official god

Chapter 1207 The situation is gradually stable, and the undercurrent is gradually surging

After the meeting, Fan Jin, Liang Qiurui, Chang Gongzhi, Nan Xinyu and even Zhou Minghong went to Xiaxiang's office in turn, or reported their work, or congratulated, etc. Anyway, Xia wanted to be busy, but she must also cheer up and not let anyone be discouraged or chilled.

The higher the position, the more attention should be paid to the correctness of his image. Although Xia Xiang is still very young, he must also pretend to be, sometimes put on the posture of a provincial leader, and sometimes take out the authority of a leader. The praise that should be praised, and the guidance that should be pointed out must make everyone feel kind and easy-

It's not easy. Xia wants to sigh secretly.

Zhou Minghong's surrender was also expected, because Zhou Mingya made him disgraced and embarrassed. On the contrary, Zhang Guowei did not help much in the end. Instead, Xia wanted to open his mouth to let Meng Tianyuan stop it when he saw it, and Meng Tianyuan did not make a big deal out of the incident. Therefore, Zhou Minghong is always grateful to Xiaxiang.

The main reason is that Xiaxiang is now a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. In the Qin and Tang Dynasties, the prestige is the same for a while, Zhang Guowei is bound to lose his power. Zhou Minghong is also a smart person. When judging the situation, he knows that he must get close to Xia [book].

Fan Jin was even more comforted. He admired his long-term vision very much. At the critical moment, he stood firmly with Xia [Shu] and resisted the pull of Liu Jiehui and Zhang Guowei. Without changing his mind, he had a stable position today. Xia [Book] Ji was promoted to a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. After the Qin and Tang Dynasties, his surname must be Xia. Zhang Guowei has gone to the past.

Chang Gongzhi was also secretly glad. Fortunately, he had a slight preference for Xia [Shu] early, rather than Zhang Guowei's position in the middle.

Not to mention other people, whether it's reporting work or congratulations on Xia [book]'s promotion, they all have a very good attitude. I can't wait to give it to Xia.

Xiaxiang was not overwhelmed by the victory, because he knew that Zhang Guowei had completely lost power on the surface, but it did not mean that Zhang Guowei had admitted defeat. The struggle between the two would go from the surface to the ground, that is to say, there must be a fierce collision in the final battle.

Because Qin and Tang Dynasties also have a powerful Niu Linguang, and a flying around annoying Liu Jiehui!

Zhang Guowei's attitude shows that from the face-on confrontation, he has no chance of winning, so he will definitely use his previous means to continue to push the trouble behind the scenes.

Xiaxiang also knew that Zhang Guowei congratulated him on his promotion to a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. On the surface, he was very jealous and even hated.

Because the reason for the announcement is that because the proportion of the economy of the Qin and Tang Dynasties has increased, it is necessary to let the Municipal Party Committee [book] remember the high-ranking standing committee. Zhang Guowei would definitely think that if he hadn't robbed the throne of his municipal party committee, he would have been a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee now.

In the officialdom, you stand in other people's way and sit in other people's seats, which is more serious than the hatred of taking a wife.

... The wind of the Qin and Tang Dynasties has changed greatly, and the summer is like a sun!

In the Qin and Tang Dynasties in March, the spring breeze is getting warmer and the weather is getting newer, the willow trees are getting greener, and the hearts are getting more and more and more people are getting.

After a period of turbulence, the situation in the Qin and Tang Dynasties gradually stabilized, and slowly returned to calm. It seemed that everything returned to the original trajectory. Of course, the superficial calm could not hide the undercurrent in the dark. After Xia wanted to be promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, it is impossible for everything to return to the original. There have been several unobtrusive personnel adjustments in Shuoyan Province.

Zhu Ruile, the acting mayor of Shancheng, was officially elected as the mayor of Shancheng City at the National People's Congress. In addition, there is a piece of news that Peng Yong was elected as the deputy mayor of Shancheng City.

Who is Peng Yong? The resume is vague and very simple, and it doesn't even mention his previous major experience. But does anyone still recognize that Peng Yong is the original secretary-general of the provincial government from the flash of TV?

It was originally rumored that Peng Yong would be dismissed on the spot. It turned out that he was demoted and came to Shancheng to serve as an inconspicuous deputy mayor. Who saved him behind his back?

Peng Yong was demoted and used, and the position of secretary-general of the provincial government was taken over by Peng Yunfeng, the former deputy mayor of Tianze City.

As soon as the news that Peng Yunfeng was the secretary-general of the provincial government came out, many people were shocked. What a Peng Yunfeng, the speed of promotion is really scary. More than a year ago, he was the secretary-general of Tianze Municipal Government. Later, with the help of Xiaxiang, he served as the deputy mayor of Tianze and was promoted to the deputy hall. Not long after, he was promoted to the secretary-general of the provincial government.

is equivalent to riding a rocket, from the main place to the main hall, in just over two years.

Insiders know that behind it, there is a shadow of Xiaxiang.

But what people familiar with the matter do not know is that behind the use of Peng Yong's demotion is also the specific performance of Xiaxiang's intention to be passed by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. It also shows that Xia wants to gain a firm foothold in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province.

Zhou, Xia wanted to relax after work and go fishing in the suburbs. Before she had packed up her things, she received three calls one after another.

The first call was from Peng Yong.

