official god

Chapter 1005 Mayor of Two Sides

Qin Cailai's dismissal on the spot is a wake-up call for other people who oppose integration in Tianze City. It shows Mayor Xia's determination to promote the integration plan with an iron fist, and at the same time announces to the whole province that Tianze City has taken a good lead and fired the first shot for Governor Song's plan.

In order to be exempted from the position of Qin, it is also necessary for Chen Shu* to nod his head. Chen Shu* did not agree and said two things... When Pei Yifeng was uncertain, Peng Yunfeng came in a hurry and reported to Mayor Xia: "Mayor Xia, Chen Shu* agreed..."

"Good!" Xia wanted to clap the table and said, "Now Chen Shu*ji and I agree to remove Qin Cai from office on the spot. What's your opinion?"

Both the book and the mayor agree. Who still opposes it uninterestingly? Yang Jian, Pei Yifeng, Chang Resentment and Chen Tianyu all nodded, which was basically equivalent to a small Standing Committee passing a resolution.

The fate of Qin Cai came from this moment, which was doomed to tragedy. He can't be blamed. At the thopedic point where Jin Province is about to promote marriage, he resisted. However, he still tossed a group incident. If he doesn't take him, will he still be invited to dinner?

Of course, whether Qin Cailai intended to make a group incident or not is not a problem that Xia wants to worry about. Qin Cailai is someone else's pawn. He took him down directly and rudely took him cannon fodder, just to let the people behind the scenes see his determination.

If you dare to be a bird, you have to have the courage to be shot at any time.

Chen Jieshao agreed to be expected by Xia. She did not dare to show her face. Xia thought did not blame him. It was originally a government affair, and it was reasonable to hide behind the scenes, but what Qin Cailai did touched the bottom line of Chen Jie. It was strange that she was not ashamed and angry.

No one wants to bear joint political responsibilities. One or two leaders in any prefecture or city are most afraid of group incidents and petitions. Yan Province has regulations. "If three group petitions occur in a year in a county, all the county heads will be dismissed on the spot.

A group petitioner with more than five petitioners is a group petitioner.

Determined the fate of Qin Cailai first. Xia thought he fully grasped the initiative in personnel and was full of confidence. He even thanked Wu Caiyang for his timely action. If he said with bad taste, "It's equivalent to Weng's son-in-law's move. Unfortunately, Wu Caiyang always looked down at him, but he didn't know what he knew about him. He was very thorough. "It gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it, and he

Wu Caiyang not only underestimated his political wisdom, but also underestimated his toughness. Obviously, it was also his recent downturn in Tianze that made Wu Caiyang have the illusion that he lacked momentum and spirit after he became mayor?

Wu Caiyang is wrong!

Xia thought never lacks a vigorous side. As long as he is given a chance, as long as it is something he recognizes, he will not hesitate to fight within his authority.

Xia wants to continue to issue an order: "Let the employee representatives come forward to negotiate with up to five people first, and let the media continue to keep in touch with them. Lao Pei remained vigilant and maintained order at the scene. Lao Chang, pay close attention to the Internet and strictly prevent news media from coming to interview in other places, especially in the capital. Tianyu, keep in close contact with Chen Shu*ji and report the trend to Chen Shu*ji in time. Xiaomin, Yunfeng, Ziqi "You will work with the relevant personnel of the government office to assist Jin Yanzhao and Lan Minmin to do a good job in the interview, and be sure to make sure that you are safe."

Assist in the reporter's interview and speaks well. In fact, it is still supervising a group of reporters.

Xiaxiang's arrangement is comprehensive. Pei Yifeng and Chang Guan don't say anything on the surface, and they admire it secretly in their hearts. I thought that Mayor Xia was too young and had little experience in dealing with group events. Unexpectedly, he was not only calm and calm, but also did not panic at all. His wrist was not only meticulous and tough, and he did not admire it.

Mayor Xia is becoming more and more the backbone of today's Ze City." Even Pei Yifeng, who is old, nodded secretly and applaud Mayor Xia's impenetrable wrist.

There are differences in political positions. However, when dealing with group events, it is necessary to maintain a high degree of unity and consistency with the outside world. Pei Yifeng still distinguishes the priorities.

Not long after, the staff representatives were elected. The five people were all white-haired old men and old ladies. Xia wanted to invite a few people to the reception room on the first floor of the municipal party committee building for discussion, politely invited a few people to sit down, and asked the staff to pour tea, putting on an open and modest attitude.

"Ses of old comrades, you are about the same age as my father. I call you uncle and aunt, and I will not give in to myself." Xia wanted to put a cup of tea in front of several people in person, and his tone was very kind, "Several uncles, aunts, you are all retired. You should have enjoyed your old age, but you still have to come to the municipal government to petition. As the mayor, I feel very sad. Our government's work is not in place, which makes

Xia Xiangqing's sincere words made several old people look at each other in consterance, and they were so surprised that they couldn't speak. I thought Mayor Xia would say in an official tone, "Huh, ask some irrelevant questions, and then record them publicly, and they will be sent away. It's not that they have never seen the world, and they also know what bureaucrats are.

