official god

Chapter 1157 Cooperate with tacit understanding to solve difficult problems

"We are from the capital, and Xiaokui is our boss's girlfriend. You have offended someone you shouldn't have offended. Do you understand? I'm going to teach you a lesson today!" As soon as he finished speaking, the other party's knife penetrated Ma Yun's palm and nailed Ma Yun's right hand on the table.

Ma Yun didn't expect the other party to be so cruel. He screamed and almost closed his breath in pain.

There are all cash and passbook in the safe, roughly, at least as many as millions, and the other party does not take the money, all take photos to collect evidence. He came and went quickly. He didn't say a few words from beginning to end. After taking Xiao Kui away, he walked completely in a blink of an eye.

... A joy, the heavy snow has not stopped.

At dawn, Xiaxiang planned to return to Qin and Tang Dynasties from the capital. Unexpectedly, before he could start, he received a phone call from Jiang Xuesong and offered to meet him. At this critical moment, as a member of the Politburo, Jiang Xuesong also had a key vote. Besides, his relationship with Jiang Xuesong was also well maintained, so he hurried to the appointment.

The meeting with Jiang Xuesong lasted for about an hour, and finally shook hands and said goodbye. Jiang Xuesong came to him with two meanings. One is the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee [book] to remember the affairs of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Jiang Xuesong implicitly expressed his support, and the other half means that Toxia wanted to say hello to Cao Yongguo on his behalf, and said that he missed the time working with Cao Yongguo in

Xia wants to know how to be. Jiang Xuesong is in the Western Province and has his trusted friends.

also talked about the economic cooperation between the capital and the Qin and Tang Dynasties. It is also true that there are many economically complementary places between the capital and the Qin and Tang Dynasties. The Beijing-Tianjin industry has been greatly transferred, and the Qin and Tang Dynasties are one of the preferred places. Now the economic ties between the two places are

Xia thought for a cursory thought. Unconsciously, there were already several members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee that he knew. Wu Caiyang needless to say, Jiang Xuesong was one, and Guan Yuanqu was also the same. "Zhong] Li's understanding is back to understanding." But between him and [Zhong] Li, there

But even so, it is enough to make him proud to talk to two or three Politburo members.

And he also knows that after the next term, Gu Qiushi, Zheng Sheng, Song Chaodu and Chen Feng are all expected to enter the Politburo. At that time, his support in the Politburo will not be underestimated.

The prospect seems to be good, but at present, the road is still tortuous.

Xia Xiang didn't know that a small incident happened to Qin and Tang, which caused subtle changes to the whole situation. He also wanted to figure out how to explain his choice to Lao Gu and how to solve Liu Jiehui's problem. "How to negotiate with Fu Xianfeng, Song Yifan suddenly called and said that she had a cold. He also said it's okay. He didn't have to visit her." She was almost done, so she just called and said casually.

The girl's mind, if Xia wants to understand, he is not Xia. He happens to be in the capital. He didn't say anything. He hurriedly drove to Peking University to visit Song Yifan.

Song Yifan did have a bad cold. He is thinner than Huang Huā, and his little face is so haggard that it makes people feel sad. Xia wanted to buy her medicine and invited a doctor. "Song Yifan now rents a bedroom and a living room by himself." The room was very warm. Xia wanted to have lunch with her.

After the last chaotic incident, when the two met again, they avoided talking about it, but the relationship between the two seemed to be closer. Song Yifan's nature is similar to that of Gu Yu, but she is more cheerful and casual than Gu Yu. In the simplicity of Gu Yu, there will be occasional sadness, but Song Yifan is not. Her simplicity is full of happiness, and she is the most optimistic.

There are too many things. Xia can't stay for a long time. When he left, he hugged Song Yifan: "Good boy, today's obedient girl, taking medicine, sleeping and resting are the best medicine to cure colds."

Song Yifan was reluctant to give up. He took Xiaxiang's sleeve with one hand and suddenly smiled cunningly. He bit Xiaxiang's ear and whispered, "You hit me from the beginning, didn't you? The Luolì cultivation plan is about to come true, right?

Sitting in the car back to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, Xia Xiang couldn't help laughing. Song Yifan was an elf who fell into the mortal world. Her cuteness and waywardness, her naughty and cunning were the most pure weapon of a woman who was more lethal than any carefully carved beauty.

When he was about to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, Xia thought finally received a phone call from Lao Gu. After connecting, Gu Yu said, "Grandpa said that he was angry with you. I want to say that I will ignore you in the future.

Okay, goodbye!"

Before Xia thought could speak, Gu Yu hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, I didn't call again. There are some things that don't have to explain anything in a hurry. Let time prove that everything is all right.

Back to the municipal party committee, Xia thought that the atmosphere was not right. Many people whispered. As soon as they saw him, they hurriedly accompanied his smiling face, nodded and bowed to say hello. After he passed by, he whispered something.

What happened?

As soon as he entered the office, Xu Ziqi poured a cup of hot water and sent it to his eyes: "Leader, I have to review something with you first. Please criticize me."

