official god

Chapter 1143 Frequent actions, each with its own plan

Xia Xiang waited for the phone to ring five times before answering: ... Hello, I'm Xia Xiang." "Xia [Shu] Ji, hello, I'm Song Zhiwei." A slightly hoarse baritone came. The voice was a little respectful, "I'll report to you on the progress of Meng Tianyuan's case. Is it convenient "

Song Zhiwei is the president of the Qin and Tang Dynasties Procuratorate, and he is also the number one figure in the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

"Hello, Attorney General Song.

"Xia wanted to pause slightly and deliberately waited for a few seconds before saying, "It happens to be a few minutes." Xia thought's attitude was not far away, and he pinched it just right. The procuratorate said that it was independent, but in fact, it is still indirectly led by the municipal party committee. In fact, it is still the real first person in the city. Whether it is the procurator-general, the president of the court, or even the director of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC. Although it is at the same level

Even the mayor and the executive deputy mayor can form a strong containment of the court and the procuratorate. With judicial independence, there is still a long way to go under the current domestic political system.

Song Zhanwei lowered his voice a little: "Well, Xia [book], Meng Tianyuan ** case, because it was related to the sister of Vice Mayor Zhou Minghong, the procuratorate attached great importance to it and specially formed a case handling team. After careful research and multi-party investigation, it verified the physical evidence sent by the municipal bureau, and finally Decide, the whole process is in line with the procedures, open and fair..."

Song Zhanwei's cliché is not a routine cliché, but at least reveals two meanings. One is that the whole process is indeed fair, just and in line with legal procedures, and the other is that he may just do things in accordance with the law and want to get away from him. The meaning is that the root cause of the problem is still On Minghong.

Xia thought also said in an official tone: "If something happens, no matter who" violates the law, you must act in accordance with the law. Don't be biased because the person concerned is a star entrepreneur and a relative of leading cadre." He and Song Zhan are not familiar with him. Naturally, there can be no mistakes when dealing with him for An excellent entrepreneur in our city is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He was arrested before revoking his qualification as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. If the impact is not good, we should pay attention to working methods. We should also minimize the impact of things as much as possible. In addition, Zhou Mingya is the sister of Comrade Minghong, and we should also consider the negative impact of the case itself on the municipal party committee and the municipal government..."

"Xia [Book] is right, and I will immediately implement the guiding spirit of Xia [Book" immediately." Although Song Zhanwei said a cliché, at least his attitude was not bad, and he also implicitly expressed his neutral position, which also made Xia want to feel a little relieved. Seeing that the call was over, Song Zhanwei suddenly said another sentence.

"Xia [Book], say hello to Governor Cao for me. I was in Baoshi in those years." Governor Cao took good care of me, and I have always kept it in mind."

Put down the phone. "Xia wants to smile knowingly. He said that his father-in-law has been an official for many years, and he really hasn't helped him much." Unexpectedly, he came to the Qin and Tang Dynasties and gave up the unexpected joy. Think about Song Zhanwei's resume. It was when his father-in-law served as the municipal party committee in Baoshi, and Song Zhanwei was the deputy chief procurator of the Baoshi Procuratorate.

Listening to Song Zhanwei's respectful tone for his father-in-law, Xia thought understood that there is a possibility of closeness between him and Song Zhanwei.

However, Xia thought that there was another breakthrough in his mind and decided to crack it from the periphery first, because the severe situation Huang Deyi faced in the municipal bureau made him quite unoptimistic about the control of the power of the municipal bureau. As a municipal party committee [book], I can't master the power of public security. What can I do to deal with Niu Linguang? Niu Linguang is no better than Chen. "Oh, Chen is at least whitewashed and pretends to be a civilized gentleman. Niu Linguang is a blatant underworld gang." He is a group of outlaws.

Of course, it has not been decided yet, because Niu Linguang has not been defeated. Now he is still a famous star entrepreneur in the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

After meditating for a moment," Xia wanted to pick up the phone and call Liu Yijiu, deputy director of Tianze Public Security Bureau. After talking with Liu Yijiu and Li Fei for more than ten minutes, he called Lu Hongzhan, the director of the Lang City Public Security Bureau, and the conversation with Lu Hongzhan was also very smooth. After putting down Lu Hongzhan's phone, Xiaxiang called Huang Jianjun, the director of the Xiama District Public Security Bureau again.

After a few phone calls, Xiaxiang made another phone call: "Xiao Wu, how's the situation?" "Leader, a few brothers and I are figuring out. The other party's power is too large and very difficult." Xiao Wu came to Qin and Tang yesterday and rented a villa to live in. Now the residential building project under construction of Jiangshan real estate in Tianze is nearing completion, and the sales situation is good. Xiao Wu was able to calmly get out. He came to Qin and Tang again, one is to find business opportunities, and the other is to secretly protect Xiaxiang's safety. Qin and Tang were not as famous as Tianze, and Xiao Wu had heard of it for a long time.

He specially brought a few more brothers, because he also knew that there were guns in Niu Linguang's gang.

"No hurry, take your time. Now it's just the stage of mapping. It doesn't mean that you have to confront Niu Linguang head-on." Xiaxiang's main task at this stage is not to deal with Niu Linguang, but to deal with the pressure from Zhang Guowei. The first purpose is to master the power of personnel and preside over the overall work.

