official god

Chapter 1175 Watching People for a Long Time, Watching Vegetables and Wine

When he got to the capital, Xia Xiang was separated from Cao Yongguo. The level was different, and the characters they wanted to see were different. The key was that Xia wanted to reunite with the Wu family first.

Otherwise, Mr. Wu can't wait for him. He will be beaten.

Meet Mr. Wu. Everything was fine. The Wu family gathered together. Only Xia wanted to be an outsider, but no one felt abrupt. Wu Caiyang, Wu Caijiang and even Wu Caihe, who rarely appeared, were all there. Xia wanted to sit in it, but he was also very harmonious.

Wu Caiyang still didn't talk much with him. Wu Caijiang pulled him to say a lot, mentioned Ma Wanzheng, and said that Ma Wanzheng was operating in the capital and wanted to go further.

Speaking of himself, Wu Caijiang said that he might not serve as the provincial party committee and was ready to return to Beijing for a spare post. He served as the provincial party committee [book] and had a great impact on Wu Caiyang. Starting from the overall situation of the Wu family, he must make sacrifices. He also opened his mind and didn't have much nostalgia for the officialdom. When he came back, he retained the main level, no longer worried about many things, and helped the Wu family manage economic affairs at ease.

Xia Xiang didn't say anything. The internal affairs of the Wu family are arranged by Mr. Wu, and it is true that Wu Caijiang's political prospects are not very promising. It is also in the overall interest that he makes way for Wu Caiyang. From this, it can be inferred that the Wu family will try their best to help Wu Caiyang to one of the nine giants.

Wu Caihe can be mediocre and can't manage family affairs. It is estimated that after Wu Caijiang takes over the family's economic affairs, Wu Caihe will completely retreat behind the scenes and only be responsible for the family's internal trifles.

Xia didn't want to ask about the Wu family's family affairs, let alone intervene. Although the old man often showed the idea of letting him hold some power in the Wu family, he always cleverly refused and did not answer. In fact, with his talent and political assistance to Wu Caiyang, he can make great achievements in helping Wu Caijiang economically, but he is not here, and once he intervenes in the Wu family's family affairs, he will definitely cause trouble.

If it were someone else, he might be greedy for the power and wealth of the Wu family. For him, if he has no desire, he will be strong.

At night, he lived in Lian Ruohan's villa for the Spring Festival. The old man went back to the Wu family courtyard and wanted to hear Lian Ruohan talk about all kinds of American things about the United States. Although he didn't know much about some professional terms, he finally understood that it was to use one investment holding company after another and cross- The purpose of being a hidden rich man.

Lian Ruohan's assets have now reached more than 200 billion US dollars. Of course, it is the market value, not the working capital. According to the share, Cao Shuxun has nearly 200 million, Li Qin has 100 million, and even Wei Xin has distributed nearly 10 million US dollars.

Xia was really shocked. "Everyone is much richer than him. He has been an official all his life and can't make so much money every day. Sure enough, American theory also has the right side, that is, the real elite is in the business world" instead of officialdom.

As for how to go next, Xia Xiang doesn't have any more ideas. Lian Ruohan and Li Qin are basically familiar with market rules and financial rules, and no longer need his advice. He also knows that now everything is on the normal track. As long as it operates in accordance with normal market rules, even Ruohan's huge wealth will continue to grow.

Although it will not soar as at the beginning, it will still be the rising momentum of beauty, and I believe it will be faster than his promotion.

Xia wants to know that one day, Lian Ruohan's huge strength will become a towering mountain behind him!

Another thing that reassures Xia most is that even Ruohan is really 100% attentive to him. He didn't tell Wu Caiyang about the financial plan at all. Even Mr. Wu didn't know it.

How to hide it? Even Ruohan has his own way, and there is no need to think about it.

Lian Ruohan tossed Xia and thought about it. Xia was tired. When he wanted to sleep, Lian Ruohan did not allow it. Men will be tired afterwards, but some women will be happy afterwards.

She pulled Xia to think and asked Xia to talk with her. As she spoke, her topic was involved in Wei Xin.

"Wei Xin is so pitiful. Her illness is so strange that I wonder how a good person can be so unfortunate?" Lian Ruohan pillowed Xiaxiang's arm and clicked on Xiaxiang's body with her fingers. "I just thought, why don't you take Wei Xin? She is really nice, careful and gentle. She has all the advantages of men's favorite women. If you take her, I won't be jealous. Really, I don't object at all. What a good sister, I'm so sad.

Xia thought that no matter whether Lian Ruohan was sincere or tentative, he shook his head: "Don't mess around. If you are pitiful, I will accept one. You don't refuse me when I come, people love me, huā see huā open? Come on, go to bed quickly. I have something to do tomorrow.

"You man, I'm serious. Don't pretend either. Wei Xin likes you. It's not that you don't know. You still pretend to be a big-headed ghost!" Even Ruohan flicked Xiaxiang's head, "I'm serious. A good sister receives it from her own home. How nice it is. I'm usually alone. With her as a companion, I also feel safe. Besides, she is honest and considerate, and won't compete with me for favor. Don't worry.

Xia wants to pretend to sleep.

"Oh, let's talk about business. Don't pretend. If you pretend again, I'll clean you up..."