"What's going on?" Xia wanted to frown, "Don't criticize yourself first, talk about things first." He doesn't like the practice of shirking responsibility for the purpose of self-criticism.

"It's like this..." Xu Ziqi didn't expect that things would turn into a farce, at least in his opinion, it became a farce. He originally thought that Xiao Wu would save Xiao Kui openly, but he didn't expect that there was a black and a black.

He regretted it after the incident. God knew how Xia [book] would scold him.

Unexpectedly, after Xia wanted to listen to it, he didn't say anything for a long time, so he raised his heart to his throat. Finally, when Xia [Shu] opened his mouth, he said something else: "Let Qiu Rui come to my office."

Xu Ziqi also followed Xia for a long time. He immediately understood something and answered and went out to make a phone call, but he thought happily, hey, Xia [Shu] pretended not to know this matter and proved that he had passed the test.

Bai Ti was worried for a long time, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Qiurui came to Xiaxiang's office. He thought Xia wanted to ask Xiaokui about it, and he was ready to speak. Unexpectedly, Xia's first sentence surprised him: "The provincial party committee team may be adjusted in the near future. One plan is the Qintang Municipal Party Committee [Book] High-level Standing Committee..."

Seng Qiurui was standing and talking, but as if he had been hit by lightning, he didn't stand still and sat down. It took him a long time to recover: "Xia [Shu] Ji, this, this is too sudden... A great good thing, congratulations to Xia [Shu]!"

The reason why Xiaxiang was straightforward to Liao Qiurui and did not pay attention to the leadership art of speaking was his complete trust in Liao Qiurui. At the same time, there was also important work left to him. He waved his hand and said, "It's just one of several plans. It's hard to say whether it will work or not Research..."

After a pause, Lig Qiurui immediately understood the meaning: "I know it in my heart, and I won't reveal half a word. Xia [Book], do you have any specific instructions?

Xia wants to see the tacit understanding between Sorghum Qiurui and him, which has initially reached the level of Peng Yunfeng before. He is also gratified. He nodded and smiled: "It's nothing more than some written materials, but also a large amount of data, listing the achievements of Qin and Tang Dynasties in recent years, and

Liang Qiurui understands that the promotion of the achievements of the Qin and Tang Dynasties is actually to improve the personal image of Xia [Book], because the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee [Book] is a high-ranking standing committee member, which involves two aspects. One is that the economic output value and scale of Qin and Tang City meet the requirements, It's impossible.

In the current situation, Qin and Tang City itself has reached the level, but the qualifications of Xia [book] are still slightly lacking, so written materials are needed to make up for it. How can the achievements at work be known and recognized by superiors? To put it bluntly, it still depends on materials, a large number of materials, rich materials, and vivid materials.

Wenshan Huihai is not allowed, but without Wenshan Huihai, where does the leader's political achievements come from? Buildings and roads can't be shown to the superior leaders. In the end, the materials placed on the desk of the superior leaders are still materials.

Sulang Qiurui understood the intention of Xia [book]. Seeing that Xia [book] did not mention the meaning of Xiaokui, he thought for a moment and said implicitly: "Xia [book], Xiaokui has been sick recently and can't cook for you for the time being."

"If you are sick, take good care of yourself. I can just eat in the canteen." Xia Xiang said as if nothing had happened, and added, "Give me a good job for her, so that she can recuperate at ease, and everything will be fine."

The last sentence was meaningful. Sorghum Qiurui understood, smiled and went out.

When talking to the leader, sometimes you have to play riddles. Because of some inconvenient things, it's enough for everyone to know. It's meaningless to say it, and it's also a sign that you don't have political wisdom.

In many cases, it is difficult for the heart leader to do it, but it must be done, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward.

Shortly after Liang Qiurui left, Xia thought received a phone call from Xiao Wu. After listening to Xiao Wu's detailed report, Xia thought just said, "I know." Then he asked, "Have you settled it?"

"It's all settled." Xiao Wu is also much smarter than before. He can't speak well. He also knows that Xia [Shu] asked about Chen and Xiaokui, "I want to come forward to settle down. If they don't listen, they have to do it by themselves, so it's up to him."

Xiao Wu originally wanted to contribute money to help Chen Resettlement. Oh, although Chen is depressed, his bones are still there. Although he is not as rich as before, he is more thin than Ma. There are no hundreds of millions, and tens of millions are still not a problem.

And as soon as the old thief saw Chen, he immediately returned to his heart. After running forward and after running, Xiao Wu was very emotional. He thought, don't look at Chen is a bad guy, but he is also an affectionate and righteous bad guy. It can be seen that his subordinates can follow him so stubbornly.

The knife brought by Lao Xin came to a person. As soon as he saw Chen come out of the world, he immediately cheered constantly and said that they wanted to follow Chen's footsteps again.

Oh, Chen rented a remote private house, which is very inconspicuous in the urban-rural junction in the suburbs. After the manpower arrived, he analyzed the situation, combined with the political problems that Xia wanted to encounter in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and quickly made a rapid deployment, which led to the previous vigorous scene.

Oh, Chen is, oh, Chen, the two goals he wanted have been achieved... Because of Xia's political problems, it can be solved easily!