official god

Chapter 1374 The wind blows north

Lu Wenfei hesitated slightly, and the other party sneered: ... Captain Lu, raise your hand, everyone's face looks good at noon. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, your captain will come to an end, and you may have to implict your director...

He has a big tone and a proud attitude.

Lu Wenfei can't attack. Although the other party didn't wear military uniforms. But it can still be seen that he is a soldier. And the estimated level is not low. The other party has arrogant and domineering capital!

Lu Wenfei said politely, "Please wait a moment, I'll ask my superiors...

The other party didn't say anything and put on an indifferent attitude. Lu Wenfei called his superior and explained the situation in detail.

After hearing this, the leader knew that it was about Jiang Da. Let Lu Wenfei keep calm first and don't have any conflicts. He will report it step by step.

After about ten minutes, the phone call of Ling Gong finally came: The "path for instructions" order is as follows. Detain the smuggled ship and wait for the Yangcheng Military Region to take over!" Lu Wenfei knew that it was a big deal. It involves high-level struggles. Immortals fight, he is a mortal. It's unfortunate that it was also affected. But as a [policeman] inspector, his duty is to obey orders.

Lu Wenfei's face darkened and said to the other party, "I'm sorry, I received the order that we will take over your ship for the time being."

The other party's face changed greatly: "You dare!" There is nothing to dare to do, not obey the order. He has no way out. Obey orders, maybe be a scapegoat in the future, but you can only obey orders first!

, "Take it down." Lu Wenfei shouted, stepped forward first, and subdued the other party with his own hands.

The other party may have no fear. Only when you know it will come forward to relieve the siege. Maybe it's self-agnosed. After all, smuggling. Anyway, no matter which one. He did not resist. It's a sling.

Sniff [Police] quickly controlled the situation. When I checked the cabin below, I found that there were more than a dozen slight rushes below. There were also more than a dozen soldiers who couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Fortunately, the other party did not resist, otherwise, they might have lost their fate here today. Every year, there are countless smugglers [police] who are killed at sea, because among the smugglers, there are many outlaws, and it is not uncommon to fight to death.

Today, no, tonight, it's a big fate.

The police [police] had good luck, but for the Chendong Municipal Party Committee [Book] Song Shuangcheng and Mayor Liu Baiping, it was not bad luck, but bad luck.

Chendong's problem has a long history, and some people have long believed that the provincial party committee will take Chendong sooner or later, but a year has passed. Two years have passed, and Song Shuangcheng and Mayor Liu Baiping are still in the first or second place. Firmly moving, as in the middle of the day, many upright people are disappointed that black and white can continue to do evil in Chendong.

Even after Bi Peng and Gu Shiqi were taken down by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. A standing deputy mayor and a deputy of the municipal party committee [book] were successively arrested. As one or two leaders, Song Shuangcheng and Liu Baiping will not have any joint responsibility? Many people of insight privately think that the provincial party committee should talk about Song Shuangcheng and Liu Baiping, right?

Who knows that for several months, Song Shuangcheng and Liu Baiping are still shining in Chendong, which was reported on TV. Publicized in the media and held various meetings, two people appeared in all major projects in Chendong. The spring breeze was proud and the brilliance did not diminish.

When can Song Shuangcheng, who has a black face and a black heart like iron, fall to the stage and restore Chendong's bright and clear future? When will Liu Baiping, who is as white as a fan and cruel as a knife, get out of here?" Let the people of Chendong no longer be bullied by Liu Baiping, who is very happy?

Because Song Shuang grew up black and acted toughly and ruled out dissidents everywhere, he was secretly called a black evil. Liu Baiping is white-looking. He smiles three points, but he is a smiling tiger. He eats people without spitting out bones, collects money and does not do anything. Moreover, he tossed the municipal construction in the east in the morning every year, dug the road every year, sewed and mend it, which made the people miserable. I don't know which road is in a big traffic jam again. People call it Bai Sha.

However, the black and white double evil cooperate very tacitly in their work, and rarely have conflicts and differences like other [books], one in front of the stage and the other behind the scenes. Separately, they managed Chendong very well and completely controlled the overall situation of Chendong. The following standing committee, unless they provide to the two, no matter which stall they are in charge of, it is difficult to carry out the work.

So Bi Peng's fall, they all thought that Liu Baiping would be implicated, but he didn't. Later, Gu Shiqi was arrested and thought that Song Shuangcheng could be involved, but the result was not yet. So the insightful people and the people in Chendong were disappointed. The world was as black as a crow. Since ancient times, officials have protected each other. How can there be justice in the world?

Because the Provincial Party Committee has not moved for a long time, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has not told the trial of the case of Bi Peng and Gu Shiqi, over time. Even Song Shuangcheng and Liu Baiping, who were worried for a period of time at the beginning, relaxed their vigilance and thought that the provincial party committee would not do anything to them. After all, they were old-qualified department-level cadres.

The most important thing is that they are Ye Tiannan's one-handed people.

Youye [Book] One day in the provincial party committee, their status is as stable as a rock, and no one can move! What do you think about summer? Zheng Sheng is a floating cloud. Playing tricks is better than wisdom. No one can compare with Secretary Ye. What's more, Ye [Shu] is about to be promoted to governor, and his future is boundless. Don't say that little Xia thinks about it. Even Zheng Sheng has to give up three points.

