official god

Chapter 1268 Waving and turning around, moving forward lightly

What is very different from all the speculations in the rumors is that Xiaxiang's next step came quickly and concluded so quickly that even Xiaxiang was shocked.

Generally speaking, from the sound of the wind to the final transfer comes true, from half a year to a year.

Zhang Guowei is a special case. He was suddenly removed from the Qin and Tang Dynasties without the wind, but it cannot be regarded as completely without the wind. Strictly speaking, the car earthquake incident is a precursor.

At the beginning, Xiaxiang didn't understand the idea of the vanguard, and created a car earthquake incident. "Do you want to make Zhang Guoguo go down the stage with a disgraced face, or just as a foreshadowing, without causing it?

In the end, after Zhang Guowei was flattened, Xia thought about it. Fu Xianfeng wanted Zhang Guowei to be a hanging ghost! However, this insidious hand is insidious. It's not straightforward enough, not like the style of Fu Xianfeng. But he didn't think much about it and didn't pay attention to it, because Zhang Guowei's stay and future were really not something to pay attention to him.

Suddenly, his where he went was decided, which was the most disconcerting thing for him, because in his opinion, he had to wait at least another month or two, because he had neither met Mr. Wu in advance nor had a meeting with the Song Dynasty. He thought that the matter was still in the stage of bargaining. Why did he suddenly make a decision?

However, at the moment he heard the decision, Xia Xiang smiled helplessly. "Although he was finally transferred from Qin and Tang Dynasties" and left Yan Province, his current destination was just a springboard!

With the approval of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided that Comrade Xiaxiang would no longer serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Yan Provincial Party Committee and the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee!

If the disclosure of the news was not unexpected, but only after announcing Xia Xiang's dismissal, he did not explain his next direction, which immediately made many people smell an unusual atmosphere.

How can the new appointment of Xia [Book] not be announced at the same time? Is it possible that Xia [Book] is idle? How is that possible?

However, the appointment was announced by the Yan Provincial Party Committee on the afternoon of the same day about the candidates for the new Municipal Party Committee of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Since it was announced by the provincial party committee, it is obvious that the "Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee [book] is a member of the Standing Committee of the Gaopunicipal Provincial Party Committee" only wants to take office this time.

With the approval of the Provincial Party Committee, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee decided that Comrade Gao Hai would serve as the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee [Shu] and no longer serve as the deputy [Shu] of the Niucheng Municipal Party Committee. Comrade Chen Tianyu served as a member of the Niucheng Municipal Committee, a member of the Standing Committee and a deputy secretary, and was nominated as a candidate for mayor.

In this way, another wave of small-scale personnel adjustments has come to an end. Whether it is Gao Hai or Chen Tianyu, it is all Xiaxiang's network, which is equivalent to Xiaxiang's departure from Yan Province, but his network in Yan Province has been further strengthened.

After many years, Gao Hai finally took charge of the city, and it was not easy to become the first person in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Finally, I stood outside the threshold of the sub-provincial level!

And Chen Tianyu followed Xiaxiang's footsteps when he got off the horse area. So far, he has finally completed the leap from the main place to the deputy hall, and then to the main hall in just a few years, which is also very enviable.

Two days later, [China] The Central Committee announced the appointment of Leng Yuecang as a member of the Yan Provincial Party Committee and a member of the Standing Committee. As a result, the number of B members of the Standing Committee of the Yan Provincial Party Committee has been confirmed.

Leng Yue Cang is the deputy governor. He successfully entered the Standing Committee. It is also expected that if it hadn't been Xia wanted to come out at that time and Sun Ximin took the blame and resigned, he would have been added to the Standing Committee in order at that time.

... The day when Xia wants to leave the Qin and Tang Dynasties is coming.

Qin and Tang were appointed, and Xia wanted to admit that he had some achievements and regrets. Regarding the struggle with Niu Linguang, he thought he was too soft-hearted.

However, he was satisfied with Zhang Guowei in the end. Whether Zhang Guowei should be removed from office on the spot. He did not comment. He just looked at the problem from the perspective of a leader of the provincial party committee. Zhang Guowei had meritorious deeds. But he was not a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee in charge of the cadre, nor was he a member of the discipline inspection committee. Therefore

Qin and Tang's appointment, Xia wants to evaluate himself as a pass! At the end of September, Gao Hai was appointed to the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

After completing the handover with Gao Hai, Xia Shang told Gao Hai Yin Yin again and asked him to continue to lead Qin and Tang Dynasties forward. Gao Hai agreed. He was sincerely happy about Xiaxiang's promotion. "From a young man who looked up to him to a provincial leader who is still young but wants him to look up to him. In addition to admiration for Xiaxiang's promotion, he also admires him.

People in the officialdom have always been jealous that others are promoted too fast than themselves, but for Xiaxiang, Gao Hai is not jealous at all, because Xiaxiang's promotion has also opened up a smooth path for his future.

Others may not know where Xia wants to go in the future, but Gao Hai has already known the inside story. Xia Xiang has received a notice from the Central Party School and will go to the Party School for two months!

[Middle] The further study of the Central Party School, if it is one year, will definitely leave. If it is half a year, it is mostly suspended. In most cases, the short-term training of two or three months is on duty. Therefore, it is also very rare that Xia wants to go to the Central Party School for two months, but is completely separated from the Qin and Tang Dynasties and Yan provinces!

does not conform to the general rules.

The Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee knew that there were not many people who thought of Xia's [Zhongzhong] Central Party School for further study. Therefore, when Xia wanted to leave Qin and Tang Dynasties, many people came to see him off and regretted for Xia. Why was the youngest deputy provincial cadre in China suspended?

At least Zhang Guowei can still step in place. What is "Xia [Book] now? What a strange thing, a very strange thing.

Everyone is puzzled, and Xia wants to ignore it or explain it." Because what he knows in his heart is that going to [Zhongzhong] Central Party School is just a transition. In just two months, it can neither be regarded as training nor training. It can only explain that about his whereabouts, all parties have not recently reached a compromise, so I had to move him out of Qin and Tang Dynasties first, jump out of Yan Province, and then use it for two months to buffer.

When Xia wanted to leave, he only quietly said goodbye to the Standing Committee of Qin and Tang, and specially told Liang Qiurui a few words to let him continue to do things in a low profile. Only a few people left Qin and Tang and went straight to Yan City.

Ap>I arrived in Yanshi and finished the relevant procedures. I met Fan Ruiheng again.

Fan Ruiheng was much more polite to Xia. He was polite and enthusiastic. Yes, Xia wants to leave Yan Province from now on. For Fan Ruiheng, "Xia wants to be no longer the trouble of Yan Province, but the VIP of Yan Province. Considering the political starting point of distant friendship and close attack, there is no conflict of interest between Xiaxiang and him.

So "in a few years", Fan Ruiheng felt relaxed when facing Xia Chang for the first time, and his smile was more sincere.

Xia wants to say goodbye to Gao Jinzhou.

Gao Jinzhou has been officially elected as the governor of Yan Province. His years in Yan Province are not short, and the authority of the governor is much easier than Sun Ximin. Therefore, his work went smoothly.

Although Gao Jinzhou is now the core of the Wu family, it seems that he has not been valued by the Wu family. In the conversation with Xia Xiang, he did not have a trace of the Wu family's plan for Xia Xiang's future.

Xia naturally doesn't ask anything. Although he is familiar with Gao Jinzhou, it is difficult to reach a close level with each other's tacit understanding.

After that, Xia wanted to say goodbye to the other members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province one by one, Zhang Qian, Xiao Yuanxin, Wang Pengfei, etc. He left Yan Province this time. He knew very well that it was unlikely to return to Yan Province. "Unless the people he knew in Yan Province were almost changed, the

Yan Province, which has been carefully operated for more than 10 years, said goodbye. I feel a little reluctant, but when I think about it, I am also relieved. In fact, the officialdom is also in the officialdom. The provincial party committee compound, the standing committee of the provincial party committee is coming and going, even if it is the provincial party committee [book

Xia Xiang didn't stay in Yan City for a long time, and then came to the capital.

Because Mr. Wu has solemnly invited him to come to the Wu family banquet. Since it is a family banquet, there are no outsiders, but it was officially proposed by Mr. Wu, which is still quite solemn.

When Xia wanted to rush to the Wu family's compound, it was in the afternoon. As the National Day is approaching, in the middle of the courtyard in autumn, the plants are abundant and the trees are lush. Under the afterglow of the sunset, there is a rare quiet beauty.

Xia thought that he was in a trance for a while. Although the capital is surrounded by Yan Province, he did not leave Yan Province in terms of geographical location. However, in terms of organizational relations, he is now completely divorced from Yan Province. He is no longer an official of Yan Province. In the future, his future and appointments are all in the middle group. It's done.

He lost his mind in the courtyard for a moment and was about to enter the house when he found Mr. Wu standing under the steps and smiling at him.

"A little reluctant to part? It's normal. If you stay in one place for a long time, you will have feelings." The old man's generous smile and slow words said, "You should look at the problem from a different perspective, jump out of Yan Province, and get rid of the previous relationship, so that you can really broaden your horizons. Because of the previous relationship, not only is it useless for your future, but it has become a burden.

With the status and vision of Mr. Wu, it is naturally difficult for a group of people in Yan Province to see him, but in Xia Xiang's eyes, after all, they have met each other, and it is his starting stage. They have helped him and have had a good relationship with his relatives and friends. Even if they are far away, they will not forget

But he would not refute Mr. Wu's statement face to face, but just smiled: "Allow me to wave goodbye to my friends before I travel far away."

Mr. Wu smiled and "didn't say anything more" and took Xia Xiang's hand and walked into the room.

As soon as he entered the door, Xia wanted to be slightly surprised that it was not someone else who was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a smile on his face, but Guan Yuanqu.

Guan Yuanqu is a family force, but Xia can't figure out what the relationship between him and the Wu family is, because he and Guan Yuanqu know it is still thanks to Mei Shengping's connection.

But the current situation gave him a new understanding. It is self-evident that he can attend the Wu family banquet and the relationship between Guan Yuanqu and the Wu family is far and near.

If you want to come in, Guan Yuanqu got up to greet him.

"Xiaxiang, you participated in the short-term training class for provincial and ministerial cadres this time, but you have actually become my student." I still have a class to attend." Guan Yuanqu is very enthusiastic, and there are some meaningful things in his enthusiasm.

As a principal, he generally does not teach in person, but Guan Yuanqu specifically mentioned the class. Obviously, the class is not only about classroom knowledge, but also more practical significance.

Xia wants to know that going to the party school is a real stage of the past. Two months is not long or short. It is long enough to make him think about many things, short enough to make him have time to choose, and then he will be pushed to the unknown journey again!