official god

Chapter 991 Confrontation

Chen Jiewen's eyes widened... She was both angry and annoyed. Zhan Jinpeng took the wrong public medicine. If he can't speak, let alone, what kind of evil fire did he make? What a shame.

Then I thought, who is Zhan Jinpeng speaking from? Although he is not particularly close to her, at least he should not be angry with Xia. Although she didn't communicate with him in advance, Zhan Jinpeng is not stupid and can't hear her position?

In addition, he must also know Xiaxiang's position, so he also stood up angrily. Does he want to be Xiaxiang's pawn or do he have any conditions for exchanging interests with Xiaxiang?

Chen Jiewen thought a lot, but she didn't think of the key point.

Xia thought of it, but thought of it. Although Zhan Jinpeng scolded Paoma County aggressively, it seems that Fu deeply dislikes the official atmosphere of Paoma County. In fact, he is simply pointing at mulberry and scolding Huai, by blaming Running Horse County, secretly insining the official atmosphere of Tianze Municipal Party Committee.

At the beginning and after Zhan Jinpeng took office, everything went wrong." It is estimated that it is far from the scene he expected. It can't be blamed that the Tianze Municipal Party Committee snubbed him. In fact, he was accompanied by Ma Xiao in person, which has left a deep and meaningful impression in many people's hearts. It is estimated that there are many people who want to get close to him, but something big happened in Paoma County, which completely stole his limelight and let him sit Huh, even the work he was in charge of fell into a standstill.

In addition to his anger, it was reasonable for him to be angry in Paoma County.

However, he scolded Paoma County in an angry manner in the Standing Committee, which was unstable and exposed the superficial and impatient side in front of everyone. The people here are all old officials in the officialdom. It's not that you can scare them by slapped the table and say a few cruel words.

The people present were shocked at first, and then surprised. "Some people laughed disdainfully, and there were many meaningful things in people's eyes." Some people's eyes flashed with deep disappointment.

Lei Yidai laughed and said, "Xiao Zhan" sat down and said. I agree with you, but I don't agree with your impatience. Don't be angry. Besides, as a leader of the municipal party committee, when dealing with the problems of the following districts and counties, "you should correct your mentality, you should be right to things, and you should not have selfish thoughts."

Zhan Jinpeng blushed. In full view of the public, he felt very ashamed and regretted the humble movement just now.

Xia thought said in time, "Comrade Jinpeng is the tallest leader of the Municipal Party Committee. He stood up to reiterate this fact again."

Everyone laughed. In the laughter, Zhan Jinpeng's embarrassment also subsided a lot. He slowly sat down and relieved Mayor Xia in time in his heart, with a trace of complicated emotions.

Since he opened his mouth, Xia thought continued to say: "Comrade Jinpeng's righteous indignation just now is not unreasonable. Paoma County is a poor county, a poor county that has been struggling on the poverty line." The county government is still competing with the people for profits." The county government has made money, and the people are starving to death In my opinion, all of them have to be punished. Why is Bian Youshui not responsible? As a book, he doesn't know the decision of the county government? It seems that when Zhang Hexing decided to sell the land, "Comrade Bian Youshui did not go abroad to investigate, nor go to the party school to study, let alone ask for sick leave, and the situation of illegal land has been from two years ago." For two years, he shirted the responsibility without knowing it? Who are you suffing? I think it's a suff!"

Mayor Xia's words were like a slap in the face, which directly slapped Chen Jiewen in the face. Because at the book * office meeting held before the Standing Committee, Chen Jiewen tried her best to expel Bian Youshui, claiming that Bian Youshui was indeed deceived by the county magistrate Zhang Hexing, deputy county magistrate Zhou Hanjiang and the county director of the county's land bureau, and land bureau, and did not know it... At

It's only now that I put it on the table and hit it directly in the face, Mayor Xia, what a poisonous hand.

For a moment, the Standing Committee was silent." No one could say a word of rebuttal.

Mayor Xia is telling the truth. Under the current political system, the book * remembers the hand of everything. If the storytelling * does not know the major decisions of the government, the person here who believes is a fool. There is an example of Chen Jiewen in front of her. Which decision of the municipal government does she know clearly. Chu Chu, and she has to nod to implement it?

Take a step back, the book * can't be remembered, it's a dereliction of duty. If you ask and don't stop it, it's dereliction of duty.

But there are some words that everyone knows in their hearts, but they can't say them. If they say them, it will be embarrassing. Mayor Xia said the key to the problem in public and pointed to the crux of the problem, which made people speechless.

Only Mayor Xia dares to face the authority of Chen Shu*. If it were anyone else, his words would rot in his stomach and he would not say anything.

Beware of disasters coming out of the mouth.

Xiaxiang is also determined to take Bian Youshui. Although the instructions of the provincial party committee require serious treatment, they do not give specific opinions. After all, the personnel appointment of the Paoma County Party Committee belongs to the Tianze Municipal Party Committee. The provincial party committee is not easy to give specific opinions directly, and generally it will not be more reasonable. Of course, there are precedents for over-level handling. Xiaxiang also thought that the provincial committee directly implied that Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing would be removed from office. Unexpectedly, the spirit of the instructions given in the end was only a general opinion. He knew that "Maybe the Qiu family intervened.

