. He is 45 years old. He drives very steadily and can't make him get up quickly. After Xia wanted to become the mayor, it was different from before. I used to use my own car, which was convenient, but now I basically take the bus. I should pay attention to the image. But his relationship with the driver is average, far from the intimacy between the general leader and the driver. Perhaps it is related to his personality. The process of accepting a person is a little slow, and he also comes out of the cautious mind.

Li Ailin is honest in his eyes. He doesn't talk much, but it's a little too dull.

Not long after Tianyang came out, he received another call from Song Chaodu.

"Xiaxiang, when you passed the capital, you picked up Xiaofan, and she shouted that she insisted on seeing you..."

"Do it according to the instructions of the Governor of Song..." Xia thought of an official tone.

Song Chaodu laughed instead: "What's the matter? Why is it a little strange to talk?" Xia Xiang also realized something. I guess he was also influenced by Li Ailin's old-fashionedness and smiled: "I'm used to it. I'm going to it. I'm really not used to talking like this in front of you."

Putting down the phone, Li Ailin endured for a while, and still said, "Mayor Xia" It's really casual for you to talk to Governor Song, not like superiors and subordinates."

Xia Xiang only smiled and didn't explain much: "Go to Peking University and pick up Governor Song's daughter." Li Ailin agreed and couldn't take his eyes off the car, but thought to himself that no wonder it was rumored that the relationship between Mayor Xia and Governor Song was unusual, which was really unusual. I have never seen a mayor talk to the governor like chatting. Yes, he has to pick up the governor's daughter. Mayor Xia is really trusted by Governor Song.

In the future, I have to show off again. Several drivers of municipal leaders have seen the governor's daughter and drove for her? Li Ailin suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Soon he arrived at Peking University. Li Ailin stopped the car. Seeing that Mayor Xia got off the car and called, he was waiting. He thought that Governor Song's daughter didn't know whether Li Liang was beautiful or not. He has also met many leaders' daughters, and there are not many beautiful ones. He is a little skeptical and a little looking forward to it.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, I didn't see the girl appear. Instead, two student-like people surrounded Mayor Xia, and it seemed that he was not very respectful to Mayor Xia. Li Ailin was anxious and hurried to defend Mayor Xia.

... Xia wanted to get through Song Yifan's phone, but Song Yifan said that he would go to the classroom to find her. She was listening to a lecture, and it would be over in half an hour. Xia wanted to wait for her in place, but she didn't. She also asked the two boys to pick him up. There are two people who can't help Xia. One is Gu Yu, and the other is Song Yifan.

If there is one more person, strictly speaking, it is Mei Xiaolin.

As soon as the phone hung up, two boys came a few minutes later. Both of them were at the age of the knife. They were a little arrogant. They looked at Xia for a long time before introducing themselves: "My name is Li Run, and his name is Zhai Peng. They are all classmates of Song Yifan. Song Yifan said that you are her brother. Why didn't I hear that she has any brother..."

The little boy's thoughts can't be hidden from Xia. Xia wants to see his hostile eyes and knows that the other party is probably one of Song Yifan's suitors, and he doesn't bother to be serious with the little boy: "Take me to the big classroom, thank you..."

"Li Run asked you, why didn't you answer, it's not polite..." Zhai Peng seemed to be Li Run's follower, trying his best to protect Li Run, "Are you her brother or someone else? You don't look like a big man or an official. How can Song Yifan have a brother who is nothing? By the way, which university did you graduate from?

"My university is very ordinary and not worth mentioning." Xia wanted to laugh it down.

"Then what company do you run?" Zhai Peng continued to ask, as if he had a thorough inquiry. Obviously, he did not believe that Xia wanted to be Song Yifan's brother, and suspected that he had an ambiguous relationship with Song Yifan.

Xia Xiang is also very patient: "If you don't open a company, you are just an office worker." Li Run and Zhai Peng looked at each other, and both of them smiled contemptuously: "You also have a blade year, but you still have achieved nothing. It's really shouldn't be. At this age, I'm sure you're a hundred times stronger now." "A hundred times stronger? Young man, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue. Li Ailin arrived just in a hurry and said, "It's not that I underestimate you. Don't look down on Peking University. When you reach the age of the blade, you have half of his skills, and you will be great." Zhai Peng was unconvinced and smiled sarcastically: "Li Run's father is now at the deputy department level At the age of the blade, "at least you can get to the right place." "The right place?" Li Ailin is usually honest in front of Xia Xiang, but he is also the mayor's driver, and he also speaks proudly, "Do you know who the person in front of you is? He is the mayor, at the main hall level!", the main hall of the main year, or the actual main hall, the head of the city? Li Run and Zhai Peng looked at each other and were stunned.