official god

Chapter 1337 Things have just begun

Xia wants to think that he is not an honest official. In the current climate, it is impossible for him to survive in the officialdom. At least human contacts are indispensable.

There are also some benefits sharing, mutual assistance, and even some indispensable means of not seeing the light, which are all help on the way forward. People in officialdom can't help themselves. You don't harm others, but someone harm you. Sometimes you really have to do it first.

But now that Xiaxiang is the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book], he must shoulder the heavy responsibility entrusted to him by the Party and the state. His nose must be worthy of his conscience, and he must live up to the high expectations of the people. If as the mayor and the municipal party committee [book], if you don't develop the economy for the city and seek benefits for the people, it's better to go home and sell sweet potatoes, then as a discipline committee [book], don't severely punish corrupt officials, don't punish evil and promote good, don't recover losses for the country, don' No matter how others are with the light and dust, no matter how others turn a blind eye to corruption, Xiaxiang can't do the embezzlement of state property and the violation of laws and discipline. It happens under his eyes and sits by, and then because the other party's power is huge, the backstage is tough, and he will let go. If it hadn't been for the investigation of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, Xia Xiang still couldn't believe the outrageous facts. According to the evidence provided by Tang Jia Shao and Gu Shiqi's confession, plus the information revealed by Shen Heyang, combined with the facts provided by the above three people, coupled with the summary of the information Xia Xiang got from everywhere, he This is still the amount that can be traced. It is extremely conservative data. In fact, according to Xia Xiang's experience, the actual amount may not be doubled. That is to say, at least 4 billion national property should be the hard-earned money of the people. It is the profit and tax paid by the four young master of Hunan Province through various means.

A whole 4 billion yuan, what a huge wealth!

Xia wants to let go of the four people. If he turns a blind eye to the same dust, then he will regret it for a lifetime and blame himself for a lifetime. Don't say anything big, don't mention bold words. It's a shocking number of poor students who are out of school every year in the mountainous areas of Hunan Province, and the poor families who go to a dead end every year because they have no money to treat diseases.

The annual fiscal revenue of many poor counties in Hunan Province is less than 200 million yuan. The illegal income of the four young people in Hunan Province is estimated at the most conservative 1.8 billion yuan, which is also equivalent to the total annual fiscal revenue of 10 poor counties! If a huge amount of 1.8 billion yuan is used to build Hope Primary School ~ not in Africa, but in the poor mountainous areas of Hunan Province, according to 200,000 Hope Primary School, all the out-school children in the whole Hunan Province can sit in the spacious and bright classroom for half a year, and then be full of hope in their hearts, and thank the Party and The care of the government.

But now, a huge amount of 1.8 billion yuan has been embezzled by the four young men in Hunan Province. It is used to buy luxury cars to buy luxury houses abroad. They are ready to go abroad to enjoy life at any time. They squander, wear famous watches, play golf. After they have enough, when their parents retreat, they will go The happy and carefree life of the second generation of rich officials has a good life.

Countless people have died unjustly. Who will make up for their happiness in countless bridge collapse accidents? Even the compensation for the accident is paid in full by the Hunan Provincial Road and Bridge. In other words, the money is earned by the four young master of Hunan Province. "It is a problem, but the state compensation" is really a good deal.

Xia Xiang was not a young man who was indignant when he saw the injustice, but he knew the money-earning means of the four young master in Hunan Province, and his heart was still burning with anger. It is no exaggeration to say that every penny in the hands of the four young men in Hunan Province is stained with blood and the blood and sweat of the dead innocent people!

Maybe outsiders think that Xia Xiang just wants to knock down the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. It's wrong. Xia Xiang just rectified the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, gradually cut off the control of the four young men of Hunan Province on the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, cut off their way of making money, and let them gradually show their feet, so as to seize the opportunity The huge amount of money was nationalized and returned to the people.

Of course, Xia thought it was clear that Ye Tiannan could tolerate the battle of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, because he lost and did not touch his bottom line. However, if the four young master of Hunan Province were finally moved, not only Ye Tiannan would he be furious, but Hu Ding, Yang Hengyi and Lin Huajian were expected to be violent, and

is a difficult road to all the thorns. Whether to take a step or not, Xiaxiang has also hesitated and wavered, because once he takes a step, it is a road of no return, not to mention winning or losing. "It is definitely impossible to turn back. Between him and Ye Tiannan, Hu Ding, Yang Hengyi and Lin Huajian, he is immortal.

It is true that there are few chances to win when Xia wanted to challenge four heavyweights with one person, but when Xia wanted to see Ye Tiannan's Huaiyang Bridge in the collapse of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, he also made every effort to maintain the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge. For his own selfishness, he refused to let go of the control of the The appearance of eating is too ugly, and the greed is not enough, completely ignoring the dead innocent people!

Ye Tiannan's greed and selfishness finally angered Xiaxiang and made Xiaxiang decide to deal with him to the end.

