official god

Chapter 1212 kill three birds with one stone, each defeats

Zhang Guowei closed the door in front of Xiaxiang for the first time.

Originally, he was so angry that he wanted to vent on Xia, but he was politely blocked out by Xu Ziqi, saying that Xia [book] was meeting guests, and there was no time for the time being. Please ask him to wait. [book] is [book]. You can let the mayor wait, and the mayor is not qualified to let [book

This is the rule of officialdom, and there is no way to accept it. The monitor is to take charge of the deputy monitor, not to mention the current monitor and the deputy monitor, who are one level apart.

is the real official level to death.

However, thinking of last night's harvest, Zhang Guowei's resentment dissipated a lot. He thought proudly in his heart. Xia thought, you are proud of the spring breeze now. Be careful not to hurt your body with colds. A cold is a minor illness, but it can also make you listless, bury the root of God. Isn't it just that I mentioned the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. What's arrogant? Wait, when you are a person, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, met two women at night, and was photographed. It's really a shameful. When the news spreads, can you still pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in Qin and Tang Dynasties?

If you can't die, it will also make you feel ashamed, and your future will be bleak!

Zhang Guowei returned to the office with hatred, and called Huang Deyi in person to come over. He just wanted to toss Huang Deyi and let Huang Deyi report his work. If the report was not good, he would criticize.

Zhang Guowei was furious, but he didn't ask who Xia wanted to talk to. Of course, if he asked, Xu Ziqi would not tell him.

Because Xiaxiang is having a meeting with Ren Haifeng in the office.

Xia wanted to call Ren Haifeng in person to show his respect for Ren Haifeng. This time, he made up his mind to adjust the leadership of various districts and counties in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, which was the first adjustment since he took office. Last night, he said to Huang Deyi a small-scale adjustment. In fact, it was to give Huang Deyi a breath, but he was afraid that he would leak the news, so he ambushed

In fact, what Xia wants is a large-scale adjustment!

What we want is to adjust the large-scale actions of the district and county leadership team to contain Zhang Guowei's attention, distract Zhang Guowei's energy, so that Zhang Guowei has no time to cooperate with Niu Lin Guangyi, so as to achieve the effect of each defeats expected by Xia.

Ren Haifeng did not know why Xia wanted to come to him. He was a little uneasy, because in the current Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he was the only one who firmly stood with Zhang Guowei.

In fact, Ren Haifeng did not know that Xia thought did not completely attract him. Xia thought it was very clear that if he had a close relationship with the minister, on the surface of his intention was easy to implement, but in fact, it would arouse the vigilance of the provincial party committee.

The province does not want the municipal party committee [book] to completely control the organization department, the municipal party committee [book] to work together with the minister of the organization to operate the city like an iron barrel. How can the province control it? Zhang Guowei has not been able to correct, and it does not rule out the reason why he is too close to the Minister of Organization.

Ren Haifeng was a little drumming in his heart, because Xia thought that he was now a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the deputy provincial level, and he was the deputy department level. It suddenly became an unattainable mountain. He had to look up, and he had no confidence in his heart. I don't know if Xia [

Because the current summer [book] is not what it used to be, you may be able to tell his work arrangement as soon as you open your mouth." Because you don't know whether Xia [book] is talking to you on behalf of the leader of the provincial party committee or the leader of the municipal party committee, Ren Haifeng asked cautious What's the spirit of instruction?"

"Sea breeze..." Xia remembered and poured a cup of tea to Ren Haifeng in person. "The spring of the Qin and Tang Dynasties is coming, and the spring is warm." People's mood will also get better. Do you plan to go out for an outing?"

Ren Haifeng got up quickly and took the teacup with both hands: "Thank you, Xia [book], I'll do it myself." He took the tea in his hand and didn't dare to drink it. He gently put it on the table. "I have an idea, but I've been busy with work recently and haven't decided where to go. Go to the seaside. Now the sea breeze is a little strong. Go to the suburbs, the grass is not green, so it's better to wait..."

Ren Haifeng still can't change the problem of saying half a sentence, and he is also used to it. As he spoke, he secretly thought that Xia [book] talked about the weather and the spring outing. He didn't directly point out the question. Isn't it urgent?

Just don't worry. Now he is a little afraid of something urgent. Once something happens, he must stand in line. It's difficult. From the perspective of personal feelings, he is still close to Zhang Guowei. But now Secretary Xia is in the sun, and his prestige has soared. He not only directly suppresses Mayor Zhang, but also two levels higher than him. How dares to violate Xia's intention?

"The world's dishes and moon are fragrant, and the peaches of the mountain temple begin to bloom... The latitude of the Qin and Tang Dynasties is to the north, and the spring is late, and it is near the sea. The spring outing is at least more than half a month in the evening than Yan City and Shancheng. The peach hu is not open in the city yet, is it?

"Not yet. Taohuā is in full bloom from south to north. It is estimated that Shancheng has just opened now..." Secretary Xia said something, and Ren Haifeng took the words and said down. Before Xia [Shu] had no questions, he would chat at will. Of course, he also knew that Xia [Shu] remembered to find him, which

Xia thought about taking a break for a while. Seeing that Ren Haifeng was dizzy enough by him, he said, "There is a poem that Haifeng should have heard ~ Zimo Hongchen brushed his face, and no one would not look back. The peach trees in Xuandu Guanli are all planted by Liu Lang. What do you think of this poem?

