official god

Chapter 1073 Receipt Rights

First, he informed Peng Yunfeng and Xiao Wu, and then Xia wanted to drive to the railway station in person. There was anger and thought in his heart. It's not wrong for the gold and silver to be beautiful, but it was wrong for the sisters to go in and out. Two identical beautiful women will always meet men who are bold.

The phenomenon of dirty and messy railway station in Tianze City has a long history. After Xia wants to take office, he has been focusing on economic development and has paid little attention to public security issues. Today, he happened to meet Jinyin Jasmine. In addition, the main energy in the next step is to develop the economy. The political struggle should come to an end. He decided to take this opportunity to carry out a crackdown in the whole city.

In the past, it was not that he didn't want to crack down, but that Pei Yifeng was disobedient. If Chen Jiewen didn't nod, his words would not be carried out completely. Now it's time for him to keep his word in Tianze.

Ap When he arrived at the railway station, Xia thought that he couldn't stop according to the position. As soon as he stopped the car casually, he hurried over. In a dark corner of the railway station, there were three or five stream of little hooligans surrounding Jinyin Jasmine. One of them still wanted to move his hands and feet. Xia wanted to rush forward and pulled him aside. Fortunately, he still cared about his status as mayor. If he had kicked him up in the past, he would have to kick him with a piece of shit.

The other party has yellow hair and an earring, which is a typical representative at first glance. The earring was pulled by Xia, and he almost didn't fall down, so he was angry. As soon as he saw that Xia wanted to be another person, he relied on the large number of people. Without asking, he came forward and kicked Xia.

Xia thought that he wanted to shock the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party was a two-hearted person, so he didn't have to be polite. When the mayor was not in front of the stage, he was also a living person. What's more, he is only 31 years old now, and he is still cold-blooded There was also silver jasmine's hair that was pulled to the hair, and a piece of the sleeve was pulled. Obviously, there was a tear just now.

Xia wants to hate men who beat women most, especially the little hooligans who fight with women.

Well, it's just an attack today. In Tianze, he has endured it for a long time, and Chen Jiewen is fine. The political competition is about insinuation and a shot in the back. Now even a little hooligan dares to come up and do it. Is he really a dry meal as a mayor of Tianze? Xia Xiang was angry from the bottom of his heart. He raised his feet and kicked the calf bone of the earrings fiercely.

The sound of a broken bone came, and the broken leg of the earring was broken with one foot.

The earrings fell to the ground, and they cried so much that they cried. The rest of the people saw that the good guy was really cruel, so they roared and immediately came from around with more than a dozen people with iron sticks, surrounding Xiaxiang and gold and silver jasmine.

The leader was a bald man with an iron bar in his left hand and his right hand in his trouser pocket. The bulging shape was like a pistol. He smiled gloomy: "Friend, who hurt me for two women, do you know who I am? If you know who I am, you will regret the kick just now.

Xia wanted to sneer: "Do you know who I am? If you know who I am, you will regret meeting me.

"Good boy, his tone is not small." Under the dim yellow light, the bald head can't see Xia's appearance clearly. Even if he can see clearly, he probably won't believe that the person in front of him is the mayor. There is a big gap between Xiaxiang on TV and Xiaxiang in real life. He took out his right hand and held a dark pistol in his hand, "

Xia wanted to be furious in his chest. Under his territory, someone dared to show a gun at him? When the struggle between Lang City and Oh Chen reached the hottest stage, Oh, Chen did not dare to expose the gun. In China, the gun is a forbidden area that cannot be touched.

I thought that Tianze was conservative and backward, but I didn't expect that in the place where the slap was big at the railway station, there was dirt, and some people had guns in their hands. It seemed that it was impossible not to make up my mind to rectify it.

As soon as the bald gun was exposed, Jin Yin Jasmine exclaimed in horror and hid behind Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to smile: "I don't know what to call you?"

The bald head thought that Xia was afraid, and laughed: "My surname is Li, ranking third. My friends on the road call me bald Li San. I said you're not from Tianze, are you? I don't know that I covered this part of the railway station?"

"Brother Li has a backstage in Tianze. He walks across Tianze, and no one dares to stop him."

The people behind followed.

The bald head continued, "You just hit my brother. In this way, I see your acquaintance. Let you go, and the two girls will stay. You will pay 100,000 yuan for medical expenses. If you don't have money, you can break your legs."

The crowd around laughed again.

"Sister flower, with fine skin and tender meat, it's absolutely fun."

"What a fucking water spirit. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman."

"That is, if you can sleep one, you won't live in vain in your life. If you sleep two at a time, damn it, it's worth it even if you die immediately.


The more people talked, the more unbearable they became. Jinyin Jasmine grasped Xiaxiang's arm tightly and was scared to death.

Xia's anger is getting stronger and stronger. In the poor mountains and rivers of Tianze, the economic development is not good. The soil of Beijing has breeds a group of garbage. The arrogance of the other party is more determined that Xia wants to rectify the public security environment while Tianze vigorously developing the economy.