In addition, I learned the news of the alliance between the Mei family and the Qiu family from Fu Xianxian. With the spirit of the instructions of the provincial party committee, it is estimated that the opinions of Fan Ruiheng and Mei Shengping prevailed. Otherwise, if it is the opinion of Song Chaodu, it will definitely take all of Paoma County.

Lei Yiyi spoke again in time: "If you want to investigate, just check to the end. Don't fool things. After dealing with Zhang Hexing and not dealing with Bian Youshui, "No one is convinced, and it is indeed an unliteral rule to grasp the small enlargement." But now the situation can't be taken care of, so don't do it anymore. My attitude is very clear. "Book * Ji and the county magistrate, all of them will be dismissed and investigated."

"If Comrade Bian Youshui is dismissed for investigation, he is indeed a little wronged. He has a certain leadership responsibility, but he can't sit together, can he?" Yang Jian spoke, with a difficult look on his face, as if it was difficult to speak. He looked down at the table. "No one looked at it. "My opinion is that Zhang Hexing will be dismissed from office and investigated, and Comrade Bian Youshui will be warned and punished within the party."

Yang Jian has been vigorously promoting the investigation and handling of illegal land in Paoma County in front of the stage. In the eyes of many people, he is the mastermind. Many people do not know that Xiaxiang is the real mastermind. They all think that Yang Jian is the main promoter, so no one thought that at the last moment when the dust is about Many people were shocked.

Xiaxiang was not shocked, but felt helpless and deplorable. Politics is politics. Under the pressure of Mei Shengping, Yang Jian has no choice. He can fully understand Yang Jian's difficulties. If it violates Mei Shengping's will, it may have an impact on personal promotion. If it affects their future in order to punish a Bian Youshui, 99% of people will be the same as the light.

Chen Jiewen was silent on the surface, but a touch of joy flashed in her eyes. Bian Youshui is her bottom line, and it is also the biggest fight between her and Xiaxiang on personnel issues.

Since the last Internet incident, he has aged a lot, and now he is very annoyed because of Liu Fengsheng's own ideas. The whole person seems to have changed a lot. As soon as he speaks, he scares everyone. Why is his voice hoarse so much: "Comrade Bian Youshui still has made contributions to the horse county. He serves In the past few years, Paoma County has been managed in an orderly manner. There are problems with illegal land in the whole province, but he hit the muzzle of the gun, which is his bad luck. The municipal party committee should take care of its own cadres. Don't deny the merits of a cadre easily. Just give a warning within the party. Paoma County still needs Comrade Bian Youshui to preside over the work to stabilize the overall situation.

Chen Tianyu smiled coldly. He drew a conclusion from the incident that Chen Jiewen tried her best to protect Bian Youshui. Nowadays, there are really few leaders standing in a fair position like Mayor Xia. He was very angry: "Book of the book, meritorious deeds have been punished. The municipal party committee will not easily deny a cadre, nor will it tolerate a cadre who has made a big mistake still in the leadership position, which is not only irresponsible to the people of Paoma County, but also irresponsible to the leaders of the provincial party committee.

Pi kept opening his mouth and was about to sment at each other. Zhan Jinpeng interrupted again: "Some time ago, I saw the news on the Internet that the leader of a municipal party committee in Tianze loved the cadres and directly loved the cadres to the dead end." Is it true?"

Xu Xin, the head of the organization who was drinking water, choked and coughed violently. He cried and laughed and thought, "Zhan Jinpeng really doesn't know or pretend to be stupid. Didn't he scold his bald head in front of the bald man? He doesn't have a city.

The skin suddenly blushed and his neck was thick, and he was almost furious. He put up with it. Seeing that Chen Jie winked at him, he put up with it again.

"Lao Pei, tell me your opinion." Chen Jiewen didn't want to quarrel anymore. "I wanted to cut the mess quickly, so I directly named Pei Yifeng.

Pei Yifeng seemed to be very calm. First, he took a sip of water slowly. After the last time the cup was broken, he changed to a new cup. It was still the old habit of not leaving the cup. He gently put down the cup before opening it. "Comrade Bian Youshui is not suitable to work in Paoma County. I can't go down. Before going to the Standing Committee, I specially read the post on the Internet for a long time. "The above side said that Bian Youshui should bear the main leadership responsibility, and also said that Bian Youshui will not step down, which proves that the Tianze Municipal Party Committee has not seriously dealt with the relevant responsible personnel. On the Internet, you will continue the resume of human P>

Chen Jiewen's eyelids jumped a few times, and she was shocked. What's wrong with Pei Yifeng? Has he completely fallen to Xia? However, it's not right to think carefully. "There is something to say in Pei Yifeng's words" There must be something to say.

Sure enough, Pei Yifeng then raised a new problem.