official god

Chapter 1307 Conflict Escalation

Chapter 1307 Conflict Escalation (I'm looking for a recommendation ticket!)

According to the usual practice, the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will ask some officials to keep a low profile. For the sake of the reputation of officials or the starting point of caring for officials, they will either ask questions secretly or ask officials to go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection at an appropriate time.

In a word, unless it is a double-regulation party, it will generally not make things known to everyone.

But this time, Tang Jia Shao was invited to go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection for questioning. Obviously, he deliberately wanted to embarrass him, that is, to damage his reputation, and to make him ashamed in public!

During working hours, the voice of the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection was loud. Tang Jia Shao felt like being stripped of his clothes for a moment, and all the hidden diseases on his body were exposed to people.

"Comrade Tang Jia Shao, please come to the Commission for Discipline Inspection with us. There are some questions that need to be verified with you!" The tone was very bad, and it was cold. He put on a high posture, and his eyes were very cold. It seemed that Tang Jia Shao was already a prisoner.

Tang Jia Shao was very unhappy: "I still have a meeting to open. Can you wait a moment?"

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give up: "It's better to leave now. Our work is also very busy. If we have been waiting for you alone, there will be more people coming and going..."

Tang Jia Shao is speechless. When the Commission for Discipline Inspection has become such a scoundrel, it is clear that he is threatening him, which means that the longer he waits, the more people know that he has been called by the Commission for Discipline Inspection to ask questions. It's really shameless.

But it's shameless. Tang Jia Shao had no choice but to pack up and follow others.

When he arrived at the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he was received by Song Wupin, the director of the Inspector's Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. First, he chatted with him at will, and then said that when Mr. Chen reported that when the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge was undertaking the construction of the Chendong Bridge, he accepted bribes, and

Song Wupin's attitude was very kind, and there was no meaning of interrogation. He just said to find him about the situation.

Of course, Tang Jia Shao denied it and claimed that there was no such thing. Now Luo Xin has not been in the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge for a long time, and he still talks about Luo Xin. It can be seen that someone deliberately framed and confused the public.

Song Wupin did not make a conclusion. He only said that the Commission for Discipline Inspection would have a deeper understanding of the specific situation, and then politely gave Tang Jia Shao back.

Tang Jia Shao is aggrieved in his heart. What's the matter? This is called using power for personal gain. After asking a few questions, he will let him go. Obviously, it is deliberately humiliating him, that is, making him uncomfortable.

Bullying people too much! Tang Jia was so angry that on the way back, he asked the driver to drive the car directly to Qinxiangyuan, ready to vent his bad luck. Unexpectedly, when parking in Qinxiangyuan, he accidentally collided with the car next to him. Unexpectedly, the other party was also a hard stubble, so he did it without saying a word.

The other party had a lot of people. After a few rounds, Tang Jia Shao and the driver were beaten, black and swollen. Even a few ribs were broken, and even their arms were broken. Judging from the ruthlessness of the other party's ruthlessness and the deliberate slap in the face, it seems to be intentional.

Tang Jia's face was swollen like a pig's head, and he rolled all over in pain, and even his front teeth were knocked down twice. If someone hadn't found out and called the police in time, maybe the other party would have crippled him!

Cerce, fucking cruel!

Tang Jia Shao was resentful in his heart, so he guessed that Xia wanted to find someone to secretly take revenge on him. He didn't do anything to him from the front, so he used third-rate means. What a despicable villain.

Just before he scolded Xia, Tang Jia Shao fainted to death, and then was sent to the hospital. After the doctor's examination, he had to be hospitalized for at least half a month to recover.


Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Office, Xiaxiang is talking to Song Yifan.

Song Yifan is busy with his studies now and doesn't have time to come to Xiangjiang, so he shouted that Xia wants to take time to go back to Beijing to visit her once, otherwise she will never finish with him. Among the group of women Xia wanted to know, Song Yifan's coquettishness with him was the most popular and comfort to him. It's not that he prefers Song Yifan, but because Song Yifan is the youngest.

If it is small, it has a small advantage.

Xia Xiang really should go back to the capital. In a blink of an eye, he has been in Xiangjiang for three months. Cao Shuyan said he wanted to come over, but he hasn't made a trip yet. He has been busy with work recently, and it's a little difficult to get out.

On the contrary, Wei Xin gradually adapted to the days with Lian Ruohan and became a little more cheerful. However, I heard from Lian Ruohan that Cao Shuqi didn't like Wei Xin. I don't know why he didn't have a good impression on Wei Xin. Fortunately, if Cao Shuyu doesn't like a person, she will not show it. Her gentleness and gracefulness are indeed a model among women.

Xia Xiang knows the reason that Cao Shuyu doesn't like Wei Xin. One is the woman who loved him the most in his previous life, and the other is the woman who loves him the most in this life. When the two meet, they will inevitably have natural hostility. Fate has extremely strong inertia. Perhaps in Cao Shuyu's eyes, Wei Xin's little woman's breath, her carefulness and warmth all have too many similarities with her, which will make her irresistibly wary and vigilance against Wei Xin.

Xiao Jia is fine. Of all the women, Xiao Jia is the one who makes Xia want to worry.

Jinyin Jasmine went to Switzerland. Oh, Chen still stayed in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. His life was quite comfortable. The development in the Qin and Tang Dynasties was not bad. The heroes were late. Oh, Chen's ambition was not big. Finally, he had something to do when he was old. He was really satisfied.

