official god

Chapter 963 Contradictions

Although Song Chaodu also understood that the central government's policy was always like this, it really happened to him, and he was still very uncomfortable. It is equivalent to using the resources of Yan Province to subsidize others. Why?

In fact, Yan Province is not short of talents, resources, and development opportunities, but the central government took a big hat and buckled it down. It was just an arch to defend the capital, which suppressed Yan Province for countless years, so that Yan Province has never been unable to go down. It is politically weak, and the economy has not been better. To put it

Yan Province has been sacrificed for countless years. Whether it is human resources or social resources, they supply the capital free of charge or at a low price every year. What do they get in exchange? Of course, politics is politics, and you can't be angry. But then again, it was not easy to have the capital economic circle. Obviously, it was to improve the economic development of Yan Province, but it used the plan of integrating steel to squeeze the steel resources of Yan Province. Song Chaodu was not only angry, but also angry.

Even Fan Ruiheng is very unhappy and supports the toughness of the Song Dynasty. If he doesn't insist on his interests, who will let you?

"You might as well agree first, and each will hold 50%." According to the trend of future generations and his grasp of the current market, Xia wants to know that the Song Dynasty is very scratching his head. He no longer paid attention to the transfer of the rise and cooperation, and directly said his idea, "Yan Province's steel resources are very developed. Single Steel and Qin Steel are the largest factories in China. Coupled with Niugang, Tiangang, Xuangang and other steel mills, although the steel resources of the whole Yan Province are scattered, but when they are integrated, they The fourth steel group!"

Song Chaodu was puzzled: "You mean..."

The merger of single steel and Baosteel. Since the central government has a plan, it has to accept it. But stick to the bottom line of 50%. After the integration, we will continue to integrate the steel resources of the whole Yan Province on the grounds of revitalizing resources. After all, although the steel resources in Yan Province are rich, they are too scattered to achieve economies of scale.

In the process of integrating the iron and steel resources of the whole Yan Province, the proportion of steel alone will become larger and larger, and the advantages of Baosteel will become smaller and smaller. At that time, we don't need to propose, Baosteel will also feel bored and leave..."

Song Chaodu looked at Xia with a look of disbelief. Another material was taken out of the drawer. After looking at it for five minutes, he handed the materials to Xiaxiang: "I didn't expect that you are the mayor of a prefecture-level city. I know more about the steel resources of Yan Province than the deputy governor in charge of the steel industry. In my opinion. Give you a deputy governor, and you are fully qualified.

Xia wants to be busy and modest: "You are familiar with me, which affects your rational judgment. How can I be qualified to be a deputy governor? Don't kill me." I also know too well with Governor Song. He spoke much more casually, or it would be good for a mayor not to be restrained in front of the governor.

While talking, Xia wanted to take over the materials, took a closer look, and listed in detail the scale and output value of several major steel mills in Yan Province, as well as their advantages, but there is no line to connect all the steel mills, which is integration.

Xiaxiang's proposal is bold and advanced, but it is not open-minded, but after a series of investigations and studies after the lessons of blood and tears in later generations. After countless efforts, he finally achieved success. Now he wants to let the steel industry in Yan Province take fewer detours, so as not to be stared at as fat meat all the time, and one day it will be eaten separately.

integrate as soon as possible and become a huge thing as soon as possible. If others are slanderers, don't swallow them in one bite.

Although local protectionism is often criticized by the media, it is not good if it is not protected. If it is not protected, the resources of poor places will be taken away by developed areas in the form of holding and tax-sharing systems. How can it develop? The poorer you are, the more backward you are, just like the rich second generation after the rich third generation and the rich fourth generation. Can the poor second generation only be poor for three generations and four generations?

No one will do it. Produced by Guanshenba Qingcheng, please support the genuine version.

The policy implemented by the United States internationally is actually like this, plundering and squeezing the resources of other countries, and completely serving other countries. The United States accounts for less than 5% of the world's population, but consumes nearly 25% of the earth's resources. Why? It is based on the international law formulated by the United States. To put it bluntly, it is the policy of radishes and sticks, which is coaxed and cheated. It's scary.

Unfortunately. Great countries have also been deceived for many years.

Just like the domestic reform and opening-up policy, the policy inclination has caused some areas to become rich, but the regions after becoming rich, they think that they are superior, and the media often adds fuel to the flames, publicizing the laziness and ignorance of people in backward areas. Even Xiaxiang was brainwashed by the media before. I think that's true. But now that he is gradually mature and looks at the problem from a higher level, he has changed his concept, which is actually very hurtful and ignorant. For example, a coastal area has finally become the richest province of enterprises and countries after years of reform and opening up. The so-called people change as soon as they have a wide face, and they feel that they are superior everywhere, but they do not know that they have concentrated the resources of the whole country to support an area. If they do not develop, they will be fools.

