official god

Chapter 1192 Don't fight at this time, when to wait

An County is the place where Xiaxiang once served as the executive deputy county magistrate. It is also the place where Xiaxiang first met Mei Xiaolin and turned enemies into friends with Qiu Xufeng. It is also the place where Xiaxiang first showed his economic mind and was exhausted for the local economy for the first time.

Xia wants to have a deep affection for An County.

Anxian County has a mountain road built by Xiaxiang, which connects Jingxian County, which is named Shanshui Road. In order to build mountains and waterways, Xia wanted to be almost buried in the flood. It was also because of his fearless spirit that he won the respect of a group of workers' brothers, and made him get the reward of the workers' brothers several times in the future.

Until today, the deeds of Xiaxiang have been spread in Anxian County. In those years, Yin Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin have basically been completely forgotten by the people of Anxian County. Only Xiaxiang praised his name as soon as he mentioned it. Even if you can't remember who Xiaxiang is, he gives a thumbs up one by one when he talks about the righteous actions of the mountain and waterways.

Xiaxiang's heroic name is still engraved on the stone tablet of the mountain waterway. After Sun Ximin took office, he went to inspect the mountain waterway not long ago. After walking halfway, there was an accidental landslide and blocked the road. He was very unhappy.

Everyone who is an official pays attention to the smooth road. The road is blocked, which seems to indicate that the road ahead is not open. When he is struggling in Yan Province, he is obviously unhappy.

Accompanying the inspection of the county party committee of Anxian County [book] and the county magistrate immediately admitted his mistake. After Sun Ximin returned to the province, he immediately reported to the province and asked for the construction of mountains and waterways. Of course, the reasons are sufficient. In order to increase the communication between An County and Jing County, etc The Transportation Department approved it soon.

It's one thing to approve it, and it's another thing to allocate funds immediately. The report later ran to Sun Ximin's desk. Sun Ximin waved his pen and made instructions demanding the strong support of Yan City and the Provincial Department of Transportation.

With the instructions of the governor and special funds, the construction of the mountain waterway expansion project will start immediately.

In order to catch up with the construction schedule, the reason for the completion before May Day is to bring the greatest convenience to the passage of tourists before the arrival of the peak tourist season. In fact, the consideration of Anxian County is to invite Governor Sun to inspect on May Day, so as to save the negative impact and bring a good impression to Governor Sun.

If you can't catch up with the construction period, it's easy to get out of the tofu dregs project. "The first or second leaders of An County know it" but pleasing superior leaders is the first priority for officials. What's more, the governor?

So he gave the order that it must be completed before May Day.

Xia wanted to promote his cronie Zhong Yiping to An County. After Zhong Yiping became the county magistrate in An County, he was transferred to Jingxian County as the county party committee. It was also because he was lucky that he escaped the difficulties. The current construction team could not be compared with Xiaxiang in those years. In those years, Xia wanted to It is completely beyond the design.

As a result, I only worked for less than half a month, and something happened, and it was still a matter of trouble.

When the cannon was fired on the mountain, the irregular operation caused a landslide and buried a group of workers!

After the accident, when An County reported the number of people, it was only said that there were more than a dozen people, but the family members couldn't wrap the fire in the paper and quit. In the end, the trouble became bigger and bigger. When it came to the province, it became more than 100 people.

When the news reached Sun Ximin's ears, Sun Ximin was thinking about whether the Central Organization Department had to ask for advice or had another plan. He was planning to make a phone call and then make a phone call with the capital, the phone rang harshly.

It's really harsh. Usually, I don't think the sound of the phone is unpleasant. Today, I somehow scared him. He frowned impatiently and grabbed the phone: "Hey..."

The voice has revealed unhappiness.

At one end of the phone, he seemed to no longer think about the governor's thoughts and said urgently, "Gend General Sun" is not good. There is something wrong in An County."

"What's the matter? It's a fuss. Say it slowly." Sun Ximin disliked the panic of his men and scolded, "Be calm and don't panic."

"There was a major safety accident in the mountain and waterway expansion project!"

"", Sun Ximin's heart sank. "Recently, the central government has been very strict with major safety accidents." The officials involved are not soft, and the expansion of the mountain waterways of Anxian County is still related to him. Of course, he knew that Anxian County was in a hurry to meet his thoughts and set up the expansion project He became impatient, "How serious is the accident?"

"Anxian County concealed the actual number of deaths, only saying that there were 15, but there were hundreds of family members who made trouble!"

"Hutong!" Sun Ximin was angry. "The provincial government immediately formed an accident investigation team and rushed to An County to investigate. Send someone to appease the family members to minimize the impact of the accident. And..."

The call was reported by Peng Yong, Secretary-General of the provincial government.

After Sun Ximin took office, Peng Yong quickly leaned closer to Sun Ximin. He is the secretary-general of the government. In the past, his relationship with Song Chaodu was not close, and he was not on the same line with Fan Ruiheng. After the deputy secretary-general served as the secretary-general, Sun Ximin just took office, and it was logical to be with the governor.

