official god

Chapter 1266 It is both a test and a calculation

Chapter 1266 is both a test and a calculation

Xia wanted to deal with the affairs of the Municipal Party Committee, and it happened to be the meeting time agreed with Gu Qiushi, so he took a bus to Chenjiagou Restaurant.

That's right, Xia wants to make an appointment with Gu Qiushi's meeting place, which is Chen's Chenjiagou Restaurant.

As soon as Niu Linguang died, his subordinates fled, scattered, caught, the trees fell and scattered, and the huge Zhongtian industry, with a fire, the smoke disappeared from then on.

But it is impossible for Niu Linguang's men to eradicate it cleanly. They still have the root cause in the future, and there is no need for Xia to hint. Oh, Chen took the opportunity to collect a lot of Niu Linguang's subordinates. If they are guided and in the right direction, the unstable factors of society can also turn disadvantages

The power is in the hands of the bad guys, which is the bandits. If the leader of the bandit corrects the evil, the bandit will become officers and soldiers.

Oh, Chen is about to take over all the vacancies in the Qin and Tang Dynasties after Niu Linguang's death, leading Niu Linguang's men to the right path and engaging in a legitimate career.

Oh, Chen has gone through the procedures for Chen Mo and Chen Li to fly to Switzerland. Jinyin Jasmine is about to learn advanced hotel management. He is also determined to develop into the hotel industry and no longer get involved in any improper industries.

Xia Xiang naturally is happy to see Chen's Xiang Shan. In the Qin and Tang Dynasties in the era of Hou Niu Lin Guang, there must be one person to clean up the underground mess, otherwise it is easier to get out of control. Some gangsters and hooligans must be disciplined, otherwise if they wander around, it is also a great hidden danger to public security.

Xia thought of Chenjiagou Restaurant. Yinmoli had been waiting for a long time and arranged the room. Silver Jasmine is much more mature than before, and her clothes are dignified and rigid, as if to deliberately hide her natural beauty.

But natural beauty is hard to give up. The beauty and charm of women can't be concealed, and the forceful breath still comes to her face, which surprises her beauty.

As soon as Yin Moli saw Xia, her eyes jumped and stared at Xia. She wanted to say something, but it only turned into a sentence: "I'm going to Switzerland to study for three years, and I will return to China in three years. At that time, I don't know where you have gone."

In fact, what she wants to say is that I'm afraid that Xia will have forgotten her by then.

Xia didn't want to accept her words, but said, "Study hard and live up to Mr. Chen's dedication to your sisters."

Just mention Chen, if you don't mention him, the intention is clear.

Silver Jasmine sighed, almost inaudible. Maybe she could only hear it herself and said, "Take care of yourself. I hope you can go smoothly." The words were a little perfunctory, but the affection in the beautiful eyes made people dare not look at each other.

Xia can only pretend to turn a blind eye.

Fortunately, Gu Qiushi came and relieved him.

Gu Qiushi brought his secretary and driver. Xia wanted to let Xu Ziqi and Peng Yong greet them, and he accompanied Gu Qiushi upstairs.

Yajian is an elegant room that Chenjiagou Restaurant does not open to the public. The carefully decorated room is warm and comfortable, full of easy-going home. Without the commercial atmosphere of ordinary restaurants, it is more relaxing.

Gu Qiushi sat down, looked at it, and said with a smile, "I have a heart, I have a heart. Qin and Tang Dynasties are also a place of outstanding people. Xia, you are blessed.

Xia thought that no matter whether Gu Qiushi saw that the room was arranged by a woman and pointed out something else, or implied the current situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he just laughed: "When Gu came to Qin and Tang Dynasties, was it a public or a private matter?"

According to this, Xia should not ask. No matter how Gu Qiushi is, he is also a superior, but he just asked, and his tone is very casual, which has the smell of landlord's friendship.

Gu Qiushi took a sip of tea without panic: "It's not a business, it's not a private matter, it's just a passing by."

Gu Qiushi entered Beijing from Heliao Province. If he took the highway, he really had to pass through the Qin and Tang Dynasties, but he usually flew over, so that he would not take the land road. It was far and slow, and it also delayed time. He passed by the Qin and Tang Dynasties, not by unintentionally,

"In fact, when it comes to traffic, the ancients are much more difficult than the people now. It takes a month to go to Beijing once. If it is a long way, it will even take a few months to go back and forth. That is to say, from Heliao Province to the capital, if I take the carriage slowly, I can't get to the capital in a month. In case of an emergency, I'm really anxious. As soon as the topic of Gu Qiushi changed, he talked about the traffic with high mountains and rivers.

Xia wants to listen to it patiently.

Gu Qiushi said again, "I guess it is precisely because the ancients rushed on their way and walked for a few months, so the ancients were very strong. Our current party members and cadres are about to become useless scholars. Isn't there a saying that scholars mislead the country? In fact, I still like China before the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the division of officials and military officers was not so clear. They were all able to write and do writing, and the military could carry the knife on the horse..."

Gu Qiushi talked a little far, but Xia thought still heard the clue, implying to the inside story of his good skills.

