official god

Chapter 965 Words, Truth

, I'm not afraid to tell you that if Yang Jian plays the idea of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine again, Mei Shu * can't remember to protect him *..."

Xia thought that he was a little unhappy because of his father-in-law's matter, and he had long been dissatisfied with Bian Youshui to the extreme, and only one critical point would burst out. Now Qiu Xufeng came to provoke him again, and he suddenly became angry: "Xufeng, I'm not afraid to tell you that if Bian No one can stop it!" The subtext that no one can stop is don't scare people with the name of the Qiu family!

Seeing that Xia wanted to receive the phone and was still angry, Cao Yongguo smiled instead: "Do you also have time to be angry? In officialdom, you are the least afraid of saying harsh words. It's useless to say harsh words. It's useful to be cruel.

Xia Xiang didn't explain the situation of Tianze City to Cao Yongguo too much, let alone mention the bastards that happened in Paoma County. After calming his anger, he called Mei Shengping again.

"Mei Shu * Ji, the ministerial meeting of the whole organization, when will it end?"

Mei Shengping immediately understood what Xia thought meant and smiled, "Tomorrow. What, are you thinking about me again? By the way, I heard that Yang Jian went to Paoma County to find trouble with Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Qiu family implicitly expressed their dissatisfaction*..."

The Qiu family is implicit in Mei Shengping because the Qiu family does not dare to quarrel with the Mei family. Qiu Xufeng said harsh words to him. It was Qiu Xufeng who suspected that Yang Jian's behavior was supported by him. Xia also understood that the contradiction between him and his family forces gradually became prominent, and one day they would be put on the table.

But one thing also made him vaguely worried. From the incident of Song Chaodu, it can be concluded that the civilian forces are indeed far less united than the family forces. When the Song Chaodu was suppressed by the family forces, he seemed to have been fighting alone. There may be support from high-level officials, but there is not much. Most of the time, The vision and wrist.

Of course, if you achieve the position of governor, you will inevitably have a superb vision and a smart wrist, as well as the aura and influence brought by your own position. However, he is the mayor now. In contrast, the fate of a mayor is completely under the leadership of the provincial party committee, which is only two levels away from the governor. In fact, there are thousands of mountains and rivers. The governor was in trouble, and the mayor said it and went down.

"It's not Yang Jian's problem, it's the problem of Paoma County itself, and the Qiu family is dissatisfied and there is no way." The justice is in the hearts of the people*..." Xia thought it was inconvenient to say more about the inside story of the resurrearing contradiction between the Qiu family and the Mei family, and did not Not long after the call, less than half an hour, Xu Xin called: "Mayor Xia, I heard that you are also in Yan? I happened to have a meeting in the province." No matter what means Mei Shengping used to order Xu Xin, what Xia wanted was the effect of Xu Xin taking the initiative to call, so he said, "Okay, as a native of Yan City" I need to do my best to the landlord. What does Minister Xu like to eat? It's my treat*..."

Xu Xin also knew that Mayor Xia would not just invite him to dinner. At the level of him and Mayor Xia, he absolutely needed a reason to sit down for dinner. Now that Mayor Xia opened his mouth, "If he shied again, he would not know how to praise him, so he said politely, "Just feel free. The main reason is that I ..."

Make an appointment" Xia Xiang asked Cao Shuxun and Xia Dong to stay with Cao Yongguo's father-in-law. It's useless for him to stay. The main reason is that his father-in-law also repeatedly asked him to put work first. After all, he was the mayor and returned to Yanshi with Li

In the evening, he met Xu Xin in Yanfeng Building. Xiaxiang didn't ask someone to accompany him.

He and Xu Xin have had several contacts, and there is no need to be too cold. After sitting directly, he ordered the meal, and then talked while eating. Xu Xin also heard about Cao Yongguo's hospitalization and said a few words of relief.

"The death of Ji Fengsheng touched me a lot." In the past, I always thought that upright and stereotyped people were useless in officialdom. In fact, the idea was too arbitrary. With Ji Fengsheng's character, he is still very suitable for working in the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Lao Xu, you have worked in the Organization Department for many years, Tell me, if Ji Fengsheng doesn't die, is it appropriate to be a deputy book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection? Xia wanted to drink a few glasses of wine, so he borrowed the wine to talk, "It's a private conversation between us. Let's talk casually. It's not true."

The mayor has no book * memory has a lot of power in terms of personnel, but he is also the second person in the municipal party committee. He has the right to make suggestions, and there are some key positions for appointments. A strong mayor can fully withstand the pressure, so that the book * remember does not dare to make an easy decisions. However, Xiaxiang still stressed that it was a private conversation, and Xu Xin naturally knew it.

At the same time, what shocked him secretly was that Mayor Xia's pun lit out a lot of unknown inside information. Let him beat gongs and drums in his heart.

The promise made by the deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was made to Ji Fengsheng. Of course, he knew the twists and turns, which showed that Mayor Xia didn't care about Ji Fengsheng on the surface. In fact, he had been secretly investigating and did not let go.

