official god

Chapter 1103 Fraud, the opportunity is now

Huang De'ang took out the momentum of that year and waved his hand: "Bry all the King Kong and Yu Wu back to the bureau and wait for further instructions. A party group meeting of the bureau will be held immediately to study Comrade Ma Yun's handling opinions.

As soon as Huang Deyi finished speaking, Xia thought of him as if he had just thought of him. He turned around and said to him, "Comrade Deyi, you can also attend the emergency meeting of the Municipal Party Committee."

Huang Deyi felt like a boulder falling to the ground. Xia [Book] asked him to attend the meeting, which was equivalent to a door pushing open a crack for him.

[Book] is [Book]. You can decide to hold an emergency meeting immediately, and you can also decide who will attend. Whoever participates has the right to speak." Before major events are submitted to the Standing Committee, they have the right to know first.

Don't underestimate the [book] office meeting. Although many major events need to be submitted to the standing committee for discussion, the opinions of the [book] office meeting are basically final. As long as a consensus is reached and submitted to the standing committee, the possibility of approval is 90%. Because the people who can participate in the [Book] office meeting are all heavyweights who have a major voice in the Standing Committee.

But sometimes [book] will deliberately ignore some people and do not inform him to participate in the [book] office meeting, especially some members of the Standing Committee with broad jurisdiction, such as the Secretary-General. Therefore, if the Secretary-General loses his power, he can greatly reduce his weight in the municipal party committee by attending the office meeting less often.

Huang Deyi knew in his heart that Xia [Shu] was not very satisfied with him, but gave him another chance. He hurriedly came to Xia Xiang's side, bent slightly, and whispered, "Xia [Shu] Ji, Ma Yun ruined the image of public security cadres, drank and made trouble." I will propose to the party group of the Ann team.

Xia Xiang seemed to have heard it, but he didn't seem to hear it. He didn't answer Huang Deyi's words and asked, "Li Nian, what are you going to do?"

Huang Deyi was excited and didn't understand what Xia [book] meant. Looking at his face, he saw that Secretary Xia's face was calm, so he said, "Take back to the bureau first and assist in the investigation."

While talking, Zhou Minghong had finished the phone call and came to Xiaxiang with Zhu Lafeng. He introduced Zhu Lafeng to Xiaxiang: "Xia [Book], this is Zhu Lafeng, the chairman of Beijing Blue Wind Trading Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhu intended to invest in Qin and Tang Dynasties. It happened that he also knew Jin Guang and Li Nian, so he had a misunderstanding.

Zhou Minghong deliberately made a fuss with Zhu Lafeng to brag.

Zhu Lafeng took the initiative to extend his hand to Xia Xiang. At least Xia Xiang is also the municipal party committee [book]. Even if he thinks that he is a great prince, he is not qualified to reach out to Xia Xiang first, unless he is higher than Xia Xiang and smiles: "Xia [book], I have seen you for a long time I just came to the Qin and Tang Dynasties from the capital. I felt the rapid economic development of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and I was very gratified. You can serve as the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee [Book], which is the wise decision of the Yan Provincial Party Committee. I often hear your name in the capital circle..."

Good boy, his posture is higher than Fu Xianfeng, and his airs are bigger than Mei Shengping. Xia wants to have long doubt his origin. He has secretly called Fu Xianfeng just now, and he knows it even more. He didn't hold Zhu Lafeng's hand. He didn't answer his words, but turned his head and asked Zhou Ming Your guest?"

Zhou Minghong didn't understand the meaning of Xiaxiang. He understood it with a slight thought. It must be Xia [Book] that he was not worried about Zhu Lafeng's origin. He was intending to use Zhu Lafeng to relieve the pressure from Xiaxiang from the side, so he took the opportunity to take the opportunity Let's get up.

Zhu Lafeng laughed and said, "No, no, Mayor Zhou is too polite to make friends with Mayor Zhou" is also my honor to Zhu Lafeng." Although he laughed, he was still a little embarrassed, because his hand was stretched out in mid-air, and Xia wanted to answer.

Mei thought just answered lightly, and then turned back to Zhu Lafeng and said, "Mr. Zhu said that he often hears people talking about me in the circle of the capital. I don't know what important people are?"

Zhu Lafeng was stunned. He just said it casually, because no one would ask Xia the silly question he had just asked. It's nonsense to meet for a long time. Who knows? Secretary Xia insisted on asking for details, but it really puzzled him.

But he couldn't help but answer. He coughed a few words awkwardly. After thinking about it, he reported several names. Among them, there was really a name that Xia wanted to be familiar with.

Xia thought that he was more confident.

"Mr. Zhu's name is good. I heard from Yang Wei that you are very cool in the capital, and they all call you Zhu Lafeng, right?" Xiaxiang also said falsely, so that people can't see whether he is joking or serious. "Zhu Da Shao is known as one of the four young men in Zuncheng. I would like to know who are the other three people?"

Zhou Minghong couldn't figure it out. When was it? Why did Xia [Book] have the patience to chat with Zhu Lafeng? Listening to the tone of Xia [book], don't you believe in Zhu Lafeng's origin? Zhu Lafeng - Zhu Lafeng, it's really interesting. However, he is convinced of Zhu Lafeng's origin, because Zhu Lafeng has come to the Qin and Tang Dynasties three or five times, and each time he has a great momentum and is very famous in the Qin and Tang circles.