It's true that it's not a big secret that he can punch more or less, and few people know it. Gu Qiushi obviously knew it, and he still agreed with the attitude of appreciation, so he used the ancient metaphor to the present.

Indeed, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, literati wore swords, which could not only sprinkle ancient articles, but also carry swords and leap horses across the battlefield. In the Tang Dynasty, there were many frontier poets who wrote magnificent poems that had been passed down through the ages. Even Li Bai once fensed and killed people.

The same is true in Song Dynasty. Xin Qiji has excellent poetry, but his ability to fight against the Jin army and lead the enemy to kill the enemy is also amazed by many people.

Almost in the Ming Dynasty, literati have become more and more weak scholars who have no power to bind chickens, so they have the saying that they are useless scholars. Today, domestic officials either have a big belly and a stomach, or their brains are full of fat. It seems that the waist circumference is directly proportional to the official position. Not to mention that they .

Let them lead the war? Forget it.

Of course, Gu Qiushi implicitly expressed his appreciation for him, but not just to praise him.

Gu Qiushi graduated from Peking University. He studied Chinese and was very literate and had a deep understanding of classical literature. It was not that Tan Guorui's literary talent was just for the need of vassal elegance. Xia Xiang also saw that Gu Qiushi really yearned for Han and Tang culture, and his understanding of history was also very deep.

After the new round of provincial and ministerial-level cadre adjustment in China, the actual position at the ministerial level has changed from the previous science to the current liberal arts, which is also a historical necessity. When a dynasty develops to a developed stage, it will inevitably turn into the rule of the country.

Engineers are only suitable for the initial stage of governing the country.

Since Gu Qiushi talked about history again, Xiaxiang also talked to him about the past and the present, and sat down and talked about it.

drank a cup of tea and served wine and vegetables. Because it was in the afternoon, Xiaxiang also drank a little wine as an exception.

Gu Qiushi's drinking capacity is also good. He drank about five or six taels, and he was not drunk at all.

"I stole half a day's leisure. Xia thought, I haven't had a drink for a long time. It's really rare today. I'm very happy to see you, and I just want to have a drink." Gu Qiushi may also be really happy. He had another drink with Xia Xiang, and finally got to the point. "It's time to think about the next step. Let's talk about it, Xia Xiang, do you have any plans?"

Xia I really don't know how to get to him.

Actually, to be honest, it's not that I don't know, but I can't say it.

Xia wants to continue to practice in the local area. He doesn't want to go to the ministry, and he doesn't want to go to the party school. The ministry is too idle, the party school is too idle, and it seems to be idle. At his current level, the experience of the party school is not necessary. And after spending a year and a half in the party school, he can't afford to waste this time.

Go to the center of the group, the meaning of the label is too obvious.

But the problem is that it's not what he wants to do, his future is not in his hands, or it's up to the competition and bargaining of all parties.

Gu Qiushi is not casual to ask, but has a great purpose. He does not represent himself, but a faction.

"I also have some ideas, but I really haven't fully thought about it. I just feel at ease when I continue to do some pragmatic work." Xia thought vaguely to obey the superior's arrangement, which is too inappropriate in the current atmosphere.

You can deal with things for others, and you must show sincerity to Gu Qiushi.

Gu Qiu nodded: "Your personality is also suitable for staying in the local area, but at your age, you may be a little eager to serve as a deputy governor, and a little aggressive as the minister of organization. It's good to be the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, but the secretary-general's work is tedious and pragmatic, and ..."

Gu Qiushi's above words are completely from a private perspective, because whether in terms of level or subordinate relationship, his words should not be said.

But when he said it, Xiaxiang was not surprised. It was an extraordinary thing. Gu Qiushi was not an ordinary person. No matter what he said from his mouth, Xiaxiang would not be surprised.

In fact, if he really wants to do a classification, if he serves as the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, it will prove that the intention of the family's power has been implemented, because Mr. Wu once mentioned the Minister of Organization.

If he serves as the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, it will prove that the opinions of the civilian department have influenced the situation, because the Prime Minister has been in the position of Chief of Staff for 10 years.

The current situation is that the civilian system is getting farther and farther away from him. On the contrary, the regiment has stepped up its wooing for him. Of course, the family forces will firmly believe that he is the backbone of the family forces.

Naturally, there is a hidden force that wants to hinder his progress and pull him under the horse.

The whole situation is complicated and confusing, which also adds many variables to his future.

Where to go next is very important!

"I want to hear Gu's opinion." Xia said sincerely that although there was always a faint idea that made him silent for a period of time, he also knew that he would not really go to the party school.

The choice seems to be very large, but in fact it is very small. Perhaps, Zhang Guowei's final fate also has a certain driving effect on his ultimate destination. Whether it is positive or negative, there will definitely be.

Gu Qiushi smiled quietly: "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Xia thought that his heart tightened. Could it be that Gu Qiushi was standing in front of the boss? He also smiled: "It depends on the relationship between Gu and me."

The ball was cleverly kicked back.

Gu Qiushi laughed, but asked a digression: "How to deal with Zhang Guowei's affairs?" RO