official god

Chapter 1261 Behind the stage, front and backhand

Xia thought clearly that Lao Gu's support for him now is unprecedented, and he spares no effort. It means that all the networks in General Lao Gu are entrusted to him. As for how far he can go in the future, it all depends on his own creation and ability.

Xia Xiang is very grateful for the cultivation of the old man. Without the support of the military, with the strong support of the Wu family, it is estimated that he can only stop at the ministerial level in the end. If you want to enter the Politburo and go further, you must have the full support of the military.

Several people present here are all the backbone of the important positions in the army. They are the young and strong factions. Unsurprisingly, in a few years, they are expected to complete the handover and fully take charge of the overall situation in the army.

Lao Gu is indeed the lucky star of his life!

Xia wanted to be happy and rarely got drunk.

After another two days, Xia thought it was time to go back to the Qin and Tang Dynasties. He couldn't let go of the situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. After all, he was the leader. Just as Xia wanted to set out to return to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, a shocking and ironic news came from the Qin and

How is that possible?

Not to mention that Zhang Guowei has always acted cautiously, on the surface, even if Zhang Guowei is not a decent gentleman, he is also a hypocrite. Even if he acts strangely, he will not be open and bold. In addition, playing with the car shock at Zhang Guowei's age is too trendy to keep up with the times.

Xia figured out that Zhang Guowei was plotted!

Zhang Guowei was indeed plotted. Not only did Zhang Guowei not know who plotted by, but he was almost not pissed to death, but it was an etherealty, and he couldn't speak up. He only ate a dumb loss.

If it's okay to suffer from the mute, forget it. If the mute suffers from the mute, but there are sequelae, it will make him restless and afraid that he will not stop.

When it comes to things, it is not only unlucky, but also very aggrieved.

When Xia wanted to be leisurely in the capital, Zhang Guowei was worried and tired of dealing with the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Because a heavy rain made Qin and Tang Dynasties famous all over the country, many journalists came to the Qin and Tang Dynasties with long guns and cannons. It was called the city to see the sea, and they all

In addition to the problem of the Qin and Tang drainage system that has been popular on the Internet, it is directly related to Zhang Guowei himself. Some people even found out the construction period and project cost of that year, saying that according to the quotation of that year, not to mention the sewer with a diameter of 1 meter, the sewer of 2 meters can be repaired, but Who embezzled the lower 1 meter?

Some people even vividly describe it as a 1-meter Qin and Tang Dynasties, a vast ocean. Northern New Town, sea view in the city.

Zhang Guowei was so angry that he jumped in the office every day. First, he asked the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee to come forward to calm down the negative impact, and then asked for the Central Propaganda Department. After two days and two nights of fighting the fire, he finally temporarily suppressed the surging public opinion on the Internet.

He also asked Fu Xiaobin to guard strictly, take out the serious spirit of fire prevention and anti-theft prevention reporters, and did not allow foreign reporters to interview any news with clues in Qin and Tang, and did not let them take photos.

Fu Xiaobin promised very well, and his work was also very proactive, but I don't know whether it was his improper command, or the personnel of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee were unfavorable, and he could not block the reporter in time. There were always leaked fish to interview the insiders of the second municipal government, and even Greatness is annoyance.

Zhang Guowei is very clear that someone deliberately wronged him. If Xia wants him, he doesn't even need to guess, but there is nothing he can do. If you have a fore-hand, you must allow others to have a back-hand. Things in the world are very fair. Politics is a life-and-

People who think that the world is peaceful and the situation is good are only fooled by the news media, or their minds are too simple. What is the purpose of guarding journalists? It is not to continue to implement the policy of fooling the people!

Zhang Guowei hates the Internet very much. If it weren't for the Internet, how could so many ugly and dark sides have been exposed now? Without the Internet, it can be peaceful for at least 30 years!

After calming down the tide on the Internet and driving away groups of reporters, Zhang Guowei calmed down and analyzed the future situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Xia wants to pass three levels in a row in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and now he has no worries. As soon as Niu Linguang died, he had no behind-the-scenes power to agitate. From then on, he either confronted Xiaxiang head-on, or completely kept a low profile and became the second for a thousand years under the shadow of Xiaxiang.

Niu Linguang's death has become a mystery. I'm afraid there will never be the truth about who died. However, Zhang Guowei asked people to quietly check Niu Linguang's account movements and found some of the clues, but he still did not make a judgment, let alone dare to say a word.

Niu Linguang will kill people if he plays with a gun, and Cui Xiang will die if he takes the wrong photo. If he says something wrong and talks more, he may also die.

How much wealth Niu Linguang has accumulated. No one knows that even if there is only one yuan left after death, it is reasonable, because his money is not right, there is no account to check, and the where is even more impossible to find out.

Gao Ming... Zhang Guowei secretly admired that he had not admitted that there was an underworld in China for many years. In fact, the reason was too obscure, not only out of the political need for stability and unity, but also for fear that he would blush when he said it.