Mayor Xia is sincere and kind-hearted. Does he really want to solve problems for them?

Several people started to talk to each other.

"After integration, our pension will be halved, right?"

"After the integration, the benefits of Tiangang will decline, and will our benefits after retirement also decline*..."

"Mayor Xia, we have sold our life for Tiangang all our lives, and we can't rely on until we are old. If Tiangang is merged into Yan Province Iron and Steel Group, should it be in line with the minimum treatment in the whole province *..."

Several people said it in one breath. Xia thought that he had understood a little, and the focus of the problem was still on interests.

It seems that some people have spread rumors that after the integration, Tiangang will not only become a vassal, but also implement the province's minimum standards for Tiangang's employees, especially retired employees, which will not only be halved, but also may reduce benefits.

Retired employees are most afraid of the lack of benefits and pensions. They are incited to make trouble, which is understandable emotionally, but from the nature of the incident, it is an intolerable behavior. Because of the trouble made by Tiangang workers, Qin Cailai did not control the matter within the scope of Tiangang. After the accident, he only made a report to the municipal government and then there was no follow-up. Obviously, he put on the style of threatening the municipal government. He thought that he was the meritorious official of Tiangang and thought that he had a back

Yes, Chen Jieshi will not offer to investigate him, because Chen Jieshang dare not offend the Wu family, but Xia Xiang dares to!

Xia wants to patiently explain a few points of the integration plan to a few people.

The province will not adopt a one-size-fits-all policy for several steel mills, which is unrealistic and does not conform to the actual situation, because the development of various places is uneven. After integration, each steel mill will also implement its own wage and welfare system, which will not be unified. If it is finally unified, it will be high or low...

After answering the questions that employees are most concerned about, Xia thought again that in fact, the integration of steel mills in the province is beneficial to employees, because employees with technical ability can be more reused. Qingang or single steel can serve as the technical backbone, and the income and treatment will leap forward significantly. Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, Tian Many leaders in Yan Province Iron and Steel Group will not hold too important positions. They are the biggest victims. However, the integration plan, in the short term, Tiangang will definitely have labor pains. In the long term, it is conducive to the long-term development of Tiangang.

The big and small theory has been passed, and more than half an hour has passed, but it seems that several people are skeptical and have not fully understood the work. Xia Xiang raised his hand to look at the time.

Xu Ziqi and Peng Yunfeng both maintained order outside. Xia thought that there was no one available around him. Fortunately, as soon as he looked at his watch, Jin Yanzhao rushed in from the outside and made a gesture to him, which meant that the interview ended smoothly.

Xia wanted to nod to Jin Yanzhao happily. Not to mention that Jin Yanzhao appeared in time. He turned around and said to several old people, "Dear uncles and aunts, what I just said, I made to you on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and it is also the specific embodiment of the spirit of the provincial OK, it's okay if you don't believe it. Anyway, I've finished what I said. Finally, what I want to say is that in a word, the integration plan is small, and we must make every effort to promote it. No matter what difficulties and resistance we encounter, the municipal party committee and the municipal government will definitely overcome all difficulties *..."

Xia Chang's tone was just like a gentle breeze and drizzle, and it turned into a serious expression in a blink of an eye, which made several staff representatives unable to adapt to Xiaxiang's transformation and were stunned with surprise.

What shocked them more was that Xia wanted to say again: "Although there is a reason for today's matter, the municipal party committee and the municipal government will never allow the gathering of people to make trouble. Today's events are understandable, but unforgivable. We should seriously deal with the mastermind and the people behind the scenes...*..." He pointed It's a reporter from the city TV station. Everyone who participated in the trouble today was recorded by the camera, and no one can run away. Whoever takes the initiative to hand over the mastermind behind the scenes can make contributions. Otherwise, after the integration of all the on-the-spot personnel today, the salary of each person will be reduced by one level*..."

Xia wanted to wave his hand again: "I'll give you half an hour to think about it, and I also want to tell you that Qin Cailai has been dismissed on the spot!"

Xia wants to turn around and leave, leaving a room of people to look at each other...

Xia Xiang ignored the consteries of several people and strode outside. Jin Yanzhao followed Xia Xiang closely, like his secretary, which made people laugh.

The interview outside is over, and the crowd shows signs of restlessness again. As soon as Xia wants to show up, someone began to agitate the crowd and ask the municipal government to give a public answer and not to engage in behind-the-scenes transactions.

Xiaxiang did not have contact with the crowd. As soon as he appeared, Peng Yunfeng quickly came to report the work. The work of the municipal TV station has been completed, and the work of the newspaper is almost finished. Everything is going well.

Xia wanted to know that the time was ripe, so he nod to Peng Yunfeng: "Let all the reporters come back." He turned around and made a gesture to Pei Yifeng again, "Lao Pei, start to catch people!"