official god

Chapter 995 Advance

Because the provincial mayor's meeting was held three days later, Xiaxiang was not in a hurry to return to the municipal party committee, but continued to accompany Yan Xiao and Yang Wei to have an in-depth conversation about the next steps.

After more than half a year of preparation, the joint tourism cultural festival has finally been officially launched to the market, and the response is not bad. Although there is still a certain gap from the expected effect, the number of tourists coming to Tianze has increased significantly, and many people go straight north from Shancheng. After visiting Shancheng, they will kill Tianze.

The feedback from tourists is that Tianze has rich tourism resources and high playability, but the traffic is not very developed. If it can solve the traffic problem, it will definitely attract more tourists.

The traffic problem has indeed plagued Tianze City for a long time. After Zhan Jinpeng took office, he confidently thought that he could easily solve the traffic dilemma in Tianze City, so that he could become the focus of everyone's attention. I didn't expect that the original relationship usually speaks very well. As soon as it comes to business, it will be pushed back and down, either over and over again, or prevaricate on the grounds that it is technically insurmountable. Anyway, it's a big basket of words, which means that there are more difficulties and fewer ways. I really want to implement it Objective reasons for resistance.

Zhan Jinpeng knew that there was still a big difference between working in localities and ministries.

After all, there are business cadres in ministries and commissions, and the biggest difference between local management cadres is that there is a huge gap in personnel.

He had a big psychological gap, and then he knew that he was really impatient before. Local affairs have to deal with people everywhere, and personnel can't handle them well. Things can't be done without any rules. Just talk about human feelings.

Zhan Jinpeng's work fell into a standstill, which was different from his optimistic idea of opening the situation quickly.

Xiaxiang also knows that the traffic problems are not urgent. The plight of Tianyi City has not been in a year or two, but for decades. Everything can be done overnight. It will definitely have the opposite effect. He was also anxious, and he also urged the Ministry of Communications several times, and his reply was still consistent. He just wants to wait for another ten days and a half months. If there is really nothing he can do, he will have to use the old relationship.

I don't want to disturb the Wu family for the time being, although he also knows. As long as he opens his mouth, Mr. Wu will definitely give him face, and he can definitely do it in one sentence, but Mr. Wu knows his character very well and knows that he does not owe kindness. What Mr. Wu wants is to make him feel guilty about the Wu family.

I accompanied Yan for a long time to inspect for a long time, and the progress of various projects is good. Yan Xiao was very interested, and laughter sounded from time to time. He let Yang Wei straighten his eyes from time to time, and then shook his head helplessly, giving birth to the image of an idiot.

Let's have dinner together at noon. Peng Yunfeng and Xu Ziqi accompanied, Xia wanted to sit in the main position, Yan Xiao, the second. The others sat at will. Anyway, it was not a formal occasion. Don't pay too much attention to it.

During dinner, Yang Wei raised the topic of his first love. It should be Yan Xiao's style that seduced his good memories of his first love. He said with emotion, "First love is the most unforgettable. My first love, Fan Bingbing, is not that big star. She is not as good-looking as my Bingbing. At that time, I remember that day when it rained, she was wearing a floral skirt, wearing a sky-blue umbrella, and jumping around in the rain with brisk steps. The most beautiful note in the world was beating in my heart, and I fell in love with her at once.

Yan Xiao hid his mouth and smiled, with a slanderous expression, but looked at Xia Xiang. Xia wanted to shake his head, which meant that he didn't have such a beautiful first love. Yan Xiao made a grimace and mocked him.

"I followed her, and I didn't take an umbrella. I didn't feel it when I got wet. I didn't go far. Her shoelaces were open, but she couldn't bend down to tie her shoelaces with an umbrella. I didn't have the courage to help her tie it. I hesitated for a long time. At the last moment, I gritted my teeth and told myself that before I could step forward, a boy happened to pass by and tied her shoelaces without hesitation. I was dumbfounded and watched the two of them talk and laugh and go away. Later, they came together hand in hand, and I missed the best emotion.

Xu Ziqi laughed and said, "Mr. Yang, you are not called first love, but unrequited love. Wang Lixia and I are the real first love. She and her childhood sweetheart grew up together. Later, when Zhansui, her family moved to the south, and we were separated and lost contact. Unexpectedly, on the first day of college, I found a female classmate named Wang Lixia in the list of classmates. I thought it was just a person with the same name, but I didn't expect it to be her. We started our first love and thought we could get together, but we didn't expect to break up in the end. Alas, the sky doesn't fulfill people's wishes.

"Why did you break up?" Peng Yunfeng couldn't help asking curiously, "What's wrong with the childhood sweetheart, and the love and the match made in heaven?"

"It's hard to say. If you don't say it, you will be sad when you say it." Xu Ziqi picked up a glass of wine and drank it all. "If I had known that the spring dream would finally be empty, it would be like we didn't meet at the beginning."

Yan Xiao finally couldn't help laughing: "Two big men, sighing and missing their first love, people who don't know, really think that you miss love more. Can men nowadays, especially those in officialdom and shopping malls, still have love? She said it to Xu Ziqi and Yang Wei, but her eyes flew to Xia from time to time.