After thinking about many links, Zhang Guowei made a decision. The next step is to keep a low profile, do things honestly, and never toss around again. If you toss around again, I'm afraid half of your life will be saved.

Politics are all bloody lives. In the era of peace, peace is only the appearance. The common people can only see the beautiful side of the wind and the sun. Behind them, there are swords and shadows every day, and people's heads fall to the ground.

After how many places hit the gang, it will always be revealed in the news that a certain power gang was arrested after seven or eight years - in seven or eight years, the local *** did not do anything, and the local leaders were deaf and blind?

Zhang Guowei thought that Qin and Tang were just a microcosm. Xia thought it was not stupid. If he hadn't touched the bottom of Niu Linguang earlier, he probably knew something, so he had never had a positive relationship with Niu Linguang. Now even if Niu Linguang dies, he will die inexplicably. It seems that it has nothing to do with Xiaxiang... Xiaxiang is really smart.

What will he do in the future? Anyway, he is not too old. After getting through the summer, I don't believe that he can't help him? Anyway, he has experienced a lot of winds and waves. Whether it is Qin and Tang Dynasties or a fire, he is invulnerable to water and fire!

Zhang Guowei was calculating, like nothing to do. He put on a north-southeast wind. I stood still, went to work and off work as usual, with a kind attitude and low-key attitude, which made many middle-level cadres in the municipal party committee compound who guessed that Zhang Guowei would be beaten by the wind and rain. They thought that It's strong, the water can't be washed down, and the wind and waves can't be defeated. It's really deep-rooted.

Just when everyone thought that Mayor Zhang was like a mainstay, and he was never afraid of the wind and rain, something suddenly happened.

Zhang Guowei can't remember what happened. He only remembered that after he finished work, several acquaintances invited him to dinner. In order to show that he was still standing in Qin and Tang as usual, he happily went to the appointment.

It seems that he drank a little more wine and felt a little dizzy, but Zhang Guowei still insisted on going back by himself and not letting others send it, so as to show that he still has a grandeur. He cares about some details. He can't let others think that he is old, let alone the outside world think that he is not ambitious. Politicians must keep their energy at all times. Even if they pretend, they pretend to be more like anyone else.

When he was about to return home, Zhang Guowei was so drunk that he felt a little sick. Since he became mayor, he has been controlling his drinking capacity and has never been drunk. What's going on today? Why is the stamina of drinking so much?

Seeing that it was only one street away from the family building of the municipal party committee, he suddenly had a flower in front of his eyes and almost couldn't stand up. He wanted to walk and sober up, but now it didn't seem to be a good idea. He waved his hand and let the secretary go first, so that the secretary would not find

The secretary knew that Zhang Guowei paid great attention to his image and did not force it, so he left obediently. As soon as the secretary left, a car suddenly came and took Zhang Guowei directly into the car.

Zhang Guowei was shocked. Before he could ask, another burst of wine surged up, and he could no longer stand it. He fell asleep in the dark.

When he woke up, he found himself in a car, naked, lying in the back seat, holding a naked woman in his arms.

He also knows women. It is his favorite little peach red, a woman as red and beautiful as peach blossoms, and one of his few secret lovers.

The problem is that he is very self-disciplined on women's issues. There are only a few women in total. So far, he has maintained close contact with Xiao Taohong alone. Moreover, he contacts Xiao Taohong a few days in advance and never makes sudden attacks to avoid revealing the truth. Today is not the agreed date. Why is he with Xiao Taohong Sleeping together?

And it's still in the car?

Wait, how could he spend the night in the car with Xiao Taohong? Shit, I was fooled and plotted.

Xiao Taohong woke up lazily, and the first sentence was like a basin of cold water poured on his head, which made Zhang Guowei almost beat his chest and feet, crying bitterly...

"You were so awesome last night. It's annoying. I'm dying. The car was almost tolled up by you. This is a new car. You said you would give it to me. If it breaks, you will compensate me for another new car!" The little peach's red face is like a peach blossom, her eyes are like autumn water, and above her pink neck, there are traces after the carnival.

Zhang Guowei's head is as big as a fight. He can't remember what happened last night, but Xiao Taohong certainly didn't lie. The cruel fact is that he and Xiaotaohong played with the car!

It doesn't matter to play with the car shock, but the timing is not right, and... the location is also wrong, and more importantly, the state is not right. The car shock is not his interest, nor is it his hobby, and there is also a new car or something... Good guy, the other party dug a big hole, he was dizzy and

Zhang Guowei felt that his scalp was numb and his chest was blocked. Don't think about it. He must have been photographed. Something more shocking than the pornographic photo door happened. The magnificent Mayor Zhang was magnificent in front of him, and he played with the car behind him. If it was exposed on the Internet, he It rushed out of Asia to the world.

Just by analyzing Zhang Guowei, he came to a conclusion. He was carefully designed once!