Song * Cheng and Liu Baiping, who had been slightly restrained for a period of time, rekindled again. They believed that they had no worries about it. Not only did they continue to exclude dissidents in Chendong, but also wantonly take advantage of both political and economic benefits. I also want to get involved in the issue of the successors of the executive deputy mayor and the deputy [book].

The total of two people, unless it is Ye [Shu]'s nodding candidate. Otherwise, no matter whose nomination it is. As long as Ye [Shu] opposes, they will boycott on behalf of the Chendong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

[Book] and the mayor resolutely disagree with the appointment of a certain position. The provincial party committee is also very difficult, and usually it will give in, because the work of a city is still dominated by [book] and the mayor. If the forced appointment continues, the work cannot be carried out, which is also troublesome. A similar thing happened in a city in Lingnan Province because of the firm opposition of the municipal party committee. In the end, the provincial party committee had no choice but to withdraw the appointment.

After work today, Song Shuangcheng and Liu Baiping bumped into each other. They went to socialize separately. Song Shuangcheng went to accompany Hong Kong businessmen and had a dinner. And Liu Baiping is going to accompany his lover, which is the honey bureau.

Song Shuangcheng knows Liu Baiping's hobbies. Liu Baiping, 52 years old, is well maintained. It is said that he is still very capable in some aspects. From the perspective of his 18-year-old college student looking for a lover, it can be concluded that Liu Baiping is really a pornographic person. It is said that Liu Baiping has 77 lovers. He has also made a table for lovers, using statistics and scientific management methods to manage many lovers, who are in the convenience period and who is in the inconvenience period. Who likes what posture, who hates what posture, all managed in an orderly manner, which is amazing.

However, Song Shuangcheng only heard that he had not seen Liu Baiping's management software with his own eyes, but Liu Baiping had the ideal ambition to have a hundred lovers in his life, but he had heard it with his own ears.

Although Song Shuangcheng scoffed at Liu Baiping's pursuit of life, people have their own aspirations and cannot be forced to do so. As a municipal party committee [book], he commands thoughts and leads the brains. Can't he even control the lower body of others? So, laugh it down.

After dinner with Hong Kong businessmen, it was still early, and there was a program as usual. During the program, a girl named Apple really moved him. The girl's round face has a good figure, mainly because her face is particularly happy. It's really like a red apple, which makes people can't help but want to take a bite. However, after thinking about it, he still held back. He was the Book of the Municipal Party Committee. Not an ordinary person. Because it is not uncommon for women to miss their future, it is better not to lose the big because of the small.

After the program, Hong Kong businessmen had more in-depth programs, so he said goodbye. I was blown by the hot hot wind outside. Suddenly, I woke up a lot, and my thoughts returned to the situation in the province.

Ye [Book] Maybe he will serve as the governor of Yan Province? Ye [book] As soon as you leave, all the leaves [book] on the same line must be twisted into a rope to compete with Zheng Sheng and Xia.

Zheng Sheng is not afraid. Xia wants to be young and energetic, and his action is accurate and ruthless. God knows if he will have a big cleaning of Chendong like crazy? No, Xiaxiang is the Book of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Well, the measures taken against a dignified municipal party committee [book] must be approved by the [book] office. As long as you go to the [book] office meeting. You have to pass the Ye [book].

So Song Shuangcheng is still quite confident. It is believed that his position is still very stable, because Ye [Shu]'s position is very stable in the provincial party committee, and there is a rising trend, so no one can touch him.

While thinking about the investment of Hong Kong businessmen. How much profit can he make from it? At the gate of the community, he lives in the family home of the old municipal party committee. He has never moved to the newly completed high-end family home of the municipal party committee, which is also to show his name.

There are not many municipal party committee leaders living in the family courtyard of the old municipal party committee, so they are usually very quiet. Why are there so many cars today? It seems that there are still many strange faces. What's going on? Song Shuangcheng noticed that there were several people turning around under his unit. What are you waiting for?

What's wrong? Is it someone from the Commission for Discipline Inspection? Song Shuangcheng's heart beat faster. He was about to tell the driver to turn around quickly and not to go in, but the driver smiled and said, "Old Director Liu is also a weirdo. He moved in the middle of the night. It seems that he is auspicious to move now? I really don't know what to think...

Song Shuangcheng remembered that there was such a thing, and then he took a breath and thought that the Municipal Party Committee [book] remembered the scenery. Who knows that behind the scenery, he was worried about being taken away by the discipline inspection commissioners who fell from the sky every day? It is said that it is good to be an official, who will solve the sadness, alas...

Then he smiled again and said it was all right. Return the shadow of the bow and snake. Besides, where is the reason for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to arrest people in the middle of the night?

Song Shuangcheng got out of the car and turned around to see his special car disappearing around the corner. It took less than a few minutes. Before he could go upstairs, the special car came back. The secretary got out of the car and opened the door: "Song [Shu], the municipal party committee is in a hurry, please get in the car...

Song Shuangcheng had no doubt that he had him, so he sat in the back seat of the car. He didn't know him, and his face was cold. In the dark car, it is like two plagues.

In an instant, Song Shuangcheng was petrified, and he really looked up and saw the hell.

Song Shuangcheng's treatment is not bad. If he knows the story of Liu Baiping's being taken down, he should be glad that at least he has retained his sity!

... Overnight, from Lingnan to Hunan Province, the wind blew to the north and the fire burned the camp.