official god

Chapter 1348 The First Basic Principle

I have to give this prize to Xiaxiang's cleverness, or it can also be said to be cunning, because he successfully used the tacit understanding with Lian Ruohan, let Lian Ruohan secretly contact Mei Xiaolin, asked Mei Xiaolin to ask Zheng Sheng for instructions, and made Zheng Sheng immediately realize the rare opportunity, and called in time After relieving the siege, he also buried a deep foreshadowing.

For Xia Xiang's next step, he broke through each of the four young people in Hunan Province and hit the first wedge, which was very obscure and imperceptible.

Not only Ye Tiannan didn't expect it, but also Yang Hengyi didn't expect it. Even the person concerned, Lin Huajian, only thought that Xia wanted to take Lin Xiaoyuan and Cai Jiangwei to the municipal bureau, just to show authority, just to revenge on the tricks he had played before, just to ring the spectrum, and even to think about It is called justice.

In fact, no one thought of Xia's smartness, or insidiousness. He wanted Lin Xiaoyuan to go in, but he didn't want him to come out again!

Chen Ximing was aware of Xia's thoughts.

In fact, from the beginning, Chen Ximing did not intend to follow Xia Xiang to the dark. From the beginning, he was close to Xia Xiang, because he had heard that he wanted to think about his previous deeds. He knew that Xia Xiang had a good relationship with the public security front in previous terms, and he also made friendship with almost every public security director.

Let Chen Ximing think from the bottom of his heart that Xia [Shu] has a good impression on the public security front and is a trustworthy superior leader of the public security system. However, with the development of the situation, Chen Ximing slowly changed his mind and decided to follow Xia to the end.

Because he and Yang Heng are at a discord.

Let's not mention whether Xia thought knew that there was a dispute between Chen Ximing and Yang Hengyi, and then showed the intention to win over Chen Ximing in time. That is to say, Xia wants to judge the timing of the situation, and seize the opportunity of the entry point, which has to be admired. Here, I have to mention the key role The work cooperation between Lin and Chen Ximing is very tacit, and the relationship has always been good.

Xia wanted to study the personnel composition of the Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee. When he became the director of the Public Security Bureau, he also dismissed as the deputy director of the Public Security Department, but when Chen Ximing took office, he was only a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau. The

There are many contradictions between the director of the public security bureau and the director of the public security department in the provincial capital city, which is the norm in officialdom. Xia Xiang keenly seized the opportunity to include Chen Ximing in his political system in Hunan Province. The first basic principle he followed was that the enemy's enemy was a friend.

Of course, with the deepening of understanding and the clear attitude of all parties, Chen Ximing began to passively accept and take the initiative to move closer, and his attitude is getting firmer and firmer, and the pace is getting bigger and bigger. Although there is the reason why Mei Xiaolin successfully took over as mayor, the more important thing is that the forces of all He Xia wants to make the contradictions with the four people in Hunan Province public because of the road bridge in Hunan Province.

Xia wanted to include Chen Ximing in his Hunan system, and proved with the irrefutable fact that the first basic principle of being a superior in the officialdom is to use the right people to do things.

It is also because Xia wants to rely on Chen Ximing, and Chen Ximing is optimistic about the prospects of Xia's thinking in Hunan Province, and with the full support of Mei Xiaolin, Chen Ximing also noticed the close relationship between Mei Xiaolin and Xia Xiang, and the relationship between the two and Zheng [shu] is also very good.

What makes Chen Ximing affirm that Xia thought is that Xia Xiang has successfully become the most critical fulcrum in Hunan Province. What do outsiders think of the deputy [book] of the Chendong Municipal Party Committee? Gu Shiqi was taken care of Chen Ximing. Anyway, he recognized a little, the real behind-the-scene It's Xiaxiang Xia Da [Book].

Chen Ximing also proved one point with his calm and excellent vision. Standing in the right team and following the right leader to see the situation clearly is the first basic principle of being a subordinate in the officialdom.

Since he decided to follow Xia [Book] wholeheartedly, Chen Ximing made a lot of effort to study what Xiaxiang had done before. "The subordinates who don't understand what the leader thinks are not good subordinates, but also subordinates with no future.

On the surface, it is a very tricky thing to invite the son of the director of the Huaiyang Public Security Bureau and the head of the Provincial Supervision Department, as well as the two vice presidents of Hunan Provincial Oil Chemical and Hunan Telecom to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. It is a very difficult thing. It is not to mention a group of people with a great

Even the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Gu Jianxuan also had a headache. He secretly complained about why Chen Ximing was so immature. Isn't it causing trouble for the municipal party committee to get a group of such people to go to the municipal bureau?

Mei Xiaolin didn't say anything, because she believes that Xia is not a person with a fore-hand but a back-hand person. He will not push a bunch of messes to Chen Ximing and then become a shopkeeper. Xia wants to do things from beginning to end.

No one told Chen Xi that he wanted to be responsible for others and explain to his friends, but he just believed that Xia would not only cause trouble and solve the trouble, so after taking a large part of people to the municipal bureau, he first followed the procedures and did whatever he wanted. He was polite and well-founded and methodical.

Lin Xiaoyuan, Huang Yi and Jia Linger are also very cooperative. At this time, there is no need to pretend to be stunned. If you really don't do it, you will suffer from the pain of skin and flesh. However, Cai Jiangwei had a bad attitude. He either wanted to make a phone call, or didn't know what to ask, or didn't answer at all, and put on the stance of the director of Huaiyang Public Security Bureau.

