official god

Chapter 1137 Personnel Adjustment, Stage Xiaosheng

The wind was loud overnight, and the first frontal conflict with Niu Linguang in Xia [Book] was transmitted to be divine, and all kinds of sayings were very popular. Some people said that Xia [Book] was angry and kicked out" and lengthened Lincoln answered.

There are also rumors that under the order of Xia [Book], a giant truck burst out and hit the extended Lincoln into three pieces on the spot. A group of people in Lincoln's car were seriously injured...

There are too many rumors, "There is an element of folk performance" also indirectly expresses the simple feelings of the people. In short, among all the rumors, Xia [Shu] is portrayed as a positive hero who dares to fight against the gang of underworld forces, which also reflects the people's disgust and hatred for Niu Linguang.

At the suggestion of Xiaxiang, the Standing Committee was held to discuss the personnel adjustment plan. The first large-scale personnel adjustment after taking office finally surfaced and became the focus of attention of all parties.

Although the personnel adjustment plan has taken shape, it is still limited to a few people to know, and whether there is any internal adjustment. "It is not known to outsiders, and the plan is just a plan. It is hard to say what the final result is. Only the plan adopted by the Standing Committee is the final plan. Therefore, the convening of the It attracts everyone's attention.

Because of the rumor that Xia [Book] used the position of director of an education bureau to adjust the position of the director of several key bureaus, it has long been widely spread among the party members and cadres of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Everyone is looking forward to the final result.

After recited the meeting, he first clicked on the topic: "Today, there are two topics, one is to discuss the adoption of the personnel adjustment plan, and the other is to go to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to report to the candidates of the deputy department." Next, Comrade Haifeng will report to the comrades in detail."

Ren Haifeng hasn't opened yet. Zhang Guowei interrupted: "Let me say a few digression first..." He paused slightly and looked at Xiaxiang imperceptably. "Last night, someone said that Xia [Shu]'s car had a conflict with the black card Lincoln of Zhongtian Industry" and it was rumored that Xia [Shu]'s car crashed into the lengthened Lincoln. I found that the car of Xia [Book] was intact, which proved that the rumor was groundless.

Besides, isn't it nonsense that the Audi car can hit the longer Lincoln? The members of the Standing Committee present here should start from the overall situation of maintaining the stability and unity of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and don't talk nonsense.

Xia wanted to be calm and expressionless. He did not nod in favor or speak out against it, but Liang Qiurui took a deep look at Zhang Guowei and knew that Zhang Guowei was here without three hundred taels of silver. He deliberately made the matter public, and also announced to the standing committee present that Xia [book] had offended Niu Linguang [Book] You have to think twice before you act.

Chang Gongzhi looked like a smile. He rubbed the teacup with one hand and put the other on his stomach. His eyes were very scattered, as if no one was looking at him, and he seemed to pay attention to everyone's reaction.

Fortunately, everyone here is an old official, and I have heard all the rumors yesterday. "No one was shocked and expressed their position. But the more silent everyone is, the more solemn the atmosphere is.

Ren Haifeng began to report: "Comrade Wang Changyuan and Comrade Zhang Guanghui are to be nominated as candidates for the deputy department of the High-tech Zone to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Comrade Luo Zhengyuan plans to be the director of the Finance Bureau. Comrade Hu Shuyang plans to be the director of the Land Bureau, Comrade Ye Fan plans to be the director of the Education Bureau. Comrade Leung Noon plans to be the deputy director of the Land Bureau. Comrade Huang Zhengyong plans to be the deputy director of the Education Bureau..."

After reading the long list, Ren Haifeng seemed to paused for a while like a relief. He also drank a sip of water, and then continued to summarize his speech: "After the assessment of the Organization Department and the conversation with relevant colleagues", the promotion and appointment of the comrades above are in line with the regulations on the promotion "Fair" and transparent, under the supervision of the connoisseurs, the masses and people from all walks of life.

After the cliché, Xia Xiang continued to point: "This personnel adjustment" has promoted some comrades to more important positions in accordance with the principle of doing their best, talents and doing their best. It has also adjusted the division of labor among some comrades. "It is in line with the usual position of the Municipal Party Committee to be meritocracy." Comrades are I have expressed my opinion."

The leader has set a general direction, and everyone here knows in their hearts that the plan of reporting to the Standing Committee must be a plan for one or two leaders to nod. At the same time, Vice Fan [Shu] must have nodded. "The Organization Department has no objection" Therefore, even if others are unwilling, even if they want to promote themselves, they There is nothing we can do. "Book] is the largest, and the mayor is the second, deputy [book] is the record again. Finally, it is the Organization Department. Although it can't be said that it is completely soy sauce, we should also hold the mentality of soy sauce and put ourselves lower and lower.

What else can we do? If you don't listen to the mayor's words, be careful that if you can't even beat the soy sauce, it will be miserable.

Fan Jin thought that Zhang Guowei's speech just now was equivalent to the second speech of No. 2 person, so he raised his hand and said, "In principle, I agree with the adjustment plan of the Organization Department." Is it a little hasty to set the indicators of the two deputy departments?"

