official god

Chapter 1426 Utility Highlight

As Xia thought at the beginning, [Zhong] Yang kept silent on the matter of treating Ye Tiannan's resignation from the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee. A week passed and there was no reply.

If there is no reply, it proves that the opinions are not unified.

The difference of opinion is completely reasonable. After all, it is a precedent. After all, it is necessary to evaluate the serious consequences of this matter.

Previously, the resignation of the director of the Jiangcheng Lou Reform Commission in Chu Province and went into business was caused by the highest-level officials in Chu Province to resign voluntarily, which caused a sensation for a while.

The director of the Jiangcheng Development and Reform Commission is only at the deputy department level, but Ye Tiannan is a senior deputy provincial official, and he is also a high-ranking deputy of the provincial party committee, political influence and the resulting social impact. Don't underestimate it.

Strangely, after Ye Tiannan's resignation application was submitted. Only Mr. Wu called about his next question, Gu Qiushi, Wu Caiyang and even Song Chaodu. He didn't express any opinion on Ye Tiannan's resignation, and it seemed that everything was logical. It seems that they don't pay attention to this matter at all.

... As far as Hunan Province is concerned, there are at least four people who are qualified to take over as the deputy [book] reporter of the Provincial Party Committee.

If you score according to your seniority and ranking, Hu Ding deserves to be ranked first.

However, there are not many precedents for the executive vice governor to take over the deputy of the provincial party committee, and there is no need for Hu Ding to take a detour. He only needs to go step by step, and he is expected to take over as governor in two or three years. Therefore, there is no need to give up the near future.

The second one is Yang Hengyi.

Yang Hengyi has been at the vice-provincial level for nearly 10 years. In the position of the Political and Legal Committee [Book], it is very difficult for him to step into the province, unless he is transferred to the executive vice governor or deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.

Therefore. After Ye Tiannan left, the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee [Book] recorded the throne. Among the provincial party committee of Hunan Province, Yang Hengyi should be the first coveted person.

The third party is Liang Xianing.

Sorghum Xianing is the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee. There is a cross with the jurisdiction of the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee. "He takes over" has a high continuity, and the work can also be postponed. Moreover, the time in the deputy province is not short, and he has also participated in the provincial and ministerial cadre training class of [Zhongzhong] Central Party School. All conditions meet the conditions for promotion.

Ranked fourth. It's Xiaxiang.

Xia Think One is young. Second, the time in the vice province is too short. Third, the brand on his body is too obvious and conspicuous. Therefore, although he ranked fourth. Although he was personally recommended by Ye Tiannan, no one, including Zheng Sheng, thought that Xia would successfully take over the post of deputy of the Provincial Party Committee.

day. Bi Sui's deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, what will others think of Xia's promotion beyond the speed of the rocket?

Then again, excluding the four candidates in Hunan Province who are qualified to take over the post of deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, the possibility of airborne by the central government is also very high, so there are still great variables in the matter. Moreover, it is still unknown whether Ye Tiannan's resignation application has been approved.

But many people don't understand why Ye Tiannan doesn't recommend Yang Hengyi and Liang Xianing.

It goes without saying that the relationship between Yang Hengyi and Ye Tiannan is estranged. Although there is a gap now, Ye Tiannan is an old man in officialdom. Sending a smooth favor to Yang Hengyi is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. Why don't you do it?

And Sorghum Xianning and Ye Tiannan are in the same family. Although there is a difference, it does not hurt the overall situation. The recommendation of Liang Xianning should be in the interests of Ye Tiannan.

Although the nomination recommended by Ye Tiannan is only symbolic and may not be accepted. But at least he showed his attitude.

Ye Tiannan doesn't recommend anyone, but he wants to recommend Xiaxiang, who is the same as him. In addition to making many people not understand many people's guesses, "there are also many people who greatly appreciate Ye Tiannan's behavior of repaying grievances with virtue, believing that Ye Tiannan is "knowing shame and knowing It's not the right person, and the character is very strong.

Originally, there were many people who had opinions on Ye Dibei and were also very dissatisfied with Ye Tiannan. Now they also think that Ye Tiannan is really good. In the two things of resigning and recommending Xiaxiang, it reflects the noble sentiment of a Communist Party member.

Ye Tiannan's image is much more positive and taller in the minds of many people.

In any case, no matter what ideas and purposes Ye Tiannan is based on, at least on the basis of recovering his image and bonus points, he has achieved the expected success. Although many people know that he is calculating, those who can guess Ye Tiannan's political motives are in the minority after all.

Most people are always the new force of the masses who do not know the truth, and are always misled by talented talents.

Zheng Sheng somewhat understood why Ye Tiannan did not recommend Yang Hengyi and Li Xia Ning, but specially recommended Xiaxiang. Obviously, he still wants to push Xia to the opposite side of him and Fu Xianfeng.

As the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Shu], Xiaxiang can be separated from the Provincial Party Committee [Shu] and the governor, and become a unique department, because the Commission for Discipline Inspection has a strong independence. But once Xia wants to serve as the deputy of the provincial party committee, he must find a balance between the provincial party committee and the governor. Otherwise, it will be difficult to gain a foothold and work.

The work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] can be decided in a word, because the Commission for Discipline Inspection is equivalent to a relatively independent team, including the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, an office, etc., but the deputy [book] of the Provincial Party Committee is different. The work and jurisdiction are many places that intersect with the Provincial Say it. You have to nod your head once or twice.