Under the hint of Sun Ximin, Peng Yong has always been very concerned about the expansion of the mountain waterway and has carefully coordinated all aspects of the relationship, which is equivalent to a key project led by the provincial government. He didn't expect that the people in the county really couldn't do anything, and he actually caused a major safety accident, and he was also very

After receiving the instructions from Governor Sun, Peng Yong immediately took action, summoned the relevant departments, and immediately rushed to An County to carry out a series of actions such as commanding rescue and appeasing the family. Governor Sun only said half of his last sentence. Peng Yongxin's leader will know that Governor Sun is asking to control the accident within the scope of Yan Province, and must not make a big deal and not let the media expose it.

When he was at the scene of the accident, Peng Yong panicked. The scene was out of control. He saw huge piles of stones like hills in front of him. There were thousands of people crying and shouting into a mess at the scene. [Book] The county magistrate was so anxious that he was sweating. There was nothing he could do. The film has been uploaded to the Internet...

It's a big deal.

Peng Yong suddenly had a big head and was furious. He immediately asked to drive all the reporters away. Unexpectedly, there was another reporter who broke through the crowd and came to Peng Yong and insisted on interviewing "Secretary-General Peng, I heard that nearly 300 people were killed in the accident, and the figure announced by An County is 15 people." Which one is the actual death toll?"

Peng Yong was on fire. Seeing the reporter's aggressive attitude that the world would not be chaotic, he suddenly had a hot mind and replied, "Where are you a reporter from? Who approved your interview? How do I know how many deaths there are? I'm not buried underneath! I didn't see that it was being rescued nervously. "Go away and don't get in the way."

The reporter is reluctant to chase: "The Secretary-General" must have an approximate number of people, right? There is a 20-fold difference between 15 people and 300 people. Please tell me why there is such a big difference?

Peng Yong is also an old official, but he has never encountered such a major safety accident. Under the reporter's repeated questioning, in the case of the serious consequences that may be caused, the blood finally surged up." He blurted out an impulsive sentence: "Tell you? Should I tell you what I should eat in the morning? What time should I tell you when I go to bed? Are you a reporter from Yan Province? You are a reporter from Yan Province. I will immediately let the newspaper fire you!" What Peng Yong didn't expect was that because of this impulsive sentence, "he caused a big disaster, and became famous all over the country overnight, and was awarded the title of Secretary-General.

What Peng Yong didn't expect was that the major safety accident in An County directly vacated the situation in Yan Province and caused an earth-shaking smoke.

When Xiaxiang and Huang Deyi came to the scene of Fantaqi, Xiao Wu was leading Ma to confront Ma Yun's group of people.

Ma Yun has a lot of people. His eyes turned red, and his left and right faces were swollen. Obviously, Fu Xianxian was cruel enough.

Xia also feels relieved when he sees it. What he appreciates most is Fu Xianxian's courageous character.

Ma Yun gathered about thirty or forty gangsters and big hooligans. "Most of them are villagers nearby, and the impression is that the land compensation is not in place." He asked Fantaqi Clothing Factory to implement the compensation as soon as possible, and so on. Anyway, there are sufficient reasons.

In fact, the land transfer money of Fantaic is completely a loan. The bank has approved the funds for a long time, and the funds have been paid to the village account. As for whether the village cadres have done the means, it is not clear.

However, as a key supporting enterprise of the municipal government, Fantaqi Clothing Factory has not had direct contact with the village from beginning to end, and it was all handled by the government.

Therefore, whether it is a villager or a gangster, there is no reason and no right to make trouble with Fantaqi.

Xiao Wu had few people, and Ma Yun had a lot of people. He shouted that he had to pay justice first and apologized to him, because Fu first fought hard enough.

It's strange that Fu Xian is willing to apologize to him first, and he can't kick him again to relieve his hatred.

Fu Xianxian didn't like Ma Yun. What is it? He looks crooked and cracked, and he still wants to hit her? She feels nauseous when she looks at it! It's easy to slap him twice, and she still wants to kick him to make him crippled.

Xia Xiang just arrived at the scene. Before he could give an order, the phone rang. It was Fu Xianfeng.

Fu Xianfeng was furious: "Xia thought, you should protect it first, wait for me to free up and destroy the boy Ma Yun. The bastard blinded his dog's eyes.

Fu Xianfeng was furious.

Xia wanted to have no time for Fu Xianfeng to say, "Director Fu, don't worry, leave it to me first."

Xia thought that he suddenly felt something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that the starting point of what he had just said was not from the standpoint of the municipal party committee, but from a personal standpoint.

Forget it, no matter how much it is, in public and private, we must not let Fu Xian suffer a little "harm" or let Fantaqi clothing factory be impacted.

As soon as Xia wanted to hang up the phone of Fu Xianfeng, he received another phone call from the province. After listening to a few words, his face changed greatly. There was a major safety accident in Anxian County!