official god

Chapter 977 Waves

Chen Jiewen recovered her weather. First, she changed the meeting as usual and delivered a speech, conveying some of the latest instructions of the provincial party committee, and then threw out the topic of Chang Yu.

"Lao Chang's recent work is not very positive, with a negative tendency, not very good. Publicizing heroes is a good thing, promoting righteousness and establishing a new style, which is conducive to guiding the hearts of the people to be good. Anyone can hear Chen Jiewen's dissatisfaction with Chang Yu, "Why hasn't it been publicized until today? Earlier, it was said that the materials and actual conditions of Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming were not the actual situation. OK, didn't your propaganda department also go down to visit? Didn't you find out any trivial problems? In the last online incident, the Propaganda Department dealt with it unfavorably. Now it is a good opportunity to set up the chaos and restore the positive image of Tianze City. Why can't you take the initiative to implement it?

First, he gave Chang Yan a big hat for his negative work.

Everyone looked at Chang Yan. Chang Yan was an old man in the officialdom. He knew that if the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee criticized him again, he could not take him down. No matter how meaningful other people's eyes are, they can't affect his career. Only when he takes the wrong step can he take a big blame. That's why I'm not afraid of other people's guessing eyes and smile calmly. Don't talk, don't refute.

"Establishing heroes should not only be publicized, but also vigorously publicized. My opinion is. Once in place, report directly to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and publicize at the provincial and municipal levels at the same time, it will be a great momentum. It is necessary to completely eliminate the adverse impact of network events on Tianze. Chen Jiewen did not only put forward the topic without expressing her opinion as usual, but directly expressed her position.

In general, the leader likes the last statement, which is also the embodiment of the principle of the common people. Otherwise, you will show your attitude with one hand. How can you make others say different opinions again? Isn't it equivalent to making a clapper as soon as you come up? In most cases, the leader will make a statement directly, and most of the people below will agree. Even if there is a very small number of objections, they will be overwhelmed by a voice of approval.

The above refers to the situation where the leader fully grasps the overall situation.

Xu Fanhua, a total of 13 members of the Standing Committee of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, went to the Central Party School and took a sick day off. Only 11 people were at the meeting. Although Liu Fengsheng attended the meeting, he had no right to speak.

As soon as Chen Jiewen finished speaking, a member of the Standing Committee looked at each other in contempt. No one spoke was neither a sound of concord nor a voice of opposition. Silence means silent opposition and neutrality.

Chen Jiewen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so she called the name: "Tianyu said it first."

Chen Tianyu didn't want to be the first to speak, but he was ordered by the secretary, so he had to say: "Of course, it is a good thing to promote heroes, provided that Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming are indeed heroes worth promoting. He also did make a sad story. But I heard a lot of rumors about them, saying that Fan Mingwei said that he had made false and wrong cases, framed a deputy township head and sent the deputy township head to a mental hospital. He has also maintained an improper relationship with his female subordinates for a long time. Wait, I don't think these statements are groundless. It is still necessary to find out the facts before making a decision. It is a good thing to set a model, but if the model is a negative figure, it will not only not help the positive image of Tianze, but also make the people of the whole country laugh.

As soon as Chen Tianyu finished his words, Liu Fengsheng moved his eyebrows a few times and cast a meaningful look at Chen Tianyu.

When Chen Jiewen heard that it was a cliché, she couldn't help but get angry: "The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee has gone down and people have made field investigations and visits. If there is no discrepancy between Fan Mingwei's deeds and the promotional materials, don't talk about it.

Chang Wei answered: "The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee went down to investigate and visit. No problems were found, but it did not confirm that the materials reported by the Propaganda Department of the Paoma County Party Committee were true."

"So what? Do you deny the credibility of the first-class party committee just by your simple conjecture? The more Chen Jiewen looks at Chang, the more unpleasant he is now. She wants to hit him fiercely, "Lao Chang, where is your principle? You are obviously unreasonable, have selfish thoughts, or be instructed by others.

The meaning of the word is that he is often angry with others. Who are the others? There is no need to guess that it alludes to Xia.

"Secretary Chen, Comrade Chang Yan is also out of a cautious starting point, and it is understandable that he has concerns. If something really goes wrong with the hero, who will bear the responsibility? It must be the Minister of Propaganda. Xia thought must speak, otherwise it would seem that he did not care about Chang Yan. "Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming have disputes and rumors. They are not necessarily catching the wind, let alone empty holes. The eyes of the masses are bright."

"The eyes of the masses are bright, and the eyes of our leading cadres are not blind." Chen Jiewen immediately retorted, "Without real evidence, no rumor can come to the stage. I can't count it. Mayor Xia, you are also opposed to the propaganda of heroes. If you have any opinions, you can put forward them face to face..."

This sentence is very meaningful, which means to accuse Xia of secretly obstructing.

You don't know who Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming are? Official God Bar Qingcheng Qingqing provides text updates.

