official god

Chapter 1327 Between Gains and Losses

After Zheng Sheng's speech, Fu Xianfeng explained the formal conclusion of the investigation team of the State Council. Everyone here has already known the report of the State Council investigation team, and it is necessary for Governor Fu to repeat it in person.

What happened last night, Ye Tiannan didn't know until dawn, and he was very irritable. He did not hesitate to put down the vice-deputy [book] of the provincial party committee. Before attending the meeting, he personally went to Yang Hengyi's office to ask a clear question.

Of course, Yang Hengyi will not shake it all out. The family's ugliness can't be exposed, but Xia wanted to play tricks, but he still didn't hide it and told Ye Tiannan all about it.

Ye Tianhui listened and was stunned at that time.

With the help of the power of Hunan Road Bridge, Ye Tiannan competed with Zheng Sheng for several years. Seeing that Zheng Sheng gradually had the upper hand, he suddenly killed Fu Xianfeng, and Fu Xianfeng still had the intention to unite with him. Of course, he couldn't help it. He also understands that Fu Xianfeng just wants to use his power to suppress Zheng Sheng. Political affairs are originally to help each other, to put it more bluntly, that is, to use each other. If you make good use of it, it can also be mutually beneficial, and it doesn't matter.

But Xia thought that what he did last night obviously had the intention of soating discord, which immediately made Ye Tiannan vigilant. Could it be that Xia thought that under the instruction of Zheng Sheng, he deliberately did it in order to divide the power of the Hunan Provincial Road and Bridge?

Of course, he and Yang and Hengyi know Duodong. He thinks that he knows Yang Hengyi well. He believes that Yang Hengyi will not turn after this matter. What he is worried about is Fu Xianfeng.

Fortunately, after listening to Fu Xianfeng's supplementary explanation of the conclusion of the investigation team of the State Council just now, he was also a little relieved. Although Fu Xianfeng stated the facts, his words still had the intention of protecting the Hunan provincial road bridge, which made Ye Tiannan clear that Fu Xianfeng's position was still firm.

Ye Tiannan's eyes inadvertently fell on Xiaxiang. "Last night's incident, Xiaxiang was skillfully woven and became the biggest beneficiary. What is his intention?

Somehow" Ye Tiannan always felt in his heart that although Xiaxiang was younger than Fu Xianfeng, lower than Fu Xianfeng, it was a greater threat than Fu Xianfeng, and it was still much more.

After introducing the conclusions of the investigation team of the State Council, Fu Xianfeng expressed his views on the handling of the accident: "On the issue of measures taken by Tang Jia, Comrade Xia Xiang showed a deep vision and won the initiative for Hunan Province. Here, on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, I would like to express my gratitude for the work of

It is precisely because Tang Jia was arrested first. The accident investigation team of the State Council recognized that the provincial party committee and the provincial government have paid attention to the problem of the Hunan provincial road bridge, and also let the provincial party committee and the provincial government have a little confidence in the face of the criticism of the State Council..."

Fu Xianfeng nodded to the summer. Whether he didn't come out of his heart or not, he had a posture anyway.

"The quality of the Huaiyang Bridge project is not up to standard, the building materials are not up to standard, coupled with the chaotic management, and shortening the construction period in order to offer gifts, etc., are all the reasons for the accident. After specific and careful investigation, the provincial government investigation team believed that Tang Jiaxiao, the former general manager, had the main leadership responsibilities. In addition, An Hua, the chief engineer of the group, Wang Xin, the deputy chief engineer, Xiao Qiangguo, the general manager of the third branch of Daoqiao, the project manager, the general person in charge of procurement, etc. , the crime of dereliction of duty, suspected of abuse of power, bribery, etc., to be transferred to the judicial organ for handling..."

Fu Xianfeng read a long list. The longer he read, the more intriguing the expression on Zheng Sheng's face became.

In fact, although the Huaiyang Bridge accident is serious, there is no need for the governor to draw up the list of disposal personnel in person. The governor Fu not only sorted out the list in person, but also read it one by one at the meeting tirelessly. It's not that he is too serious about his work, but wants to lose the car.

Among the names of a company, most of them are the main leaders of the branch. In addition to Tang Jia Shao, the head office has moved two engineers, far from hurting muscles and bones.

Zheng Sheng politely interrupted Fu Xianfeng's words: "Comrade Xianfeng, let me interrupt... Don't read the personnel list one by one, time doesn't allow it." Just say the general direction of processing."

Fu Xianfeng naturally understood what Zheng Sheng meant, and only nod his head: "My opinion is that the head office will take down Tang Jia Shao and the two chief engineers, specifically responsible for the construction of the Huaiyang Bridge, one pot."

Zheng Sheng waited for a while and seemed to ask, "That's all?"

"All that's all!" Fu Xianfeng answered with certainty.

Although Fu Xianfeng didn't know much about Zheng Sheng, not only Zheng Haiqi, who was familiar with Zheng Sheng's temper, knew that Zheng Sheng's question was a strong dissatisfaction with the vanguard's opinion. Even everyone here saw that Zheng Sheng was very dissatisfied with the vanguard's opinion.