At this time, Xiao Wu arrived and brought four or five people. Xiao Wu was very smart. He saw that the situation was wrong. He pretended to watch the scene and slowly came over. Then, while the bald head was not paying attention, he threw the bald head to the ground and competed for the pistol with the bald head.

A pistol is not as dangerous as an iron bar. It is too dangerous. In case the gun goes out and hurts Xia, it will be a big deal. Besides, the other party is a vicious person, so we can't prevent it.

The bald head was unprepared for someone to do it secretly. He was furious and wrestled with Xiao Wu. During the scuffle, there was a sudden " bang" and the gun went off.

As soon as the gun was fired, the crowd first calmed down, and then fried the pan. Who did you hit? Who was shot? The crowd was in a mess.

Peng Yunfeng arrived.

Pei Yifeng also arrived, bringing countless police forces.

The police quickly surrounded the scene, and the bald man and the man he led did not run away. When Pei Yifeng rushed to Xia Xiang, he was so scared that he almost stood unsteadily. Blood gushed out of Xia Xiang's fingers and dyed the clothes on his chest red.

Mayor Xia was shot? Pei Yifeng was almost shocked. If Mayor Xia was shot, he didn't need to say anything, just resign directly from the provincial party committee.

After a closer look, he took another breath. It was not Mayor Xia who was injured, but a woman next to him who was injured on her arm. Fortunately, it was a bruise. Looking at Mayor Xia, his face was pale, which was already extremely ugly. Pei Yifeng was shocked by Xia's sharp eyes. He always thought that Mayor Xia's wrist was a hidden needle. Unexpectedly, Mayor Xia was as scary as a tiger.

I have heard the ruthless side of Mayor Xia before, but Pei Yifeng did not see it with his own eyes. Today, he really experienced the ruthless side of Xia.

"Surround it, all the policemen surround the scene, and no one is allowed to run away. Whoever releases a person will be dismissed from public office immediately. Xia wanted to attack, gave a death order to Pei Yifeng, and said to Xiao Wu, "Do it."

The police surrounded the bald head and more than a dozen people he brought. Xiao Wu and four or five others began to fight in front of dozens of policemen. He broke his arm, broke his leg, kicked away, and disabled his legs. Only a group of people cried and cried and cried, knelt down and begged for mercy.

It doesn't work to kneel down and beg for mercy. Don't let it go. Everyone should keep a souvenir so that they can remember it in their hearts!

Pei Yifeng felt bitter in his heart. On the surface, Mayor Xia's approach was revenge, but in fact, he was an example of killing chickens and monkeys. Because Mayor Xia was a smart man, he knew very well that the reason why bald heads and others were rampant was definitely in collusion with the police. Mayor Xia beat the bald head and others, which is actually the most direct warning to the police in collusion with the political team!

At present, the situation in Tianze is that Secretary Chen is about to leave office. It is not known whether Mayor Xia will take over as secretary, but Mayor Xia is now taking the opportunity to make trouble. What he wants is to play a shocking role. To fully receive Tianze's power, what he wants is his full reversal, which is his 100% obedience. If he raises any objections now, maybe Mayor Xia will immediately hold him accountable and investigate whether there is any relationship between him and the bald head and others.

Mayor Xia's action still makes people unable to talk about it, which makes people have to make up their minds, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

Pei Yifeng is indeed related to bald people and others, and has also received a lot of benefits from bald people. Even the pistol was got by people inside the police for bald heads. He now regrets and touches the bottom line of Mayor Xia. He either keeps up with the pace of Mayor Xia, or is suppressed or even snubled by Mayor Xia.

Pei Yifeng knew that Mayor Xia was hitting his bald head on the surface, but in fact, he was also hitting him in the face, or in public. He felt that his face was hot. After thinking about it for a moment, he made up his mind. Chongxia wanted to make a stand: "From tomorrow on, the municipal bureau will carry out a heavy operation to rectify the public security environment throughout the city to ensure that the underworld forces in the city will be swept away within half a month. If the task is not completed, I am willing to accept any disposal from Mayor Xia!"

Only the mayor of Xia did not mention the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Pei Yifeng showed his loyalty to Xia.

Xia wanted to nod with a gloomy face and didn't say anything. What he wants is Pei Yifeng to follow 100%, and small things can evolve into political events. Now Tianze needs to be united in order to occupy a place in the upcoming economic tide.

Pei Yifeng's statement satisfied him.

Den dozens of policemen felt that they were great, but only when they saw Xiao Wu and others's action, they knew that they were scared, and some of them were so scared that they vomited on the spot. From then on, all the policemen in Tianze were as afraid of Xia.

After a matter, Xia Xiang established a cold and hard lofty image in the eyes of the police in Tianze City, and also made Xia Xiang mobilize the power of the police in the process of continuing the *** governance policy in the future, such as his arms, which also established his position as the first person in Tianze.

... The gold and silver jasmine was placed in the tourism and cultural city first. Xia thought that he didn't have time to talk to them more. He asked Yan Xiao to take good care of them and went home. The next day, when I was about to visit Jinyin Jasmine again, there was a rumor about the personnel changes in Tianze from the provincial party committee.