But if Niu Linguang has to jump out as a green onion, Xiaxiang doesn't think it's troublesome. Just prepare a kitchen knife and an iron pot, take him as an appetizer by the way, and stir-fry it directly.

"Leader, guess who I met?" Xiao Wu said it secretly all the time. Before Xia wanted to speak, he said the case again, "It's an old thief, I'm Chen's men."

Oh, after Chen's power collapsed in Langshi, his men also ran away, fled, and the trees fell and scattered. I don't know where they all went, but it turned out that Chen's first general, the old thief, came to the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Xiao Wu continued, "I didn't expect that the old thief is also under Niu Linguang now, as if he is still a small head." For Langshi's burning anti-crime operation, it makes his blood boil at the thought of it, so he has strong expectations for dealing with Niu Linguang. "Leader, I have a way. I don't know if it's okay? To deal with Niu Linguang, you don't have to come forward now. As long as someone helps me, I can handle it.

Xia thought that Yiping guessed Xiao Wu's intention: "Oh, Chen?"

Oh, under the care of Xia, Chen was released from prison and rented a house to live in an inconspicuous place in Yan City. In order to prevent too much alarm, no one told him. Even Jin Yinmo didn't know that in fact, Chen has regained the reason. According to Xiao Wu's idea, it is really good. "Oh, Chen secretly planned to deal with Niu Linguang. With Oh, Chen's means, coupled with Xiao Wu's skills, even if he can't defeat Niu Linguang, at least it can form an effective containment for Niu Linguang. At least, Niu Linguang always takes the Let Chen use it for him.

Xiao Wu has been with Xia for a long time. When he guessed Xia's concerns, he said, "Leader, let me try it out. I can achieve it, but if I don't."

Fortunately, Xia wanted to acquiesce. The water came to the earth to cover the soldiers to block the generals. The other party has Niu Linguang, and he has Xiao Wu. The other party has a ** case. He has three parties to link, outsourced them separately, and does not take the initiative to take action once. Many people think he is easy to bully, right?

Xiaxiang's face was filled with a long-lost smile, a little proud, a little bad, and a little full of confidence.

Zhou Minghong's office.

Zhou Minghong, with a blue face, turned around in the room, and his face was terribly gloomy. Just now, he and Zhou Mingya had a big quarrel. He wanted to scold her a few words, but she choked a few words. He was so angry that he dropped the phone.

It's annoying, it's too annoying. Stupid, too stupid!

Some things can't be put on the table, such as ** "Zhou Mingya is too stupid, and I don't know who encouraged her to really report the case. What can I do even if Meng Tianyuan is sued? Meng Tianyuan was sentenced. "Isn't his property going to be divided up by Niu Linguang and King Kong? What can I do with you? To take a step back, even if you share a piece of the pie, tens of millions of people will die, but it will ruin your reputation for a lifetime.

And his face!

The sister of the executive vice mayor was **. How can he go out to meet people, and how can he be a person in the municipal party committee? It's really fucking unlucky. How can he do things squarely from beginning to end, but he has a big-boobs and brainless sister? Zhou Mingya, Zhou Mingya, if you love money, you can't exchange it for your lifelong reputation. There are many ways to make money: "Why bother yourself!"

But Zhou Mingya has never listened to him. She has been a problem with a girl since she was a child. She is rebellious and invincible. She is also lazy. She dreams of marrying into a rich family and living a life of not working. He has taught her to be self-reliant and self-reliant more than once

Now it's all right. There's an oolong. Zhou Minghong is so angry! He also knew that Zhou Mingya must have been encouraged, and someone behind her made suggestions for her. Who could it be if it was not Zhang Guowei? But the problem is that Zhang Guowei hid behind the scenes. He doubted, but he couldn't grasp Zhang Guowei's grasp.

Maybe there is also the shadow of Niu Linguang. If you think about it carefully, it is estimated that there is also King Kong's handwriting. But he just had a phone call with King Kong, and King Kong denied it. "He also knows that although he has a good relationship with King Kong and Niu Linguang, in contrast, the two still listen to Zhang Guowei's words more.

What should I do? Zhou Minghong was born in the middle of the weather. In fact, he didn't expect a solution at all. Things are progressing so fast that they have entered the judicial process. It's a little late for him to intervene again.

But it's better to be late than nothing. It's better to keep things within control. He grabbed the phone and called Song Zhanwei, the chief procurator of the city.

"Procurator General Song, is there any room for redemption?" Zhou Minghong and Song Zhanwei have a little friendship, so there is no need to detour.

"Unless the parties withdraw the lawsuit, the next step will be submitted to the court." Song Zhanwei was not surprised at all by Zhou Minghong's phone call." He had figured out the wording for a long time.

"Then please put it off a little longer. I'll try my best to do Tong Mingya's work.

"I also reported the situation to Xia [Book], and Xia [Book] also gave the spirit of instruction." Song Zhanwei obviously intended to disclose the news to Zhou Minghong.

Zhou Minghong's heart suddenly raised: "What is the attitude of Xia [book]?"