official god

Chapter 1172 Major Meeting, Major Preview

Chen Feng's phone call was really timely. Xia thought that he hadn't put down Fan Zheng's phone. Chen Feng called in, and he said to Fan Zheng, "Mayor Chen called. I won't talk to you for a while.

Fan Zheng was stunned when he heard this: "Mayor Chen? Chen Feng?" He said urgently, "Wait a minute..."

Xia thought waited for a moment, and Fan Zheng's tone of inquiry came from inside: "Xia thought, if Mayor Chen also comes to Yanshi, my father said that if it is convenient, we can sit together. Please convey it."

As Cao Yongguo's son-in-law, as Chen Feng's most trusted person, Xia Xiang is indeed the best bridge for the meeting between Fan Ruiheng and Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo, two senior officials at the ministerial level. It's not to say that Fan Ruiheng can't hold Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo, but that he personally invites He felt that there was no light on his face.

There must be a proper middleman, Xia thought, and he should not give up.

Xia wanted to meditate slightly: "Let me convey it." I didn't say much, because he couldn't guarantee that Chen Feng would have time to see Fan Ruiheng.

However, what Xia thought he didn't expect was that he underestimated Chen Feng's phone call to support Chen Feng. The first sentence was: "Xiaxiang, I came to Yanshi. You can arrange it and see if you can meet Fan Ruiheng. I have to tell him about your matter."

A sentence made Xia Xiang sigh a lot. For a long time, although Song Chaodu has helped him the most, he can't speak to the bright place, and Song Chaodu is too calm. Even if he has known him for many years and has walked more in recent years than Chen Feng, it is still difficult for him to directly feel the care of Song Chaodu

Of course, Song Chaodu is also very concerned about him, but it is as deep as the sea. It has always been calm and silent. It needs to be experienced with the heart to detect it. But Chen Feng is different." Chen Feng's care for him is direct and powerful. As long as it is related to his vital interests, he will definitely come forward directly to help and give people straightforward strength.

The Song Dynasty was like the sea, and Chen Feng was like a mountain. Both of them were the most memorable people on the road of Xia's life.

Of course, there is also Cao Yongguo.

Although Cao Yongguo did not help Xiaxiang's career very much, he never complained about his father-in-law. When his father-in-law was penniless, he did not stop him from falling in love with Cao Shuxun, and let him miss his father-in-law for life.

The father-in-law has a gentle personality, his wrists are round and more than enough, and he is not too orthodox, and he will not have too many plots and secret tricks. Therefore, his father-in-law seems to be relatively smooth in promotion. In fact, he is also the reason why others are stable and have won the appreciation of [

Sometimes, when the struggle between the two factions is relatively fierce, in the case that no one will give in, there will be a third party who is popular and the ruling concept is moderate to take the opportunity to take office, and the father-in-law will get this convenience.

But this time his father-in-law was also very active in meeting Fan Ruiheng, which moved him to appear in person for his part-time director of the National People's Congress. What impressed him more was that when Chen Feng came straight to the point, he did not hesitate to lower his identity and offered to meet Fan Ruiheng, and he also wanted to come forward for his affairs." Xia thought that an unspeakable touch was flowing in his chest.

If he can have what he is today, he also relies on several heavy elders. At the important level of his life, he spares no effort to help him get on the horse!

"Thank you, Mayor Chen. I was on the phone with Fan Zheng just now. Fan Zheng has made an invitation, and I have agreed for you." Xia thought that Fan Zheng took the initiative to make an invitation, which also made Chen Feng feel more beautiful and not too abrupt.

Chen Feng laughed and said, "If Fan Zheng doesn't invite me, can't I take the initiative to see Fan Ruiheng? Xia thought, there should be a curve, but sometimes it's not necessary. Well, I have something else to do. I'll call you when I'm done.

Xia wants to put down the phone" said to Cao Yongguo, Cao Yongguo can't help sighing: "Chen Feng really cares about you". Chen Feng and I came forward, Fan [Shu]'s face is not small.

In fact, the implication is that Xia wants to have a lot of face.

In the afternoon, Fan Zheng turned on the phone and said that he would arrange a family banquet tomorrow morning to ask Xiaxiang's opinion. Xia wanted to ask Cao Yongguo first, and then Chen Feng. It was all scheduled, so he replied to Fan Zheng. No problem.

Fan Zheng said happily, "This year's year is very lively."

is very lively. Two ministerial-level cadres came to the door in person, and Fan Ruiheng is also very face-saving. Especially when he is now facing the pressure of Sun Ximin, the visit of Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo is a very strong political signal. What's more, Chen Feng's appointment as the provincial party committee after the year has been a

Fan Ruiqi is also very happy and looks forward to seeing Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo again. As a senior official at the provincial and ministerial level who went out from Yan Province, he and he are both old acquaintances. He knows that the best opportunity to repair his relationship with Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo has come.

The next day, Chen Feng first appeared in the dormitory of the Construction Committee.

Chen Feng did not put on the shelf of senior officials at the provincial and ministerial level at all. He only let the attendants wait downstairs. He and his secretary went upstairs and knocked directly on the door. Xia wanted to open the door and was stunned. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng had a surprise attack.

