official god

Chapter 1038 The second game, a round of

Under the current good situation, Mayor Xia Kenbao will sell the victory fruit in his hand while the iron is hot. And the break in the middle, it was obvious that Chen [Shu] remembered that he wanted to talk to someone alone again to reverse the unfavorable situation. Unless Mayor Xia's brain is broken, he will definitely not agree.

Husband's battle, courage. One drum, then decline, three exhaustion. Will Mayor Xia not understand the simplest reason for the confrontation between the two armies?

To everyone's surprise, Xia thought seemed to hesitate for a moment, and nodded and agreed, "Okay, just follow the spirit of Chen [book]'s instructions."

Everyone was shocked. What's wrong with Mayor Xia? He didn't keep the favorable situation while the iron was hot, but he let go generously. Is it okay? Everyone stared at each other, and they couldn't figure out whether Mayor Xia was generous or unintentional.

Chen Jiewen couldn't think about why Xia agreed so happily. She immediately waved her hand and was the first to step out of the conference room. As soon as she left the table, the rest of the people got up one after another, and the conference room was noisy. Pi Buji, Wu Mingyi and Pei Yifeng exchanged their eyes imperceptably, and the son came out. A moment later, the Minister of Propaganda often complained, the commander of the military sub-district, Leng Yang, and the Dongqiao District Committee [Book] Hu Yongchao also walked out of the conference room one after another. Chen Tianyu took a look at Xia Xiang. Seeing that Mayor Xia was indifferent, his heart hung up.

Obviously, several people just now were called to talk by Chen [Book]. If Mayor Xia does not take the initiative to take measures, it is equivalent to burying the good situation with his own hands, and the victory that is about to be won will be handed over to people. How can it not make people anxious?

In addition to Xiaxiang, there were still Yang Jian, Zhan Jinpeng, Xu Xin, Chen Tianyu and Lei Dai in the conference room. Mayor Xia did not take the initiative to talk to Yang Jian and Lei Dai. Instead, he got up as if nothing had happened. He ignored him and went out with his back.

What kind of medicine is sold in Mayor Xia's gourd? Or is there no medicine to sell, so let it go?

Chen Tianyu lowered his head and said nothing. Yang Jian still looked thoughtful and didn't seem to have made up his mind. Zhan Jinpeng looked relaxed." Anyway, his task has been completed, and now he doesn't have to have a psychological burden. Lei took out a nail clipper and cut his nails. Everyone has their own faces, their own thoughts and thoughts, which is indeed an intriguing picture.

Chen Jiewen said that she had rested for more than ten minutes, which was a very vague statement. "Sure enough, after a 20-minute rest, she hasn't seen the figure of Chen [Book]. No one is in a hurry. When the Standing Committee still has three or four hours to open, it won't take long, and everyone can afford it.

Fortunately, some people came back one after another. First, Pi and Pei Yifeng came in together, but the two seemed to have just quarreled, and neither of them paid attention to each other.

Pei Yifeng is fine" tried to keep calm, but Pi did not rest with an angry expression. As soon as he entered the door, he took a look at Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to go out just now, and came back after only a while, and then sat in the seat and waited patiently.

Yang Jian didn't move in the conference room all the time. During this period, he only answered a phone call, and then was stunned for a long time. Then he began to observe every member of the standing committee in and out, with a rich and thought-provoking expression on his face.

Chen Tianyu also went out during this period, but he returned soon and sat in his seat all the time, with a thoughtful look and motionless. In fact, his heart is rolling like a tide, because the victory or defeat of today's Standing Committee is so important that it is related to the future prestige of Mayor Xia." It is not even an exaggeration to say that it is also related to the personal future of Mayor Xia. Mayor Xia must have something in mind, and he knows it well, but after all, he is not Xia. I don't know what kind of cards and confidence he has under Mayor Xia's calm performance?

Unconsciously, Chen Tianyu's palms were full of sweat.

With the members of the Standing Committee coming back one after another, the lazy atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense again, even much more nervous than just now, because everyone knows that the real battle of life and death is coming!

Chen Jiewen was the last one to come in, with a faint smile on her face, or a reserved face, holding her arms, walking slowly, and falling into everyone's eyes. She was a victor's posture.

Lei Dai breathed a sigh of relief. Mayor Xia is still young and has insufficient experience in political struggle. It is not impossible for the Standing Committee to take a break, but he can't let [book] remember to pull in and divide and talk separately. 〖 Book] Remember to talk and put pressure on it, and it will definitely turn the situation around. Who won't give [book] face? Especially in the current emergency situation, whoever gives [book] face, [book] will remember who is good, although it is only for a while. But whoever loses [book] to remember face, [book] will remember hatred in his heart, and it will be a lifetime.

Lei is about to retire. There is no tendency in the issue of Tiangang. He also has relatives working in Tiangang. He wanted to abstain from voting with the principle of neutrality, but seeing that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to Mayor Xia, he decided to give Mayor Xia a little confidence to support Mayor Xia's proposal.

