official god

Chapter 1363 Wind and Cloud Meeting

There is reason to believe that Lin Xiaoyuan did not go abroad at this time, because it was too late, and he fled at this time. The risk factor is too high. It can be almost concluded that Lin Xiaoyuan has not left Hunan Province.

Although Xiaxiang didn't have time to fight back, he was surprisingly calm this time, and he was extremely sure that he would definitely take Lin Xiaoyuan down again.

Once he takes Lin Xiaoyuan, he will be ruthless. He will be fierce and vigorous, and he will break through the four young men in Hunan Province with lightning speed, and will not let them go!

However, before winning Lin Xiaoyuan, it is not in line with the long-term interests to carry out the Battle of Chendong at this stage, because in case the vanguard fights against each other and secretly join hands with Ye Tiannan, it may be after the victory. The fruit will be divided by the vanguard and Ye Tian pumpkin.

Speculation is the nature of Fu Xianfeng, and Ye Tiannan is so resourceful that he will not sit back and wait for his to be killed, and he will definitely operate something secretly. Fu Xianfeng can be pulled over by him, and it is also possible for Ye Tiannan to make greater benefits and turn against the water again. Xia wants to know more about Fu Xianfeng than Zheng Sheng, and he will never put all the winning chips on Fu Xianfeng.

But the problem is. Now Fu Xianfeng is in the middle, his hand is on which side, and the cheating side can win. Especially at the most critical moment of confrontation, when Fu Xianfeng has great power, he will never be satisfied with the previous agreement reached between Zheng Sheng and him.

One more thing, Xia's eyes are like a torch. Zheng Sheng is not as smart as Ye Tiannan's scheming and knowledge of people. After the news of personnel adjustment was released, Ye Tiannan had not made any movement, which explained the problem.

Zheng Sheng thought that Ye Tiannan had compromised or gave in. In fact, it was not. Ye Tiannan, who did not move, was more frightening than Ye Tiannan, who frequently took action.

Xia Xiang's most worried point was that "after the start of the Chendong battle, Chendong's officialdom earthquake, and countless corrupt officials fell from the horse" won the first step. However, when the candidates were rearranged, the candidates that Zheng Sheng wanted to arrange could not pass the Standing Committee, and Fu Xianfeng suddenly joined hands with Ye Tiannan The candidate.

At that time, won't it be a failure and make wedding clothes for others?

Zheng Sheng may not dare to guess that Fu Xianfeng will go back on his hand." Xiaxiang firmly believed that Fu Xianfeng would fight back. And I am more convinced that at this stage, it is estimated that Ye Tiannan and Fu Xianfeng have been in close contact many times. Maybe even a secret agreement has been reached.

Another reason for Xia's conviction that he wants to deal with the vanguard will be anti-water is that the news that Ye Tiannan is expected to be the governor of Yan Province has been released. Zheng Sheng may have no idea or expectation on whether Ye Tiannan will be the governor of Yan Province, because he has no interest in the province.

Fu Xianfeng is different. Yan Province has great interests, so it is. If Ye Tiannan makes a profit to Fu Xianfeng as the future governor of Yan Province, Fu Xianfeng's chance to fight back at a critical moment is infinitely close to 100%!

It's just... Xiaxiang's biggest worry can't say to Zheng Shengming that he can't speak ill of the governor in front of the provincial party secretary, which is too political. And it's just based on speculation. In addition, after all, Fu Xianfeng is the governor and the superior. As a subordinate, he can't talk about the superior. It is the first principle of the official's way.

The perfect strategy in Xiaxiang's imagination is the first step. First of all, we must take Lin Xiaoyuan.

Lin Xiaoyuan absconded during the period of bail pending trial, and the crime was increased. At least there are enough reasons to formally arrest him. Lin Xiaoyuan's arrest will be the first step in the chain reaction." It is the first wave splashed by the Xiangjiang River. The impact is far-reaching.

First, it restrained Lin Huajian. Second. It shocked Yang Hengyi and Hu Ding, and thirdly, it touched Ye Tiannan.

"Lin Xiaoyuan in hand" means that with chips, it completely restrains the energy of the four people in Hunan Province and binds them. That's it. With the shrewdity of the vanguard, we see that the situation is not right. Naturally, I will no longer work with Ye Tiannan.

, "Zheng [Book]. Lin Xiaoyuan is one of the four young masters in Hunan Province. As long as he is caught, some people will be tied up. Similarly, Governor Fu will also strengthen his confidence. Xia wanted to answer as tactfully as possible, so as not to be too abrupt or too strong.

Zheng Sheng frowned slightly: "Xia [book], focusing on Lin Xiaoyuan. Isn't it... too high the importance of Lin Xiaoyuan's problem? In fact, he wanted to say whether his vision was a little too low, and he thought it was inappropriate. I just changed it again. In fact, I still thought that Xia thought he was a little fussy, and even guessed whether Xia thought was too narrow-minded. He was at Lin Huajian's affair with him.

At the same time. Zheng Sheng has other concerns that are difficult to say. Because he doesn't want to touch the direct interests of the core figures in Hunan Province, political struggle is OK, but he can only make a big deal around personnel issues, and can't fight directly face to face.

Xia wanted to move Lin Xiaoyuan, then moved Lin Huajian, moved Lin Huajian, moved Yang Hengyi, Hu Ding and Ye Tiannan, so Zheng Sheng hinted: "After all, Lin Xiaoyuan is the son of a senior leader of the provincial party committee. Pay attention to the working methods and take due care of the emotions of individual leaders.

Xia wants to be very disappointed.