"I have an idea," Zheng Sheng waved his hand and showed a strong side. "Recently, Zheng Sheng seems to be more and more confident." "After the Commission for Discipline Inspection finds out Tang Jia Shao's serious disciplinary violations, we will discuss the disposal of Xiang Province's road bridge. Today, a temporary topic will be added to the deputy mayor The nomination will be drawn up today, and Comrade Li Yang will be transferred soon.

Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan looked at each other. "Recently, Zheng Sheng has been too angry. He has completely mastered the festival. He also often changes the topic temporarily. The leader is completely overwhelmed, which is completely different from the past.

If you think about it again, it is after the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to take a series of actions, Zheng Sheng's aura has become more and more abundant. In the final analysis, it is still the credit of Xiaxiang. Without Xia Xiang's help, "Zheng Shengzheng [Book], do you still have the confidence now?

For a moment, Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan were connected and thought of each other.

Although he was carefully prepared to have a sword and shadow discussion on the issue of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, Zheng Sheng accepted it when he saw it was good. He left the back hand. The first hand was the first hand, and there was no way for Fu Xianfeng to disagree. [Book] The initiative of the office was in the hands of [Book].

It's just a discussion. It's no big deal. Fu Xianfeng will continue to nominate Huang Linqiu and Xu Kaibin, whom he nominated last time. Ye Tiannan also supported the nomination of Fu Xianfeng.

Xue Xiayu also agrees in principle.

Zheng Sheng didn't say anything, but he looked at Xia and thought, "What's the difference between Comrade Xia Xiang?"

Today's meeting made Xia think more or less about Zheng Sheng's thinking. The problem of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge was raised high and gently put down, and then jumped to the nomination of the two key deputy mayors of Xiangjiang. The two seemingly unrelated things actually clearly showed Zheng Sheng's tendency to take down the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge. However, appropriate concessions will be made on the nomination of the executive vice mayor and the deputy mayor of Xiangjiang City.

Politically, it can never be a dominant family. Zheng Sheng's concession is reasonable, and Xia Xiang can completely understand it. "But the problem is that Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan may not appreciate it. With his understanding of dealing with the vanguard, the Xiang provincial road bridge should be guaranteed, and the two people should also

"I don't know much about both comrades" and I won't express my opinion. Xia wanted to nod slightly and abstained.

Xiaxiang's abstention not only surprised Fu Xianfeng's snack, but also made Ye Tiannan quite incomprehensible, and made Zheng Sheng's heart jump, knowing that Xia wanted to take a step back.

Because of what he just mentioned, after Tang Jia Shao's problem was found out, he mentioned the treatment of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. In fact, he put Xia Xiang on the fire and concentrated all the contradictions on the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Xia Xiang immediately reacted and kept a distance from him, which made Zheng Sheng soberly realize that Xia Xiang was basically neutral in Xiang Province and did not completely fall to him.

Zheng Sheng couldn't help thinking more, and remembered the bet between him and Gu Qiushi.

This [book] office meeting did not have much effect, but some consensus has been reached. First of all, the problem of Hunan Provincial Road Bridge has expanded, and they have shown their own cards. Secondly, Zheng Sheng's intention is euphemistically revealed, which makes Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan know, but the position of Xia Xiang, the most critical The progress of the situation is not very clear.

Zheng Sheng returned to the office, thought about it for a while, and then dialed Gu Qiushi's phone number.

"Qiu Shi, Xiaxiang is indeed as mature and steady as you said, and has depth of thought." Zheng Sheng originally wanted to say that Xia wanted to have a scheming, but later he thought it was better to be implicit, so he temporarily changed his words, and then said, "But it seems to be speculative."

"What do you say?" Gu Qiushi seemed to be busy and asked concisely.

Zheng Sheng briefly talked about Xia's performance.

Gu Qiushi smiled and said, "Zheng [Shu], you can't ask Xia to get close to you unconditionally, and you don't allow him anything. Besides, if Xia wants to be so shallow, he doesn't deserve to look at him differently.

Zheng Sheng also smiled and said, "Anyway, you just look at him right. He is good no matter what."

"I have red mouth and white teeth. Anyway, you are a vested interest." After Gu Qiushi laughed, his tone was heavy again, "The strength of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge is not small, and there has been a movement in the capital. You should pay attention to the method and also take the responsibility of protecting Xia Xiang."

Zheng Sheng walked a few steps back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, and his mind was a little messy. He also expected that the Xiangsheng Road Bridge would eventually startle the capital, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly, and he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

If you use Xia Xiang to make Xia Xiang a victim, you can also quickly take down the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge in one fell swoop, so as to take the first step to disintegrate the forces of Ye Tiannan. However, Gu Qiushi asked him to protect Xiaxiang. "If he cares about Xiaxiang, he must take a round-around strategy, and may even miss the great opportunity in front of him.

Where to go? Is it to make full use of Xiaxiang and throw him as a victim of political struggle at the critical moment" or to cooperate with Xiaxiang sincerely in the long run? Between gains and losses, Zheng Sheng was in a dilemma and couldn't make up his mind for a moment...

Xia thought that he did not seem to realize that he might become a gun of Zheng Sheng, but still stepped up the trial of the cases of Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng. At the same time, he did not relax his offensive against Shen Heyang.

A few days later, as Xia Xiang expected, Tang Jia Shao was the first to speak, but when he heard the fact of Tang Jia Shao's confession reported by Li Congdong, he couldn't help but be secretly shocked and knew that the real problem was coming...