Ren Haifeng's heart was moved and he knew what Xia wanted to talk about.

This poem is Liu Yuxi's "Xuandu Guan Taohuā", which is clearly written about Taohuā. In fact, it is written that things are different from people, and then extended it is the meaning of the emperor and a court minister. Not to mention, Xia [book] is to adjust the personnel of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Taohuā of the spring outing leads to the Taohuā who adjusts personnel. It is a far-reaching Xia [book]. Ren Haifeng can't help but admire Xia's means. To be honest, Xia's [book] is indeed much better than Mayor Zhang.

But people's psychology is strange. For some reason, Ren Haifeng can't get close to Xia. There is nothing we can do. People should also pay attention to the right eye between people. Maybe there is no eye between him and Xia.

"The poem is well written, and I also appreciate Liu Yuxi's spirit of not changing his original intention. After the Spring Festival, he wrote another song "Journey to Xuanduguan" in the middle of a hundred mu of the court is half moss, and the peaches are all vegetables. Where does the Taoist priest return to? Liu Lang has also become a well-known idiom..." Ren Haifeng's answer is also very clever. In response to Liu Yuxi's second poem, he implicitly showed that his position remained unchanged.

Xia wanted to smile implicitly. Ren Haifeng is also a talent. Today, when not many cadres understand the rich culture, he can draw inferences from each other, and also use a poem to express his position, which makes him secretly admire.

Unfortunately, Ren Haifeng is still stubborn.

"My preliminary idea is that the main party and government leaders in Qintang District and counties should also be rearranged and adjusted. The Organization Department has recently come up with a plan for the municipal party committee to discuss and study." Xia thought finally figured out the intention. As he said, he added some water to Ren Haifeng's teacup.

Ren Haifeng hurriedly and respectfully took the teacup with both hands and took a sip: "I will take out the specific plan within a week and submit it to the municipal party committee at that time. Please ask the municipal party committee to study and decide."

Ren Haifeng did not say that it was submitted to Xia [book], but said that the municipal party committee, although the municipal party committee is a broad statement, in fact, the specific reference is Xia Chang, but Ren Haifeng's hint is obvious, which is to submit it to the municipal party committee for discussion, not Xia Chang himself.

I still intend to keep a certain distance from Xia.

Xia thought neither said much nor reluctantly. He politely sent Ren Haifeng away, and then drank the rest of the tea with Ren Haifeng.

Whether Ren Haifeng is still firmly standing with Zhang Guowei or not, what Xia wants to understand in his heart is that the current Qin and Tang Dynasties, in the frontal battlefield, have been his world. Whether it is the [book] office meeting or the standing committee, only the aura of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee can completely suppress Zhang Guo .

The only contest is whether the plan of the Organization Department is satisfactory to his heart. If the plan is not satisfactory, he can veto it and imply that Ren Haifeng can adjust according to his ideas again until he is completely satisfied. As a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee, it is too cowardly to have the prestige of the Organization Department.

Of course, Xia Xiang will not look too ugly. He will definitely reserve positions for Ren Haifeng, Fan Jin and Zhang Guowei accordingly. Zhang Guowei is the mayor. Needless to say, Fan Jin is the deputy mayor, and needless to say, Ren Haifeng, as the minister of organization, does not let him promote a few of his own people, and It seems that he, the leader, doesn't treat the Minister of Organization as a cadre.

If the Minister of Organization does not arrange a few of his own people in office, who will he be the Minister of Organization?

Qin Tang's cake is very big. Xia's appetite is not too big. Besides, he can't eat such a big piece of cake. In fact, what he wants is not to divide the cake, but to make full use of the current situation of fewer cakes and more forks in the process of dividing the cake, divide Zhang Guowei's power, attract the middle force, and cultivate his cronies at the same time.

In addition to killing three birds with one stone, where Jian Feng points, it is also necessary to contain Zhang Guowei's energy, so as not to give him too many opportunities to make advice for Niu Linguang, or not to give him the opportunity to encourage Niu Linguang to encourage Liu Jiehui, so that Niu Linguang, Liu Jiehui and Zhang Respond to each other.

In this way, he can calmly break through each one.

... As Xia expected, after the news of Qin and Tang's personnel adjustment was released, the whole Qin and Tang Dynasties were in a panic. Not only all districts and counties are floating in people's hearts. I don't know who goes up and down. Even Zhang Guowei seemed to have been beaten with a stuffy stick and was stunned on the spot.

Suddenly, it was so sudden that I didn't expect that Xia [Book] suddenly came like this. Zhang Guowei was so angry that he went to Xiaxiang's theory. Xiaxiang didn't explain too much. He just said that it should be adjusted. The specific matters will be discussed after the organization department issues the plan.

The meaning of the outside words is that adjustment is imperative. Whether it is an adjustment or not, Zhang Guowei has no right to object. His authority can only speak only after the release of the plan.

For the first time, Zhang Guowei felt lost under the pressure of Xiaxiang's powerful power.

However, what made Zhang Guowei more frustrated is yet to come... In the first round of the dark competition, Niu Linguang was beaten black and blue by an unknown force!

PS: First update, urgently ask for a recommendation ticket! Today's fifth update!