official god

Chapter 1359 The Unknown Insider

Gu Qiu really sits upright in front of [book]. Hearing the ** of the [book] just now, his eyes also jumped imperceptably, but he didn't dare to jump too much, and then took it back, still as if he was listening.

Xia thought but didn't know. Gu Qiushi's heart was also a stormy wave.

In fact, outsiders may not know it, as early as the time of the lower part of the horse. Xiaxiang has already fallen into the eyes of the General Secretary. At that time, the general [book] asked people to sort out the relevant resumes of Xiaxiang for later use.

The vision of the [book] is still superhuman.

From the disemp zone, then to Lang City. Then to Tianze" and then finally arrived at Qin and Tang Dynasties. Xiaxiang, who came step by step, not only did he not disappoint the general [book]. On the contrary, the general [book] is even more interested in him. If Gu Qiushi's inference is good, after the tempering of Langshi, Xiaxiang has really entered the eyes of the general [book] when Tianze was the mayor.

When it came to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, Xiaxiang faced a storm after he had just entered the vice province. The ruthlessness of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is not without the last test of Xiaxiang. Because Xia wants to be promoted too quickly. The foundation is unstable. Anyone who achieves great things must have something extraordinary. I just want to see it with my own eyes. Xia wondered whether it is real gold or not without fear of fire!

After the Qin and Tang Dynasties, Xia thought, let the general [book] really make up his mind and focus on cultivating it. Although Gu Qiushi also understood, in fact, at this time. There are many voices of opposition within the regimental system, and the force of opposition is particularly strong.

Even the two most effective assistants, Mi Jihuo and Ming Demou, are not in favor of focusing on Xiaxiang. Because Ming De was worried, Xia thought was not a fellow traveler.

In fact, Mi Jihuo has the same worry, but his personality is gentle. If you don't say it directly, he has a firm attitude when he sees the general [book], so he can't open his mouth, but his thoughts are still understood by Gu Qiushi.

Mingdemou listed the three major shortcomings of Xiaxiang in front of the general [book]. First, he is too young and his seniority is too shallow. The second is the road of growth. The means are too tough to cut down countless opponents and are not very good at uniting colleagues. Third, the position is unclear, the relationship with the family forces is too entangled, and even has intersections with civilian forces. So far, there is no clear political tendency.

General [Book] It is also rare to refute the statement of Mingdemou one by one. At that time, in addition to Mi Jihuo and Mingdemou, Gu Qiushi and Zheng Sheng were also at a high-level meeting attended by only a few people.

What shocked Gu Qiushi was not the importance of the always [book] to Xiaxiang, but the rare [book] to come forward in person. And it's surprising to defend Xiaxiang in public.

Moreover, the general [book] still refutes the explicited argument one by one, which cannot be regarded as a rebuttal. To be more precise, it is more appropriate to persuade.

First, being young is not a problem. It is not a matter of shallow seniority or key. Dare to promote and reuse young people has always been a distinctive feature of the league system.

Secondly, tough means are also necessary. Up to now, many drawbacks have been highlighted in domestic political development. If you are not fully aware of your own problems, the status of the ruling party may be impacted. In the long run, the domestic political atmosphere has affected the diplomatic image. Now we must fully realize that the country's internal and external troubles are very serious. We only know how to hide the light and bide. After four generations, a weak system will eventually be formed. The whole system is weak, and if you want to change something, it is empty talk.

has always been empty talk to mislead the country.

In the second point, the general [book] is particularly far-reaching and even mentions Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the focus is that a country can rest and recuperate for hundreds of years in the early days, but if it can rest for too long, it will directly cultivate sheep.

The reason why the strong Han Dynasty became the strong Han Dynasty was that after the governance of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing, it left enough political and economic capital for Emperor Wu to fight against the Xiongnu.

It is precisely because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty fought against it. There is only one strong man. If Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty still insists on concessions and weakness, perhaps the strong Han really no longer exists.

Third, Xia's position is unclear. If you look at it from another perspective, it's not a bad thing, but a good thing. Domestic politics consumes too much internal consumption and has too many differences. If one person can become a person recognized by all forces and get on the political stage, it is not a blessing for the people and the country.

If one person can enter the highest level before the age of 50 within a hundred years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, bringing vitality and a new atmosphere to the country, it will not be in vain for generations of painstaking efforts, and it is also a great blessing for the country...

General [Book] has said a lot. It is a full-voice speech that ordinary people can never see, and it is also an inside story that may never be known to the outside world.

At that time, it brought an inexplicable and huge shock to Gu Qiushi, because the [book] seemed not to say Xia Xiang, but in the name of Xia Xiang to describe the ideal country in his mind for the next few decades to the people present.

A country that has placed the blood of countless martyrs, and an ideal country that countless people yearn for until death. Unfortunately, the heroes are not far away, and the blood of grass lives has not dried up. In the current domestic officialdom, weeds are everywhere, corrupt officials are everywhere, and the superficial prosperity cannot hide the reality of the loopholes of

If an unsupervised ruling party does not have the courage to save itself and the courage to face its shortcomings, it will lose one day. It's not being defeated, but being defeated by yourself.

