official god

Chapter 1020 A big game of chess

, the Wu family's action continues to lay out in the macro aspect. At the provincial and ministerial level, a new round of indirect competition will be carried out, driven by the overall situation, so as to show the strength of the Wu family.

First, there was a personnel change in Lingnan Province. The former governor of Lingnan Province was old and retired directly. Qian Jinsong, the executive vice governor, took over as the governor and officially entered the ranks of senior officials at the provincial and ministerial level, becoming the governor of Lingnan Province, the largest economic province.

Qian Jinsong had a period of experience as the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee in Yan Province. His support immediately attracted the exclamation of the domestic media, saying that the era of Yan Province was coming. Many Hong Kong, Taiwan and foreign media have even written articles to speculate that Yan Province has become a major political province overnight, because there are three new governors from Yan Province in a row.

Needless to say, Cao Yongguo is a native official in Yan Province. Although Xie Duantai has experience in politics in the capital ministries and other provinces, he has also served as the most important position of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in Yan Province. Qian Jinsong has also entered the ranks of the sub-provincial level in Yan Province, so it is not impossible to call the governor of Western Province, the governor of Qi Province and the governor of Lingnan Province as senior officials of Yan Province.

In fact, except for Cao Yongguo, the above three people can't count, especially Qian Jinsong, who should be classified as cadres who went out of the capital.

is not out of Yan Province. The relationship is not very close. The important thing is which faction Qian Jinsong is.

When Qian Jinsong was in Yan Province, he did not have much contact with Xiaxiang, but the relationship between the two was also close, because when Qian Jinsong was the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, he had always been relatively neutral and did not have a too inclined position. During his stay in Yan Province, he did not do anything important.

Qian Jinsong took office in Lingnan Province at the beginning and had an interest exchange with the Qiu family. Xia thought that he also worked as a middleman at that time. But Xiaxiang has never been very clear about who Qian Jinsong is in the background of the capital. This time, Qian Jinsong's unexpected correction was a little sudden, which made Xiaxiang have a lot of speculation.

In the traditional sense, Lingnan Province has been the territory of the Qiu family for a long time, but since he took office as the deputy chief of the State Council, the current provincial party committee is from the League. From this, it can be inferred that if Qian Jinsong is not a family force, he is a member of the common force.

It is impossible for a faction to serve as both the book and the governor.

After thinking about Qian Jinsong's low-key and calm style and what he has done in Yan Province for several years, his position is about to come out.

Xia Xiang didn't have time to call Qian Jinsong to congratulate him. There were a few news that suddenly shocked him. At the same time, he knew that from point to surface, from small to big, the integration of iron and steel resources in Yan Province involved not only the resource defense war of Yan Province, but also the civilian and family forces. Direct fight between.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the macro confrontations and the momentum of public opinion are for the war around the success or failure of Tiangang's integration in the periphery, and Tiangang will eventually become a key fulcrum and the last footnote of a series of confrontations.

First, the deputy book of the Provincial Party Committee of Henan Province, the book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection *, the book of the original book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection * was transferred, and the new book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection * was the direct line of the Wu family. As soon as he took office, he investigated and punished two senior officials at the deputy department level, one was the deputy director of the Henan Provincial Coal Department, who was in charge of the integration of coal resources in Henan Province. The other is the deputy director of the Department of Transportation, who focuses on the high-speed project in Henan Province.

Henan Province is also a traditional coal province. The integration of coal resources is on the agenda earlier than that of the Western Province. However, unlike the large-profile and eye-catching Western Province, the integration of Henan Province is carried out quietly. In fact, the effect of integration is better than that of the West Province. However, as soon as the new Commission for Discipline Inspection took action, the key figures responsible for integration were directly taken down, and the integration work was immediately decisively affected.

There is also a temporary pause in the high-speed project because the person in charge was arrested.

If the Wu family does not take action, it will be done. As expected, the power is not small. If you don't pay attention to personnel and discipline, it is enough to avoid being cruel.

Yu Province is located in the south of Yan Province, close to Yan Province. It is also a close neighbor of Yan Province, and has always had a good relationship with Yan Province. It is the only place to go south of Yan Province. All investment and materials in Yan Province in the north must pass through Henan Province. Therefore, I can't help but think that the fall of the deputy director of the Coal Department is to cause trouble for the integration of coal resources in Henan Province. So what is the political intention of the fall of the deputy director of the Department of Transportation?

The clouds are moving in all directions, each has its own tricks, and each has its own thoughts.

Neiyuan Autonomous Region is north of Yan Province and is also a famous coal province. Following the high-profile announcement of coal resource integration in the Western Province, the Neiyuan Autonomous Region also held a series of meetings recently to study the topic of coal integration, preparing to build a large coal enterprise of 100 million tons. The district government has repeatedly said on different occasions that it wants to accelerate industrial integration and upgrading and become bigger and stronger.

However, the district party committee's letter * Ji stressed at a meeting that it is necessary to prevent unrealistic ideological worship of making it bigger and stronger, not simply make it one-size-fits-fits-all, and beware of the country's progress and the retreat of the people to cause doubts from all parties. The district party committee * records the rare earth resources of the inner element as an example, which means that the most important integration in the emergence stage is not the coal industry, but the rare earth resources.