Yes, before the Commission for Discipline Inspection did not regulate him, and before the Provincial Party Committee removed him from office, Cai Jiangwei's aura was enough to make the police officers of the Xiangjiang Public Security Bureau in awe. In addition, there were many contacts between the public security systems of the two cities in the past, and many people still knew Cai Jiangwei

Even many police officers are quite embarrassed. Cai Jiangwei is the director of the same system. Lin Xiaoyuan, Huang Yi and others not only have a lot of origin, but also look up and don't look down. The treatment is heavy. Maybe they will be retaliated in the future. If the treatment is light, the superiors are not satisfied, so

Regardless of the doubts of his subordinates, Chen Ximing returned to the bureau and sorted out the matter. He just made a cup of tea. Before he took two sip, he unexpectedly received a call from Zeng Zhuo in time.

Zeng Zhuo just chatted with Chen Ximing, and then talked about the gossip that he had time to sit together, and then mentioned that he was not with the leader at that time, and what happened was not on the scene. Unfortunately, it was a dereliction of duty. He wanted to understand the situation at that time from Chen Ximing's place.

"Please tell me briefly, Mr. Chen, and I will definitely ask Mr. Chen to have a good meal some other day." Zeng Zhuo's words were very polite and his words were also in place.

Chen Ximing and Zeng Zhuo also knew each other before, because Zeng Zhuo was originally from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Of course, he understood that Zeng Zhuo understood the situation on the surface. In fact, he also wanted to send a message for Xia, so he politely said a few words to briefly about the situation at that time.

Zeng Zhuo smiled and said, "It turns out that Lin Xiaoyuan, the fourth young master of Hunan Province, is here. No wonder Xia [Book] has a lot of memory... Well, I won't delay Chen's precious time. Next time I go to Xiangjiang Hotel, one-stop."

Chen Ximing scolded with a smile: "Don't want to corrupt the strong-willed leading cadres of our party. Beauty tricks don't work for me."

During the talk and laughter, the distance between the two is much closer.

Put down the phone, Chen Ximing habitually picked up his hands, but his eyebrows were locked.

Although he had guessed for a long time, it was almost clear that Xia [Book] took a group of people with great fanfare, and he must have pointed to one of them. He thought of the current situation in Chendong City, the Huaiyang Bridge, which had just collapsed, and the culprit who really forced people to death was Cai Jiangwei. Fall off the horse.

It is not known whether this battle is to completely defeat Cai Jiangwei, but Xia [Shu] clearly named Lin Xiaoyuan, which means that he should take the opportunity to fetter Lin Xiaoyuan and not let Lin Xiaoyuan go out of the municipal bureau?

Chen Ximing knows what to do with the case and how to implement the spirit of Xiaxiang's instructions. As the director of the Public Security Bureau, he has many reasons to detain a few people first in today's case, and he also believes that he can solve several people. After all, there has been a murder case!

But what he doesn't understand is that what Xia [book] refers to what the sword light is about Lin Xiaoyuan? Because today's incident alone, at most, Lin Xiaoyuan is temporarily held up, and he can't be put to justice...

Since Chen Ximing wants to keep up with Xia's pace, he should find out what Xia's thoughts and thoughts and the real foothold. He should not only come out of careful consideration, but also lay a solid foundation for him to be consistent with his leaders in the future.

Fully understand the intention of the superior leader, and do a lot of things well without waiting for the leader to hint. It is everything that a subordinate should do, and it is also a basic quality.

Chen Ximing grabbed the phone, made four or five phone calls in one go, and then took a long breath, prepared the materials, and then knocked on Mayor Mei Xiaolin Mei's door.

Report the situation to Mayor Mei in person and obtain the recognition and support of Mayor Mei, which is an indispensable link for the smooth progress of his next plan.

Provincial Party Committee Compound, Provincial Party Committee [Book] Office.

Zheng Sheng listened to Xiaxiang's report calmly and didn't say anything for a long time. He was addicted to smoking and smoked smoke all over the house. He got up and opened the window, and suddenly smiled again: "Open the skylight and speak honestly, open the window and tell the truth..."

Xia wanted to take over the words: "Yes, now that the Internet is developed, it is impossible to cover it without hiding it as before. The family of the deceased did not accept compensation and privacy, but only asked for fair treatment and justice to their daughter. Now it has spread on the Internet that the director of the Public Security Bureau forced him to die, and that the provincial party committee shielded Cai Jiangwei. The public opinion on the Internet is tide, and the provincial party committee is very passive. In case it is not handled well, it will fall. In fact, it destroyed the Great Wall.


"The influence of the power of public opinion is so great that we must pay attention to it..." Zheng Sheng nodded in favor of Xia Xiang's words and asked, "The Huaiyang Municipal Party Committee has not yet made a statement to the provincial party committee, and there is something wrong with its attitude."

Most of the members of the Shameful Municipal Party Committee are on Ye Tiannan's line. Zheng Sheng specially pointed out that he obviously wanted to borrow this incident again and go to the next city.

However, Xia thought had another idea. Although he and Zheng Sheng reached an agreement in some aspects, there were obviously some differences. Next, his footsteps are very flexible, his purpose is very unexpected, and his means are also very obscure...