Xia wants to continue snoring.

Lian Ruohan was annoyed. He pinched Xiaxiang's nose and scratched Xiaxiang's ears. Xiaxiang ignored it. Anyway, he was naughty. Finally, Lian Ruohan reached out to touch the key point of his sacrifice. As soon as he turned over, he pressed Lian Ruohan under his body.

Lian Ruohan's skin is better than snow, his upper body is **, his lower body has just put on his underwear, lying on his back **, and his jade body exudes a mature breath and attractive luster. Xia wanted to be a little bad again. Lian Ruohan avoided talking about the key issues just now, so he deliberately didn't give it.

The more he didn't give it, the more Xia thought about it. The two of them were entangled in **. When they were making trouble, they suddenly heard a noise from outside.

The big thing was not good. Xia wanted to turn over and go down to the ground quickly. Seeing that he was extremely indecent, he quickly pulled a dress and put it on. Just as he was about to open the door, the door was pushed open by Lian Xia.

Lian Xia rubbed her sleepy eyes and said dissatisfiedly, "I want to pee."

"Dneet by yourself. Xia Xia has grown up. Don't let your mother lead you to pee anymore." Xia wanted to show his father's majesty and educate Lian Xia.

In order to cultivate Lian Xia's sense of independence from an early age, Lian Xia did not sleep with Lian Ruohan for a long time and slept in a separate room.

"I just want to pee by myself." Lian Xia was a little unconvinced, "I'm here to remind you that don't play hide-and-seek at night and affect other people's rest.

Lian Xia walked for a long time, and Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan were still embarrassed.

The next day, Xia wanted to make an appointment with Fu Xianfeng to have an interview with Fu Xianfeng.

It's not okay not to have an interview. It's easy for the Mei family to say. Mei Shengping has nothing to say. It's easy for the Qiu family to say that with Mei Shengping coming forward and the Wu family to say hello, it is easy for the three families to reach a consensus on the common event, but the Fu family is different. The Fu family agrees on the surface. Xia Xiang is not sure whether he will have any ideas secretly.

Other things are okay to say, but the matter of the high-level standing committee is of great importance and careless. In case of a mistake, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

The most critical promotion in my life, I have to be cautious.

Thinking of the almost unreconcilable opponents in those years, now sitting together to negotiate terms. Politics has always been like this. The history of separation and cooperation has been staged between countries and between people.

The place to meet Fu Xianfeng is the first place in the world.

Xiantianxia is a restaurant with a lot of artistic atmosphere and classical style. There are big red lanterns hanging at the door, and there are stone lions on both sides. The eaves and corners are extraordinary.

A couplet at the door is exactly Fan Zhongyan's two most famous words: "The worries of the world first, and the happiness of the world later!"

Xia wanted to enter the door and was led into an elegant room. The name of the elegant room was also very interesting, which was called Yueyang Tower.

Fu Xianfeng was dressed in casual clothes and was looking at something leisurely inside. Seeing that Xia wanted to come in, he got up to greet him and took the initiative to reach out: "Good New Year, Xia Xiang. Not bad, very energetic, very good-looking."

"I was a little listless yesterday, but when I got up early today and thought of meeting with Director Fu, I immediately became more energetic." Xia wanted to make a joke when he came up. In fact, his unspokeential meaning was that he had to deal with Fu Xianfeng, so he had to deal with it, otherwise he might be tricked.

Did Fu Xianfeng understand? Xia didn't know. Anyway, Fu Xianfeng laughed and looked very happy. He reached out and pulled him to the seat.

"Sit, the environment here is not bad, and the dishes are also unique. I need to taste it later."

After Xia wanted to sit down, he first drank a qi of tea with Fu Xianfeng. He praised that tea is good and officials seem to love to taste tea. Whether they really like it or know how to drink it, in short, everyone has their own tea scriptures in their hearts.

In a short time, I will have some snacks, all of which are difficult to see traditional snacks, and even melon seeds, etc. Fu Xianfeng said, "Come on, try it, they are all lost crafts, which can't be seen anywhere else."

It is rare for Fu Xianfeng to be so elegant that Xiaxiang can't be too eager to taste a few snacks in a hurry.

is really good, and he is full of praise.

Tea should be boiled in warm water, and the climate should be slowly set off.

On the topic, Ni jumped on Fu Xianxian again, and then Fu Xianxian talked about Mei Xiaomu, and then about the emotional entanglement between Mei Xiaomu and Yan Xiao. After going around a big enough circle, Fu Xianfeng put down the teacup and suddenly said, "Xia thought, have you ever thought about something, high match. After becoming a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, you will become the youngest deputy provincial senior official in China, and you will suddenly become the focus of the news. For stars, you should become famous as soon as possible, but for you, it may not be a good thing to become a person at the forefront of the storm.

Of course, Xia thought about the problem of Fu Xianfeng, but the domestic political climate does not allow him to publicize some things. If he is successfully promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and become a cadre under the direct control of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, if he wants to publicize him, he must You can say whatever the media wants to say.

Xia wanted to guess Fu Xianfeng's intention at once. He didn't answer his words and asked, "Director Fu, Mingren doesn't say anything secret. What kind of dish do you want to order today? Just say it directly."