"Xia [Book], thank you for your help..." Peng Yong's voice was very low. From being removed from office on the spot to being demoted, it was also a big bargain today. If it weren't for Xia, after being removed from office on the spot, his political life would have basically come to an end. After all, he has no

But he won't be demoted. As long as he is on the stage, he has a chance to rise steadily. After all, he is at the level and at the level. There are also enough qualifications. The huge safety accident in An County will always be forgotten over time. Two or three years later, after almost becoming history, he happens to have enough qualifications, and it is not a big problem to take the opportunity to serve as mayor again.

Xia wants to be kind to him, and he is very kind to him!

Therefore, Peng Yong's gratitude to Xiaxiang comes from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time, he has made up his mind that he will closely follow the pace of Xia [Shu] in the future and serve Xia [Shu].

Xia [Book] is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Although it ranks low in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the weight of his speech is very heavy. Keeping up with Xia [Book] is his only way out in the future.

Xia wanted to bear Peng Yong's thanks. He temporarily wanted to help Peng Yong. First, Peng Yong was really at fault that he would not be removed from office on the spot, and second, he also won people's hearts. Send a tael of charcoal in the snow, which can add ten catties to the icing on the cake. There is reason

"Mayor Peng, the industrial and agricultural foundation of Shancheng is not thin, and there should be a lot to do. Comrade Ruile is a good comrade. He is down-to-earth and attentive. I hope you can cooperate well with his work, do a good job, and make greater achievements in the new job.

XIA's words have words and hints. He believes that Peng Yong can understand it.

Peng Yong served as the secretary-general of the provincial government. He has practiced the ability to observe the face, listen to the voice and identify the position, and immediately understood Xia's intention: "Please rest assured, I will actively and actively cooperate with Mayor Zhu's work."

What he wanted was Peng Yong and Zhu Ruile's joint help. Xia wanted to smile with satisfaction. Zhu Ruile's political skills are a little immature and energetic, while Peng Yong is more than round and domineering. The advantages of the two complement each other. Of course, Chen Jie is blessed with tofu.

Put down Peng Yong's phone. It's time to get off work. Just as I was about to go out, I received a call from Fu Xianfeng.

"Xiaxiang, congratulations first. Now you have tied me. I'm very jealous of you." Fu Xianfeng made a joke first and said, "The cold got worse first. Let her go back to the capital. She refused, so I have to ask you to visit her."

"It's easy to say, I'll go after work. There have been too many things to do recently. It's time for Q to visit first. Xia wanted to feel a little guilty, because Fu Xianxian's condition has not been smooth since the last Ma Yun made trouble. He really neglected her.

The little witch, who used to be popular, is now busy and getting thinner. Who is working hard and who is busy with? Xia thought that he was a little distressed. He dealt with it first, but there was still a trace of tie in his heart.

"Then please, my sister is really unbearable.

" Fu Xianfeng snorted a few words and hung up the phone. Thinking about it again, he seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say it in the end.

Forget it, I won't go fishing. Let's go first. Xia Xiang was about to leave, but the phone rang again, which made his head big. He didn't want to answer it. When he saw that the number was from the capital, he answered again.

"I'll be in Qin and Tang in the evening. Please help me arrange the hotel." It's Gu Yu. Her tone is beyond doubt, "I'll call you when I get there."

It took more than two hours from the capital to the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Xia wanted to hold the phone in his hand and looked helpless. The feeling of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee had not enjoyed enough. In front of Gu Yu, he was still in the same position as before.

Xia wants Xu Ziqi to arrange a hotel, and then leave to visit Fu Xian. It doesn't work if you don't look at it. Although Fu Xian hasn't said anything over the years, he goes, where he follows, does she still need words?

I really don't need it.

Xia wanted to be careful enough to go out as usual. He asked the driver to take him to the municipal party committee hostel first, then got out of the car and took a taxi, but he didn't pay attention to it. He still followed a tail from beginning to end.

Zhuge Badao personally followed Xiaxiang!

It's just that Zhuge Badao stood in front of Xiaxiang, and Xiaxiang may not be able to recognize it at a glance, because Zhuge Badao had a bandage on one arm, half of his face was swollen, and he wore sunglasses, which was a kung fu panda.

The car Zhuge Badao took was a taxi, the most ordinary taxi. Xia thought that he had a lot of things to do recently. In addition, he was disturbed by Fu Xianxian's illness and the arrival of Gu Yu, so he was less careful.

In fact, at the level of Xiaxiang, it should be possible to be equipped with guards, but after all, Xiaxiang is a private matter, and even the driver is not allowed to follow, let alone the guards.

Zhuge Badao followed Xiaxiang all the way to the Fantaqi Clothing Factory. Seeing that Xia wanted to enter the gate alone, he picked up the phone and called Niu Linguang: "Mr. Niu, Xiaxiang and Fu Xian really had an affair. He came to the tryst alone. He is alone now. Do you want to beat him with a stick when he comes out?

Although Zhuge Badao doesn't know who is behind the scenes in Anxian County, he definitely has something to do with Xiaxiang. Soaking in the cesspit for a long time is the greatest shame in his life. If he doesn't avenge this, he will not be a human being.

Niu Linguang said calmly, "Browing sticks and throwing cow dung are all dirty means. We need to defeat Xiaxiang openly..." You heard about me and acted according to the original plan."