official god

Chapter 1179 Shameless, ready to take action

"Xia [Book], it's great to die." Zhang Guowei was not angry. It seemed that Xia wanted to hold on to this matter. He unified the caliber to the outside and the inside, didn't want Shen Guan to rest in Xi'an? He said with a little emotion, "It's not easy to train a cadre." Don't easily deny the credit of a cadre." "If you have merit, you will be punished. Treating party members and cadres is not treating criminals, and they can atone for their sins..." Xia wanted to say lightly. He did not want to expand the matter of Shen Guanxi as a [book] of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, with the first purpose of maintaining the image of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, but when Zhang Guowei came up, he didn' If the limit is high, it will be shameless.

Xia thought halfway through his words and stopped without saying "Liang Qiurui will" and immediately took over the topic: "Comrade Shen Guanxi died in his lover's home. When he died, he was naked **, and the ground was full of blue coughs. At that time, there were many residents in the community watching at the scene, and the

"Blamor, create something out of nothing, slander!" Zhang Guowei blushed. Li Qiurui was too shameless and directly refuted his statement, which was equivalent to a slap in the face in public. His image of Wei Guangzheng is no longer difficult to maintain. "Comrade Qiu Rui should speak responsibly, can't eat indiscriminately, and can't talk nonsense." Have you seen

Well, Liang Qiurui stated the facts. Instead, he was asked by Zhang Guowei with a red face. He was also angry: "I didn't see it with my own eyes. I heard what the people below said, okay? Did Mayor Zhang see it with his own eyes? The truth is the truth. Shen Guanxi has several lovers, and he doesn't know who is here. Now let's talk about the matter. Everyone is dead, and when they die, they still die on their stomachs. What kind of face do you want? It's all showing your ass!" Good boy, the so-called good man, Liang Qiurui, was also aggressive, and forced Zhang Guoshi to be speechless.

Fan Jin coughed: "Mayor Zhang" You came out of the good intentions to maintain the image of Qin and Tang Dynasties, so you have to cover up the truth." It is understandable. But now it is an office meeting. Several comrades here have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, and they are not the masses outside who don't know the truth. Let's have a talk, let's talk about it, and we can discuss the next step, right? It's not the standing committee. We should take care of the overall situation and pay attention to the impact." Fan Jin is right. In fact, the [book] office meeting is an undisclosed meeting for bargaining. Compared with the standing committee, the standing committee should have records and official documents, so it should be formal and stable. After all, it is the highest decision-making Structure.

It's not pleasant to say" [Book] The office meeting is a meeting to fabricate facts and set the tone.

Ren Haifeng saw that the momentum was wrong, and there was a tendency to quarrel, and he was also in a hurry: "Please understand more." Mayor Zhang is also in a hurry for a moment." Shen Kansai is his old classmate, a friend for many years. "Suddenly he died, it is inevitable to be excited and human feelings." "I also If you fabricate facts, you can't solve the problem, but it will cause trouble.

" Xia wants to have to take a stand, and he doesn't want to have a quarreling meeting. As long as Zhang Guowei restrains a little, everything is fine.

Zhang Guowei slowly calmed down. "I know it was a little aggressive just now." But the words have been said. How can it be taken back again? He had to reluctantly say, "It's spread everywhere outside." It is said that Comrade Shen Guanxi died on a woman's belly. It's nonsense. "There is definitely a man- I don't believe it anyway. Comrade Kansai has a good style of life, and there is no mess. To prevent people from taking the opportunity to make trouble, expand the trouble, and maintain the hard-won political situation of stability and unity in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Here, I solemnly propose to the Municipal Party Committee that in order to prevent the situation from expanding and prevent people from taking the opportunity to make trouble, we should immediately hold a plenary meeting and announce the relevant provisions.

It is reasonable to say that Zhang Guowei's proposal is in line with the overall situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties." But then again, if an official who died on a woman's belly is characterized as a typical of tired death at work, not to mention that it does not meet Xia's principle of being a man,

You can prevent the media from propaganda and cover up the truth of the matter, but you must not make Shen Kansai a model.

Zhang Guowei wanted to set Shen Guanxi as a model, including two deep-seated ideas. First, Shen Guanxi was his classmate and hardcore after all. Shen Kansai died disgracefully but lost a glorious reputation. He had a bright face and also showed his authority in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Second, after the establishment of Shen Guanxi, he had a greater voice after succeeding the position of district governor.

Think about it, Shen Guanxi is his relationship, and no one knows it in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. If the municipal party committee does not hold a high-level memorial service after his death, it proves that his prestige in the municipal party committee has declined. It's about Shen Guanxi and his personal face. Zhang Guowei must fight with reason.

It's just that Shen Guanxi died too cowardly, and Zhang Guowei had no choice but to do anything about it. He died, and he couldn't be resurrected and scolded him. He could only try his best to do the rest of him.