Now he said it in front of him, and asked him to take the initiative to meet in private through channels. Does it mean that Mayor Xia already knows something? Xu Xin felt that his forehead began to sweat. The deeper he knew about Mayor Xia, the more he was afraid of his means and calmness. The more he knew that Mayor Xia was easy to let go and not flinch.

"Lao Ji is very pitiful, but his heart is too straight-minded and likes to get into the corner, so he went to a dead end. Alas, my colleague, I also feel very sorry. I have known him for more than ten years. So did he. He left his wife and children alone. It's clean to die alone, but men have to bear the responsibility..." Xu Xin drank a few glasses of wine in a row, and sighed with a little sorrow.

The matter of running horse county will definitely lead to a new round of conflict, and there will inevitably be personnel adjustment, so it is very necessary to beat Xu Xin appropriately in advance. In the eyes of outsiders, the Minister of Organization is in a high position. In fact, he can only control the promotion of cadres below the middle level. The transfer of key cadres is all in the hands of the book. If you want the people to be the squatified, they should also be concentrated. In fact, most places have skipped the people's and The book * remembers that the power is in hand, and the words are not the same.

is also the authority that no one dares to resist the book. If there is a strong mayor and a principled organization minister, it can effectively contain the book on personnel issues. What Xia wants is not to attract Xu Xin, but to give him a chance to choose, and with Xu Xin's character, it is impossible for him to confront Chen Jiesu head-on.

The main thing is that Xia wants Xu Xin to take the initiative to reveal some inside information. He really wants to know what Ji Fengsheng said to Xu Xin before he died.

"Men should be responsible, Lao Xu, Ji Fengsheng has been your old friend for many years. Why did he go to a dead end? I'm afraid you know more about what he wants..." Of course, Xia thought can't say it too directly, so he just beat around.

Xu Xin's face turned slightly red. I don't know if it's the reason for drinking or whether there is a ghost in his heart: "Mayor Xia, I... I can't understand. With his personality, he has been supporting for more than ten years. It shouldn't be..." It shouldn't be anything. He couldn't According to Xu Xin's years of official experience, he never blushed when he opened his eyes and told lies, but in front of Xiaxiang, he always felt that all the secrets had been exposed, which made him restless.

"Running Horse County declares heroic deeds for Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming. What do you think of Lao Xu*..." The Minister of Organization also has the right to review the materials of Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming, and also has the right to speak.

"I haven't looked at it carefully. On the surface alone, it's a good thing. But I heard that there are some differences in the specific situation and the declaration materials? I'll learn more about it when I get back*..." Xu Xin still didn't want to tell the truth and walked around in circles.

Xia thought that he also vaguely said "*..." a few times, and no longer mentioned business, but talked about strange and soft things all over the world. Let's talk about it, but it's often the end. Otherwise, if the conversation is too high, it will become self-bragging.

After dinner, the two shook hands and said goodbye. Xia wanted to say meaningfully, "Spring is coming soon. Although spring in Tianze City comes late, it will come sooner or later. You have to prepare for the warmer weather in advance to adapt to the changing weather*..."

As soon as he said a word of concubine, Xu Xin's face changed.

Xia wanted to look at Xu Xin's distant back in the car, and knew in his heart that he was afraid that he would have a sleepless night.

The next morning, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Xu Xin. Xu Xin's tone was very respectful: "Mayor Xia, I have a meeting at noon. If it's convenient for you, I want to go back to Tianze with you..."

From Yanshi to Tianze, there is a long way to go. There are many things to say, and Xiaxiang will naturally not refuse.

Xia wanted to inquire about Cao Yongguo's condition again. When he learned that Cao Yongguo returned to Yan City for a few days later to recuperate for a few days, he was completely relieved and said a few more words to ask Cao Shuxun to accompany Cao Yongguo. He must return to Tianze now.

Cao Yongguo repeatedly told him to put his work first and go back to Tianze quickly without distraction. He understands that this is an extraordinary time. If he has been by his father-in-law's side, a deputy governor's father-in-law, a mayor's son-in-law, will enter the sight of many people, give people infinite reverie space, make trouble, be used by people with ulterior motives, and put the relationship It's an incident of verbal attack.

On the way, Xu Xin got into Xiaxiang's car, and his car followed behind. Xia wanted to sit in the back seat with Xu Xin. First, he talked about the difference in the climate between Tianze and Yanshi. Then when the topic changed, Xu Xin told the truth.

"Mayor Xia, I confess to you that Ji Fengsheng asked me for a drink before he died."

Xu Xin thought that Mayor Xia would definitely be surprised, but Mayor Xia was not surprised at all. He nodded and smiled: "Then... what did he say?"

In an instant, Xu Xin understood that Mayor Xia had known about his meeting with Ji Fengsheng for a long time, and he had been waiting for him to reveal the details. Suddenly, he felt a tingling sensation in his scalp, just like walking into the ice and snow without clothes in winter, and his whole body was cold.

Xu Xin knows that he must tell the truth.

PS: It is necessary to ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets again