official god

Chapter 1353 People are in the north of the earth, and their hearts are in the south

Chapter 1353 People are in the north of the earth, and their hearts are in the south

The Prime Minister's action is fast enough!

The timing is clever enough!

Xia wanted to smile at Lian Ruohan helplessly and said, "Please tell the old man that I will listen to his teachings later."

Lian Ruohan secretly twisted Xia and thought, "After all, he is a real father-in-law. He is really obedient."

Lian Ruohan beat around the corner and ate Cao Shuyu's jealousy. Xia Xiang stretched out his arm to let her twist a few more times: "In life, there are always difficult choices. A virtuous woman will always light a lamp for a man and illuminate the way home before the storm comes."

"If you can speak, I dare not recognize you now." Xiaxiang's sweet words hit Lian Ruohan. How could she be willing to twist Xiaxiang again? She rubbed Xiaxiang's arm and blew her breath pretending, "You have to remember the way home. After I go back, I will light the lamp first and illuminate every road. If you don't come back, it will be unreasonable."

Xia wants to know that the days of getting along with Lian Ruohan is unprecedentedly gentle and considerate.

Transfer to Lao Gu's residence. There was a traffic jam on the road, so I received another call from Chen Feng.

"Xia Think, when are you free? I know you come to the capital. I'm sure the schedule is very tight, but I have priority. With the improvement of Xiaxiang's position, only Chen Feng and Song Chaodu are those who are still casual and not estranged from Xiaxiang.

"Good, Chen Youming, don't dare not obey!" Xia wanted to make a joke and muttered, "Wait for my call, I'll see the Prime Minister first."

"The Prime Minister wants to see you?" Chen Feng was very surprised, and then smiled, "It's a new round of wind and clouds. Xia Xiang, you should be firm and determine the direction."

Chen Feng's reminder was half true and half false, half serious and half joking. Xia thought and laughed it off. He also knew that with Chen Feng's cleverness, he would not say anything clearly, because after all, the matter involved major interests.

Presumably, the Prime Minister also knew that he came from the middle when he returned to Beijing, so he asked his father-in-law to come forward and intercept him first, and at the same time, he was present by the ancients, which can be said to be well-intentioned.

The sunshine in the capital is very good, but after the sunshine, there may be wind and rain at any time.

When I arrived at the old house, it was almost afternoon. Xia Xiang had a mouthful of food on the plane and had been hungry for a long time. Now that it was past the meal, he could not say that he was hungry in front of the Prime Minister. He knew that he was going to taste the taste of hunger today.

In the ancient house, there were several fruit trees, apples and pears. At a glance, there were actually apricot trees. Some of the fruit trees bloomed and some of the results. The thriving scene was full of upward vitality.

The Prime Minister is dressed in simple, gray trousers and white, just like an ordinary old man, sitting under a pear tree in the yard and playing chess with Lao Gu.

Cao Yongguo moved a chair and sat aside. He watched the chess without saying a word, with a smile on his face. If it hadn't been for the hidden plain clothes around, if Xia wanted to know a few people, no one would have believed the scene of the old man's game that can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of the capital. It seems to be three ordinary old people, one in charge of one in charge of one province, one in charge of the whole country, and

Xia wanted to be stopped at the door. As soon as the Prime Minister looked up, he saw him and smiled gently: "Xia wants to come. Come in quickly."

As soon as the Prime Minister spoke, naturally no one stopped him from asking him again. Xia wanted to come to the three people and said hello in turn.

The responses of the three people were also different. The Prime Minister nodded, and Cao Yongguo smiled slightly, but Lao Gu did not raise his head. He said in a muffled voice, "Move a chair and sit down by yourself. I have something to say first. I don't say anything about chess."

Xia wanted to be good at chess, and his eyes fell on the chessboard, but he also saw that Lao Gu was in danger, so he smiled silently, didn't say anything, and sat honestly opposite Cao Yongguo.

The afternoon sun fell to the ground through the leaves, and the mottled shadows were like broken dreams, like beating notes. The wind blew, the leaves rustled, and the cicadas on the trees made the scene in front of us feel like an unreal dream.

The waves of the water of the Xiangjiang River are still in his ears, and he is in the silence, which makes Xia think about it for a moment. The Prime Minister's gray hair, Lao Gu's gray hair, and his father-in-law's dark hair, all reminded him that in front of the three heavyweights, regardless of rank or age, he was still a small character.

From the fourth character in Hunan Province to the current small character, there really needs to be an adaptation process. Fortunately, the game of more than ten minutes gave him enough buffer time to calm down after a few long deep breaths.

Although the ancient chess smelled, it was quite persistent and insisted on not surrendering. In the end, when he was killed so that there was only one old coach left, he abandoned his son and admitted defeat.

Lao Gu pushed the chess, then turned his head and looked at Xia, with a straight face: "You must be hungry?"

Xia wanted to nod honestly, thinking that Lao Gu would let him eat something, but Lao Gu smiled proudly: "It's just to make you hungry to experience the difficulty of fighting the people."

Well, what the elders say, Xia also knows. Anyway, today's hungry stomach is a small matter, and the prime minister's problem is a big problem.

Prime Minister Xu sat for a long time and stood up: "Xia, accompany me."

Xia wanted to follow the premier. Seeing that Lao Gu and his father-in-law did not move, he knew that the premier had something to say to him alone.

"You must have a lot of feelings for Yan Province. Who will take over the Yan Provincial Party Committee? You must have an idea?" The Prime Minister's tone is gentle, but if you get straight to the point, it is very tentative.

Xia wants to have an idea. Not to mention that he has an idea, he casually pulls a passer-by on the street of Yan City and asks him if he has any ideas about who is the provincial party committee. He may also have, but the problem is that the provincial party committee is not elected, but directly appointed by the central government.

The people have no right to speak. He is a deputy provincial cadre and has no right to speak. Moreover, he is different from ordinary people. Ordinary people can talk casually. He can't. If he is wrong, he has to bear political responsibility.

In ancient times, it was to interfere in the government, because he was a sub-provincial province. How dare he dictate the appointment of the provincial party committee?

But the Prime Minister has this question. Whether it is tentative or intentional, he must answer it.

And he couldn't say it perfunctorily. Xia thought about it and said, "According to the usual practice, the governor should take over."

"It's not about convention, it's about what you really think." The Prime Minister aggravated his tone, "Now it's not a formal conversation, but a casual chat between an old man and a young man."

That's all for this, and Lao Gu and Cao Yongguo are both here. What the Prime Minister wants to know must be his real idea, but to be fair, Xia can't say his real idea.

Because on the appointment of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, he will not be consistent with the Prime Minister. Even if the Prime Minister invites Lao Gu, even if his father-in-law comes forward, he will stick to his position. Politics is politics, especially at the critical time, and there is no warmth.

It's not that Xia wants to help his father-in-law, but that he knows that if he chooses to approach the prime minister now, it is very unwise. Not only can he not help his father-in-law take office, but he will even get the opposite effect.

But it was precisely on the issue of position and principle that there was a lack of communication between him and his father-in-law, and this appointment of the Yan Provincial Party Committee came suddenly.

In fact, Xia thought a lot along the way. At the moment he stepped into the capital, his heart was much clearer. He had already made his own judgment that the Yan Provincial Party Committee would not be his father-in-law.

Because with the status of Yan Province in the general mind, as the father-in-law of the Prime Minister, Yan Province is also its place of origin and growth. It is difficult to break through the above difficulties and become the head of Yan Province.

Instead of seeking a Yan Provincial Party Committee that must pay a great price and may not be obtained, it is better to wait for another two years in the Western Province. There will definitely be an opportunity to sit on the ground and help the correction, which is safer than now.

Because you can't get it, it may have a negative effect.

"My personal immature view is that the provincial party committee of Yan Province is still suitable for transfer from other places." Xia thought it was very difficult to say, and I don't know what the bad consequences of this sentence would be.

The Prime Minister did not continue to ask him why as he thought, but was silent for a moment and kept his hands on his back.

The ancient yard is not small, but it is not big enough for people to walk for more than ten minutes. After a while, he came to the southeast corner of the yard. The Prime Minister stood under an apricot tree and reached out and patted the trunk: "In a narrow sense, I'm from the north. Broadly speaking, I am a temperate person, so I like the northern climate, which has four distinct seasons and is mild and neutral. I have always believed that only a hot and cold climate can make people live the longest.

It's clear about the climate, but in fact, it's still the position of people in officialdom. Maybe the Prime Minister is using the temperate belt to compare his civilian feelings...

When it came, the Prime Minister patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder again: "Whether you are in the south or the north, don't forget to always maintain a temperate character."

After a brief conversation, the Prime Minister left. Before leaving, he didn't say anything more. He just said more to Xia Xiang intentionally or unintentionally: "Ye Tiannan is a good comrade. Xia Xiang, he thinks highly of you. I think you can be friends.

Xia thought it was just the Prime Minister's casual words, but he didn't think much about it. After the Prime Minister left, Cao Yongguo also had something to leave. He didn't seem to get along well with Lao Gu.

Although Xiaxiang and his father-in-law are family members, now they have different identities and have their own busy things. When they come to the capital, they are just a hurried gathering, but today's the Prime Minister specially asked his father-in-law to come. What's the purpose? Because the Prime Minister has never shown a trace of intention to let Cao Yongguo serve as the provincial party committee of Yan Province!

After sending his father-in-law outside, Xia asked his body with concern, and did not mention the Yan Provincial Party Committee again. Xia Chang's father-in-law's performance also made Xia want to feel at ease, and he was not too urgent. It seemed that his success or failure were just Yunjuan Yunshu.

"I heard that you and Ye Tiannan don't have the same pace?" Before Cao Yongguo got on the car, he finally mentioned Ye Tiannan. He solemnly patted Xiaxiang's left shoulder, "You are also smart for a lifetime. Hu Tu for a while, the prime minister's intention, people are in the north of the earth, and their hearts are concerned about Tiannan."

Until Cao Yongguo's car disappeared in the traffic, Xiaxiang was still motionless, and his heart was like a storm. The premier turned out to be... wanted to nominate Ye Tiannan as the provincial party committee of Yan Province?

: Depressed and lagging behind again, can't you guys vote more? The recent chapters are not easy to write. Why have you worked very hard? Can't you give more encouragement? ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (.) Vote for recommendation, your support is my greatest motivation.) RO