Chen Jiewen did just have a conversation with Pi Bulhou, Pei Yifeng, Chang Nu, Hu Yongchao and Leng Yang respectively, and once again communicated on the Tiangang issue, demanding to ensure that the position is consistent at the Standing Committee and must get more than half of the support. Several people agreed very well, and none of them flinched halfway. Pei Yifeng even patted his chest to ensure that he would absolutely follow the instructions of Chen [book]. Chen Jiewen was completely relieved. After calculating the number of people, she was absolutely more than half, and she was very sure that the victory was in sight. This victory will not only give Xiaxiang a heavy blow, but also bring a far-reaching and significant impact on the moves between the civilian forces and the family forces. It is no exaggeration to say that this victory not only established Chen Jiewen's reputation of regaining the first person in Tianze City, but also brought extremely favorable bonus points to her political future, which is almost equivalent to her stepping into the threshold of the sub-provincial level.

In this fight, Xu Sheng is not allowed to be defeated, and he is determined to win! Chen Jiewen shouted for herself in the bottom of her heart. Defeating Xiaxiang in the decisive game will sweep away her previous defeats, so that she can not only raise her eyebrows, but also severely dampen Xiaxiang's prestige. In the future, she can still firmly control the situation of Tianze and suppress Xiaxiang in Tianze.

Xiaxiang, there is no possibility of turning over again!

Chen Jiewen sat down calmly and nod to Xia. It was the winner's pity for the loser, and the condescending charity of the leader to the second leader.

Xia thought didn't seem to think that Chen Jiewen's attitude was a little arrogant at all, and he also responded kindly and smiled.

Chen Jiewen smiled with a smile on her face, but thought contemptuously in her heart. Xia thought that you insisted that you had to submit the issue of Tiangang to the Standing Committee for discussion. You humiliated yourself. Don't blame me. No wonder you have too much political wisdom. No matter what purpose you came out of, I'm sorry, it can only be your life and death today.

Chen Jiewen made a concluding speech: "Comrades, the problem of Tiangang's integration is related to the fate of more than 10,000 employees of Tiangang and the economic development of Tianze City. I believe that after a series of discussions, everyone has something to worry about. Our starting point is, everything is for Tianze, everything is for Tiangang! Are there any comrades who want to speak below? If not, we will vote directly.

"I'll say a few words." Lei raised his hand to speak. According to his original intention, in fact, he didn't want to talk today, but he really couldn't bear to see Xia's fiasco, so he wanted to cover for Xia. "Actually, the integration of Tiangang is not a big deal, and the integration may not be much worse, and it may not be much Comrades all know that it is not as good as the outside, it is a bad situation. Well, it's impossible to go further. But if you want to make a decline in efficiency, it is very possible. At present, the situation of the steel industry is not very optimistic, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. Qingang and Single Steel, which used to rank so high in China, but now? How many people have it fallen to? Have you ever thought about the reason?

Lei Dai's words were very simple, but very direct. The question was also asked a little. Many people were stunned. It seemed that they didn't expect that Lei Dai had such a unique vision.

"So according to me, integration is an opportunity. After integration, the difference between Tiangang will not be much worse, but it may have benefits, because Tiangang's hungry titanium resources are unique advantages. In the group, it is likely that there will be a special position to obtain technical and financial support and make up for the long-term benefits. Short, on the whole, it is beneficial to the Tem Steel Man. Of course, it is not of great benefit to the leadership of Tiangang. They can't be the leader, and they will definitely oppose integration. Lei said a few more words, and then nodded, "My speech is over. What I want to say is actually one sentence, incongrate, half dead. Integration is a rare opportunity. In addition, don't talk about more than 10,000 employees of Tiangang. According to me, if you really know whether integration is good or bad, no more than a thousand people, and the happiest people have ulterior motives.

Lei Dai is the last shift anyway, so he has no scruples about speaking, so he doesn't have to look at Chen Jiewen's face, so he is Chen Jiewen's biggest headache. Sure enough, as soon as he said his words, Chen Jieshen's face changed slightly and looked at Zilei with dissatisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Lei was very interesting. He also stared at Chen Jiewen and smiled: "Chen [Book], the Standing Committee is a place to speak freely. You don't want me to tell the truth, do you? What I'm saying is the truth. Do you have a problem with me?

Chen Jiewen ignored Lei Dai's cynicism, but looked at the crowd again: "Who else has something to say? If not, it will be officially voted on. She looked around and saw that no one answered, so she continued, "Comrades in favor of the integration of Tiangang, please raise your hand."

Xia wants to be the first to raise his hand.

Chen Tianyu is the second.

Lei Da is the third.

Zhan Jinpeng is the fourth.

Then, there was a brief cold scene. Could it be said that only four people supported it? In less than ten seconds, Xu Xin also raised his hand.

Five people supported it!

It's cold again! Time passed hard minute by minute, and Chen Tianyu's heart was deep to the bottom. Did he fail like this?