Zhang Guowei stared at Fan Jin with great dissatisfaction. What does Fan Juhao mean? Ye Fan, who he nominated, is not satisfied with becoming the director of education. Do you still want to nominate another person to win the deputy hall index? Greed is not enough, snakes swallow elephants. Be careful to die.

In addition, Fan Jin robbed the glory of his second speech. Although Zhang Guowei has mocked himself as the second brother for thousands of years, the second brother is still better than the third brother. He doesn't want anyone to cross it, so he said a little impatiently: "Fan [book]" The index of the deputy hall is also a Simply using hasty to deny the work of the Organization Department, I think the two comrades Wang Changyuan and Zhang Guanghui are very suitable for promotion.

"The issue of the candidate of the deputy hall" is temporarily released. Let's discuss the appointment of several other comrades first. Xia wanted to be in the middle and said, "I looked at Zhang Guowei and Fan Jin respectively.

Zhang Guowei didn't think much about it. Fan Jin also thought that Xia [Shu] said that "the release" was to be discussed later." The two successively agreed to the adjustment plan.

Subs, Chang Gongzhi also agreed to the nomination: "I have no problem. Several comrades are good comrades, and they should be more burdened."

Zhou Minghong is naturally in favor of it.

Then there was a green light all the way, and there was almost no opposition except Chen Qianqiu.

Chen Qianqiu's condition has been made public. He has officially submitted a medical withdrawal report to the provincial party committee. Before the provincial party committee approves it, he has to continue to exercise the power of the standing committee, but the whole person is much more haggard, and his speech is weak. It can be seen that the first blow of the disease on a

, "Wang Changyuan is not qualified to promote the deputy hall, right? He hasn't made much progress in the position of finance director, and he hasn't mentioned it for a few years. Isn't it a little aggressive to mention him now? Chen Qianqiu's words are very sharp and unpleasant. If it had been in the past, Zhang Guowei would have refuted a few words.

Now that Chen Qianqiu is terminally ill, others think he is going to die. Who will pay attention to his unpleasant words? In other words, who would care so much about a dead man? Therefore, Zhang Guowei's face just changed slightly, wanted to say something, and finally swallowed it back.

What no one knows is that Chen Qianqiu's words are really not open-mouthed, let alone. As soon as he said it, he buried a lot of foreshadowing.

In the end, Leng Feng, the commander of the military sub-district, also voted for the whole vote. There is no doubt that Gao Li's adoption is equivalent to taking what he needs. Xia [book] recorded the first large-scale personnel adjustment after coming to Qin and Tang Dynasties, which was regarded as a phased small victory.

The personnel adjustment plan takes into account the interests of all parties and is a balanced and eclectic plan. Although it cannot be said to be the victory of Xia [Shu], it is associated with the former Director of Education, Lv Zhenyang, who was taken by Xia [Shu]. In fact, it is still Mayor Zhang's small loss in one game. The first is the position of the Director of Education.

But Wang Changyuan's nomination of the deputy hall is also the benefit of Mayor Zhang.

After the adoption of the personnel adjustment plan, we will continue to discuss the nomination of candidates for the deputy hall. It should be said that the reason why Zhang Guowei agreed with the previous personnel adjustment plan is largely due to the benefits of the nomination of the deputy hall.

Zhang Guowei also heard the news from the province. "He knows that Governor Sun intends to intervene in the nomination of the deputy department." Therefore, he is also worried about Ye Changmengduo. He is eager to report to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee in the name of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee after the approval of the Standing Committee. The Moreover, Xiaxiang didn't seem to take care of Governor Sun's idea. "It's still according to the original two choices, which also reassured him.

As long as the Standing Committee passes the nomination of the deputy department, the matter will be counted as half, because the public statement of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee is to let the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee nominate "If Governor Sun wants to intervene" can only start at the nomination stage. After the nomination is reported to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee After a public argument, he also has to take the overall situation into account.

Three steps back, even if Governor Sun opposes it at that time, I'm afraid Fan [Book] will not agree. Zhang Guowei was sure that as long as Wang Changyuan won the nomination of the deputy hall, he would not suffer a loss in this personnel adjustment.

As usual, Xia thought: "After the high-tech industrial park was upgraded to the national level, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee approved the addition of two new deputy department indicators in the industrial park. After research, "Wang Changyuan and Zhang Guanghui meet the nomination conditions." Comrades, please tell us your opinions."

Zhang Guowei's second speech: ... Both comrades are good. "I support the conditions."

Everyone thought that Fan Jin would definitely agree, but after the expression on Fan Jin's face showed the classic full stop, he said meaningfully: "Comrade Zhang Guanghui meets the conditions for promotion." Comrade Wang Changyuan has been in the right position for less than three years, and now it is easy for people to gossip!"

Wang Changyuan is Zhang Guowei's person, and no one in the standing committee here knows that Fan [book] publicly and Mayor Zhang sang the opposite tone, which immediately stunned everyone.

PS: It's Monday, and I'm looking for a recommendation ticket!