Xia Sang certainly knows that it is often naive and ridiculous to ask politicians to be right and wrong [text update], but as a senior cadre of the Party, he has no sense of shame or guilt. He regards the lives of the people as grass mustard, and his own interests are great. Such behavior is intolerant of

Since he served as the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] "Since the battle with the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge has achieved the first step of victory", since there are still cards to play in his hand, Xia Xiang decided to break through each one, take down the four young master of Hunan Province one by one, and let them spit out all the billions of the huge funds

At the moment of his determination, Xiaxiang formulated a three-step strategy, which must be done to eliminate evil and leave no future troubles.

With the sentencing of Tang Jia Shao's case and the beginning of the governance and rectification of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, Chen Chuanshi's suicide and Zhao Xuanming's jumping up and down have basically lost their effectiveness, but the matter has not yet been completed.

After summoning Zhao Xuanming, the Xiangjiang Public Security Bureau officially submitted an arrest to the procuratorial organ on the charge of coercing others to commit suicide!

The news caused a lot of sensation again. I thought that Zhao Xuanming was still very happy some time ago. As a result, he moved a stone and hit his foot, which surprised people. He sighed at the same time. Don't show off easily. Be careful that the wind flashes his waist.

The exclamation of outsiders is only superficial." People who are familiar with the inside story know that Zhao Xuanming's arrest heralds the political struggle in Hunan Province and has entered the second stage!

... On the weekend, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Cao Shuxun, telling him that he should be able to travel within a week. Xia wants to naturally welcome him again. The man still hopes that there is a woman around him to take care of his life. After all, there is a family, warmth and warmth.

After a few words, she thought that Cao Shuxun was going to release the phone. Unexpectedly, she smiled again and said, "Let me tell you a good news. If Ruohan will arrive in Xiangjiang the day after tomorrow, she will stand in front of her to see you, and she won't let me tell you. "There will be a sudden

As soon as Lian Ruohan comes, he wants to check his post, a man who is as clean as his [text update] "Now it's hard to find with a lantern. How dare Lian Ruohan doubt him? You must punish her well." Let her know that she is awesome.

"Actually, what I miss most is still your wife." Xia Xiang smiled and showed his loyalty to Cao Shuxun.

"Go, it's too numb. It's an old husband and wife. I don't know what you're thinking? "No, I won't talk to you. I'm watching my son in the capital." While talking, Cao Shuxun hung up the phone and made Xia think for a while. At a certain stage, the woman's mind will be more than half divided by the child, and the man will be neglected to a certain extent.

As soon as he put down his mobile phone, Yan Xiao's phone called in: "Who are you calling? After playing for a long time, the line has been busy. It can really be said that it must be either a wife or a lover.

De, it's summer now, and Taohu has been thanked for a long time. "Why did he commit Taohu's death again? Xia wanted to be too lazy to pay attention to Yan's annoy, and asked directly, "Why haven't you been blamed back to Yan City?" "I still have one thing that hasn't been done." Of course, I can't go back. "You must be interested in this matter..." "Tay it and listen to it."

"I know the capital flow of the four young people in Hunan Province... How about it? Do you want to know more details? If you want to know, come to Jiazhile to find me." When he was young, he did his best.

Xia wanted to know that she was half joking and half serious, so she smiled: "Okay, I'll give you some face.

Located on the bank of the Xiangjiang River, Jiazhile is a unique restaurant.

On the full moon night, Xia wanted to stand by the Xiangjiang River. Seeing a bright moon hanging high, the river rippled, the music was endless, the tourists were weaving, and for a moment, her thoughts flew far away. Unexpectedly, she thought of Zhang Ruoxu's spring river huā moon night.

Throughout the ages, the Xiangjiang River for thousands of years, the flowing water is long, and there are many worries about the rise and fall. What remains unchanged is always the flowing river and the bright moon in the sky. Xia Xiang somehow sighs with emotion.

"Your eyes just now were very melancholy and addictive." I don't know when Yan Xiao came to his side and covered his mouth with a smile.

Some women like simple men. Some women like deep men. Women who can stand the heavy years like when they are young. They must like more mature and steady men.

Xia wanted to turn his head and said hello.

When Yan carried a long skirt, she seemed to prefer a long skirt, just like the "temple and pure plant" of the blue water. Under the background of the spring river, the moon night, it is more quiet and elegant.

The beauty of a strict hour can stand the wind and frost like a knife. Xia wanted to laugh: "What a beautiful woman is on the moon. When you were a child, if you were in ancient times, you must be in a charming posture."

"The mouth is as sweet as if it has been wiped with honey, and there must be no good intentions." Yan Xiao was very happy and went upstairs side by side with Xia Xiang. "I'm going back to Yan City tomorrow. I have to deal with some remaining problems. Fan [Shu] I'm going to quit." Are you going to return it? Is the situation in Yan Province going to change again? Yan Province is his base. With many of his cronies, the change of the situation is bound to bring an unknown impact.