Just like a person, after all, there are a few people who die from accidents, and most of them die from their own diseases.

A meeting may not determine Xia's fate." But what brought to Gu Qiushi was a real shock, which made him unable to calm down for a long time. He has never had blood and **, never had ideals and pursuits, but to this day. After he was in a high position, how many corrupt officials clearly knew what they had done, but for the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of balance, and in order to take care of all aspects of interests, they could only turn a blind eye.

General [Book] I remember what I want to say for Xia, but isn't it a hope for everyone here? Why didn't you teach him Chunchun? It is not to express the helplessness to reality. Even as a general [book], there are also strengths and shortcomings, there are also regrets that the whip can't reach, and there are also times when it is subject to the system and huge inertia.

Know the general [book] Gu Qiushi, who remembers the situation and mood, can only understand the spirit and can't say it. There are many things that everyone knows in politics, but they can't say it.

Exit is a disaster.

And today, when the president [book] remembers the first time in front of Xia. When he said something with a strong dark meaning, Gu Qiushi was still shocked again, because it reminded him of Lao Gu in an instant... After hearing that Xia wanted to meet with Lao Gu and [general manager] in private, he made a temporary decision to take time to see Xia.

Zong [Book] What I'm worried about is not the meeting between Xiaxiang and [General Manager], but that has been shrouded behind Xiaxiang, rarely showing the huge shadow of the dew!

The reason why the general [book] is more and more important to think about Xia is that it really has little to do with Xia's appreciation of [general]. The two most critical factors that determine that Xia Xiang is valued by the general [book]. First, the relationship between the family power led by the Wu family and Xia Xiang is that the second person cannot be found in the domestic officialdom. Second, the ancient maintenance of Xia Xiang, and even above Xia Xiang's age and level, no one has ever been as harmonious with the military as Firm.

is mainly... The relationship between Lao Gu and Xia Xiang, and Lao Gu's support for Xia Xiang, has surpassed the boundaries of [General] Reason, and even beyond the boundaries of the Wu family. It is the most shocking place and the place that is most praised by the General [Book].

Thinking of a group of military generals who were about to be promoted, the first department of the ancients accounted for another third, the general secretary only accounted for one-third, and the other department also accounted for the first third. Gu Qiushi secretly sighed that the biggest weakness of the book was still not much changed.

Because of Lao Gu's support, Xia Xiang was in the eyes of the general [book]. The halo soared. If Lao Gu lived long enough. If Xia wants to be smart enough, he will continue to take advantage of Xu Guanhua's momentum to have further exchanges with the military, increase friendship, and then increase his status. If you want to increase your influence, it will be calculated according to the ancient Qiushi. Several years later. The direct line of Lao Gu and Xu Guanhua will hold the power in the army. Xia wants to add the influence of Lao Gu and Xu Guanhua to one, and the light on his body will be close to three generations, no, even surpass three generations.

Is it that Xia wants to be lucky or has high wrists? Gu Qiushi had more insights about the seemingly casual but close meeting today.

If in the past, the general [book] is to wait and see, curious, and reach out and pull a hand, then from now on, the general [book] is really focusing on cultivating Xia. It's really high expectations.

Yes, it has only been two years. Two years later, the general [book] will hand over the maximum power and hand it over to Guan Yuanqu. And as a successor, if half of the provinces are not convinced, and only a few provinces do not support it, and there is no strong alliance around him, it is not known whether he can take office. "............

Xia wants to be more powerful and maintain a good relationship with Xia wants, which is also a prerequisite to ensure his superior position. With Xia's age, he is not enough to become his opponent of the same generation.

Gu Qiushi's eyes slowly and firmly fell on Xiaxiang's face. Seeing the smile on Xiaxiang's face was modest and low-key, restrained but not flamboyant. Thinking that he can get the appreciation of the total [book], Xia thought is indeed extraordinary, at least he is low-key, high-profile, high-profile, and there is no trace between the transformation of attitude. Compared with the age of only 34 this year, it's not impressive.

Xia wanted to calm down from the gentle and expectant smile of the general [book], and from the eyes of ancient Qiushi's expectation and encouragement, he slowly calmed down. No matter whether the general [book] is a direct hint or an earnest expectation, and no matter what the general [book] is to let him come, all he has to do is Listening is the main thing. Don't show your heart, let alone show your position.

is too urgent and easy to lose to impetuousness. Too stubborn. It's easy to lose.

How to grasp the proportion. It all depends on how the current situation develops.

After saying a sentence, he just smiled and didn't mean to let Xia want to answer anything, but he said something else: "Zheng Sheng's work on your work in Hunan Province. I can't get a word of praise.

Just mentioned, the general [book] said another sentence, and finally figured out the real intention of letting him come today, and let Xia figure it out in an instant that the decision he made before he came to meet the general [book] was an extremely correct choice!