In fact, Zhou Minghong didn't know that what Xia wanted to say was not "Zhu La Feng", but "Pig La Feng".

Seeing Xia [book], Zhu Lafeng asked step by step and said, "The other few are much more low-key than me. They all belong to the category that has strength but does not pay attention to fame."

Xia wanted to finally sneer: "Zhu Lafeng, when do you pay back the 20,000 yuan you owe to the director?"

Zhu Lafeng changed his face and said hesitantly: ... What Director Fu? What 20,000 yuan, [book] note, since Qin and Tang did not welcome me to invest, I will leave." "Fu Xianfeng, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, do you dare to say you don't know?" Xia wanted to see Zhu Lafeng swaggering and cheating. He was angry and said to Huang Deyi, "Catch it directly."

? Zhou Minghong was shocked. Zhu Lafeng is a prince with a deep background. It is said that he knows many senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels, as well as the heads of countless key departments. Xia [Book] Ji is crazy today. He will arrest whoever he catches?

Huang Deyi was also stunned for a moment. He was stunned on the spot. Xia [book] remembered it well. Why did he catch Zhu Lafeng?

Xia wanted to see Huang Deyi stunned and said angrily, "If someone runs away, I'm going to ask you. There will be a material sent to the municipal bureau later. "You can see the details of the pig's style at a glance.

Zhu Lafeng was stunned and stunned for a moment. He no longer held his airs and ran away without saying a word. Huang Deyi knew that there must be something wrong. If he let the pig run away in front of him, he would have completely lost his face today.

Under the urgency of Huang Deyi, he moved his hands and feet that had not been used for many years. A hungry tiger flew forward, and immediately threw Zhu Lafeng to the ground. He reached out and took the handcuff from the [police]'s hand and took him on the well. The whole action is crisp and straightforward, without losing the style of that year.

Zhou Minghong just opened his eyes wide and was stupid. Just now, Xia [Book] asked Zhu Lafeng if he was his guest." He also admitted that it turned out to be digging a hole to let him jump. He only felt that his back was cold and his scalp was numb. Today, it was a shame to be lost to his home. The bus was used for private, drunk driving, and he was cheated again. The

Zhu Lafeng was taken away, and Ma Yun, the father and son of the Jin family, Li Nian and others were all taken to the municipal bureau. Then a team of [police] came to inspect and maintain order at the scene. Xia Xiang was a little more angry and took a bus with Huang Deyi to the municipal party committee for a meeting.

Zhou Minghong was thrown at the scene alone. He remembered that Xia [Book] just now asked him to inform a member of the Standing Committee to have a meeting. He didn't mention that he should also attend the meeting at all. Thinking about it again, he was not qualified to attend today's meeting. Even if he attended, he was only to be discipline

... The conference room on the third floor of the Municipal Party Committee Office Building is brightly lit. It's rare that Zhang Guowei was the first to arrive at the meeting today. When he arrived, he sat down without saying a word. Without the confidence that everything seemed to be under control with a smile on his usual face.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Just now, when Zhou Minghong called him, his heart sank and knew that Xia wanted to seize an opportunity. Although he was full of confidence, it was not clear how much Xia wanted to take the opportunity to play.

Secretary Xu's being beaten is a big deal, and it's also a political event. It's not easy to end... Zhang Guowei thought about it over and came up with a clever plan. He must sacrifice the future of others, but there is nothing if others sacrifice. As long as he can bury hidden dangers for Xia.

Then, Fan Jin, Zang Qiurui and Chang Gongzhi all arrived together. They didn't know what had happened. They all looked at each other and wanted to ask clearly. Just in time, Xia Xiang came in from the outside with Huang Deyi.

I didn't look at anyone. I went straight to the main seat and said only one sentence: "A very infuriating thing happened today. Please ask Comrade Huang Deyi to introduce the details to the comrades." Many people were surprised. How did Xia [Book] remember that he was with Director Huang? However, when I saw Huang Deyi's serious and tragic look, I knew that it was not a good thing. Sure enough, as soon as Huang Deyi opened his mouth, he said, "First of all, I admit my mistakes in my work to the leaders here, and I am willing to accept any of the municipal party committee..."

What's so serious? Several people opened their eyes wide.

"The story of the matter is..." Huang Deyi said the details of the matter, focusing on Ma Yun's arrogance, Jin Guang's invincible and King Kong's bullying. As for Zhou Minghong's problem, he only said that Mayor Zhou was also at the scene, so he exposed it and didn't say much. It's not that he doesn't dare to say it, but that he knows that it's not his turn to say that Xia [Shu] will definitely talk about Zhou Minghong.

As soon as Huang Deyi finished speaking, the whole venue was silent. Except for Zhang Guowei's inside story in advance, several others were shocked on the spot. Her secretary was beaten by the deputy director of the District Public Security Bureau. This is a big or small political event.

large, can rise to social security, economic environment and the construction of the [police] inspection team, small, can apologize as a misunderstanding, all look at the position of summer [book]...

Everyone's eyes fell on Xiaxiang.