official god

Chapter 1087 Succession

*Cheng Wen, Fan Ruiheng's heart jumped one by one, and Xia thought about his way. It's settled!

Ai Chengwen is the leader of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, the second largest economic city in Yan Province. Xia wants to serve as the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, which is also well-behaved.

The economy of Qintang City has been one of the biggest highlights of Yan Province in the past decade. There is a faint trend of surpassing Yan City. If Yan City is not the capital of the province, it can get various advantageous policies of the province. Qintang City has ranked first in the province.

Last time, Ai Chengwen accidentally got the throne of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee. At that time, Fan Ruiheng was still puzzled. Ai Chengwen had enough qualifications and quickly went up, but Ai Chengwen's backstage was in Xiangcheng. When he adjusted Ai Chengwen, he did not say hello, so he ignored it. He pushed the boat and arranged Ai Chengwen to Qintang City. The intention was to give up the position to Zhang Guowei when Ai Chengwen should be adjusted. Unexpectedly, the Song Dynasty had long stared at the throne of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, which was to be left to Xiaxiang.

No wonder, no wonder!

Fan Ruiheng touched his head and habitually touched his chin. Although his chin was shaved and he didn't have a beard at all, he still unconsciously touched it a few times, thinking whether he would sacrifice Zhang Guowei again?

Xia Xiang's training days at the Central Party School are tense and fulfilling. He learns a lot of theoretical courses every day. Although it is a little boring, when it is discussed at the symposium, it is still a very warm and friendly atmosphere. There are ideas, vitality and **. It is Xia wants to give a preliminary to a group of students from all over the Impressions. The boldness and radicalness when discussing the problem is also beyond his imagination. I thought that [Zhongzhong] The Central Party School was a serious and rigid place, but in fact, neither the students nor the teachers of the Party School are very enlightened. They dare to say anything about the serious problems and tests they are currently facing. They dare to say, and even some criticisms are very sharp, pointing directly to the origin, which shocked Xiaxiang. Because although he also thought of the disadvantages caused by some institutional problems, he did not have the courage to say it in public.

He had to admire the courage and outspokenness of some students.

Most of the officials trained at the same time are from all over the country, and there are not many local people in the capital. And most of them are mayors or [books]. Whether it is the mayor or [books]s, he is definitely the most eye-catching one among them, because he is the youngest. The largest [book] from a prefecture-level city in a remote area is already old. Every time he sees Xia Xiang, he has to laugh first, and then says that Xia Xiang is about the same age as his child.

Xiaxiang also knows that he is an intimate expression. "I don't care about the same level as him [book]. Remember to call him a child." It is also because after entering school, all students have to go through three changes, and they can't call the position." No matter the age, regardless of the regional difference, regardless of the level, they .

The change of the three aspects is "from the leader to the student, from the working state to the learning state, from the family life to the collective life, is to let the students adapt to the collective life and let go of their previous identity. Calling the other party's name is more to emphasize that it is now a student's identity. Don't hold the leadership on airs, and don't go out of the door to shout for the leadership style. You have to study with an open mind to make progress.

Xia wants to keep a good habit of being modest. Being young is an advantage. You can always keep a humble heart in the officialdom. After all, whether it is a subordinate, a flat or a superior, he is much older than him. He does not respect the other party's level, and he also respects the other party' It is more important to respect the other party's qualifications. Therefore, he is very popular in the student class, because he is the most thorough one to put down his airs.

Many leaders can't let go of their identity, and others call him by his name. He couldn't help frowning. Some leaders have very poor self-care ability, no secretary and no driver. Without the scenery of people in front of others, they are prepared to feel lost. Only Xia thought that he completely put down the previous scenery and devoted himself to his study and life, which was no different from a real student, which was secretly praised by many people.

As a mayor at such a young age, he can still guard against arrogance and impatience. There is no frivolity at all. It is valuable to put down your previous identity if you put it down.

[Zhong] There is a small gray building in the Central Party School, which is full of senior officials and students at the provincial and ministerial levels, and occasionally meet two famous figures in China. However, compared with the well-known senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels, the professors who come to teach at the Central Party School are not idle people.

Needless to say, there are also some core think tanks of the high-level Communist Party of China who do not easily appear in front of the public. They are all high-level thinkers of the general [book] and [general]. Although they are not famous, their influence on domestic politics and economy absolutely exceeds that of many provincial members.

is the real chief staff.

Unfortunately, Xiaxiang's class was not qualified enough for them to attend class, but Xiaxiang hurriedly met a rumored celebrity, Mi Jihuo.

Mi Jihuo is one of the most trusted two people of the General [Book]. As early as that year, when the General [Book] was working in a remote province, as a university teacher, he was selected as the secretary of the General [Book] of the Provincial Party Committee at that time because of the opportunity. Because of his carefulness and thought, he won the acceptance of the general [book]. From then on, he embarked on a frank official career. He has been following the general [book] for 20 years. He has never left the general [book] half a step. From the difficult mountainous areas of Guizhou to the thin Tibetan plateau, he followed all the way to Beijing and followed From the appointment of the feudal official in Xinjiang to becoming the number one figure in the [Zhongzhong] country, A, * * a legend of the politics of the Communist Party of China.

