official god

Chapter 1252 Not except for Lin Guang, not in the Qin and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1252 Not except for Lin Guang, not for the Qin and Tang Dynasties

Liang Qiurui went to arrange various tasks. Xia Xiang sat in the office to straighten out the situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. When analyzing the next move of Niu Linguang and Zhang Guowei, the phone rang inappropriately.

is a call from the provincial party committee.

Xia Xiang thought it was Li Bingwen's call again, but he thought that he didn't need Li Bingwen to come forward now. Whatever he said, he didn't look at the call number carefully. Unexpectedly, after answering, it turned out to be Fan Ruiheng.

"Xiaxiang, I'm Fan Ruiheng!" Fan Ruiheng's voice was an unprecedented public tone, "The Provincial Party Committee does not want unstable factors in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. At this stage, with economic suggestions as the center, everything else must make way for the economic development of the Qin and Tang Dynasties."

Generally speaking, the provincial party committee will not directly interfere in the major decisions of a city. After all, prefectures and cities are also first-level party and government organs. The provincial party committee is only guidance and instructions, leading the general direction, and will not dictate on specific issues, otherwise the party and government leaders below will not be able to carry out their work.

What's more, Xiaxiang is still a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee!

Although Fan Ruiheng's words are also generalized, and there is no specific thing to refer to, he has obvious intention to intervene in the affairs of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. In fact, he directly refers to the Niu Linguang incident.

To be fair, in his relationship with Fan Ruiheng for nearly 10 years, Xia Shen has never placed high hopes on Fan Ruiheng, because he knows that Fan Ruiheng is unpassionate. If he has any sustenance on him, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. But today, Fan Ruiheng's words still made him deeply disappointed.

Fan Ruiheng is a person, smooth and less principled. He always succumbs to pressure and often turns at critical moments. If anyone is bent on expecting Fan Ruiheng to always be the strongest backing behind his back, who will definitely flash!

Fan Ruiheng cares too much about a hat on his head. Even if it is not hard in the background of his capital, after all, he is a member of the province. He is not a provincial party committee that can be manipulated by anyone, but he always stumbles under the back at the critical moment, which really makes Xiaxiang feel uncomfortable.

At least it's the provincial party committee. Why is it so not tough? Even if you don't listen to the central government once or twice, it is impossible to remove you from office! Besides, it's not what the central government asked you to do. It must be that some characters put pressure on you, and you will give in?

Xia has made up his mind. He has never flinched in the strong wind of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, let alone succumb to the pressure of Fan Ruiheng.

"Fan, the situation in Qin and Tang Dynasties has always been very calm, and there are no incidents affecting economic construction. If so, the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will also adjust and stop it in time. Thank Fan for his concern for the work of Qin and Tang Dynasties. With the support of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the Qin and Tang municipal party committee and municipal government will definitely be able to overcome difficulties and stride forward..."

Xiaxiang's words are also rich in meaning. It not only emphasizes that the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government has the right to decide the internal affairs of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, but also carries the banner of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. The implication is that the provincial party committee is a collective provincial party committee, not the

At least Governor Gao Jinzhou is not single-minded with Fan Ruiheng. At least he is one of the most powerful No. 13 figures in Yan Province!

Fan Ruiheng was unhappy: "Xia, now Qin and Tang people are panicked. The provincial party committee has heard a lot of negative news about Qin and Tang dynasties. As a municipal party committee, you should take responsibility and think about the long-term plan of the Qin and Tang dynasties. Don't deviate from the normal development direction of

Fan Ruiheng's tone revealed his dissatisfaction. In his impression, it should be the first time he called Xiaxiang Xia. Xiaxiang knew that in the face of stakeholders, Fan Ruiheng once again chose to protect himself wisely and warned him.

Xia wanted to know that it was useless to argue with Fan Ruiheng. Anyway, he also knew that Fan Ruiheng did not have too much restriction on him now, but the provincial party committee also had to give face. He said a few official clichés to the idea that he would fully understand the spirit of Fan's instructions and implement the specific guidance of the provincial party

Finally, Fan Ruiheng also knew that Xia thought did not listen to him. He only said, "I hope Qin Tang and you and I will not let the provincial party committee down!" Just hung up the phone.

Xia wanted to be stunned for a while and came to the window, but his heart was unprecedentedly firm.

If he came to the Qin and Tang Dynasties at the beginning, he only wanted to control the overall situation and only worked hard to preside over the overall work. At that time, his foothold in the Qin and Tang Dynasties was not stable, coupled with the fact that someone warned not to touch Niu Linguang, he temporarily avoided its edge, just to The power of the festival.

Nowadays, Zhang Guowei's power is close to disintegrating. It is a good time to wipe out Niu Linguang in one fell swoop, but he is facing strong pressure from the provincial party committee. It has to be said that it is a helplessness. In other words, Fan Ruiheng is like this to him, and there is no doubt that

But politics is politics, not humane, and from time to time. History has also proved that in the period of war, whoever dares to cross the knife immediately, we are the only general. In the era of peace, we beat the general into a cow, ghost, snake and god with a little finger. Politics is the means of turning the clouds and rain, and the battlefield where the greatest interests of heaven and earth are not seen.