Xia wanted to laugh: "Don't look at me, I don't have an unforgettable first love, but now there is still a beautiful love."

"Don't show off. Everyone knows that you have a lady who is as beautiful as a flower and has a kitchen.

" Yan Xiao didn't know whether it was a joke or jealous. He ate and laughed, "Isn't Shuhui your first love?"

Xia wants to wave her hand: "Personal privacy, please don't ask."

Yang Wei smiled knowingly, Peng Yunban smiled implicitly, and Xu Ziqi smiled. After laughing, he said, "Whether you like to listen or not, whether you believe it or not, I will say more about my first love, the story of Wang Lixia and me..."

Peng Yunfeng secretly praised that Xu Ziqi had much more eyes than before. He knew that he had relieved the leader's siege, and it was not leaking, which was not easy to detect and made great progress.

Xu Ziqi talked about the goddess in his heart for a long time for everyone.

Wang Lixia is also in Tianze City now. She is not married yet, but Xu Ziqi has been married for 5 years, so she sighed that women are still more affectionate than men. Men are too forgetful and easy to change their minds. It's quite like a fashion. In fact, I still love one when I see one.

Xu Ziqi is unconvinced to argue with Yan Xiao about the differences between men and women's understanding of love. Men should bear social responsibility, family responsibilities, and pressure from their parents, etc. There is no way to get married.

In the end, no one convinced anyone, but later Xu Ziqi still proposed to Xia with the strength of wine. Can you transfer Wang Lixia to work in the municipal government, because she is idle at home now and has no job, which is quite depressing.

According to Xu Ziqi, Wang's family is in good condition. His father is a famous furniture king in Tianze City and has monopolized more than 70% of the furniture market in Tianze City. Wang Lixia used to work in her father's company, but later she didn't know why she had a quarrel with her father and simply resigned.

Xia thought didn't agree at all, but said it was a chance.

After dinner. Xia wanted to go back to the municipal party committee and go back to the hotel when Yan was a child. She had to stay for a period of time this time before leaving after the project first achieved results. The advantage of Yan Xiao is that he does things very seriously. As long as he does it, he must do it well, and he will be serious to the end.

Xiaxiang didn't spend more time with her. Recently, he has been very busy, and many projects have entered the most critical stage. He keeps inspecting his work and negotiating with investors. He is very busy.

The first phase of the Blue Sky Wind Farm has been basically completed. Because of the good efficiency, the second phase of the project has been put on the agenda in advance. Now that Mei Qing and Li Yifeng are the secretaries and county magistrates in Paoma County, he is also relieved. Mei Qing understood that a person with a very practical spirit was the conclusion reached by Chen Tianyu after a period of contact. Although Li Yifeng is Chen Jiewen's secretary, he also has merit in his personality. He has a good personal relationship with Xu Ziqi, and Xu Ziqi's evaluation of him is relatively positive.

Then there is the Tourism Cultural Festival. Although the investment is not very large, it can improve the overall image of Tianze City and raise tourism to the height of culture and folk customs, which is conducive to the long-term development of Tianze tourism. At the same time, it can attract tourists from different levels. It is no exaggeration to say that Yan Xiao and Yang Wei jointly invested in the tourism project. It can directly drive the prosperity of the real estate market in Tianze City.

Then the Huahaiyuan of Vision Group has officially named Huahai Manor Huahaiyuan. In order to commemorate the construction of the dam grassland where she and Xia Xiang first met, the construction of the dam grassland has begun. The investment of Huahaiyuan is as high as 2 billion yuan, when the investment agreement was signed. At that time, it caused a sensation in the Tianze Municipal Committee. Mayor Xia is really good. Tianze City has been forgotten for many years. As soon as he took office, he made continuous investment, and it was all a lot of money.

If you don't accept it, who can't accept it? If you have the ability, you can also try to attract 2 billion investment?

Hua Haiyuan's positioning is modeled on the No. 9 mansion in Lang City. Xiaxiang also contacted Wang Qiangwei and invited Wang Qiangwei to make suggestions for Hua Haiyuan. Wang Qiangwei readily agreed and said that she happened to come to inspect the investment environment of Tianze, and also planned to invest in Tianze.

The above major investment projects are enough to shock a member of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, but it is only the beginning for Xiaxiang. Because of the Beijing North New Town project, it has just begun to get on the right track.

If the Jingbei New Town is fully rolled out. Not only will it cause a sensation in Tianze, but all prefectures and cities in the province will cast envious and shocked eyes on Tianze.

Three days later, Xia wanted to go to Yanshi to participate in the mobilization conference for the integration of the province's iron and steel resources. Originally, he thought it was just a routine meeting, and there should be no mistakes. In the process of implementation after the policy formulation, the resistance was unexpected, but it became a tense meeting, and the fight was advanced!

ps: The first update, I burst into tears and asked for a monthly ticket! Your old man is full of cows and has retreated on the monthly ticket list. How can you bear it? How can you shed tears? ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to the starting point, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)