official god

Chapter 1162 A banquet, everyone is drunk

The banquet was held in the most luxurious Jin Wanshenghao of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

The main leaders of the four groups of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government and the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and all the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee are all gathered together and lively. We warmly welcome the visit of Vice Governor Tan and Deputy Director Lu.

Jin Wansheng Hotel is a designated hotel of the Municipal Party Committee. All major wells and important distinguished guests are arranged by Jin Wansheng. It is also a conventional rule. After Xia wanted to take office, Jin Wan's boss Jin Wan invited him to dinner many times, but he declined. He knew that Jin Wan was worried that he would hand over the major reception tasks of the municipal party committee to other hotels in the future.

One of the biggest advantages of Xiaxiang is that his eyes are not small. In fact, don't underestimate some designated hotels, guidance and other small things of the municipal party committee, which is the most important thing to reflect the will of power and the opportunity to get benefits. If Xia wants to hint, the gift money alone is not less than a few million yuan every year, especially in Qin and Tang Dynasties, which is an economically developed city. As a municipal party committee [book], he raises his hand slightly in the promotion of cadres, personnel adjustment, etc., and occasionally hospitalized for recuperation several times, taking the opportunity to accumulate wealth

Xiaxiang is not short of money, nor is he a person who loves money as much as his life. He is very weak about money and is as clean as paper on economic issues, which is why he has not been caught by his opponents in officialdom. At the level of Xiaxiang, the only thing that can knock him down is the economic problem. However, he is also good at economic problems. Not to mention that he has a handle, he can't pick out any problems, so all the officials who have worked with him sincerely admire him.

This reception was also arranged in Jin Wanshenghao, which made Jin Wan's heart fall into place, and also made him take a high look at the person of Xia [book].

After sitting in order, Xia wanted to give a welcome speech as usual.

In addition to Lu Guoyuan, deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress, he also accompanied Tan Guorui to his secretary and deputy secretary-general of the provincial government. If all the members of the Standing Committee of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee were accompanied, he would definitely not be able to sit down, so he named several major party and government leaders. In addition .

After the welcome speech, Tan Guorui delivered a speech. Tan Guorui was very interested today. First, he praised the good progress of Qin and Tang's work in all aspects, affirmed Qin and Tang's team, and praised Xiaxiang's monitor's leading role. However, Xia's praise for Xia's praise was only one by, but it took nearly two minutes to praise the work of the municipal government under the leadership Yang pointed out that Zhang Guowei made great contributions to the economic development of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Generally speaking, whether it is superiors or subordinates, when affirming Qin Tang's work, they will highlight the role of the team and the collective. Even if they highlight the individual, they will also highlight the leader. What is the concept of a leader? That is, he is the first person in the whole Qin and Tang Dynasties to preside over the overall work, and it is the full trust of the provincial party committee in him.

But Tan Guorui deliberately snubped Xia's thoughts and raised Zhang Guowei, and everyone here smelled an unusual breath.

Xia wants to sit still and look calm" as if to accept all the reality.

Lu Guoyuan smiled and nodded frequently, as if he fully agreed with Tan Guorui's statement.

Zhang Guowei, a member of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, smiled modestly, but his eyes showed joy, waving his hand while holding his fist.

Fan Jin was like a set, and his face seemed to be smiling. In fact, there was no smile at all. His eyes were looking at Tan Guorui. In fact, the focus did not fall on Tan Guorui.

Chang Gongzhi no longer stroked his stomach as usual, but put both hands on the table and smiled, but his smile was very meaningful and nodded slightly, as if he was in favor of Tan Guorui's words, and he just nodded unconsciously.

Zhou Minghong also smiled brilliantly." His eyes slipped on the faces of Tan Guorui and Lu Guoyuan from time to time, as if he were looking for some intriguing hints. He also took an inadvertent look at Xia, but he felt that it was a little inappropriate, so he quickly withdrew his eyes and tried to behave normally.

On the contrary, Liu Jiehui is more normal than anyone else." He sat upright and did not squint. He pretended to be a formal style of listening to the leader's speech, which made people feel funny, but he did not dare to laugh.

"I was very moved by Comrade Guowei's support for the cause of education. I solemnly announce that the provincial government rewarded Comrade Zhang Guowei with a new car!" Tan Guorui finally ended his long speech with the reward for the new car. Although he may think that he is talented and eloquent, he is really full of nonsense and nonsense.

Of course, there are also many unspoken intentions. The people present are all old people in the officialdom, and they know it well. It is clear that Governor Tan intends to raise Zhang Guowei and think about it in the cold summer.

After Tan Guorui finished his speech, Xia wanted to take the lead in applauding.

Applause, Zhang Guowei stood up, held his fists and signaled. Tears flashed in his eyes. He looked excited and moved and said, "Thank you for the care of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Thank you for Governor Tan's love. I just did my part, so I let Governor Tan flatter me so much that I

Fan Jin grinned and his lips moved, as if he had said something. No one could hear it clearly, and only he knew what he wanted to say.