Now Mi Jihuo is the director of the General [Book] Office, and is the real think tank of the General [Book].

The other most important [book] is the wise plan of trust, and he is currently the director of the General Office of [Zhongzhong] Central Office. Ming Demou was the first secretary of General [Shu] Ji. Although he has not always followed General [Shu] Ji, he has always maintained close contact with General [Shu] Ji. After the General [Shu] Ji returned to Beijing, he naturally rose and became the right-hand man of General [Shu] with Mi Jihuo.

Careful people will find that about 20 minutes before attending an event or trip every time, one of them can always find one of them, Mingdemou or Mi Jihuo, and step on the scene in advance, not only to check whether there are loopholes in the security work, but also find problems in time, as well as the surrounding environment of the place And even the distance and angle between the person who was received when the general [book] made a speech, the position where the reporter and the photographer stood, and even the ratio of the height of the microphone to the total [book] height, they have to adjust it in person to ensure that the total [book] is 100% satisfied.

This shows the position of the two people in the mind of the happy [book].

Unfortunately, although Xiaxiang and Mi Jihuo met in the party school, they just passed by. He nodded and smiled at Ji Huo. Mi Jihuo just nodded slightly in response, and then disappeared into the provincial and ministerial cadre building.

If it shows that the plan is still a public figure, Mi Jihuo is one of the most mysterious think tanks that has been hiding behind the public. He and Ming Demou are the key figures who know what the world thinks about.

No matter how old he wants to study in the party school in the summer, which is not bad and has achieved the expected results. He is very satisfied. At the end of the course, Guan Yuanqu finally appeared.

This is the second meeting between Xiaxiang and Guan Yuanqu.

Guan Yuanqu held Xiaxiang's hand tightly at the graduation ceremony: "I heard that your little brother is very popular? That's right, young people should have the virtue of respecting their elders. How about this study? Have you gained anything?

When Guan Yuanqu shook hands with others, he just said a polite word. It was far less than when he wanted to shake hands with Xia. His expression was kind. The soft words made many other [books] and the mayor secretly shocked. He thought that this little brother was really not simple. He got into the eyes of the next generation of leaders, and then thought that "Falous and low-key performance" Many people are secretly ashamed. They really don't show their faces. Xia Xiang, who has the smallest airs, is the one with the greatest ability.

In contrast, even if they are all old, in fact, they are not as big as the youngest Xia. Shame, shame!!

However, what makes everyone feel honored in the future is that when many of them go to provincial and ministerial positions, they can't help showing off to others. They used to be classmates with Xia Xiang.

After the completion ceremony, the training course is officially over, which means returning to Tianze. After Guan Yuanqu had received the students, there was something else to do. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Mi Jihuo before he went out, so he said a few words to Mi Jihuo, and then unfortunately, Xia wanted to pass by.

Guan Yuanqu stopped Xiaxiang and introduced to Mi Jihuo: "Jihuo, let me introduce you to a young man, Xiaxiang, the mayor of Tianze City, Yan Province."

Mi Jihuo looked at Xia quietly and said a few words, with a blank face: "Have I seen you? By the way, you said hello to me in the hospital last time. Then he still looked awe-inspiring and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Xia. "1 young man, really young. That's good, that's great."

The words are very light, indifferent and tasteless. Xia wants to have nothing to say except laughter and politeness.

When he got into the car of Hui Tianze, Xia wanted to recall a detail just now, and then he was shocked. Mi Jihuo was really not simple. He came to blame him in the hospital. How many people greeted him every day? On the surface, he just nodded casually, as if he was not careful, but he didn't expect to remember him!

Is the memory really amazing, or is there any other reason?

Xiaxiang didn't expect to make friends with Mi Jihuo. He can't make friends with all the key figures in the world alone. It's just that since he is predestined to meet, it's always a good thing to make an impression. How many people in the world want to get to know Mi Jihuo?

The party school is one month, but the world seems to be countless years. In just one month, there were not many major events in Yan Province." Only a few personnel transfers were officially announced to the public: Comrade Xiaxiang was appointed as a member of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, [Shu], and no longer served as a deputy [Shu], a member of the Standing Committee and a member of the Tian Comrade Yang Jian was appointed as a member of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, and a deputy [book], and nominated candidates for mayor.

The former Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Ai Chengwen has another appointment.

The news was officially announced on the day of Xiaxiang's graduation. At the time of the announcement, Xiaxiang was still on the highway from the capital to Tianze. Previously, the provincial party committee had been in a high degree of secrecy about the whereabouts of Xia Xiang.

Once the news was announced, some people cheered and some people were furious. Xia wanted to go to the party school for a month, and after coming out, he postponed the promotion of some characters for a year or even years!

After Xia wanted to receive the phone call in the car, he was in a long-term and difficult to calm down. He had to admire the far-sighted eyes of the Song Dynasty, because Qin and Tang City would be the biggest turning point in his official career...