Xia thought for a moment and put forward three guiding opinions: "First, a plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee was held to report the accidental death of Comrade Shen Guanxi, and asked all party members and cadres not to discuss and spread the cause of death of Shen Guanxi at will. Second, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee is ready to prevent media interviews and reports. Third, about the cause and characterization of the death of Comrade Shen Guanxi, we will continue the discussion after Comrade Fu Xiaobin, Minister of the Municipal Party Committee, take office." The results of the meeting made Zhang Guowei not satisfied, because he did not characterize Shen Guanxi He knew that Xia wanted to give up.

Damn, why are you so unlucky? Zhang Guowei scolded secretly. Seeing that the provincial party committee had a major personnel adjustment, Qin and Tang had a scandal when they were about to leave. Didn't they give eye drops to the provincial party committee at the critical point? It's no wonder that the provincial party committee can get along well.

Zhang Guowei originally wanted to argue for a few more words, but when he saw Xia wanted to look resolute, Fan Jin almost showed a gloating look, and Liao Qiurui was also ready to refute a few more words to him at any time. He was discouraged. Forget it, Shen Guanxi died too cowardly. He wanted to pull

But things can't be settled like this. You have to give Shen Guanxi an explanation. Even if you don't do your best and die, you should let the municipal party committee make it clear that you are tired to death at work.

Besides, isn't it normal for party members and cadres to have two lovers? Who doesn't have a few? The main reason is not whether it is or not, but not to die naked in the lover's **.

Unlucky Shen Kansai, Zhang Guowei shook his head secretly.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to go back to the office. After sitting down, he frowned slightly and felt uncomfortable. He doesn't want to curse easily. Today, he really wants to scold Shen Guanxi. It's really not a thing!

In fact, it's not scolding Shen Guanxi. Shen Guanxi is dead. What's the use of scolding? In fact, he is still scolding Zhang Guowei.

Zhang Guowei acted too much in the matter of Shen Guanxi. "It can be described as shameless. Obviously, he died of fatigue on the woman's belly." He also wanted the municipal party committee to make a conclusion that he was tired to death at work. What he wanted to withdraw was not a big lie, but simply the nonsense of the world.

There must have been a similar situation in other cities, but in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, as long as he presides over the work, "don't want to reverse black and white" and don't want Shen Guanxi to leave a name with a positive image!

It is simply an insult to the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee!

Xia wants to be not angry easily. I'm really a little angry today.

The phone rang inappropriately. He didn't want to answer it, so Xu Ziqi answered it, and then turned around. He knew that it was an important call, so he picked it up.

"Xia [Book], I'm Zhu Ruile." Zhu Ruile's happy voice came from the microphone.

The fact that Zhu Ruile is expected to serve as the mayor of a single city has not yet spread, but Fan Ruiheng's internal determination has not been discussed at the [book] office meeting, so Zhu Ruile has no idea at all.

He called and just wanted to pay New Year's greetings to Xia.

In fact, he called a few years ago, but Xia wanted to be busy at that time. I'm thinking that I'm going to officially go to work, and I should not be too busy today." So I called another one.

Xiaxiang hasn't had time to hint that Zhu Ruile is about to face the promotion.

Since Fan Ruiheng mentioned to him that the "intention is obvious" is to let him be a good person and buy people's hearts. "It has always been the most popular promotion" and the most grateful for a lifetime.

Zhu Ruile took the initiative to call, and Xia thought he shook his head and smiled. "I forgot a major event that can be a good person. It seems that he is still not thick-faced and dark-hearted in the officialdom.

"Ruile, Happy New Year." Xia wants to put her unhappiness behind her back and said with a smile, "I'm going to work. How about it?" "Have you been careful?" "I've been careful early. How can I really relax?" Zhu Ruile said, "It's not as strong as Xia [Book], so I have to fly first."

Then" Zhu Ruile said some more polite words, and expressed his determination to get closer to Xia without a trace.

Xiaxiang said as he said. Sometimes he also needed others to say some flattery, some flattering, and some were really sincere.

When it was almost said, Xia wanted to interrupt Zhu Ruile's words and raised another topic: "Ruile, do you have any ideas about your current job?"

Zhu Ruile has no psychological preparation at all. He didn't know that he was going to fall from the sky: "I have some ideas, not too many, obey the organizational arrangement." It is said that I obey the organizational arrangement, but I still feel a little, not very smooth. After all, after graduating from the middle and middle school youth class, I will stand still. No one will be a little emotional.

"It's normal to have ideas. Your study in the middle and youth class is excellent, and the provincial leaders have always been very concerned about your growth." Xia thought slowly clicked on the question.

Zhu Ruile still didn't think much: "The provincial leaders start from the overall situation and make overall arrangements. I just want to shoulder the heavy burden, and I also need to have the opportunity. To tell you the truth, I'm really a little unconvinced. Not everyone can go to the middle and youth class. Since I went to the middle and youth class without adding a burden, it's really a little flashy.

If Zhu Ruile just hums, "If you don't tell the truth, Xia Xiang will also flatter him, and one sentence can also make Fan Ruiheng give up the idea of promoting him. Now when he sees that he shows the real side, he tells Zhu Ruile: "Ruile, you have to be psychologically prepared." Recently, it should

Zhu Ruile stopped breathing nervously in an instant!