Who do you show it to? Xia thought that she looked at Chen Jiewen's face contemptuously. Seeing that she had the tendency to reach her goal, she thought that she had been in officialdom for a long time, and she could not be thick-faced and black-hearted. No wonder she could hold the Tianze Municipal Party Committee in her hands, not only in politics, but also enough

It's time. Xia thought with a light smile: "I have a problem, of course I have a problem. The past network events on the Internet have taught us the experience. You should do a good job of publicity, otherwise you will throw stones at your own feet. If there is a teacher who doesn't learn to be smarter, our Tianze will really become a target. Some time ago, the media from all over the country came to Tianze. Minister Chang was so busy that there was no more trouble. I think the Municipal Party Committee should vigorously commend Minister Chang's work. Now the media's attention to Tianze has cooled down. But once something happens to Tianze, the media will immediately match the online events of the previous period of time. Tianze can't stand the emergence of negative news again. My opinion is that the propaganda of heroes is better than to clarify the facts.

Chen Jiewen knocked on the table and said very fast, "Furb the truth? I have said it a hundred times to find out the truth, and the truth is. Comrades Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming are heroes!"

Liu Fengsheng coughed gently: "Secretary Chen, Mayor Xia, I was just attending the meeting and had no right to speak, but I happened to talk about Fan Mingwei, and Secretary-General Chen also ordered Fan Mingwei's framed deputy township head. It happened that one of the cases in my hand was involved. The fact that Fan Mingwei framed the deputy township head..."

With a "buzz" sound, there was a discussion at the Standing Committee.

Pei Yifeng and Xu Xin looked at each other. Both of them saw surprise and shock in each other's eyes. They had made an appointment to speak for Secretary Chen today, but fortunately they hadn't spoken yet. In particular, Pei Yifeng knows it well. He knew the discord between Liu Fengsheng and Pi. I also know all about Fan Mingwei's murder of Li Wei.

What a Liu Fengsheng. When the skin is not there, he has to reverse the case for Li Wei, which is equivalent to kicking the skin directly in the back. Suddenly thinking of Lai Guangming again, Pei Yifeng shivered in his heart. No, since even Liu Fengsheng can find out the old case, will Mayor Xia not be clear at all about Lai Guangming's illegal behavior of smuggling and selling drugs?

Looking at Mayor Xia's light smile, Pei Yifeng was secretly glad that he had not spoken for Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming first, otherwise it would make Mayor Xia doubt that there was any insider deal between him and Lai Guangming. Mingzhe is the first to protect himself. Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming can't touch the matter. I'm afraid it will be triggered.

After thinking deeply, the timing is really accurate. In another two or three days, Lao Pi will come back. Now it is the east wind of Secretary Chen's high-profile propaganda to do extraordinary things, and directly beat Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming to death.

No, Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming are already dead. They beat them. In fact, they still beat the county government of the Ma County Party Committee. They beat Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing.

Ping Xinfeng straightened out his mind and completely understood it.

Pi took a week off. The day before yesterday, he just passed the appointment of Li Fei, the new deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Secretary Chen didn't want to agree and had no choice. The provincial department's support for Li Fei was quite strong. Who doesn't know that Li Fei is the direct line of Mayor Xia. From Xia Ma District to Lang City and then to Tianze City, he is a steel knife of Mayor Xia on the public security front. Today, he mentioned Fan Mingwei's old case. What you want is to kill you when you are sick!

After Lao Pi comes back, will he be so angry that he will be hospitalized? Pei Yifeng was not optimistic and thought about how to protect himself in the next step.

"Comrade Liu Fengsheng, please note that the Standing Committee is now open." Chen Jiewen did not take Liu Fengsheng's words head-on, but reminded him to pay attention to his identity. What did the Standing Committee say?

Xia wants to wave his hand: "Lao Pi is not here. Comrade Liu Fengsheng is the representative of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. When it comes to Fan Mingwei's case, you might as well listen to him. If you listen to him at the same time, you will be clear, and if you listen, you will be biased. Comrades

"Yes, yes."

"Yes, yes."

"Comrade Liu Fengsheng should be allowed to make a speech..."

The Standing Committee immediately echoed.

Chen Jiewen's face turned red to blue, so she had to push the boat along the water: "Since all the comrades agree, Comrade Fengsheng, you can talk about it in detail." While talking, she couldn't help but be shocked. Somehow, a strange idea came to her mind. If she was still naughty, would she think of Ji Fengsheng when facing Liu Fengsheng?

Liu Fengsheng took out a thick pile of materials and said in a heavy tone, "Leaders, Fan Mingwei is a complete villain. He framed Li Wei, the deputy head of the township, and not only removed Li Wei, but also let people arrest Li Wei and forcibly put him in a mental hospital! Li Wei is not mentally ill. He is an upright and conscientious member of the Communist Party. He has a lot of evidence of Fan Mingwei's corruption, bribery and messing with men and women. Now, the evidence is in my hands. Please have a look!"