official god

Chapter 1217 A chaos, inevitable

If the Qin and Tang Dynasties are divided into two parts, it can be divided into the Qin and Tang Dynasties on the front and the Qin and Tang Dynasties on the back. It can also be called the official Qin and Tang Dynasties and the folk Qin and Tang Dynasties, or the Qin and Tang Dynasties during the day and the

The hijacking of silver jasmine and the abolition of Niu Linguang's generals took place in the Qin and Tang Dynasties at night, and the dark side of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, which has no impact on most of the people. In other words, basically not many people know what happened.

No one knows the truth behind the matter.

Silver Jasmine has been missing for two days, but there is still no trace. Oh, Chen was in a hurry, but his men didn't dare to make too much noise in case he was noticed by Niu Linguang. Because Niu Linguang's people have been looking for the behind-the-scenes men who abolished Tang Da Shao and Shura in recent days, Chen has to keep a low profile and keep a low profile.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu caught Lv Zhenyang and Zhang Chenfang as soon as he took action. Unfortunately, the bitter mandarin ducks don't know where Silver Jasmine hides, because they are only responsible for taking photos, not arresting people.

Oh, after studying the personality and materials of Lv Zhenyang and Zhang Chenfang, Chen made a comprehensive analysis of the increasingly strong wind of the Qin and Tang Dynasties...

If the dark side of the Qin and Tang Dynasties is not known to most citizens, the recent movement of Niulin Guangzhongtian Industry has become the topic of street discussion among the citizens of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Zhongtian Industry used to be in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Niu Linguang even drove an armored car to patrol. In his prime, there were police cars to open the way for him.

But since Xia wanted to become the secretary of the municipal party committee, Niu Linguang has been somewhat low-key, and the armored vehicles have not gone to the streets. When he came out to collect protection fees and extortion, he did not always have a real knife and a real gun. It was almost negotiable to collect the money, and the Is Secretary Xia shocked?

Unexpectedly, the good times did not last long. Suddenly, Niu Linguang became majestic again.

In recent days, Niu Linguang's armored vehicles have not only taken to the streets to show off their power again, but also became arrogant when his men collected protection fees. Not to mention that, I heard that Niu Linguang instructed people to beat a foreign merchant to death, because the other party came to Qin and Tang to open a mine and refused to pay him the protection fee.

The citizens can't explain the reason for Niu Linguang's renewed arrogance and arrogance. They just guess randomly that Secretary Xia is no longer a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Why didn't he further suppress Niu Linguang, but made him more rampant? What's the reason?

What is the reason? Of course, outsiders are not very clear. Zhang Guowei is clear, Fan Jin is clear, and Xia is also clear. It is because Zhang Guowei's frontal counterattack has already taken action. Niu Linguang's arrogance is to cooperate with Zhang Guowei's frontal attack on the side!

From the official Qin and Tang Dynasties, all the middle-level cadres of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, after Xia wanted to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, basically knew that Qin Tang must be surnamed Xia. Sure enough, in just a few days, they released the news from the municipal party committee. Secretary Xia wanted to

Once the emperor and court minister, each municipal party secretary will have a large-scale personnel adjustment when he is in office, but Secretary Xia's adjustment came a little earlier, but it is understandable. After all, Secretary Xia is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the first municipal party secretary to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial

With the aura of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, it is reasonable to adjust personnel half a year in advance.

After the sound of the wind was released, one or two leaders of each district and county moved when they heard the wind and showed their magical power. If they wanted to find a better position, they didn't want to be kicked away by the adjustment, let alone be placed, but wanted to be arranged.

The difference between arrangement and placement is one word, and the treatment is different.

Arrangement, there is a sense of solemnness, and there will be a good position to wait. Placement is like putting an item casually, which means that after placing it, it is ignored. In fact, it is the same as idle.

The Chinese language is extensive and profound, and there is a good place to go, and you can feel at ease. Placement is idle, that is, an old item that is placed aside and placed in any place.

In particular, the cronies and direct line promoted by Zhang Guowei are even more anxious to inquire about the news every day, because they know that they are afraid that they all belong to the group of people who are placed.

Some people who were originally suppressed by Zhang Guowei and couldn't lift their heads now have the feeling of raising their eyebrows. When drinking and eating, they are chanting Secretary Xia's favorite poem in a loud voice - Xuandu Guanli Tao Qianshu, all Liu Lang went to fall, and I don't know why Xia wanted to talk with Ren Haifeng at Let's make many people appreciate Secretary Xia's leadership skills.

It's better to change it to Xia Lang to fall behind.

If there is a good thing, it reminds Xia of a suitable nickname - Peach Blossom Xialang.

Unexpectedly, after the news of personnel adjustment came out, there was no follow-up. I heard that the plan of the Organization Department was rejected by Secretary Xia, which made Ren Haifeng worried, but he couldn't figure out Secretary Xia's thoughts. Many people were floating. I'm afraid that Mayor Zhang refused to give up on this personnel adjustment, let alone It is at the mercy of Secretary Xia.

