official god

Chapter 1372 The highlight

Xia Ning's personnel adjustment plan is a draft, or the first draft, which is proposed at the [book] office meeting, which is equivalent to one party putting forward the conditions first and the other party's counter-offer.

Under normal circumstances, the initiative to put forward the preconditions is in the hands of the book. Although Shu Ji is a leader with a big head, while eating meat, he will probably share some soup for everyone to drink. After all, the governor and the deputy [book] secretary of the provincial party committee and the minister of organization have the right to speak.

Under special circumstances, if the relationship between [book] and the governor is very good, the two of them will basically set a big head, and even prevent the people below to drink soup from time to time, but there are not many, and no one will do anything. After all, one or two leaders are leaders, but those who work are always subordinates, and the way to be an official is to share benefits to let people follow.

Ye Tiannan thought that he had reached a consensus with Fu Xianfeng. He thought that when Fu Xianfeng nominated, his candidate should be taken into account. Instead, with the deal he had just talked with Fu Xianfeng, Fu Xianfeng would definitely do as he wanted, so he did not suggest his candidate to Liang Xianning in advance.

I don't think so, Fu Xianfeng has done a great job and didn't submit his candidate at all! That is to say, Li Xia Ning's plan took care of Zheng Sheng's intention, implemented the spirit of Fu Xian, and even implemented Xia's instructions, but kicked him, the third figure of the provincial party committee, the deputy of the provincial party committee in charge of affairs, and became an outsider when he carved up the fruits of victory, which was simply a big

Ye Tiannan is almost angry!

Anger is not only because of Fu Xianfeng's two-sided knife, but also because Liang Xianning did not ask for his opinion before making the personnel adjustment plan, and he did not pay attention to him at all!

Sorghum Xianing is still in the same line with him. Now he is not only getting farther and farther away from him, but also has the tendency to become Zheng Sheng's microphone, which makes Ye Tiannan extremely angry.

At the same time, he was abandoned by Fu Xianfeng and disliked by Zheng Sheng. The taste was really uncomfortable. He almost became a lonely widow, which made him feel a sense of frustration that he had never had ever had!

"The plan is not comprehensive enough. Personally, I think there are many things that need to be changed." The situation has completely exceeded Ye Tiannan's bottom line, and he is not polite. "The plan is very immature. How was the Xia Ning" plan introduced? I didn't know anything about it in advance. It's not in accordance with the rules, right?"

The doubt is strong enough to be direct enough to make Liang Xianing unable to step down on the spot. Li Xianing looked slightly embarrassed.

Before Liao Xia Ning could speak, Zheng Sheng answered and said, "The Organization Department referred to the opinions of me and Pioneer, that is, Chu Ping took out a draft and asked for the opinions of you and Xiaxiang... Since you have opinions, just tell me your opinions." What an understated tone, Ye Tiannan was almost angry. But after all, he is Ye Tiannan, and Ye Tiannan, who is known for his calmness and stability, suppressed his anger: "There are too many things to be modified. Now it is too timeless to point out one by one. Comrade Xia Ning and I will meet again later and coordinate it in detail."

Ye Tiannan's words are very tactful. In fact, the implication is very clear. He completely rejected the current plan and is ready to redraft it. The posture is that he will not give up.

"That's fine." To Ye Tiannan's surprise, Zheng Sheng agreed and did not hold the plan of the Organization Department while the iron was hot. He actually gave way. "The Provincial Party Committee respects your opinion." Ye Tiannan breathed a sigh of relief. Zheng Sheng was still the same as before. It is not very powerful, and it lacks a resolute and decisive side. If the five people among the six people today agree with the plan of the Organization Department, no matter how much he opposes it, it will be invalid.

Zheng Sheng didn't dare to force him after all. Maybe in three months, he will be the governor of Yan Province. Zheng Sheng will give him some face to the future governor.

Thinking of his pride, Ye Tiannan also secretly looked at Xia, thinking that Xia's performance today was a little abnormal, and he didn't seem to express any opinion. What kind of medicine did he sell in the gourd?

Xia thought that the medicine in the gourd may be harmless to others, but for Ye Tiannan, it is a poison. Ye Tiannan is about to taste the bitter fruit.

Zheng Sheng finally seemed to ask politely, "Xia Xiang, do you have any comments on the plan of the Organization Department?" "I have no objection." Xia Xiang said calmly, "But there is another thing that needs to be reported to the leaders, the son of Comrade Lin Huajian, deputy of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of the Supervision Department. Zi, suspected of serious economic crimes, in order not to affect the fairness and seriousness of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection decided to apply to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to suspend the work of Comrade Lin Huajian, ask the Provincial Party Committee to approve the request of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and report to the Central Committee for approval!" If the heavy hammer Fall directly from the chair to the ground...

Xia Xiang was too cruel. He started directly from an angle he didn't expect, with a tooth for a tooth. Yao Jinjie just wanted to ask Li Congdong, and he actually wanted to suspend Lin Huajian directly. What a villain!

