official god

Chapter 1115 One by one, take the initiative to attack

At the end of November, Tan Guorui, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor, came to Qin and Tang to inspect the work, and made important instructions on the economic situation of the former Qin and Tang Dynasties. He stressed that Qin and Tang Dynasties were already a strong economic city within the 30th place in China. He hoped

Municipal Party Committee [Book] Ji Xiaxiang and Mayor Zhang Guowei accompanied Tan Guorui's inspection. At the subsequent symposium, Executive Vice Mayor Zhou Minghong also attended the meeting. During this period, Governor Tan affirmed Zhou Minghong's work.

Anyone with discerning eyes can conclude that Governor Tan strongly supports Zhang Guowei and Zhou Minghong. There is no focus on this inspection. Obviously, he specially built momentum for Zhang Guowei and Zhou Minghong.

However, just after Tan Guorui returned, the province held an economic conference. Xi Min, the governor of the province, expressed his views on the current economic situation, pointing out that the economy of Yan Province is stable and orderly, and all cities in the province should start from their own reality. "Don't avoid greed and greed.

Obviously, Sun Ximin's speech is a disguised negation of Tan Guorui's speech in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, or a strong support for Xia Xiang. Xia Chang was not at all pleased with the support of the governor's shouting from the air. Sun Ximin still had the intention to collect him. Unfortunately, it was impossible for him to stand in line.

At the beginning of December, the "all projects of the Qin and Tang Dynasties entered the winter construction period" as the municipal party committee [book], Xia wanted to inspect several large-scale projects in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and at the same time inspected the port of Jingtang.

Jingtang Port is located in the network of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tang Dynasty first-level economic zone. In the center of the Bohai Economic Circle, the "National Key Open Development Area" port throughput exceeded 10 million tons in 2001 and entered the ranks of the national 10 million tons of Dagang. The unique geographical advantages make Jingtang Port a capital city The entrance and exit of the two places.

At the time of the inspection, Xia thought that was accompanied by Deputy Mayor Nan Xinyu, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee Guo Changqing, and "Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, Li Qiurui, somehow did not accompany him", which aroused the discussion of many people.

As the first housekeeper of the Municipal Party Committee, the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee will basically accompany him in person at the time of [book] major inspection work, and there is no deputy secretary-general to say for him. "Some things in the officialdom" are things that the secretary comes forward, but some things must be done by himself.

Thinking of Liang Qiurui's a little listlessness recently, many people came to the conclusion that Secretary-General Liang was out of favor in front of Xia [book].

Nan Xinyu also keenly found the problem and made a big question mark in her heart. "What exactly went wrong?" She didn't dare to ask Xia [book].

I have also asked Liang Qiurui several times. Liang Qiurui was vague and perfunctory, so she asked her to scold him for not being responsible. She also understood that Xia [book] was the time to use people, and she would not easily snub the people who came to turn to her. And with Xia [book]'s personality and self-restraint, she should not have put him into the cold palace because of a mistake. Could it be that Li Qiurui made an unforgivable mistake?

Nan Xinyu secretly worried about Liang Qiurui.

After inspecting Jingtang Port, Xia [Book] inspected the high-tech industrial park again. The application for upgrading the high-tech industrial park to a national industrial park is still delayed. "Nan Xinyu is anxious, because Zhang Guowei has beaten her many times on this matter." Even Zhou Minghong sometimes said a few words at the government meeting, which made her lose face.

Xia [Book] Ji and Fu Xianfeng can talk. She has been inquisitive about it for a long time, but the leader's refusal to come forward naturally has the leader's consideration. She can neither complain nor interrogate, but can only bury it in her heart.

The National Development and Reform Commission are all old men, and it may not work for the deputy governor to go." What can she do as a deputy mayor? But since it's her part of the task, if she doesn't complete the task, the leader's criticism has to listen to it. If she doesn't listen to your explanation and reason, if it's not completed, it's not completed.

After inspecting the high-tech industrial park, Xiaxiang made a statement in front of the director of the park management committee: "The facilities of the high-tech industrial park are very complete and the foundation is also solid. It initially meets the prerequisites for upgrading to a national industrial park. The municipal party committee and the municipal government strongly support the declaration plan."

Zhang Guanghui, the director of the management committee, was excited to express his gratitude for the support of Xia [Book]. He is in the right place now. If he is upgraded to a national industrial park, he may be promoted to the deputy hall. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How can he not be excited?

Nan Xinyu is also very excited. For the first time since Xia [Shu] took office, "the first inspection of the high-tech industrial park" officially stated that he supported the upgrading of the industrial park to a national level. Does it mean that "Xia [Shu] will personally open up the relationship?

After the inspection work was completed, he returned to the municipal party committee, and Nan Xinyu rushed to find Sorghum Qiurui. She now regards sorghum Qiurui and herself as the right-hand man of Xia [book]. "I don't want to see sorghum Qiurui fall again." In line with the starting point of finding and solving problems, she directly pushed open the door of Li Qiurui's room.

Sulang Qiurui is reviewing the document. His expression is calm, but at first glance, he is in a bad mental state. His eyes are a little godless. He turned a blind eye to the arrival of Nan Xinyu, but raised his eyelids: "Xinyu is coming, sit down."

