official god

Chapter 1282 Don't move according to the army

Sia Xianing is originally the secretary-general of the provincial party committee. Generally speaking, even if the secretary-general of the provincial party committee is not the cronies of the provincial party committee [book], he is also closely related to the provincial party committee [book]. After being transferred to the minister of the organization of the provincial party committee, he may maintain Exhibition.

From the perspective of the central government, the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee cannot be too single-minded with the Provincial Party Committee. From the perspective of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Party Committee naturally hopes to control the overall situation and let the Minister of Organization and him be single-minded, so as to fully grasp the power of personnel.

A member of the Standing Committee of Hunan Province has a good understanding. During his tenure as the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, the relationship between Liang Xianing and Zheng Sheng is reasonable. Basically, everything follows Zheng Sheng's footsteps and never dissides. However, after Liang Xianing graduated from the Central Party School, he especially transferred to the Minister of Organization. It's wonderful.

Obviously, Liang Xianing consciously maintained a certain distance from Zheng Sheng, but it was okay that he basically achieved a certain amount of progress and retreat.

However, the Standing Committee of this personnel nomination is the first major personnel appointment since Fu Xianfeng was the governor of the province. It is also the first meeting of the Standing Committee after Xia wants to serve as the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the position of Li Xia Ning has an unpredictable major turn.

After Xia wants to speak, Hu Ding, the executive vice governor, should speak. Hu Ding, a mother-year-old, said with a gentle and loyal expression and said with a smile, "The opinions of Zheng [Shu] and Xia [Shu] are very pertinent. I agree."

As the executive vice governor, Hu Ding's position is expected by Xiaxiang. There are many different opinions between the executive vice governor and the governor, which is the norm in various places.

Then Liang Xianing made a speech.

For some reason, Xia Ning looked up at the information a few times, and then looked up at Xia. It seemed that at the beginning of the Standing Committee, everyone's eyes were deliberately and unintentionally looked at Xia, and then he said slowly, "I agree with the proposal of Governor Fu." In general comparison, I still think He Yuan Comrades are more suitable to serve as the deputy [book] of the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee.

In fact, if Liang Xianning just supports He Yuan, it's nothing, and no one stipulates that the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee must be consistent with the Provincial Party Committee's [book]. The key is that Liang Xianing's words have two rich meanings.

First of all, Li Xia Ning directly raised the name of Governor Fu. The implication is that he is not in favor of He Yuan himself, but because of Fu Xianfeng's approval, he supports He Yuan's nomination, which is to give Fu Xianfeng's face.

Secondly, Lia Xia Ning's words are very similar to Xiaxiang's speech just now. Generally speaking, as a deputy provincial cadre, the right to speak is a concrete manifestation of political treatment, and the uniqueness of the speech is the specific embodiment of personal level. Everyone cares about the order of speech and the personal characteristics of the speech, so Almost copying Xia's words, he only made minor changes, so that all the members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, who have been in the officialdom for a long time, immediately smell a trace of unusual smell.

Comrade Liao Xianing's political level is indeed very high, which not only raises the vanguard of Fu, but also raises Xiaxiang! But the problem is that Fu Xianfeng and Zheng Sheng have different opinions, but Xia Xiang supports Zheng Sheng's position. Does it mean that Xia Ning's move shows that "he wants to meet the source between Fu Xianfeng and Xia Xiang?"

What a good Xia Ning. He doesn't sell the face of the Provincial Party Committee [book] and the deputy [book] of the Provincial Party Committee, but he secretly sends autumn waves to the governor and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection at the same time, but he is a wonderful person.

The meeting of the Standing Committee has only been held for less than half an hour, and the situation is already delicate and dazzling." Many people are thinking that the situation in Hunan Province, which is dominant by Zheng Sheng's family, is gone forever, because of the arrival of Fu Xianfeng, because of Xia Xiang's delicate position, and because of the unprecedented return of the It's a lot.

Subsequently, the Political and Legal Affairs Commission [Book] and Director of the Public Security Department Yang Hengyi, Publicity Minister Xie Xincai, Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Gu Jianxuan, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee Zheng Haiqi, United Front Work Minister Yu Shoucheng, Vice Governor He Zhineng, and Military Sub-district Commander Zhang Xiao He had the upper hand and "gained more than half of the support" and passed the appointment of Hu Yong.

Although the combination of several members of the Standing Committee led by Governor Fu has formed a strong impact on Zheng Sheng's position, "After all, the time for Fu Xianfeng to come to Hunan Province is still short." The foothold is not stable. This game is only a trial, not a decisive game. Therefore, although the success is on the end, there is no Unhappy, he still smiled calmly and calmly, and shook hands politely with Zheng Sheng.

Only there was a trace of loss on Niu Tiannan's face, but he quickly covered up the past and no longer showed any dissatisfaction. First, he smiled and shook hands with Zheng Sheng and Fu Xianfeng in turn, and finally shook hands with Xia, and whispered what he wanted to say to Xia.