"Xia [Book], as far as I know, Lin Xiaoyuan does not seem to have been arrested, so the statement of being suspected of a serious economic crime can only be a one-sided conclusion. If there is no party's admission, the father of the party concerned will be suspended. There is no such reason in the world." Ye Tiannan is very angry. When he speaks, he pays more attention to moderation and can't help but bring Mars. Call [Book] Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet,............" Xia thought quietly for a long time and finally showed a long-lost calm smile. In the smile, there is a smell of evil and insidious, "Lin Xiaoyuan has just been caught. At the same time, according to the evidence held by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, there are more than 700 million huge deposits of unknown origin in Lin Xiaoyuan's secret account!", 700 million?

Zheng Sheng was shocked on the spot!

Fu Xianfeng is also very moved.

Ye Tiannan was also frightened and could hardly describe his mood. In an instant, he only felt the world spinning and almost fainted directly to the ground. What shocked him was not the amount of Lin Xiaoyuan's deposits. He knew how much money Lin Xiaoyuan had, but Xia Xiang actually figured out Lin Xiaoyuan's details so clearly, which proved an irrefutable fact. Xia Xiang officially took action against the four young master of Hunan Province!

Zheng Sheng was very angry because of the huge case that Xia wanted to reveal. He immediately agreed to report to the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, demanding that Lin Huajian be temporarily suspended and restricted from going abroad. Just kidding, the son of a director of the Supervision Department, with more than 700 million yuan under his name, spread that the common people did not scold geniuses. No matter how the money comes from, no reason can be justified.

No matter how strong Lin Huajian argues, he can't absolve himself from the blame! In order to avoid suspicion, he must be suspended.

Ye Tiannan, who had always been calm, almost lost his sense of view. He was half-eyed and didn't say a word. He just nodded and agreed, losing the ability to think.

What else can I say? The two major accidents directly hit his weakness, making his inner defense almost collapse. Lin Xiaoyuan was accidentally caught. Xia wanted to grasp the conclusive evidence, which had laid the foundation for Lin Xiaoyuan's situation.

Lin Huajian... It's also over. Ye Tiannan's heart is trembling with blood, and the alliance of the four people in Hunan Province opens a fatal gap!

[Book] The office meeting reached a consensus with unprecedented speed, and then Xia Xiang asked the Central Commission for instructions from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on behalf of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Zheng Sheng, on behalf of the Provincial Committee, asked the Central Committee of the Central Committee, and solemnly proposed that after the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Provincial Party Committee, Please approve the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It is of great importance to formally submit an application in the name of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

[Central] After receiving the instructions, the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately held a meeting to study. Generally speaking, the request for instructions are only in one form. If it weren't for the fact that Lin Huajian was the deputy [book] of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, even the central government did not need to ask for instructions, and the

However, the system of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has a certain particularity. In order to respect the authority of the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, there is this procedure.

[China] How to coordinate between the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is unknown to Hunan Province. It only knows that less than an hour after the request is reported, there is a clear answer: the speed of agreeing to the request of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is unprecedented.

proves one point, [Zhong] There are heavyweights in the center who pay attention to this matter and go straight to the well.

Lin Xiaoyuan's case seems to be just a small wave in Xiangjiang. Nian directly shocked Zhongnanhai. Lin Xiaoyuan, as a commoner, should be gratified.

In the afternoon of the same day, Lin Huajian received the official notice from the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and was suspended for three months. Lin Huajian accepted it sadly and didn't say a word.

That night, Yao Jinjie, who had nothing to find in Hunan Province, left the Xiangjiang River. From beginning to end, except for secretly meeting Ye Tiannan, no heavyweights in Hunan Province took him as a dish.

From then on, Yao Jinjie hated Xia and wanted to go to the bone.

Also that night, at the moment when Yao Jinjie took off and left Xiangjiang, Lian Ruohan and Wei Xin landed at Xiangjiang Mangrove Airport. Xia wanted to pick him up at the airport in person.

Also that night, Ye Tiannan, Hu Ding and Yang Hengyi met urgently to discuss countermeasures. The three of them diverged on the treatment of Lin Huajian and quarreled. In the end, Ye Tiannan reluctantly persuaded Hu Ding and Yang Hengyi to agree...

While the three met, Ye Dibei, Hu Junyu and Yang Yaoer also got together to discuss the transfer of the funds in their hands as soon as possible, so as not to be verified by Xiaxiang in the same way and end up as tragic as Lin Xiaoyuan.

The Xiangjiang River is turbulent and is about to set off wind and waves.

Two days later, Xu Guanhua left Xiangjiang. Xia Xiang, Zhang Xiao and Xia Boyuan went to see him off. They were eager, warm and sincere. Du Zhi'an, deputy political commissar of the Yangcheng Military Region, who specially came to Xiangjiang to meet with Xu Guanhua, also rushed to the capital with Xu Guanhua.

Before leaving, Du Zhi'an held Xia Xiang's hand and said with emotion, "Xia [Book] Remember, it's too late to meet each other." Xia Xiang smiled lightly: "Brother Du, the future will be long."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Xia wanted to see that Zhang Xiao and Xia Boyuan obviously had the intention of approaching, and he was also gratified. He said to Xia Boyuan, "Brother Boyuan, the same surname is Xia. Your name is much deeper than my name." Xia Boyuan smiled and said, "Wrong, wrong, my name is far worse than your name, in "" "

The two also looked at each other and smiled.

In the laughter of Xia Xiang and two senior military officials, the storm in Hunan Province is rapidly forming a storm.

The storm first thundered on the flat ground from a place where no one noticed.