Nan Xinyu sat down" just stared at Liang Qiurui for a long time. She didn't say anything, and her eyes were affectionate. After a long time, she suddenly sighed quietly: "Brother Qiu Rui, I know you are suffering in your heart." Why do you have to embarrass yourself? No matter what unpleasant things happened between you and Xia [Shu], I will stand with you. If you don't tell me the whole story, I can't help you. Is it possible that the officials are getting bigger and bigger. "We are becoming more and more estranged and distrustful?" Liang Qiurui shook his body and slowly raised his head. Nan Xinyu was still vaguely what he was in those years. Although he was more mature, he had more feminine charm, but she was still the follower who called him "Qiu Rui It was also Xinyu's sister when he was the county magistrate and she was the head of propaganda in the county...

The history of the past is still in front of us. Counting it, he and Nan Xinyu have known each other for 30 years. In the 30 years, he and Nan Xinyu have had hazy feelings, love, and time to support each other when they were excluded in the county, but they have never been together. Is it the regret of life or the inevitability of official life?

The memory of Liang Qiurui was vivid. "He held his glasses and put his hand on a scar on the leg of the glasses." The scar was a witness to the sweet memory between him and Nan Xinyu. So after many years, his glasses were broken several times, and he was still reluctant to lose the glasses frame.

In a person's life, there are not many memories worth cherishing, and one can be kept.

"Xinyu..." Liao Qiurui opened with difficulty. The line of defense in his heart suddenly opened, "To tell you the truth, it's all caused by Xiao Kui..."

After listening to the narration of Sorghum Qiurui, Nan Xinyu frowned slightly, stood up and took a few steps. Suddenly, she remembered something and clicked, "The person Xiaokui cares about most is her brother." If she doesn't contact you, she will also contact her brother."

Xiao Kui's younger brother, Xiao Mu, is now working in the Yu County Government.

A word to wake up the dreamer "Sulcan Qiurui is smart for a lifetime, confused for a while" but can't turn around, ignoring the important link of Xiaomu" is really stupid. He stood up excitedly and grabbed Nan Xinyu's hand: "Thank you, Xinyu."

Nan Xinyu was grabbed by sorghum Qiurui. Suddenly, he blushed and gently stroked the palm of sorghumus with his hand: "Thank you for what?" There are still many places where you should thank me."

Liang Qiurui withdrew his hand with a little embarrassment and rubbed his hand." He smiled again: "Xinyu" Don't mention what happened in those years, okay?" Nan Xinyu stared at Liang Qiurui with dissatisfaction: "It's really worthless. Look at your responsibility." When did I ask you to take responsibility? Hurry up and get down to business. Don't let Xia [book] remember that the misunderstanding of you has deepened.

"Yes"Yes"You're right. Liang Qiurui nodded vigorously and said, "I heard the wind." Lao Chen's position may be given up."

", Chen Qianqiu?" Nan Xinyu was shocked. "How can it be? He just said to Xia [book] that he was close to him. "Why did he want to move again? Why didn't I hear any news?" "Don't talk about you, no one knows now." I'm the only one who knows." "Liao Qiurui was in a good mood," he said mysteriously, "No one touched him. He was disappointing. During the National Day, he went to the capital for examination" and found cancer. Two days ago, he was re-examined and was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctor said that he still had a year to live at most. Lao Chen told me yesterday, "He is going to retire from illness." People, that's all." Obviously, his anger is quite high. As soon as he gets sick, he has no ideas, and no future is important. Only then he knows that life is still important." Nan Xinyu said with emotion, "How can a good person get cancer? Old Chen is still young. The main reason is that as soon as he left, who took the position? If there is another propaganda minister who can't remember Xia [Shu], the situation will be more difficult to carry out.", Liang Qiurui nodded: "We have to find a way to let Xia [Shu] know in advance and make plans early."

"Don't worry about it. Do Xiaokui's business first. I'll talk to Xia [book].," Nan Xinyu looked at Liao Qiurui with rich meanings. "If you don't think I have the ulterior motives to grab the work..."

... There is absolutely no news that Chen Qianqiu is seriously ill. "Chen Qianqiu did not lose his birth as the Minister of Propaganda" and sealed the news to death. Even Xiaxiang didn't know anything about it.

After work, I want to pick up the strict hour" before going to Jinjiang for dinner. Today, Huang Deyi is the host. The chairman of several industrial companies wants to get to know Xia [Shu]. Xia thinks it is necessary to give Huang Deyi face, because Huang Deyi is now very cooperative with his work. When reporting work one by one, Huang Deyi heard the phone call of the director of the provincial department clearly. After that, Huang Deyi was completely close to him.

In addition, Yan Xiao also wants to invest in the Qin and Tang Dynasties to know more local industrialists, which is of great benefit to her economic activities in the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

When I passed by Qin and Tang College, there was a traffic jam, and there were hundreds of people around the door. The road was blocked tightly.

The driver Peng Yong said in embarrassment, "Xia [book], I can't get through it, I have to take a detour." Xia thought it was the municipal party committee [book], but it was impossible to worry about everything. "I didn't think much about why there was an encirclement phenomenon." He nodded and agreed "Please forgive me!"

Why is it Xiaokui? Xiaxiang was stunned.