Two ironic words: "The Best Actor!"

After Zhang Guowei's impassioned performance, he held his glass high: "On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, I would like to give a toast to Governor Tan."

As soon as this said, all the people present, except for Xiaxiang, were slightly moved.

In the case that Xia [Shu] did not toast, Zhang Fengchang's preemptive toast was a great disrespect to Xia [Shu], and when Xia [Shu] was present, he claimed to represent the municipal party committee and municipal government, and did not even mention the name of Xia [Shu], which was very stying

Tan Guorui didn't seem to notice anything wrong. He happily accepted the toast, and touched a glass with Zhang Guowei and drank it all: "I want to drink Guowei's toast, and I have to drink it dry, because Guowei is a doer and a good mayor who does practical things."

Many people have seen it more clearly until now. Mayor Zhang and Governor Tan sing and make peace. It is clear that it is the face of Luoxia's [book], hitting the prestige of Xia's [book], and also regard the other members of the Qin and Tang team as nothing, which makes many people present here feel neglected. It's okay for The color is more obvious.

Although Zhang Guowei took the lead everywhere, the rules in the officialdom were indispensable. Xia Xiang still stood up and toasted Tan Guorui, "I also toasted Governor Tan. Governor Tan has always been very concerned about Qin Tang's work and has always supported my work. On behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, I would like to thank Governor Tan.

Tan Guorui picked up his glass: "Comrade Xiaxiang, I can't drink too much. I can't compare with the young people. I want to discuss with you. If you drink it, I'll drink half of it, okay?"

The tone is very kind, but it has its own unquestionable authority.

The governor speaks, and you have to listen if you don't want to. But the problem is not that Governor Tan drinks more and less, but that Governor Tan first drank with Zhang Guowei, but did not drink with Xia, which is very obvious that he favored one over the other.

Xia wanted to look as usual, and he was not dissatisfied at all: "Okay, let's do it according to Governor Tan's instructions."

"Ha ha..." Tan Guorui smiled with satisfaction, "Comrade Xiaxiang, drink a drink and say something to instruct the spirit. Don't be too formal. Sit together today, and everyone will be casual."

Some leaders are dignified. When they sit together and eat together, they laugh and laugh in business, so the accompanying people will feel uncomfortable and can't sit well if they don't eat well. Some leaders are more easy-going and talkative, so the atmosphere will be much warmer and the accompanying people can let go.

Tan Guorui seems to be easy-going, but in fact, every move has traces of intention, especially his interaction with Zhang Guowei several times, which has an obvious intention to suppress Xiaxiang, and the concubines here are not without eyes. It is in his eyes and imprinted in his heart, so although Tan Guorui said it well and seemed to have no airs, everyone dealt with it carefully and was a little restrained.

Yes, Governor Tan intends to distinguish between [book] and the mayor, and the atmosphere is delicate and embarrassing. If you say too much, it seems to be the same as Governor Tan's united front, and the memory of Xia [book] fell into the well.

Without saying much, it also snubs Governor Tan's party, which also seems that the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee team does not respect the superior leaders enough, so it is difficult to grasp the degree.

Even if someone wants to flatter Governor Tan, they dare not act too urgently. Governor Tan can leave by patting his buttocks. He has to work under the leadership of Xia [Book]. No one is stupid and will not do stupid things like leapfrog performance.

Mayor Zhang is another matter. Mayor Zhang has qualifications and confidence. In the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he has much older qualifications than Xia [book]. He can publicly challenge Xia [book], but others can't. Mayor Zhang's challenge is bold, and others' challenge is out of their ability.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little cold, Lu Guoyuan was a little unhappy: "Jie Hui, I heard from you that the work of the Qin and Tang Dynasties was not easy to carry out. What's the situation?"

If Tan Guorui and Zhang Guowei sing and act in front of people, it's okay. After all, Tan Guorui is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and a provincial leader with real power. He always has to give three points of face. Lu Guoyuan, as the deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress, is also a provincial Didn't you mention the work of the National People's Congress on the table on purpose?

It was also Liu Jiehui's self-injection that the work of the Qin and Tang Dynasties National People's Congress was not easy to carry out! Xia thought couldn't help but be angry and subconsciously looked at Fan Jin.

Fan Jin is even more angry. It's okay for Zhang Guowei to act too much today. After listening to Lu Guoyuan's intention, Liu Jiehui sued the villain first and shifted the responsibility to the municipal party committee? As soon as he looked up, he happened to see Xia Xiang's eyes. Although Xia Xiang's eyes were very casual, it was like an opportunity to remind him of the materials in Chang Gongzhi's hand. He stood up and raised his glass to toast Tan Guorui: "Governor Tan, I'll give you a toast."

Tan Guorui nodded with a smile: "Comrade Fan Jin, I'm free, you do it." It is still an indisputable tone.

They all thought that Fan Jin would definitely drink it in one gulp, but he didn't drink it, but smiled: "Exe Governor Tan, if you offended me, you really have to drink this cup with me!"