official god

Chapter 1275 twists and turns, results

Chapter 1275 The twists and turns, the result (please support the monthly ticket!)

In fact, Fu Xianfeng went to Hunan Province, but implicitly, he may be the deputy. Even the specific position of Fu Xianfeng has not been finalized, and he still wants to arrange for him to go together, which is too aggressive.

So Xiaxiang didn't pay attention to Fu Xianfeng's words.

No, just a week later, the Central Committee officially announced the appointment of Fu Xianfeng. With the approval of the Central Committee, the Organization Department of the Central Committee decided that Comrade Fu Xianfeng would be appointed as a member of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, a deputy and a deputy and a deputy governor.

Xia wanted to be shocked. He thought that Fu Xianfeng would be the deputy of the provincial party committee, but he didn't expect that Fu Xianfeng, who stepped out of the capital, stepped into the sky in one step, and became the governor of a province!

Awesome, a great Fu family, a smart Fu vanguard.

Xia Xiang called Fu Xianfeng as soon as possible: "Congratulations to Governor Fu, it's really a big step in the sea and the sky."

"Hehe, Xia thought, don't be polite between you and me." Fu Xianfeng is still the same as before. In addition to the joy in his tone, he is still calm in front of Xia Xiang, without a trace of pride. "I'm still working on your going to Xiang Province. There is hope, but it's not easy."

Xia wants to understand Fu Xianfeng's intentions very well. Although he is the governor, he is afraid that he is isolated and helpless in Hunan Province. A governor without a foundation, in the face of a strong provincial party committee, I'm afraid it is difficult to open the situation. Sun Ximin is a lesson.

And he is just idle at present - although it is the central office of the regiment, it is the easiest to mobilize - so Fu Xianfeng is so that he wants to operate him to Hunan Province to become a support force.

Xia thought, I'm afraid that the several successful cooperation between him and Fu Xianfeng in the past year or two has made Fu Xianfeng temporarily think that there is no gap between him and he and has really shaken up?

Xia thought and said, "Do your best. It's up to fate."

Fu Xianfeng didn't say more. I guess he was busy with business and had a lot of entertainment, so he hung up the phone in a hurry.

It's time to talk to Mr. Wu. It's not a good thing to always hang in the air. He is at ease in the middle of the regiment, but he is at ease and not fat, which proves that he is still not at ease.

Especially when Fu Xianfeng arranged the way forward for him, Mr. Wu never made a statement, and things were a little abnormal.

Xia Xiang has moved out of the Wu family and lived in the single dormitory in the center of the regiment, so he hasn't seen Mr. Wu much recently.

When he called, Mr. Wu was not surprised at all that Xia wanted to go home for dinner. He casually said, "It's time to come back."

It happened that Lian Ruohan also came back. Xiaxiang went to the airport to pick up Lian Ruohan and went home together.

Lian Ruohan has calmed down a lot recently. The frenzy of financial plans has temporarily subsided. She has made enough money and returned to her previous appearance. However, one thing is that she has been getting along with Cao Shuyu and Li Qin for more than a year, and her relationship is more harmonious and as close as sisters. Therefore, the three women Some of them.

Xia wanted to drive, Lian Ruohan sat next to her, kept talking about which company she had acquired, how much her assets had increased, and so on. If she had been flirting in the past, she would have been calm now, just like talking about other people's things.

Xiaxiang just smiled, thinking that his woman is really amazing now. She is so gentle around him, but while talking and laughing, she can decide the life and death of a large company, and she is also in power.

must also admit that his heart is still full of happiness.

When I got home, dinner was ready.

There are not many people today, Wu Caiyang is not here, and Wu Caihe is not there. Only Wu Caijiang and the old man, Xia Xiang and Lian Ruohan joined, which immediately added a lot of vitality to the family.

When she sat down for dinner, Lian Ruohan disappeared all the way. She lowered her eyebrows and became a lady. She only sat next to Xiaxiang. Without saying a word, she listened to Xiaxiang and others.

In fact, the old man is talking alone, and Xia Xiang and Wu Caijiang are listening.

After Wu Caijiang stepped down as governor, he quietly took up an idle position in the capital, retaining the level and treatment, and without real power. It was a real noble position, which just made a lot of time to manage the Wu family's family and economic affairs. It seems that Wu Caijiang, who used to like to talk, disappeared, and was replaced by Wu Caijiang, who was silent and low-key and calm.

Mr. Wu said a lot, but it was all gossip and didn't get to business.

After dinner, several people sat down to drink tea again. Lian Ruohan went upstairs by herself. Only when Xia wanted three people in the living room, Mr. Wu officially clicked: "It's not that I'm avoiding Ruohan. It's because she doesn't want to listen to some political things, so I won't let her listen

When you are old, you will always think more about your family. What makes Mr. Wu want to move Xia most is his human touch, which is much more than Wu Caiyang.

"Xiaoxia..." Mr. Wu took a sip of tea slowly. "It's time to move, or it's all fat. Spring planting, summer long, autumn harvest, winter hid, dormant for too long, it is easy to wear out the fighting spirit.

Xia wanted to say nothing and took a look at Wu Caijiang.

Wu Caijiang seemed to be wandering outside. He narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered, "Young is an advantage, and there is momentum. Xia Xiang, seize the opportunity."