To put it more bluntly, is it that the coastal areas that have been very backward before the reform and opening up are because everyone is conservative and backward. Once reformed, everyone will become smart?

I don't understand the power of policy support. Don't blame everything on conservatism and backwardness. To give the simplest example, at the earliest time, the Singapore Industrial Park was ready to settle in Jincheng, which has been negotiated, but the central government persuaded Suzhou. Isn't the so-called persuasion an administrative order? Finally, for other reasons, Jincheng is backward and conservative. How can Jincheng be convinced?

In the planning and economic period, the Northeast is the most developed region in the country, with the highest urbanization rate.

However, after the reform and opening up, not only did not give the Northeast policy, but also used a low-cost plan to allocate oil, coal, steel and heavy industrial products in Northeast China, and then supplement tax incentives for enterprises in Lingnan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Prices are liberalized, and such a two-track system has led to the rapid decline of the Northeast. Now if we turn back and accuse the Northeast of backward thinking, how can we be fair?

The same is true for Yan Province.

The requisition of resources is not inclined in policy, because it has been around Beijing and Tianjin for many years. Xia thought that he was not the governor and should not worry about the affairs of the whole province, but who let him have a good relationship with Governor Song, and Governor Song asked him again? He had to reveal some of his thoughts to his face.

Governor Song's materials have been very detailed, and it is almost a key step forward to integrate the provincial resources. Xiaxiang's proposal is to outline the outline, connect the materials with a key line, and play the role of Zihua Long Dianqing.

Song Chaodu looked up at Xia for no reason. Because Xia's proposal seems simple, but in fact it is in the current situation. Under the domestic political climate, the most moderate and effective counterattack that Yan Province can make. It's too intense, and the central government doesn't allow it. If you are weak, you may make wedding clothes for others.

Song Chaodu pondered for a moment, swept the tired posture just now, and laughed: "I will reply to the National Development and Reform Commission tomorrow morning and agree to integrate. Each accounts for 50% of the shares. A closing meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon to study the planning of integrating steel resources in Yan Province. Yan Province. We should have a beautiful turnaround. But..." Then he also realized the problem. "The whole plan should be kept secret at this stage, and you can't let the outside world know that it's your idea."

Xia wanted to nod: "I know it in my heart. I will do it according to your instructions."

Song Chaodu did not want to take Xia's thoughts for himself, but did not want the outside world to know that it was his idea, otherwise it would definitely anger the family forces. But later, somehow, the news was leaked, which made several families know that it was Xiaxiang's means, but it still triggered a crisis.

This is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.

"To tell you the truth, Xiaxiang, the integration of single solution and Baosteel is one of my difficulties. If it goes by, the wind will be small. If it doesn't go, the wind will be tight. Song Chaodu wanted to make a deal to Xia. As the governor, he could tell the internal connection of the matter. It is definitely a reflection of 100% trust in him, and it is also a reward for the valuable advice he just put forward.

Xia wanted to nod and understood: "The Governor of Song has opened up the situation in Yan Province. If he continues to work further, he will make great achievements."

Song Chaodu smiled and said, "It's hard. The slogan of the capital economic circle is quite loud, but in practice, it is difficult to operate. However, if I am given three years, I am confident that the economy of Yan Province can be improved by a step. However, there is great resistance in all aspects. Among other things, let's talk about the integration of steel resources in Yan Province. Tianze City also has a share, and it will not be easy for you to do it then.

Tianze vanadium and titanium Co., Ltd. is a branch of Tianze Iron and Steel Company, which is the industry of the Wu family. If you want to integrate. It is bound to be boycotted by the Wu family, and it will be another good show.

And the matter of Paoma County may also involve the interests of Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tianze traditional Chinese medicine is the property of the Qiu family. A Paoma County incident will touch the interests of the Ye family, and an integrated steel incident will touch the interests of the Wu family. Is it really going to drift away from him and the family? Is the contradiction about to surface and become the main contradiction?

Although he was helpless, Xia thought that there was no way out. He is not a person who retreats when he encounters difficulties, and he has long been firm in his position and knows that the road ahead must be full of difficulties and obstacles, but he always has to make a choice in life and do something.

In the evening, at the suggestion of Song Chaodu. Xia wanted to call Cao Shuhui and Xia Dong, and the two families were eating out. Xia Dong fell in love with her as soon as he saw Song Yifan. His mouth was so sweet that he shouted happily one by one. Song Yifan was happy for a long time, and then suddenly woke up again. He asked Xia Dong to call her aunt with a serious face. Otherwise, he would ignore him and make everyone laugh.

In the middle of the meal, Cao Shuhui suddenly received a phone call. After answering, her face changed greatly. Originally, her smile turned into a crying voice, which surprised Xia Niang.

"Dad had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and was admitted to the hospital!"

At the time when Cao Yongguo was about to face the most important promotion in his life, a major accident occurred!