Gu Yu has been staying in the capital. She has the best relationship with Yan Xiao. If she hears what happened to Yan Xiao, she will definitely fly here as soon as possible - but Xia didn't want to tell Gu Yu's plan, so don't let her worry about it. Let's talk about it when Yan Xiao is ready.

As soon as he put down Song Yifan's phone, Xia Xiang moved his waist, and the phone suddenly rang again. He didn't think much about it, so he picked it up and answered it.

"Hello, I'm Xiaxiang."

"Xia, you'd better be at ease when you come to Hunan Province, otherwise, be careful that there is no way back!" It is a strange man's voice, which is very low, gloomy and full of threat.

Intimidation call? Xia wanted to laugh instead. Along the way, he had seen too many personal threats and received too many threatening phone calls. He didn't take it seriously for a long time.

The former prime minister was also explicitly targeted by some assassination organizations. It is said that he was almost assassinated six times. In contrast, it is normal for him to receive threatening phone calls from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"I've always been good at my way. I also want to advise you not to hide behind and make threatening phone calls. It's a waste of expression and time. The means are too naive." Xia wanted to sneer, so she wanted to hang up the phone. She was really too lazy to say one more word to him.

Unexpectedly, the other party said again, "I'm not scaring you. Xia, Xiang Province is no better than Yan Province. You are not familiar with the place, and it's a big deal to do something casually. I advise you not to overplay. If you want to play, just play openly. Don't fucking play secretly!"

The other party cursed and hung up the phone.

Xia still wondered, when did he secretly do something wrong? After coming to Hunan Province, everything was within the rules. He didn't even bring Xiao Wu. How could he do it secretly?

When I was wondering, the phone rang again. It was Fu Xian who called: "Hey, let me tell you the good news. I vented my anger for you and Sister Xiao... Just now, several people dealt with Tang Jia severely and beat him ten times worse than Sister Xiao. He is in the hospital now. Don't go to the ground in ten days and a half months!"

Ah... Xia didn't want to laugh or cry. Fu Xian was chivalrous, but his good intentions did bad things, because she made a bad start!

It has always been in good order. It has been completely disrupted by Fu Xianxian's spirit, and it may not be in trouble.

But it's not easy to criticize Fu Xianxian, so I have to tell her not to mess around in the future. After all, it's in Hunan Province now. In case the use of people is wrong, the matter will be exposed, but it's a big scandal.

Fu Xianxian is the sister of Fu Xianfeng, the governor of Fu.

Fu Xian first thought that Xia wanted to praise her, but unexpectedly it was implicit criticism. She was unhappy: "You have no heart and no heart. You don't care about my little sister at all. I'm angry. From now on, I decided to ignore you for a week."

Xia thought about persuading Fu Xian to say a few words. Unexpectedly, Fu Xianxian was so angry this time that he hung up the phone directly.

Xia thought about it, forget it, let her go. Now he really doesn't have time to coax her, because Tang Jia was hospitalized. Don't think about it. Many people will blame him in all aspects. Even if he doesn't say it, he should remember it in his heart.

There is nothing against his image. What he is afraid is that when the other party is angry, he will also concoct it in the same way. It will be troublesome if he doesn't play cards according to the rules.

Xia Xiang really guessed it. A day later, Luo Xin, the manager of the former Xiang Provincial Road and Bridge Purchasing Department, who had already finished his work and was ready to testify, suddenly lost contact and disappeared.

This is only the first step.

Subsequently, Wang Hu, who had been serving his sentence in Chendong Prison and reformed well, suddenly escaped with his cellmate. Under repeated warnings, he still fled desperately. In the end, the police were forced to shoot and kill him!

If Wang Hu behaves well, he will be released from prison in another three or five years. Unless he is crazy, which prison is he going to? He thought he was Scofield? Learn to escape from prison in American TV series?

What an international joke.

Wang Hu was framed and died unjustly!

Wang Hu told Li Congdong that he had a recording of the dialogue when he was purchasing. Before the recording was handed over, he was dead, and Luo Xin, the key witness of the dialogue, was missing. This clue was completely broken.

It's a lie that Xia wants to say that he is not angry. Although things started because of Fu Xianxian, as a man, it is not easy for him to complain about the thoughts of a little woman of Fu Xianxian. Fortunately, he can afford to let it go, but there is a road blocked, and there is another way to go.

It's just that relatively speaking, the process is a little tortuous.

Just as Xia was about to start the layout of another chess road, an unexpected accident appeared. The transfer of Xiangjiang Mayor Li Yang was advanced, that is to say, the candidate for the next mayor must be decided within half a month. At this time, it is obvious that Zheng Sheng has not fully helped Mei Xiao. Lin's preparation for the rise.

Suddenly, there was news that Mei Shengping, the governor of Chu Province, will lead an economic and trade group to visit Hunan Province within a week.

The political struggle has risen to a collision between the two provinces.

And Xia wants to know more clearly that the mayor of Mei Xiaolin is unprecedentedly difficult because of the political struggle around the road bridge in Hunan Province. Because whoever controls the Xiangjiang Municipal Government is equivalent to mastering the basic forces that influence the situation.

The first fierce collision on the front is about to be staged.

: Raise your hand and vote a few more votes. You can't be tired. Brothers, even if you don't have it, you can't miss the recommended votes. Lao He is not tired of 12,000 yuan a day for three consecutive days. You don't. What should Lao He do?! How can you bear it! RO