Xia Xiang is a little puzzled by Wu Caijiang's current state. From the perspective of obeying the family's plan, it is worthwhile for him to make some personal sacrifices. At the same time, considering his personal personality, the future will not be too clear, and it is wise to retreat. Moreover, with Wu Caijiang as a person, he But now his performance is a little surprising.

"Although Hunan Province is good, the water in the south of the Yangtze River is soft, and the gentle hometown hero tomb." Mr. Wu continued to drink tea and said, "The land of white mountains and black water is rich in real estate and worldly, but it is not a place to stay for a long time. On the contrary, Qi Province, the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, can do a lot.

Mr. Wu denied Hunan Province and the East Province, which was intended to make Xia want to go to Qi Province, but it was beyond Xia's imagination. Qi Province is the place where Qiu Renli is in charge, and it is also the territory of family power, but the problem is that there is no vacancy in Qi Province at present, so it is not possible to move one person to let him go.

Xia didn't want to interrupt, so he continued to listen to Mr. Wu.

"The boy Fu Xianfeng has been very interested in you recently. Xiaoxia, don't be used as a gun by him." When Mr. Wu spoke, he smiled, as if he was not accusing Fu Xianfeng, but praising him, "Tell me what you think. Do you really want to go to Hunan Province?"

Xia thought seemed to have made up her mind in an instant: "Let's go to Qi Province, Qi Province, a good place. I like Daming Lake."

Xia's reason was very far-fetched, but as soon as he said his words, the old man still smiled knowingly.

"I don't care whether what you said is true or not, I really think you agree." Then he stood up as soon as he patted the armrest of the sofa. "It's a good time to order the dumpling stuffing before the New Year."

Xia wanted to send the old man to rest. When the old man entered the room, he nodded to Wu Caijiang and was about to go upstairs to find Lian Ruohan. Wu Caijiang said, "Xiaoxia, I have something to say to you."

Xia wanted to turn around and sit down: "Third uncle, tell me."

The sentence "third uncle" made Wu Caijiang slightly moved. He tried to keep a calm face and his voice was very low: "Family forces, civilian forces, or regimental forces, remember that self-interest comes first!"

When he arrived at Lian Ruohan's room, Xia Xiang was still thinking about Wu Caijiang's words.

If Wu Caijiang just said it casually, it's okay. The key is that his face is serious and sad, as if there is a huge secret, which makes him more suspicious and uneasy. Is it possible that the Wu family, who is peaceful on the surface, is also surging in the dark and serious?

Thinking about it again, he didn't care about the internal affairs of the Wu family. He didn't plan to interfere in the affairs of the Wu family. The principle of Xia Xiang is that no matter how good the Wu family is to him, Mr. Wu has high expectations for him, and he will not interfere in the Wu family's family affairs.

The principle and bottom line cannot be shaken.

As for the promise to go to Qi Province, Xia wanted to promise happily on the surface, but in fact, it was also a last choice. Sometimes it's painful not to make a choice. If you make more choices, it will be more painful.

In fact, the words came back, north or south, and he didn't count. Since Mr. Wu said to go east, he should go east. In the end, it may not be as what Mr. Wu wanted.

Lian Ruohan seemed to have fallen asleep, breathing evenly, lying sideways, motionless. Xia wanted to take off his clothes and quietly. Before he lay down, he was turned over and rode under Lian Ruohan.

"I'll try to see if you've been stealing food recently." She giggled, her eyes were like water, and when she looked at her body again, she didn't wear an inch.

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and a 30-year-old woman is just like a wolf and a tiger. Xia's ** was instantly ignited by Lian Ruohan.

It's strange, even Ruohan can stimulate his desire and flames the most.

Xia wanted to turn over his horse and pressed Lian Ruohan under him. Lian Ruohan's figure is still graceful and perfect. She has been exercising all the time. She has the potential to exercise. When she was young, her figure had a toned side. Now more than ten years have passed, and there are more women's charm, but the bodybuilding has not decreased.

Xiaxiang worked very hard and invested, which made Lian Ruohan gasp and go crazy.

After that, Lian Ruohan pillowed Xia's arm and said, "Wei Xin hasn't done any business recently. If she has time, let her help me."

After Xia wanted to transfer from Qin and Tang Dynasties, Wei Xin also left Qin and Tang Dynasties and returned to Yan City. She didn't come to the capital to accompany Xia, because the capital was too eye-catching. She wanted to wait for Xia to determine the next step.

Lian Ruohan has mentioned that she wanted Wei Xin to be with her more than once. Xia has never agreed. It's better to have one more thing than one less. Besides, Wei Xin is used to it alone. She doesn't want to be with others.

Unexpectedly, Lian Ruohan seemed to have made up her mind: "I'll go to Yanshi in a couple of days to have a good talk with her. She is young. Don't be too bored with yourself.

Xia wanted to be too lazy to care about Lian Ruohan's kindness to Wei Xin, and his mind was up and down, so he fell asleep.

I thought there would be news before the Spring Festival, but before the Spring Festival, everything was calm, and Xiaxiang continued to do his job well. The only difference was that it seemed that Shuitian was more interested in him than before, and he often talked to him about work and ideological understanding...

The Spring Festival is coming in a blink of an eye. During the Spring Festival, during a meeting with Lao Gu, Xia Xiang finally confirmed his where he went, where he went and his position, which was greatly unexpected! RO