It is reported that the secretary of the Inner Yuan District Committee is the secretary of Mr. Wu in those years.

The current situation is that the four provinces around Yan Province, Qi Province in the east and Yu Province in the west, are making a positive response to the integration plan of Yan Province. The ancient Yuan Autonomous Region in the north and the Henan Province in the south are obviously an integration plan to contain Yan Province.

A big game of chess.

Because integration is the integration of local governments, it is not in line with the overall strategy of cross-regional annexation and strengthening itself by family forces. It can be said that the stronger the local government is, the greater the control of resources, which is not conducive to the development of family power.

The action of the Wu family is not only the Wu family, but also the power of the whole family will certainly not be limited to one province and one place, and will also have the influence of the senior management of the central government. Sure enough, at a national economic conference, Vice President of the State Council, Li Haide, delivered an important speech, pointing out that the situation varies from place to place. It is a good thing for some provinces to integrate resources, but some provinces may not be good, and even receive the opposite effect. There is a bad atmosphere in China, that is, I like to follow the trend and like a swarm of bees in everything I do. Just like the integration of iron and steel resources in Yan Province at this stage, there are no results, and other provinces are competing to follow suit. What if it fails?

The Central Committee has made three orders and five applications many times. The development of the economy should have a long-term perspective, a view of the overall situation of the situation, do not follow what people say, and do not blindly be greedy for the whole.

President Haide's speech may not be the unified opinion of the State Council, but as the general manager, he also published the above remarks at the national economic conference, and chose to use too much speculation that Vice President Hai put pressure on Yan Province through the air. Doesn't the State Council support the integration plan of Yan Province? Question mark

The situation, because of a series of changes and the ups and clouds of all sides, has become nervous again, and it is confusing, making people unable to see the direction clearly.

Tianze City, Mayor's Office.

Xiaxiang usually doesn't like to smoke and prefers tea. At this time, he is drinking tea, using a delicate crystal glass, which is the water cup carefully selected by Wei Xin for him.

Wei Xin said that drinking water makes people healthy, and a good cup makes people feel comfortable. As soon as it is comfortable, they will be more willing to drink more water. Although Xiaxiang didn't agree with Wei Xin's theory, the cup she gave was really good and pleasing to the eyes. He made tea several times a day, almost the same as Pei Yifeng.

Peng Yunfeng sat down, holding a cigarette and wanted to smoke. He smelled it and put it back. The leader didn't smoke, and it was boring for him to swallow the clouds alone, so he couldn't help it.

"That's probably the situation, Mayor, what spirit of instructions do you have?"

Peng Yunfeng reported to Xia Xiang about the recent movements of Yang Jian and Zhan Jinpeng. As Xia expected, Zhan Jinpeng has obvious signs of getting closer recently. The relationship between him and Peng Yunfeng is much closer than before, and he has had several private meals with Peng Yunfeng, which is regarded as establishing a good cooperative relationship.

Although Yang Jian also has a trend to approach, it is not obvious, and Yang Jian is much older than Zhan Jinpeng. His words and things are dripping, which makes Peng Yunfeng can't understand Yang Jian's thoughts. But he can also draw a clear conclusion that Yang Jian's position of firm opposition to the integration of Tiangang has been shaken.

Peng Yunfeng is very clear that Yang Jian's relationship with him was not far or near. Basically, he was on business and had no personal relationship. But recently, Yang Jian always came to his office to sit down when he had nothing to do. The excuse was also very simple. He asked for office supplies or looked for a document. In fact, the secretary could do it for him, but Yang Jian did it himself. He knew that it was not because Mayor Yang liked to walk around, but Mayor Yang had borrowed his mouth to ask Mayor The intention of the direction.

In other words, it is to open up the link in advance, so as to lay the groundwork for changing your position at a critical time.

In addition, Chen Shu* is not in the municipal party committee recently, and Mayor Xia is the only one. As the housekeeper of the municipal government, his importance is highlighted at once, and there is a faint trend to surpass Chen Tianyu. Fortunately, Chen Tianyu is also the confidant of Mayor Xia, so he did not let Secretary-General Chen have any

He is also the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, which is much more important than his speech.

Peng Yunfeng adheres to the duty of the Secretary-General of the government, strives to do his job well, and plays the role of the spokesperson of Mayor Xia. He does not cause trouble to the leader, let alone cause trouble to the leader. What should be said, click until the end. What you shouldn't say is keep your mouth shut.

In his current good status, he is most taboo to talk about it. If you accidentally say useless words twice and get to Mayor Xia's ears, you may be immediately thrown into the cold palace. He is now very popular in the municipal party committee compound, but he knows that his glory comes from the trust of Mayor Xia. Therefore, no matter how dazzling other people's promises are, no matter how attentive others are, he should remember that he will never make mistakes based on the interests of Mayor Xia.

Xia wanted to meditate for a moment. The situation in Tianze City was still under control, and Peng Yunfeng's performance also made Xia want to be quite satisfied. He had always been assured of Peng Yunfeng, but he was still a little worried about Xu Ziqi, so he asked, "How is the recent contact between Ziqi and that aspect?"