But the problem is that now that Secretary Xia is highly assigned to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, what confidence does Mayor Zhang have to challenge Secretary Xia?

Just when everyone was puzzled, the wind first came from the capital...

Secretary Xia's two daughters at the night meeting, flying in the spring night, was photographed and sent to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection! The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has filed a case for investigation, and will come to Qin and Tang Dynasties in the near future to investigate the problem of Xia's rotten lifestyle!

After hearing the news, everyone was shocked, especially the person who named Secretary Xia Taohua Xialang. He was even more shocked and wanted to hit himself in the mouth. It was really a crow's mouth. He didn't say anything. He insisted on Secretary Xia's affair. Look, it's true. What a bastard.

To be honest, in the eyes of many people below, Secretary Xia is young and handsome, and it was in those years. Several women were also normal, and it was not normal. It is in vain that people are not romantic, but then again, Secretary Xia is now a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the leader of the Provincial Party Committee, can a woman's problem be defeated?

It's impossible, right?

For those who have been in the officialdom for a long time, it is clear that there must be someone behind his back, the purpose is to rectify Secretary Xia and smear Secretary Xia's face.

Just as everyone was guessing, in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, another piece of news caused a lot of sensation - Chen Qiurui, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Nan Xinyu, Vice Mayor, had an improper relationship between men and women!

The spring of the Qin and Tang Dynasties is coming. With the arrival of spring, why is it all peach blossom events?

As soon as someone speculated, he came to a conclusion. It is estimated that it is related to Secretary Xia's use of peach blossom metaphor twice during personnel adjustment! It seems that this year's Qin and Tang Dynasties committed the peach blossoms.

The rumors about Liang Qiurui and Nan Xinyu were obviously intentional, and even what happened when the two worked together in the county was dug out. At that time, Liang Qiurui and Nan Xinyu were together, and they were also the youngest members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. Because of their work, they got closer. At that time, they were also talented and beautiful, and they were called golden boys and jade girls.

Now in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, not only did some people rediscover the old things of that year, but also rumored that Liang Qiurui was divorcing his wife for Nan Xinyu. Rumor has it that it has a nose and eyes, and it also says that the golden boy and jade girl in those years are now peach blossom men and women.

For a while, the word peach blossom was rich in meaning in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. When everyone met, they asked, have you had peach blossoms today?

not only refers to peach blossom luck, but also refers to personnel adjustment.


Secretary Xia, who is at the forefront of the storm, seems to be better than walking leisurely, and there is no panic at all. However, the panic of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee is inevitable.

Zhang Guowei appeared in Xiaxiang's office at the first time.

"Secretary Xia, I don't believe your rumors at all. It must be the trouble deliberately caused by people with ulterior motives." As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Guowei stated his position righteously and strongly supported Xiaxiang. "I just received a phone call from Cui *** of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and probably asked about the photo incident. I said that the Qintang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government had a firm support for Secretary Xia..."

Zhang Guowei really know how to perform. Obviously, he has something to do with him that he can't get rid of, and he also pretends to be good, but he is also the best. Xia wants to sneer secretly and said, "With Guowei's trust and support, my work will be much easier to carry out. Comrades of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection can come to investigate if they want to investigate. First, they can find out the truth, so that the people of the Qin and Tang Dynasties can give an explain to the provincial party committee, and second, they can calm down the rumors. As the saying goes, rumors stop at the wise.

Zhang Guowei thought that Xia wanted to pretend to be quite like a person who had nothing to do. He really thought that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection just called to ask and it was over? Wait and see, the good show is yet to come.

Xia also made it clear that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection may not give up on this. Let's not talk about whether the evidence is sufficient. The deputy secretary who inquires about this matter alone is very unfavorable to him.

It's none other than Cui Xiang, the former deputy secretary of the Yan Provincial Party Committee.

Cui Xiang worked in the position of deputy secretary of the Yan Provincial Party Committee for more than one term, but failed to successfully support Zheng in Yan Province. Finally, he was transferred to the capital, solved the ministerial-level treatment, and was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Unexpectedly, after two years of silence, the enemy's road was narrow, and Cui Xiang met him unexpectedly. He also took the initiative to call him, bypassed him and talked directly to Zhang Guowei. His intention was obvious, and he wanted to take this opportunity to attack him.

Thinking of the festival with Cui Xiang in those years, it seemed to be a long time. Xia wanted to almost forget it. Unexpectedly, someone held a grudge, and he had a little handle in the hands of the other party, and the other party couldn't wait to jump out.

As a person who has been settled, Cui Xiang does not enjoy his idle life at present, and has to jump out to show his existence. Xia Xiang knows that the higher his position in the future, the more people who have offended him in the past will stare at him.

After all, Zhang Guowei's wrists were indeed not shallow, and the timing of choice was very appropriate. Just when he wanted to stand up again and straighten out the situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties head-on, the photo incident burst out, and the problems of Liang Qiurui and Nan Xinyu also appeared, which really Hands.

It's troublesome...