And Xia wants to have no foundation in Hunan Province now. If you want to work in the position of deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, if you don't rely on Zheng Wei, you have to get closer to the vanguard, no matter which one. It will intensify the confrontation between Zheng Sheng and Fu Xianfeng.

If Xia wants to have the same foundation as Ye Tiannan, he will naturally be full of confidence when acting, but he does not. Therefore, if Xia wants to serve as the deputy of the provincial party committee in Hunan Province, it is actually a dangerous move. It is Ye Tiannan's intention to set up a contradiction for Zheng Sheng, Fu Xianfeng and Xia Xiang

Zheng Sheng figured out this section and resented Ye Tiannan's insidiousness. While hesitating for a moment, he still picked up the phone and called the general manager, indicating that he supported Ye Tiannan's resignation and opposed Xia's position of taking over. He believes that Ye Tiannan may not really want to resign, but to play the bitter card. Now that he understands the key, he wants to help Ye Tiannan and kick him out of Hunan Province.

In fact, at the level of Zheng Sheng Provincial Party Committee [Shu], it is impossible to call the general [Shu] directly at any time, but because he is the main general of the regimental department, it is another matter.

After listening to Zheng Sheng's opinion, he said meaningfully, "The result of the matter has not been discussed yet. The first level is the most important...

The so-called sixth level is naturally whether Ye Tiannan's resignation has been approved, and the key to approval lies in the attitude of reason. Zheng Sheng can't help but wonder what kind of play Ye Tiannan and [General] are going to play?

The current situation in Hunan Province is gradually stabilising, and the power of Fu Xianfeng has risen significantly. The strength has soared. He also received Ye Tiannan's power in the open and dark.

Although Ye Tiannan is still in Hunan Province, although his application for resignation has not been widely spread, he is now very low-key and quite in a rather careless attitude, so his territory is decreasing day by day. However, he seems to have left office wholeheartedly, and everything is better than his heart. At the meeting, he fully echoed Zheng Sheng's proposal and never raised any objections.

has puzzled many members of the Standing Committee who do not know the truth and the first or second leaders of the prefectures and cities below. Why did Secretary Ye change his spirit and not argue?

Ye [Shu] is indisputable, and the people below feel that there is nothing to go. Some people actively move closer to Zheng Sheng, and others move closer to Fu Xianfeng. In less than a month, Ye Tiannan's power dissipated!

Xia wanted to look on coldly and calmly.

Fu Xianfeng is proud of spring and has stepped up the layout.

Zheng Sheng was also ups and downs. He not only had more and more frequent contact with Yang Hengyi, but also made a layout for the post-ye Tiannan era and communicated with Gu Qiushi several times. Regarding Ye Tiannan's successor, we will exchange views in advance.

Zheng Sheng is more and more certain. Even if Ye Tiannan's resignation is not approved, he will leave Hunan Province because of what Ye Tiannan is doing now. There is no way out at all.

After Ye Dibei's case was reported to the Ministry of Public Security, it was listed as a major case supervised by the Ministry of Public Security. After the Ministry of Public Security officially intervened, he checked the evidence and tried it again. It was actually delaying the time. Shortly after Ye Tiannan submitted his resignation to [Zhongzhong], the case fell into a deadlock again. The Xiangjiang River in q month has entered the rainy season. There will be a small rain almost the next day." For Xiaxiang, who has been living in the north, it is really a little uncomfortable with the continuous rain.

Compared with the gloomy weather, the weather of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is one of the new. The anti-corruption work in Hunan Province has once again been commended by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, with outstanding achievements. It ranks first among all provinces in the country. The number of corrupt officials has been punished, and the amount of dirty money recovered is so large that it has been unparagemon to none in recent years.

The commendation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is only the meaning of the question, and Xia wants to accept it calmly. What comforted him most was that the dirty money recovered for punishing corrupt officials enriched the fiscal revenue, increasing the GOP in Chendong and Huaiyang by a few percentage points. At least I can do more practical things for the people.

But I have to sigh. The power of corrupt officials is really great. The appetite is really gone. No wonder He Kun's wealth in those years was higher than the one-year income of the Qing government. Today, if all the corrupt officials in the country are arrested, all their dirty money will be confiscated. It may also be worth a year's gross national product.

It's really a huge wealth hidden in the folk. Xia thought about this festival and smiled. He also knew that his idea was unrealistic. However, it also indirectly shows that the country is indeed rich. It's just that wealth is not fairly distributed. In the middle of the month, Ye Tiannan submitted the following resignation application of [Zhongzhong], but it was not a formal reply, but revealed through relevant channels in an informal but obvious news. The Prime Minister hopes that Ye Tiannan will stay in office!

The news was sent to the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and everyone's reaction was different.

Zheng Sheng meditated for a while, and then talked to Gu Qiushi.

Fu Xianfeng pondered for a moment, but met Yang Hengyi.

Only Xia wants to pour huā in the office. After hearing this, he was stunned, and then shook his head and smiled, "It's time to come out a little." Sure enough. The next day, Zheng Sheng held a [book] office meeting for the Ye Dibei case. Communicate the spirit of the central leadership's instructions and request that the case be closed as soon as possible.

The effect of the first wave of Ye Tiannan's resignation is highlighted!