After touching Lin Xiaoyuan, Zheng Sheng was light-handed. If one day the Ye Dibei incident happened, would Zheng Sheng be afraid of his hands and feet, or even come forward to cover it up? At this point, Xia wanted to really see Zheng Sheng's personality, although he had a radical personality. But conservative and old-fashioned. Lack of courage and bold spirit.

I have to admit that the [book] is indeed knowledgeable. Zheng Sheng is a little bigger than Gu Qiushi. It is indeed wise to point out the Middle Qiushi instead of Zheng Sheng.

, "Zheng [Book], according to Bi Peng's admission, there was only economic contact between him and Lin Xiaoyuan, and the Chendong Bridge was under construction. Lin Xiaoyuan is the general manager of engineering materials. Moreover, Bi Peng also provided materials to prove that Lin Xiaoyuan made an illegal profit of more than 10 million yuan in a project of Chendong Bridge! Many of Lin Xiaoyuan and Chendong's main leaders have economic exchanges, and according to Gu Shiqi's confession, Lin Xiaoyuan also intervened in the Huaiyang Bridge project. All the engineering materials of Huaiyang Bridge are also controlled by Lin Xiaoyuan.

If Xia wants to impress Zheng Sheng, he can only focus on the personnel adjustment plan that Zheng Sheng is most concerned about.

, "According to Cai Jiangwei's preliminary confession, Lin Xiaoyuan did intervene in the Huaiyang Bridge project, and he and Huaiyang's main party and government leaders. We are also close to and from...

Zheng Sheng's next step will be to take Huaiyang. From the long-term layout plan, Lin Xiaoyuan alone can integrate Chendong and Huaiyang, and Zheng Sheng will certainly be moved by it.

Xia thought casually and did not deliberately show the meaning of convincing Zheng Sheng, because he was very clear. The more casual it was, the more suspicious Zheng Sheng was. Just now, he saw Zheng Sheng's guess of him from Zheng Sheng's eyes, and immediately changed his strategy.

The Provincial Party Committee [Book] is also a human, and if it is a human, it will be a weakness. Catching the other party's weakness is for my use, and if there is no trace, it is a smart way to talk.

Zheng Sheng didn't say anything, but he stood up and walked back and forth a few steps with his hands behind his back.

With Xia's understanding and observation of Zheng Sheng, he knows. Zheng Sheng hesitated.

, "Comrade Lin Huajian will have emotions." After three turns, Zheng Sheng said without responsibility.

, "Comrade Lin Huajian's work will be done by me." Xiaxiang took over the biggest problem. Although he was very dissatisfied with Zheng Sheng's attitude, it was a matter for his subordinates to share his worries for the leaders, so he had to carry it down generously.

However, he also knew that Lin Huajian would not have the cheek to argue with him, unless he was in a hurry. But when he really forced Lin Huajian, Lin Huajian would not look for him or Zheng Sheng, but directly looked for [Zhong].

, "Then you have to work hard... Zheng Sheng smiled with satisfaction, "The sound of personnel adjustment has been released. Don't hang on for too long, otherwise it will affect the work...

, "It won't take long, it won't take half a month," Xia thought. You can't let Zheng [book] remember too leisurely. It is also necessary to let Zheng Zashi have shown his authority, otherwise Zheng's identity as the leader of Xiang Province will not be taken seriously by some people.

Xia Xiang said angrily, "Zheng [Shu], there is a situation that the Commission for Discipline Inspection has to report to the provincial party committee. Director Yao of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director Lin came to Xiangjiang on the same plane. I think the leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will come to guide the work. I always have to welcome him. I didn't think that Director Lin didn't report to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director Yao also greeted the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Just ask Comrade Li Congdong to talk directly. Of course, the leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection are particularly concerned. It's okay not to communicate with the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Just say hello to the Provincial Party Committee...

Zheng Sheng's face suddenly changed his face after saying one sentence: "I thought Director Yao had been angry with the Commission for Discipline Inspection. I thought you would officially inform the provincial party committee...

Xia wanted to spread out his hand: "What's Director Yao's idea?" It's okay if you don't communicate with the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Why didn't you say hello to the Provincial Party Committee?

Zheng Sheng was obviously angry: "Don't hit if you don't say hello. Anyway, it's still [middle] from the center. Isn't it?" On the surface, Yao Jinjie has actually pulled him into the blacklist, implying sarcasm.

Zheng Sheng is the grand provincial party committee [book]. And Yao Jinjie is at the department level, which is far from each other, even if he is a Beijing official. When you come down to a higher level, you should not pose in front of the love general of the general [book].

In addition, [Zhongzhong] people from the center, even if the deputy [book] of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection are in person, they should give Zheng Sheng some face, the Provincial Party Committee [book]. It is for the feudal officials. With the pivotal influence affecting the national situation, Yao Jinjie is just at the department level. No matter what he thought, he did not communicate with the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Anyway, under the clever use of Xia Xiang, his work in Hunan Province will be difficult.

Xia wanted to keep quiet and dug a big hole for Yao Jinjie, who had never met.

Some people think they can put him secretly. OK. After bullying him, do you still want him to treat him with courtesy?

The Xiangjiang River is deep, be careful not to choke the water!

A long talk with Zheng Sheng set the tone for the next step. Xia thought was much more determined, and then. Arresting Lin Xiaoyuan is the top priority. In fact, it is in Xiaxiang's imagination. It's only a matter of time to arrest Lin Xiaoyuan. Lin Xiaoyuan can't run away. The real problem lies in the situation after Lin Xiaoyuan is arrested. What kind of stormy waves.

If Gui, he dares not admit that he has understood Ye Tiannan's person!

As Xia expected, Lin Xiaoyuan was arrested in just three days.

Xiang Province, the wind and clouds are about to meet.