Chen Feng also did it on purpose, but it seemed that he was still close to him and would not see him. Xia wanted to welcome him very warmly:... Mayor Chen. I deliberately didn't let me go downstairs to pick you up. What do you think of me?

"It's just a little opinion of you." Chen Feng said and laughed. He wanted to shake hands with Xia and went into the room again. "I was going to come over for breakfast, but later I thought that Yongguo was also inconvenient. If you were here, I would have to invite you to breakfast."

Cao Yongguo heard Chen Feng's voice and hurriedly came out of the room: "Mayor Chen, don't make a sudden attack, okay? You come a little earlier. I haven't got up yet, so I'm too lazy to neglect you.

Cao Yongguo and Chen Feng have known each other for a long time, and their kindness was revealed in politeness. The two shook hands affectionately. Chen Feng smiled and said, "Yongguo, what else do you and I say about neglect is outside. If you can't come whenever you want, are you still an old friend?"

"I can't beat you. I said something wrong, but it doesn't work?" Cao Yongguo was in a good mood and hurriedly asked Chen Feng to sit down. Xiaxiang had already poured tea.

"If you don't drink tea, what else do you want to drink? Just go and drink Fan Ruiheng's tea." Chen Feng was impatient. As soon as he sat down, he stood up again, "Xia thought, go now?"

Xia thought that the time was almost enough. He agreed with Fan Zheng that the time was old in the morning, but now he said, "Okay, please wait a little longer and change your clothes."

Chen Feng sat down again. He doesn't look like a provincial and ministerial high-level officer at all, but if he only has his eager side and doesn't understand his hidden side, he will suffer losses under Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's personality is very deception. People who don't know him think that he is impatient, shallow, and happy and angry. In fact, after a long time of contact, I know that Chen Feng's joy and anger may not be his true feelings. If you take it seriously, you will be fooled. If you are fooled, you will suffer losses.

A high-level official at the ministerial level sat on the sofa and waited for a ministerial level and a hall level. Chen Feng looked very patient, with a smile on his face, and he was not in a hurry.

Chen Feng's secretary Zhang Zengyi has been with Chen Feng for two years, and he has not yet fully figured out Chen Feng's temper. Just now, Chen Feng was completely different, but he was still secretly shocked and thought that he could not change as calmly as Mayor Chen.

Zhang Zengyi is two years older than Xiaxiang. He admires Xiaxiang very much and believes that Xiaxiang's promotion can be written as a biography novel, which is absolutely wonderful.

The group was packed up, and Cao Yongguo apologized: "Mayor Chen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.

Chen Feng waved his hand and smiled: "I just sat down and thought about it, and figured it out a little."

"What do you want to understand?"

"Young people, we need to help them for a journey. If you don't help them when it's time, it's easy to slide."

Cao Yongguo knew what Chen Feng secretly meant, and did not point out: "Help, of course, you need to help, but you can't blindly help. You still have to walk by yourself to go longer.

When he arrived at Fan Ruiheng's house, Fan Ruiheng not only went downstairs, but also came to the gate of the community to greet him in person. A governor, a mayor of a municipality directly under the Central Government, is also the upcoming provincial party committee [book], plus a municipal party committee [book], the weight is absolutely worth going downstairs in person.

The three of them were very happy to meet each other. After shaking hands one by one, they went upstairs.

Fan Ruiheng, Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo know each other. In terms of seniority, Fan Ruiheng is naturally the oldest, followed by Chen Feng, but Fan Ruiheng insisted on letting Chen Feng go ahead and gave Chen Feng courtesy. Chen Feng was not too modest. The three of them were in front of Chen Feng, Fan Ruiheng was in the middle, Cao Yongguo was behind, and Xia wanted to be behind, and then entered the door.

There are no outsiders at home. If it is a family banquet, it is all family. Chen Feng is single. Cao Yongguo and Xiaxiang are also single. They have no family. There are only Fan Ruiheng and Fan Zheng in the Fan family.

If it hadn't been for Chen Feng's unexpected appearance, Cao Yongguo and Xiaxiang would have brought their families with them, but Chen Feng's disrupted plan was small. It's not good to have family members. Only Chen Feng was single, so Xia wanted to go to the banquet with Cao Yongguo tacitly.

It was still early before the meal time, so I went to Fan Ruiheng's study to talk first.

In a sense, today's meeting between Fan Ruiheng, Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo can be called the meeting of the Big Three.

Naturally, except for Xiaxiang, but then again, the reason why the three of them can work together today is that the central topic and the main bond is still Xiaxiang. That is to say, it is precisely because of Xia's thinking that in his busy schedule, it is rare for three senior officials at the ministerial level to hold a rare private meeting.

"Xia, you just came back from Shancheng. Did you hear that the leadership team of Shancheng is not coordinated?" Fan Ruiheng mentioned Shancheng straight to the point, and the foreshadowing must be the mayor of Shancheng.

"I heard some, but it's all hearsay. Whether the leadership team in Shancheng cooperates well or not, Fan [Shu] is clear-eyed and can see clearly. Xia wanted to skillfully kick the ball back to Fan Ruiheng's feet.

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