Xia Xiang's performance was very normal. He smiled and shook hands with everyone. Although he was young, his determination still left a deep impression on the people present. He was thinking that perhaps Governor Fu was the main promoter of the situation in Hunan Province, but the young Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] Xia Xiang was the best fulcrum when all forces confronted .

Many people's eyes on Xiaxiang are complex and jumping, especially Hu Ding, the executive vice governor. He stared at Xiaxiang for 10 seconds. His eyes are complex and thoughtful.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to go back to the office. As soon as he sat down, secretary Zeng Zhuo knocked on the door and came in. The left hand document, the right hand teacup, the teacup was placed in Xiaxiang's right head, and the document was placed in the left head, and said, "Secretary Xia, I have

Xia wanted to nod his head and made a sign on the cover of the top letter. He thought that Zeng Zhuo was not bad. He was a careful young man. I also saw that the temperature of the teacup was suitable, neither warm nor hot. It was just right for the mouth, so he had a relatively positive evaluation of Zeng Zhuo.

When Zeng Zhuo saw that Xia didn't want to tell him any more, he quietly retreated and gently closed the door.

Xia wanted to taste the tea and took a sip. He felt that the tea was light and pleasant, impeccable, so he nodded secretly, and opened the top report letter. Before he saw the content, four familiar words jumped into the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge!

What a Hunan provincial road bridge. Xia Xiang is so familiar with the Hunan provincial road bridge now. Thinking of the report letter that someone deliberately put on the table when he first came, he knew that the Xiang provincial road bridge had become a hurdle that he could not bypass.

The letter is printed and not long, at most 2,000 words. The content of the report is much the same as the previous letter, but it focuses on the shady stories such as the collusion of officials and provincial leaders acting as the umbrella of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, but it does not specify who the people behind the scenes are.

After Xia wanted to read it, he then picked up the two letters below and opened it. It was a report of the Xiangjiang Yuhuā District Committee [book] to remember the fact that Hu Yong was embezzled and bribed. The content was [true]. There was no way to judge, but the events listed were very detailed, and the time,

Xia wanted to put down Xinshi and shook his head and smiled, "Yuhuā District Committee [Book] Hu Yong is now the deputy of the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee [Book]. No matter what purpose the informant went out to report Hu Yong, it was already a step late. Even if his report is true, out of the overall consideration of stability and unity What measures?

The authority of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee must be maintained. Even if it is wrong, it must be wrong for a period of time, otherwise the appointment of the Provincial Party Committee will become a child's joke? Politics is politics, and fake dramas should also be really sung.

After thinking about it, Xia Xiang still called Zeng Zhuo and handed him the letter to report the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. He said, "As a leading enterprise built by Hunan Province, the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge has good performance and is famous. There are always people who don't have the heart to report it. It's also common. Zeng Zhuo, "

Zeng Zhuo seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he still took the letter and said respectfully, "Yes, Xia [Book], I wrote it down." Looking at Zeng Zhuo's expression that he wanted to say and stopped, Xia wanted to laugh. After Zeng Zhuo went out, he got up to water the begonia in the office After Zeng Zhuo officially became his secretary, Zeng Zhuo brought a pot of begonia from outside in only half a day.

It was also Zeng Zhuo's carefulness that made Xia think that Zeng Zhuo was available, but on the basis of the report letter incident, he also thought that Zeng Zhuo was too careful.

Two report letters, one was that I don't know who intended to put it on the table, and the other was that the secretary specially reported him, and it was all pointing to the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge. Xia thought that no matter who the backstage of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge is, there are many people who have offended in this company." Or, the mistake

" must be checked, but not now, and you can't do it directly. The Commission for Discipline Inspection can't start a snake without real evidence.

What's more, when he first came to Hunan Province, his foundation in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was unstable. "He didn't even have available cronies" how to investigate the case?

No one is available, not to mention investigating the case, it's good not to be misled in the end.

Xia wanted to water huā while thinking about it again and again. Someone deliberately guided him in the direction of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge. No matter what he did, he could not be used as a fulcrum, or further, he could not be used as a gun. The situation in Hunan Province is far more complicated than expected. Zheng Sheng is strong and his political backstage is even tougher. Fu Xianfeng is strong and his political backstage is insidious, and the backstage is also strong.

If Fu Xianfeng is single-minded to compete with Zheng Sheng and tries to gain a firm foothold in Hunan Province and establish his own authority, he must find ways to crack down on Zheng Sheng's prestige and weaken Zheng Sheng's authority. The best way is to use the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to attack and win several of Zheng Sheng's cronies. It will fall sharply.

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is a sword, and whoever is in his hands will be like a tiger.

However, it has been two days since he came to Hunan Province. Zheng Sheng and Fu Xianfeng have not talked to him in private. They are all waiting for an opportunity. Who will take the initiative to show his goodwill?

Xia wanted to decide not to move and wait for one of the two to take the initiative to appear.

Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he neither waited for Zheng Sheng nor for the vanguard. Instead, Liang Xianning was the first to talk to him, and he also gave him an unexpected problem.