But Xia Xiang was more determined and strong than before after the incident of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the accidental death of Cui Xiang. The higher the position, the greater the risk of directing the face. If you want to do anything, the more resistance you will face.

But since he is in a high position, he has to shoulder the corresponding responsibility. He doesn't say empty words and doesn't ask Niu Linguang how evil he has done before. At present, he can't ignore the vicious case of defrauding and killing mentally disabled people for compensation. He can't ignore it, and can't pretend to

No matter how tall Xia wants to be and how old he is, his character of hatred will not change, but he will hide deeper and his wrists will be smarter!

Niu Lin is not eliminated, and Qin and Tang are not calm.

Xia wanted to grow a bad breath, as if he wanted to spit out the indignation in his chest.

The old thief is a person he has known since he first entered Lang City. Although he can't be regarded as a friend, the old thief's attitude is also good, but he was killed by Niu Linguang's random knife. His methods are cruel, his attitude is arrogant, and people and gods are angry.

In addition, according to Huang Deyi's investigation, in recent years, there have been more than a dozen large and small mining disasters in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, most of which have been concealed. There are still cases to investigate. If you add some direct and private mining disasters, I'm afraid there are at least dozens of them.

Among the cases of using people with intellectual disabilities to defraud high compensation, there are at least seven or eight cases, a total of more than 20 people!

There are many crimes, and it's hard to write!

Basically, every fraud and compensation case is written by Niu Linguang. That is to say, Niu Linguang not only extorted in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, but also regarded human lives as grass mustard, and can even be described as killing people.

Is there anyone who wants to protect him? Where is the justice?!

Xia thought was almost angry. It was just Niu Linguang's tired crime. Although he was angry, he was not angry, but some people tried to protect Niu Linguang again and again, which really stimulated Xia's blood.

No matter how much pressure there is, if he doesn't take Niu Linguang, he is not Xiaxiang.

... Suddenly, the phone rang again.

This time, it was Li Bingwen's call.

Li Bingwen's tone showed a little impatience: "Xia, recently many cities have reflected that the movement of the Qin and Tang Dynasties is too great, which has affected the political stability of their cities. I hope Qin and Tang Dynasties will pay more attention to it."

Xia Xiang was angry, and Li Bingwen also suppressed him. When he really thought he was easy to bully, he said softly, "Where did Li hear the statement? Why didn't I hear it? Which brother city is dissatisfied with Qin and Tang? Just ask them to come to me directly for an explanation. They often complain to the province that children are at home? Besides, it's not the turn of others to dictate the internal affairs of Qin and Tang. Do you want to ask them to come to Qin and Tang to guide the work?

Li Bingwen was choked with a thick face and a thick neck. Fortunately, Xia didn't think he was face to face with him, otherwise he might have turned against him on the spot.

"Xia, you can't say that. Don't fight. Everything should obey the overall situation." Li Bingwen suppressed his anger and said patiently, "Qin and Tang Dynasties are the most developed economic center city in Yan Province. We should pay attention to our own image and bring a good head to the whole province."

I can't be impatient. After all, Xia wants to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee!

"Does Li want to guide Qin and Tang's economic advice, or is it political and legal work?" Xia Xiang was even more angry. As a political and legal commissar, his position was not clear, so he dared to teach him a lesson with a guiding tone. From the perspective of the political and legal system, Li Bingwen can guide Huang Deyi. From the perspective of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, he should also give enough respect to Li Bingwen, because Wen is on the same level as him, and he really doesn't have the capital to talk to him condescendingly.

Li Bingwen was repeatedly contradicted by Xia, and said very unhappily, "It's no problem for Xia to have my personal opinions, but don't affect the smooth development of the province's political and legal work..."

Okay, take a big hat to press him, and Xiaxiang is also popular: "What major work in the political and legal system is to carry out in the whole province? Why don't I know?" The voice is that no matter which system it is, as long as it faces the whole province, it must be discussed and approved by the regular committee. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Since he doesn't know, he just taunts Li Bingwen not to oppress people with the hat of the whole province.

He... doesn't eat this!

Li Bingwen was so speechless that he only said three words in a row: "Okay, okay, okay..." He hung up the phone.

What Xia didn't expect was that as soon as he put down Li Bingwen's phone, he didn't get angry, so he called in again. It was a call from the capital.

A gloomy and cold voice came from it: "Xia Think, there is a sentence I want to give you. Mind your own business and fart, and be careful of your life!"

Xia wanted to smile and replied, "If you do more injustice, you will kill yourself. Be careful not to die without a place to be buried!"

The other party obviously didn't realize that Xia wanted to react so quickly, and he didn't expect that the words Xia wanted to give were also very appropriate. He was stunned and didn't say anything, so he had to hang up the phone.

Xia wanted to laugh, and the evil spirit in his chest was swept away.

The next day, the inauguration ceremony of the Fantaqi Clothing Factory was officially held. Early in the morning, many police officers were arranged at the scene, and there were layers of martial law. All the work was ready, waiting for Xia to come.

It was exactly what Niu Linguang said, when a big play was staged!

: More support, today is still the third update! Look at you! RO